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redwhiteblue redwhiteblue "oh crap: was I speeding?!?"


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A game related quandry for you all:


A member of a newly established supergroup in Las Vegas (Champions Universe) is speeding off to foil some kind of crime is is driving WAY over the speed limit.


The poor hero gets pulled over by the cops, who want to give the hero a ticket for speeding. Protestations about trying to get to a crime scene don't cut the mustard.


What happens? It raises a couple (at least) legal issues:

When asked for ID, what are masked heroes required to provide?

Can heroes own motor vehicles under their masked identities? How do they avoid ownership being traced back to their civilian IDs?


I'm curious about how you would/have handled these kinds of issues in your games. Obviously, you could play the whole thing for laughs (a la Reno 911) or this could wind up resulting in giving a hero's hunter a lot of ammunition...

Thanks in advance!

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Re: redwhiteblue redwhiteblue "oh crap: was I speeding?!?"


If he's a gov't supported or recognized hero, he doesn't have the problem. Either the cops wave him on, or he has some manner of ID to provide.


If he's a vigilante, he doesn't stop. :D


If he's a vigilante, and decides for some reason to put himself under the cop's power, he could be in for unpleasant results.

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Re: redwhiteblue redwhiteblue "oh crap: was I speeding?!?"


Often law enforcement can't even catch the superhero vehicle in the first place (unless you're in a X-Men move, where F-16s can catch a Mach 4+ blackbird for some reason...).


But more important than that, it's just not genre.


Have you seen the batmobile pulled over and given a ticket? Or bat man patted down and arrested for concealed weapons? Nah. After all, he didn't bay Batmobile- Watched, City Police 11- now did he?



If however you want to break with genre... please make sure your players are aware of it. They may pass on vehicles completely. They may build them differently. Perhaps you should require disadvantages to represent these problems (the watched, above for example. maybe even a hunted).

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Re: redwhiteblue redwhiteblue "oh crap: was I speeding?!?"


We need setting info. Is this a humorous campaign? Reno 911 with superheroes?


Is this a vigilante game, with cops hostile to supers and looking to mess them over?


did the hero go on to do some good, or was prevented from doing so? Did stopping for the police conform to his disadvantages (law abiding or something) or did he wind up bveing late to save some innocents?


Normally, traffic tickets are not a staple of superheroic problems. Heck, I doubt he had insurance, registration, or a tag on his vehicle.

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Re: redwhiteblue redwhiteblue "oh crap: was I speeding?!?"


And kids, this is yet another reason your Dark Avenger of the Night needs a high PRE score! Don't skimp on PRE just to get another nifty gadget or two in your utility belt!


"Glad you came by officers! Hit your sirens and help clear the road for me! I've got to get to the Luxor by midnight or the city is DOOMED!"


Cops to Hero #1 (15 PRE) - "Umm, yeah. Out of the car, you loon."


Cops to Hero #2 (35 PRE) - "Right away! Do you need an extra shotgun?"



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Re: redwhiteblue redwhiteblue "oh crap: was I speeding?!?"


And kids, this is yet another reason your Dark Avenger of the Night needs a high PRE score! Don't skimp on PRE just to get another nifty gadget or two in your utility belt!


"Glad you came by officers! Hit your sirens and help clear the road for me! I've got to get to the Luxor by midnight or the city is DOOMED!"


Cops to Hero #1 (15 PRE) - "Umm, yeah. Out of the car, you loon."


Cops to Hero #2 (35 PRE) - "Right away! Do you need an extra shotgun?"




A positive Reputation perk couldn't hurt either!

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