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Eurostar is friggin' fast!


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Re: Eurostar is friggin' fast!


At any rate... anybody with Eurostar stories in their game?


Certainly. Convincing Eurostar that he is just too alarming to run up against twice is one of Vitus's finest moments. Vitus got revenge on all his teammates in the same scene.


described here


(As a player, I find Eurostar highly alarming anyway - they *certainly* got the drop on us despite the rest of the team's best preparations. Vitus would find them alarming too if he hadn't been seething with white-hot well-concealed rage as he set up his triple-cross. Now he wants to go after them - Scorpia in particular - and torture her to a horrible death. Fortunately the international intelligence community have been warned about Vitus and make sure it's a case of "oh dear, you just missed her again" whenever he *does* hear she's resurfaced. )

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Re: Eurostar is friggin' fast!


(Indulging in a little thread necromancy here...)


Don't forget that Pantera also had Find Weakness, so there are darn few strongly defended targets! :nonp: In our game she took out a Hulk clone in one phase worth of multiple move-bys after several phases of Find Weakness...




Pantera's 5E version isn't quite as powerful as she once was...


And generally, most of the GM's I've played with don't let people use Find Weakness like that.


Book legal, but just end up far too deadly for the points paid.

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Re: Eurostar is friggin' fast!




Pantera's 5E version isn't quite as powerful as she once was...


And generally, most of the GM's I've played with don't let people use Find Weakness like that.


Book legal, but just end up far too deadly for the points paid.


Since NPCs like Pantera are under GM control, it's easy to prevent their overuse of Find Weakness. In any case I don't think Pantera would have the patience to not move for several Phases during a fight to Find Weakness. ;) For that reason, the cumulative penalty to successive attempts, and the Range Modifier, I haven't had a player in my games Find Weakness more than twice on one target.


As for the current incarnation of Eurostar, with the in-continuity addition of Pantera and der Westgote the team is definitely scarier. :fear: (Unless Cryptic Studios changes that.) :rolleyes:

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Re: Eurostar is friggin' fast!


I've only ran into Eurostar once where they were actually played as-intended and were scary (several fights where they were uncoordinated and inefficient, though).


The main thing I remember about that fight was watching Pantera nearly get splattered across the countryside from a Transparent Entangle/High-Damage Roll KA attack.

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Re: Eurostar is friggin' fast!


When the Freedom Patrol finally took down Eurostar 4E they knew they were not just playing in the majors, but the top hero team on the planet. And the funny thing is, it was one of those perfect moments. They opened up with surprise, had a tightly coordinated maximum effect strategy in play, hit hard, and kept making their rolls. It was stunning. Eurostar went down like wheat before the reaper.. The Whip and Le Sone did not survive, Fiacho and DURAK were so badly hurt that they landed in the ICU (Durak's neck was broken in an astonishingly effective combo attack), Bora and White Flame were trounced and taken in, and Pantera ended up being tracked through the streets until they caught her. Mentalla got away, but eventually cut a deal for information on her brother and became a gray character (and much more interesting). This was the final confrontation of a bitter, years long (real world time) rivalry that had cost two PC deaths - and in a game that was more bloody pulp/espionage with powers than superheroic. I decided not to bring Eurostar back. It was too absolute a send-off - and too proud a moment for the heroes.

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