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Stay there!


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Re: Stay there!


The power (as conceived) - is a spherical trap, a '3-d mobius strip' / "where ever you go, there you are".


Any attempt to make kinetic movement results in 0 distance traveled and the 'attacker' spends end to counter the attempt.


I tried suppress, but it turns out to be too damned expensive to do so (kinetic movements include run, jump, fly, climb, swim, glide). Now, teleport and certain special effects ignore this effect.


I think it should cost end = move of target countered...

targets ocv/dcv/attacks/line of sight unaffected - they just can't seem to go anywhere...


I think the write up was teleport as an attack, ranged, uca, only to stay in same place....



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Re: Stay there!


Extra Dimensional Movement usable as an attack to a dimension where the character can see and interact with our universe, but is incapable of movement.


It's a definite kludge, but if you've moved him onto a mobius strip, EDM works as well as anything else.


[At least it's not a Transfoirm...although I suppose...]


Teleport UAA would work as well, but how would it keep triggering every time the target tries to move?

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Re: Stay there!


My thought would be rather then aiming at a person, you aim it at a hex - uncontrolled, continous teleport usable as an attack that costs additional end for every hex of move negated - the teleport moves you back into the origin square.


Oh, and

MC, M-Paral and M-Illus is

Mind Control, Mental Paralysis (i.e. based on ego entangle), Mental Illusions.

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Re: Stay there!


Teleport UAA would work as well, but how would it keep triggering every time the target tries to move?


Mobius Strip: Teleportation 32", Trigger (Activates when target moves; +1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1), Continuous (+1) (272 Active Points); Restricted Path (Only Back To Starting Point; -1), no Noncombat movement (-1/4). Real Cost: 61 points.


Stops if the character manages to move more than 32" from his or her starting point.

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Re: Stay there!


This works as well:


Mobius Strip: Entangle 3d6, 6 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (101 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Entangled Foe May Still Attack; -1). Real Cot: 50 points

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Re: Stay there!


The Entangle is exactly what I was thinking. I'm not too sure if Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation is needed though, if that's an acceptible method of actually escaping.


The only thing I'd change is the Limitation Target Can Still Attack. Really it should be Does Not Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci. Any Entangled target may attack... it's just that most can't attack anything other than the Entangle (and then only if the attack isn't Restrainable or an IAF or OAF).


It might also make sense to have Cannot Create Barriers as well.


Personally, I'd like to see this mechanic used with Sticky.

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Re: Stay there!


Here's one that my gadgeteer-sorceror character (Dr. Anomaly) uses to neutralize foes, at least temporarily.


Klein-Minkowski Field Effect Generator: Teleportation 1" (straight up) [Area of Effect: 1 Hex (+½ ), Continuous (+1), Usable As An Attack (+1), 0 END (+½), Uncontrolled (+½), Ranged (+½), OIF Ring (-½), Req. A Skill Roll vs. Quantum Mechanics (-½)]


10 Active 5 Real



This ring-sized device is capable of creating a localized distortion in space-time, warping a small area of space into a continuous loop. Anyone or anything caught in the loop will fall continuously until the effect ends or they are removed from the area of effect. Unless special precautions are taken, the falling velocity they gained while in the loop will remain with them when they leave the area of effect. Other space-warping effects, such as dimensional shifts, gravity-based effects, or most teleportation will disrupt the field and end the effect. Of course anyone with the ability to fly may leave the area pretty much at will, though as noted any falling velocity already acquired will remain with them when they exit the field.


Game Notes: Targets are teleported 1" straight up, and then fall into the effect again, endlessly repeating the process.




And to keep from killing someone when taking them out of the field:



Calabi-Yau Field Extractor: Teleportation 1", No Relative Velocity (+10 points) [Area of Effect: 1 Hex (+½ ), Usable As An Attack (+1), Ranged (+½), OAF Hypersphere (-1), Req. A Skill Roll vs. Quantum Mechanics (-½), Extra Time: Full Turn (-1¼), 6 Charges (-¾)]


36 Active 7 Real



This is a small metal hypersphere (a 4-dimensional solid) that is used to remove those trapped by the Klein-Minkowski Field without causing them harm. Though it does take some time to set all the energy state parameters, when it removes a target from the field (disrupting the field in the process) it will also remove any excess velocity gained while in the field so the target does not crash into the ground at high speed.


Game Notes: This is a 1" Teleportation with the “No Relative Velocity†adder so that trapped objects/people can be brought out of the field without killing them due to their doing a Move-Through on the ground.

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Re: Stay there!


Mobius Strip: Teleportation 32", Trigger (Activates when target moves; +1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1), Continuous (+1) (272 Active Points); Restricted Path (Only Back To Starting Point; -1), no Noncombat movement (-1/4). Real Cost: 61 points.


Stops if the character manages to move more than 32" from his or her starting point.

I like that! Very creative! You could also add Area Effect (radius most likely) so that if a target can move 33" in a phase, he can gradually get out, getting 1" closer to the edge of the effect each phase (unless the attacker's SPD is higher...). You could also remove the 0 END, and then it would work just as originally requested - the END spent would depend on how far you had to Teleport the victim back.


Mobius Strip: Entangle 3d6' date=' 6 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (101 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Entangled Foe May Still Attack; -1). Real Cot: 50 points[/quote']

Probably the easier and more obvious way to do it, but this allows the victim (or an ally) to attack the entangle itself, like any physical object. If it's actually "warped space" you might not want there to be an attackable object. I would also make the limitation -2 for Entangled Target May Still Attack Outside the Entangle, and is Still at Full DCV.


BTW, a "3-D Mobius Strip" is called a Klein Bottle. The inside is the outside.


And as Dust Raven said, maybe it should have Sticky as well, after all, if you can touch the victim, you must be inside the Klein Bottle as well.

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