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Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings

Guest Worldmaker

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


What is your policy on including Special Powers in an Elemental Control Framework? The character I'm working up has an END Reserve' date=' some Knockback Resistance, Lack of Weakness and a pile of Power Defense. Should I leave these out of the Framework in my first draft and try to negotiate their inclusion in the final version of the character, or is there an ironclad rule against putting Special Powers in an Elemental Control Framework?[/quote']


These things are spelt out on the House Rules page (not that stops ME from disobeying them, grumble grumble grumble...).

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings




I've been reading over your Global Guardians page over the past few days, and I must say I am incredibly impressed by all the work & love that has obviously gone into it. I'd love to get in on the action, but there's one small problem.


I've only had my copy of HERO System, 5th Ed. for a few months. I've read it completely through, and re-read some of the parts that seemd a tad confusing. I believe I have a firm grasp of the rules, but there may be a few points that slip by me. I am, for the most part, a fast learner/quick study.


I'm far from being a stranger to RPGs, I've played them for the past 15 (or so) years. Mostly D&D or Marvel Super Heroes or Rifts; over the past few years I've played nothing but D&D 3E/3.5 and Mutants & Masterminds. I've also played in numerous PbP and PbEM games over the years, so I'm no stranger to those, either.


Still, as stated, I've no experience playing HERO/Champions, and only an "armchair" knowledge of the game system itself. Would my level of inexperinece prevent me from joining the Global Guardians game? If so, I completely understand.


Assuming I'm not automatically turned down for that, the character concept I've got is one tht might fit well with the team -- a super-intelligent gadgeteer, though one more like Mr. Fantastic than Iron Man. (I really wish they'd come out with The Ultimate Gadgeteer.) However, based on my understanding of the rules, it seems the power I'd most want for my Gadgeteer is... VPP. Actually, 2 VPP's -- one VPP to represent gadgets he's got in his lab [Focus (all powers bought through VPP must have at least -½ worth of this Limitation; -½), Can Only Be Changed In [X]’s Laboratory (-½), Adding Powers to the VPP Requires an Inventor Skill Roll (-¼)], and one VPP to represent his ability to MacGyver baling wire, duct tape, circuit boards, and a TV to produce a laser rifle, a hologram projector, or some other gadget [Focus (all powers bought through VPP must have at least -½ worth of this Limitation; -½), OIF (appropriate objects of opportunity; -½)]. I would completely understand a reluctance to accept such a character, especially one submitted by a potential player with only the barest of experineces with the HERO rules.


Just general note:

Most GM's are happier with a non-rules expert having power pools. Less likely to try and break it. :)

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Guest lucky

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


The house rules page gives some indepth details on some the power and character construction portions.
These things are spelt out on the House Rules page (not that stops ME from disobeying them' date=' grumble grumble grumble...).[/quote']

So ka--thanks very much for the info. :)

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Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


Hrm' date=' I can see the logic in this, yes. (There may be hope for me after all....)[/quote']


Let me assure you that Jack (WorldMaker) would not reject you for a lack of rules knowledge. The only real rules knowledge you need is the ability to make your character, and even that you can get advice from people on the boards here.


As was stated, sometimes having a non-rules expert run some of the more potentially abusive powers/frameworks (Such as a VPP) is preferable. But for basic submissions Jack is mostly concerned with background and description of the super. The crunchy rules bits come after the character has been accepted (unless he's doing something different for this call for players).


Tachyon - Global Guardians 1

Red Eagle - Ascension

GM - Legacy

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Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


I'm going to have to bow out. I've been having so many computer problems lately (some hijacking virus that keeps returning even after the AV says it's been cleaned) that I don't know if my computer would allow me to keep the commitment necessary.


It really bugs me because I've recently thought of some original ideas that work with the campaign's set-up. And I'm not talking 'original' like Hammer & Wheels Man who was raised by farm implements, but something decent. Maybe after taxes are returned we'll be able to get a new computer. :straight:

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


What is your policy on including Special Powers in an Elemental Control Framework? The character I'm working up has an END Reserve' date=' some Knockback Resistance, Lack of Weakness and a pile of Power Defense. Should I leave these out of the Framework in my first draft and try to negotiate their inclusion in the final version of the character, or is there an ironclad rule against putting Special Powers in an Elemental Control Framework?[/quote']



Here's what the house rules say:



The First Rule of Power Frameworks: The auditors reserve the right to refuse to allow any Power Framework, even if the Framework in question is otherwise legally constructed.


Consistent and Tight Themes: All Power Frameworks, without exception, must have a consistent and tightly conceived theme. Throwing a bunch of powers together without a common thread is not permitted.


Focus Destruction: Each Framework (a Multipower, Elemental Control, or Variable Power Pool) in it's entirety counts only as a single power for purposes of focus destruction.


Restrictions: The following may never be purchased through any Framework: Automaton Powers, Duplication, Extra Limbs, Find Weakness, Knockback Resistance, Luck, Multiform, Naked Advantages, and Perquisites.


Variable Power Pool Only:
The following may not be purchased through a Multipower or Elemental Control, but are allowed when purchased through a Variable Power Pool, assuming that said powers fit the concept of the VPP: Endurance Reserve, Enhanced Senses, Flash Defense, Lack of Weakness, Life Support (Other Than Total Life Support), Mental Defense, Mind Link, Power Defense, and Skills.

Special Exception for Skill Levels:
Skill Levels are permitted in an Elemental Control or Multipower under one condition, and that's if they are bought as powers with the Costs Endurance (-½) Limitation.



Elemental Controls


Buying Characteristics in an Elemental Control: Only one characteristic may be purchased in an Elemental Control by a single character. In addition, only a single instance of the characteristic in question may be purchased by the character. The purchase of a characteristic within an Elemental Control must fit into the concept of the Elemental Control, and is dependent upon the approval of the auditors. The Characteristic is not required to take the No Figured Characteristics (-½) Limitation.


Low Point Elemental Controls: While it is occasionally perfectly within concept to have several low cost powers (for example, an EC filled with 3 point talents) in an Elemental Control, in general the auditors find such things to be rather cheesy builds. As such, the auditors reserve the right to disallow such constructions.


New Elemental Control Advantage:


Drains, Transfers, Dispels, And Suppresses Only Affect A Single Elemental Control Slot (+1):
This Advantage is taken on the control cost (aka the "pool") of an Elemental Control. With this Advantage, the rule that "a Negative Adjustment power that affects one slot of a framework affects all of it" (to paraphrase) does not apply to this framework. Note that if the negative adjustment power has an Advantage that lets it affect more than one power simultaneously, it will still affect the expanded group of powers based upon which Advantage it has.





Characteristics: Characteristics purchased through a Multipower are required to take the No Figured Characteristics (-½) Limitation.


Charges: If you take the Charges Limitation on the entire Multipower (by taking it on the Pool), the Charges limit the total number of times that you can use the Multipower as a whole; ie: 4 charges on a Multipower containing two slots (an Energy Blast and a Ranged Killing Attack) means that you can fire the EB four times, or the RKA four times, or any combination between, but you cannot fire the RKA four times and the EB four times.


Movement Multipowers: These are generally cheesy and thus will not be allowed. The primary exception to this rule are speedsters, for whom Movement multipowers are incredibly in concept.


New Multipower Limitations:


Half-Phase Delay To Change Slot (-¼).

Full Phase Delay To Change Slot (-½).



Variable Power Pools


The First Rule of Variable Power Pools: Variable Power Pools should be very rare. To that end, when your character comes under audit and has a VPP, the first question you will be asked is "Can you create this character just as well using a Multipower rather than a VPP?" If the answer to this question is "Yes", the auditors will rewrite your VPP as a Multipower.


List of Powers: A character with a Variable Power Pool is required to design a list of powers that are useable in his framework. This list should be a dozen or so powers long to begin with, though the player is free to add more powers to the list as the campaign progresses at any time. During play, all of the powers the character uses in his Variable Power Pool must come from this list. Not being able to add to the VPP list counts as the Limited Class of Powers (-½) Limitation.


New Variable Power Pool Limitation:


Adding Powers to the VPP List Requires a Skill Roll (-¼).
Usually, the skill involved is Inventor, Spell Research, or the Power Skill.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


I've only had my copy of HERO System' date=' 5th Ed.[/i'] for a few months. I've read it completely through, and re-read some of the parts that seemd a tad confusing. I believe I have a firm grasp of the rules, but there may be a few points that slip by me. I am, for the most part, a fast learner/quick study.


This is hardly a handicap, as we do have a handful of players who were, before joining us, utterly ignorant of the rules. You'll do fine. If you need help, we have set up a Questions list (questions-subscribe@globalguardians.com), filled with people just jumping at the chance to offer their sage wisdom to newcomers to the rules.


You can even find someone to help build your character there, if you need such a person.




Assuming I'm not automatically turned down for that, the character concept I've got is one tht might fit well with the team -- a super-intelligent gadgeteer, though one more like Mr. Fantastic than Iron Man. (I really wish they'd come out with The Ultimate Gadgeteer.) However, based on my understanding of the rules, it seems the power I'd most want for my Gadgeteer is... VPP. Actually, 2 VPP's -- one VPP to represent gadgets he's got in his lab [Focus (all powers bought through VPP must have at least -½ worth of this Limitation; -½), Can Only Be Changed In [X]’s Laboratory (-½), Adding Powers to the VPP Requires an Inventor Skill Roll (-¼)], and one VPP to represent his ability to MacGyver baling wire, duct tape, circuit boards, and a TV to produce a laser rifle, a hologram projector, or some other gadget [Focus (all powers bought through VPP must have at least -½ worth of this Limitation; -½), OIF (appropriate objects of opportunity; -½)]. I would completely understand a reluctance to accept such a character, especially one submitted by a potential player with only the barest of experineces with the HERO rules.



Sounds good to me. :) Its certainly a character type I don't have on the team already.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


How many submissions have you gotten so far Worldmaker?



So far, I have received the following:



American Spirit (Martial Brick) by Chad McMinis

Demon (Brick) by Mark Ayen

Pirizumu (Energy Blaster) by Levi Mote

Red Wolf (Metamorph/Martial Artist) by Anthony Gentry

Samsonite (Brick) by Joseph Senecal

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


Jack' date=' did I miss this on the GGU Admin list? And where will this team be based?[/quote']



Its based in New York City, like always. And no, you didn't miss the announcement as I didn't make it. :) (Its called "trying to attract some new blood :)



Established GGU players not already on a Guardians team are free to submit as well.

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Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


This is hardly a handicap, as we do have a handful of players who were, before joining us, utterly ignorant of the rules. You'll do fine. If you need help, we have set up a Questions list (questions-subscribe@globalguardians.com), filled with people just jumping at the chance to offer their sage wisdom to newcomers to the rules.


You can even find someone to help build your character there, if you need such a person.




Oh, I've tried susbscribing to the GG Admin, Chat, and Questions e-mail lists (sending a blank e-mail with the word "Subscribe"), but thus far have gotten no confirmation that I'm on it. I sent my e-mails out the day before yesterday, and again this morning, but thus far, nada. Are the addy's on the GG page correct?


Sounds good to me. :) Its certainly a character type I don't have on the team already.


So I can have my Scientific Genius VPP be a 50 point pool (75 Active Points) VPP? :)

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Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


To subscribe to a list you just use the email address, but add '-subscribe' to it.


For example:





You don't need anything in the main message of the email. You will receive a message back to confirm that you want to join the list.


If you don't get a reply don't send another email straight away. It can take a day or so sometimes. If you still have trouble, maybe post here again and catch Worldmaker's attention.


Good luck. It's always good to see new GG players.





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Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


You don't need anything in the main message of the email. You will receive a message back to confirm that you want to join the list.



I think Jack requests that you put the word "Subscribe" in the subject line.



If you don't get a reply don't send another email straight away. It can take a day or so sometimes. If you still have trouble' date=' maybe post here again and catch Worldmaker's attention.[/quote']



That's because membership requests are manually handled to keep spammers at bay. They are handled as time and Real Life permits -- usually it's a fairly short wait.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings




Oh, I've tried susbscribing to the GG Admin, Chat, and Questions e-mail lists (sending a blank e-mail with the word "Subscribe"), but thus far have gotten no confirmation that I'm on it. I sent my e-mails out the day before yesterday, and again this morning, but thus far, nada. Are the addy's on the GG page correct?


They are correct. Sometimes it takes a little while. If you're not subscribed by tonight, send me a private note tomorrow about it.




So I can have my Scientific Genius VPP be a 50 point pool (75 Active Points) VPP? :)



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


With two days to go, I have received the following:


Alan Richmond (Martial Brick) by Miq Millman

American Spirit (Martial Brick) by Chad McMinis

Demon (Brick) by Mark Ayen

Diablo Rojo (Martial Artist/Gadgeteer) by John Daly

Doctor Archeville (Gadgeteer) by Jon Howell

Pirizumu (Energy Blaster) by Levi Mote

Red Wolf (Metamorph/Martial Artist) by Anthony Gentry

Samsonite (Brick) by Joseph Senecal

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Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


I have a question on the submissions, since I'm using a different IP for the time being and could be a potential candidate now. For the submissions accompanied by a Hero Designer write-up, do you want it as the background on Word and the .hdc file for the character, or do you want it as the background on Word, the character on Word, and the .hdc file may join that?

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


I have a question on the submissions' date=' since I'm using a different IP for the time being and could be a potential candidate now. For the submissions accompanied by a Hero Designer write-up, do you want it as the background on Word and the .hdc file for the character, or do you want it as the background on Word, the character on Word, and the .hdc file may join that?[/quote']



If you send me the character in .hdc, the background information found in the .hdc should accompany it in a Word or Text document.

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Re: Global Guardians PBEM: 3 Immediate Openings


Well Jack, I finally thought up an idea for a character that might fit the game but it will not be done in time due to scheduling. I came up with Avro, a Canadian Master Archer with trick arrows, so named as a joke on the Avro Arrow plane. Maybe I'll submit him the next time that you have submissions.

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