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Villain Team: The Worst Villains in Europe

Rick R Mortis

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The Worst Villains In Europe


Membership: Mammoth (Leader), Das Wall, Hood, Napoleon of Crime, Thespian, Yorrik (Thespian's prop skull.) Facet and Piper are reserve members for when others are unavailable. (Facet proudly claims to be the "Sixth worst villain in Europe.") Doppelganger is an associate of the team, but doesn't usually work with them.


There is a rumoured third reserve member, but nobody knows who it actually is.


Origin: Mammoth only wanted to rule the world. Is that too much to ask?


Well, apparently, it was. At every step he had been thwarted and humiliated. First, Eurostar admitted that they only tried to recruit him because they were drunk at the time. Then he was beaten up by a group of American superheroes that were on holiday at the time. Then Eurostar foiled another plan and beat him up for the fun of it. And so on.


Somewhere along the line, he decided that he needed a team to work for him. A team would have the strength to fight off his enemies, beat up superheroes and make him a name to be feared. There would be other benefits as well. A team would be able to contribute ideas for world domination. Combined with Mammoth's own mighty intellect and power, a team lead by him would be unstoppable.


All he needed was the right people.


What he got instead was Hood, Thespian, Das Wall and The Napoleon of Crime.


He put out a "help wanted" ad in the underground supervillain press. The ad said that he wanted the most evil men in Europe. Unfortunately, his Icelandic accent and his improbably constructed mouth (Everything he says sounds like he has a shoe in his mouth) meant that it came out as "the worst villains in Europe." He got what the ad asked for; a loonie, a moron, a ponce and a gay actor in pantyhose with a prop skull.


Of course Mammoth was unaware of all this. He thought he'd gotten some of the most dangerous villains in Europe (who weren't members of Eurostar, of course). It wasn't until their first team meeting that the problems came up. Mammoth asked for ideas on world domination, and there was silence. Then Thespian nominated Yorrick as a new member, and it passed with a three-fifths majority. Then Das Wall suggested that they all break for lunch, and that passed with a four-fifths majority.


Their public debut was a farce. Mammoth attacked the European parliament and publicly announced the teams' existence to the press. Unfortunately, it once again came out as "The Worst Villains in Europe" and the name stuck. Then Belgium's national superhero team showed up, and it all went downhill from there. The WVoE fled.


Since then, they have tried to conquer the world on innumerable occasions, and failed on each and every occasion. More often then not, they mess up due to the team's own incompetence, and the intervention of heroes (Or other villain teams out to ruin the competition) is merely the icing on the cake. Thespain and Hood are also prone to tipping off the press in advance so they can have an audience.


Goals: As the leader of the WvoE, Mammoth's goals of World Domination are the team's goals. Everyone else is along for the ride. Every now and then another member of the team will hijack them to achieve their own goals. This usually results in more public humiliation. The best was when Hood led the team in a robbery at the palace of Versailles. Mammoth tried to swing on a chandelier.


Group Relations: Mammoth is clearly the team's leader, and everyone else is pretty happy to follow him. Unfortunately, he tends to overestimate the capabilities of the rest of the team. It wouldn't be so bad, except the rest of them do nothing but encourage this opinion of them. The end result is that Mammoth is convinced that he has the best team in all of Europe, and they are pretty much unstoppable. Then reality strikes, and hard.


Relations with Other Teams: The WVoE considers Eurostar to be their archenemies. The end result is that the occasional fight breaks out between the two teams, which results in the WVoE being smacked around. They are also on bad terms with Triad (who they once managed beat up, resulting in the WVoE's only ever clear victory), and Eclipse (Who claim the title of "Worst Villain Team in Europe") They also once clashed with the Ultimates during their '02 US Tour. This resulted in another smacking down.


After all this, their loss rates against Superheroes only seem worse.


Tactics: The WVoE have no team tactics whatsoever. They like to loudly announce who they are and then wait for the media to show up before they start smashing things. Das Wall is fond of throwing expensive sports cars at things, but he often forgets to look where he's aiming.


Reputation: Mammoth thinks they're awesome. Everyone else thinks they're idiots.


Scenario Use: The GM has been double dog-dared to use a team from European Enemies, and can't back out.

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And this dog triple-dog dares ya to have a mysterious benefactor get ahold of 'em and whip 'em into tactical shape a few games after your PCs wipe the floor with 'em. :D


Seriously, while all these guys are flakes, they all have their upsides.

*Mammoth is ridiculously strong, and if he threw his whole Gadget Pool into Body Armor, he'd be obscenely tough.

*Das Wall is somewhat redundant, compared to Mammoth; while weaker, he's naturally tougher.

*Hood's versatile, and if his Entangle arrow weren't Sticky, he'd be a great set-up artist. His flash is still good, though. Imagine getting Flashed or Entangled by Hood, then getting a move-through by Mammoth-on-rocket-skates?

*Napoleon has an Ego Attack (which is enough to scare a lot of supers) and Tactics on an 18! The Real-Life Napoleon was a tactical genius, and so is this one. Mammoth would be well advised to let Napoleon do the battle planning.

*Facet's even weaker and less tough than Das Wall or Mammoth, but Find Weakness on a 50 STR is nothing to sneeze at.

*Piper has an 8d6 NND AE Cone. EIGHT DICE NND! And the cone isn't no-range (though I think a common mistake in EE was that the author assumed AE Cones were inherently no range). That's a lotta noise.

*Thespian has a decently powered Radius Mind Control. A good roll could have a swarm of hapless normals harassing the heroes while the villains make good their escape! Suppose and Piper learned to combine their Mind Controls? "Combat Maneuver: Villainy, The Musical!"

*Yorrick: "Have At Thee!" *bonk*


Seriously, I think the only reason this team stinks is because they're all such losers, personality-wise ('Team Psycho'). Give 'em a good backer, a little Bulletproof Spandex, maybe a few new arrows for Hood, and they'd actually be dangerous (to others, rather than themselves).

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Originally posted by CrosshairCollie

And this dog triple-dog dares ya to have a mysterious benefactor get ahold of 'em and whip 'em into tactical shape a few games after your PCs wipe the floor with 'em. :D


[Much Cut]


Give 'em a good backer, a little Bulletproof Spandex, maybe a few new arrows for Hood, and they'd actually be dangerous (to others, rather than themselves).

Remind me never to game with you. On the other hand, remind me TO game with you -- as a co-player.


I agree, though I've no idea what the stats on these guys are. But if they got their Psych Lims whipped out of them... here's an idea. Have the WViE -- or better yet, WoE, 'Worst of Europe', sorta catchy, see? -- go against the PCs. And not just once -- several times. Their 'big debut' against the PCs ... flops. A few adventures, then WoE breaks out, to try something else spectacular ... which turns into a spectacular flop. Do this several times, until the PCs are used to grinning and patting each other on the back in anticipation of 'an easy day at the office' when they hear 'WoE is loose!!'


Then bring out the 'New, Improved WoE'. The PCs by that time should be virtually oblivious to actually using tactics against these guys, or rather, using the same ol' tried-and-true 'what works' tactics. With the new, improved WoE, they should get their a$$ets kicked across the county ... and the bad guys win one or two in a row, until the PCs can actually manage to fight them to a draw...

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Re: Villain Team: The Worst Villains in Europe


:ugly:dear sweet lord, I was unpacking some boxes the other day & found my copy of EE. Then I saw this thread. Mammoth's crew is the sort of complete disaster that heroes have nightmares about! Not that they'll endanger anybody but themselves, that is - heroes just hope they won't run into these freaks...

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Re: Villain Team: The Worst Villains in Europe


S o a Australian made the European Enemies ?

That explains a few things.


Take a look at Red Doom for cliche abuse as well. :sneaky:

The cosmic-energy demigod sitting in orbit next to a satellite and holding a bottle of 'wodka' pretty much says it all...

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