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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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After all the bad press, the local Subway is so desperate that they give you a volume discount. In a surprising breach of Truth in Advertising laws, you do not lose any weight.


NT: Subtle signs that Bernie Sanders, Democratic candidate for President, no longer finds your antics amusing.

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NT: Subtle signs that Bernie Sanders, Democratic candidate for President, no longer finds your antics amusing.

After you declare openly that you prefer sorghum over maple syrup on your pancakes, you find yourself subpoenaed to appear before the Senate Committee on Anti-American Activities.

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NT: Subtle signs that Bernie Sanders, Democratic candidate for President, no longer finds your antics amusing.


He throws the Col. Sanders costume in your face (but keeps the chicken because it is, after all, finger lickin' good).


NT:  Subtle signs that Donald Trumps' "hair" is actually calling the shots in his presidential campaign.


Edit to add:  Difficulty -- No use of actual Trump public statements or policy positions.  Let's keep it fictional.  If you can.

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NT:  Subtle signs that Donald Trumps' "hair" is actually calling the shots in his presidential campaign.


Edit to add:  Difficulty -- No use of actual Trump public statements or policy positions.  Let's keep it fictional.  If you can.

It is demanding that he hire someone to shave Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders' heads "just in case".

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NT: Subtle signs that Donald Trumps' "hair" is actually calling the shots in his presidential campaign.


Edit to add: Difficulty -- No use of actual Trump public statements or policy positions. Let's keep it fictional. If you can.

It's still receiving residual paychecks from Paramount/Desilu Television nearly 50 years after the fact.


And it's about to have a litter of offspring. Again.

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NT:  Subtle signs that Donald Trumps' "hair" is actually calling the shots in his presidential campaign.

It screams in the presence of Klingons, and when this is demonstrated on the air, he starts advocating an interstellar war of extinction against them.


NT: Practical jokes for the first day of class. N.B.: Class starts at 8:00 AM (no joke).

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NT: Practical jokes for the first day of class. N.B.: Class starts at 8:00 AM (no joke).

Pass out fake final exams and give the students ten minutes to finish them. The questions should either be incredibly advanced copncepts that students at that level can't possibly grasp or utter nonsense. The collect the papers, shred them in front of the entire class, and hand out the actual syllabus,


You will have to think of some way to stop the class from hating your guts for a month if you do this.

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It screams in the presence of Klingons, and when this is demonstrated on the air, he starts advocating an interstellar war of extinction against them.


NT: Practical jokes for the first day of class. N.B.: Class starts at 8:00 AM (no joke).


Start the class at 7:45 AM.  Castigate everyone who arrives 'late'.  Then start the next day's class at 8:15 AM.


New Topic: List your three favorite random words.

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whom everyone quarter


Since they wouldn't be random if I chose them, a random word generator was used.



OT: So whom does everyone quarter?

Imperial Stormtroopers. When their officer says some of them are staying in your house, they really are staying in your house. If you're really lucky, it's still be your house when they're finished. Very few people are really lucky.

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NT:  Times when you're happy that Imperial Stormtroopers are being quartered in your home.

On one hand your home is ready to be foreclosed on.


On the other, you are amazingly well insured.


Given what tends to happen in the vicinity of Stormtroopers, there's a pretty good chance you might soon be set for life.

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NT:  Times when you're happy that Imperial Stormtroopers are being quartered in your home.


When Lady P and I need a night out. Hey, there are worse babysitters...


New Topic: Little Boy Pariah, A/K/A Destructo-boy, has destroyed two VHS tapes in the last three days.  I feel like he's about ready to graduate to something bigger and better.  What will he destroy next?

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New Topic: Little Boy Pariah, A/K/A Destructo-boy, has destroyed two VHS tapes in the last three days.  I feel like he's about ready to graduate to something bigger and better.  What will he destroy next?

The doghouse in your neighbor's yard. On the positive, though, it's a really terrible doghouse unsuitable for the local climate. The dog will thank you for the opportunity to convince the neighbor to let him live in the house where it's warm.

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New Topic: Little Boy Pariah, A/K/A Destructo-boy, has destroyed two VHS tapes in the last three days.  I feel like he's about ready to graduate to something bigger and better.  What will he destroy next?

OFF TOPIC: Depending on what the tapes were ... that might have been a very good thing indeed. (It took years for those execrable Land Before Time tapes of ours to get mauled into uselessness.)


Look, it's a wonderful gift, but it must be used for good! So pick your target of destruction for maximum benefit. Davis County, Utah? Or perhaps that execrable speed-trap stretch of US 6 around Price?

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New Topic: Little Boy Pariah, A/K/A Destructo-boy, has destroyed two VHS tapes in the last three days.  I feel like he's about ready to graduate to something bigger and better.  What will he destroy next?

Your bank account.


NT: Subtle signs your favorite sports team is not going to get far in their postseason, and that it's your fault.

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