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The Grand meeting of Superheroes: The Nexus


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Against all odds the worst occurs. Several Cosmic level forces of destruction and evil....meet. Deciding they like the cut of each other jib, they decide to band together, gathering minions, technology and darkest of magic from a billion, billion worlds and finally crush the forces of light for ALL TIME! What could stand against such a seemingly omnipotent coalition of Evil? Nothing short of the great Crossover Event of all time. Superheroes, an army of of them, millions strong gathered from the far flung legends of the mulitverse. The Avenger fight alongside the The Authority, The Justice League of a thousand different worlds meet the 4th and Fifth Edition Champions along with Stormwatch, Superman and Maximortal. 'Mazing Man and Captain Carrot and the Zoo crew are forced to team up with the Ultimate Xmen... And your world. Yes, your PCs are involved.


In the end, not even these cosmic villains and their hordes can stand against the power of "The Good guys always win" taken to the nth degree and are defeated. Wounds are healed, the dead mourned or revived.


As a result of the final awesome battle, a pocket universe is created, accesible by any superhero, the Nexus. Its becomes as meeting ground and vaction spot, a place to trade war stories, gather information, date, etc.


The question is: Who, out of all time and realities would your character like to hang out with. What friendships or rivalries would find? Any chance of romance? You can list as many characters as you like.

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Re: The Grand meeting of Superheroes: The Nexus


Eve would bounce between the tech geek crowd (Reed Richards, Tony Stark in particular) and any kid heroes. The Engineer would really intrigue as they have a similar look, but her world would probably disturb the very Silver Age Eve.


Tao would likely seek out mystics since part of her genetic make up includes a magic ability that she has yet to explore. Sparring with someone like Midnighter would be fascinating, or Martial tips from Val Armor or Batman....


Ivy would likely drift toward mystical and enviornmental types, such as Swamp thing.....

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Re: The Grand meeting of Superheroes: The Nexus


R'lain'thyr Val Sulun're (aka: Rain), the dark elf wizard from the Turrakian Age, would eventually find her way here. She had gone from hopping around in her young 40's across various dimension, going all the way to Earth in the 31st century around age 200-something, looking for a vacation (imagine her surprise!).


Now this place would be ideal! She'd throw a few parties, flirt with some folks, and maybe get involved with a few guys--as long as they realized that SHE was the one in charge.


All I can think of right now. More later.

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Re: The Grand meeting of Superheroes: The Nexus


Justin is initially overwhelmed by the sheer amount of technology he's encountering here at the Nexus. Being a MAJOR tech geek he's basically in nerd-vana for a moment or two and likely to get overlooked by the assembled heroes in the beginning. Eventually however he'll begin showing his intelligence as he tries to lend a hand in the conflict. He'll gravitate to the super intelligent guys [Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man, Beast], the major gadget guys [blue Beetle, Batman, Jack in the Box] and the types who tend to use thier brains more often [Macguyver.] In the beginning he'll be an underrated threat by the enemy but once he gets his hands on some of the tech around him he'll be a full on power armour fighter with surprising versatility, though probably not in the top tier of heroes, at least not in this crowd. I can see him falling for somebody like Spider Girl and he'd become good friends with Montgommery Scott, as Justin is the only one who thinks the Enterprise is more wonderful then he does.


Megan is a powerful psionic who hasn't acheived her full potential yet. During the conflict she will reach that potential and then some. At first she'll survive due to the friends she makes, I see her becoming good friends with the likes of Mary Marvel and Supergirl among others, but eventually the assembled telepaths will discover how much potential she has and seek to bring it out in her. With tutors like Professor X, Martian Manhunter, and Mr. Spock she cannot help but become very talented with those skills. Of course just as eventually Master Yoda will tell her 'strong with the Force you are' and proceed to train her as a Jedi. Needless to say, Megan is pretty badass by the time she's finished.


Avalon is likely in the thick of things with her parents, displaying the fighting skills she learned with her friends. She'd take this opportunity to hang out with all the mystical types in order to buff up her magical skills. No time like the present after all and with Dr. Strange, Dr. Fate, Jon Constantine, Willow, Sakura and various others about it's a foolish wizard indeed who doesn't take this type of opportunity.


Albion would likely have a torrid romance with Wolfsbane, Tigra and a few others. I could see him hanging out with the Thundercats as Albion's powers are catlike himself and working with Lynxo would definetly improve his senses and such, though he would have a big [though friendly] rivalry with the Thunderkittens. Also being a martial artist however he'd pick up moves from anybody who'd teach him, particularly really badass guys like Shang Chi, Val Amourr and Richard Dragon.

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Re: The Grand meeting of Superheroes: The Nexus


The question is: Who, out of all time and realities would your character like to hang out with. What friendships or rivalries would find? Any chance of romance? You can list as many characters as you like.


Well, even tho' he has yet to be fully realized, my gadgeteer/power armored

guy (Sekko) would HAVE to sit down with the previously mentioned "smartest

kids on the block" Tony Stark and Reed Richards, if only to swap calculus

jokes. Add in Grimjack, since he's been just about everywhere/when so he'd

have great stories. And Hal Jordan. Or virtually any of the GLC. After all, they

take their sheer will and make it into something real. That is, after all, the

ultimate goal of any inventor/gadgeteer isn't it ? So how could Sekko pass

that up....Plus, as a "space nerd" (that's part of why he built the suit...)

he'd love to hear travelogs about the various space sectors. :D


Just my "first blush" response....Possibly more to follow.



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  • 2 years later...

Re: The Grand meeting of Superheroes: The Nexus


Thunderstrike would seek out Karate Kid from the Legion. He talk with him for a while, discuss martial arts techniques (TS has black belt-level proficiency in Aikido), and the like. Then he'd say, "I have a friend you should meet," and give him Black Cat's phone number.

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Re: The Grand meeting of Superheroes: The Nexus


Phidippus would probably have a hard time - as a comic book artist in his secret ID, he'd probably be in geek overload! Really, he'd probably be a far more social creature in the Nexus, with so many cool people to talk to. If nothing else, he'd probably try and talk to a lot of the heroes he meets (and approves of) to see if they'd be alright with him writing comic books about them...:rolleyes: He'd likely steer clear of grumpy guys like Wolverine and Batman, or those who don't share his Silver-Age take on superheroics (casual killers are not on his list of friends to make).


When things had settled and he'd had the chance to get to know different heroes a little better, he'd probably gravitate to these folks:


Spider-Man, as Phidippus is a thinly-veiled pastiche of him. Not exactly the same, of course - but about as close to a soul brother as he's likely to find. They'd have a lot in common - general powerset, native scientific skill, ironclad moral code, and a deep-seated feeling of being a shunned outsider. Maybe a little too close to home to be totally comfortable with him at first, they'd likely form a strong bond after they fought by each other's sides and traded tales of hope and sorrow.


Captain America and Superman, as well as other similar icons. Phidippus tries to hold himself to very high moral standards, and would no doubt find these guys very inspiring - even if he's never heard of them before. Both would be a good source of pep talks if he ever had a hard decision to make.


The Thing, as he's much like Diamond (who Phidippus idolizes). Everybody's favorite grumpy uncle, who'll always back you up when you're in trouble and never gives up.


Blue Beetle, (Ted Kord) due to his funky arthropod-themed gadgets, love of science, and great sense of humor. The is the sort of guy Phidippus would enjoy spending downtime with playing video games or something.


For practicality's sake, he'd want to talk to Reed Richards and other superscientists as much as possible, particularly regarding genetics and biology. He's always looking to expand his knowledge.


After that? I'm not really sure. I'd need to give it some more thought, but I need sleep badly...


I might edit this later to add more.

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Re: The Grand meeting of Superheroes: The Nexus


Bastion would eventually gravitate to…


Ray Palmer (The Atom)

Hank Pym (Yellowjacket)

Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)

Ted Knight (Starman)

Adam Blake (Captain Comet)

Professor Ezra Gill (The mathematical genius that discovered the speed equation that powered Johnny Quick)

Dr. Niles Caulder (Genius Leader of Doom Patrol)

Vril Dox (Twelfth Level Intelligence)

Barry Allen (Flash II – Creator of the Cosmic Treadmill)

Doctor Will Magnus (Creator of the Metal Men)


Dr. Sebastian Castle (Bastion) has dedicated his life to breaking the barrier between this realm and the Microverse (which is purely theoretical in the ECU [Epic City Universe]). In addition, his powers are growth based so he would certainly like to echange notes with other heroes with similar abilities. Bastion is one of the ECU's premier quantum physicists and would feel right at home with the smartest of any universe.

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