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Cell phones don't work underwater...


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So I need a solution for an aquatic character in my new game.


He's a golden dragon looking 'demon' summoned to help the war effort by Japan's top Sorcerors back in the day... He is basically an aquatic Brick with a little magic thrown in for fun. Problem is this, he lives in the ocean. How do the other characters get ahold of him?


The player suggests magical crystals with have mind link that he could give out to each of the players, allowing them to get ahold of him instantly. I like the concept, but how to make them cheaply?


Build advice for this power?


Thanks in advance.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


What about:


Link Crystal: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Any distance, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (35 Active Points); Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing (-1/2), IIF (-1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) [35AP/17RP]


Eight Crystals, one for each person you need to communicate with, only crystal to crystal comm is allowed.


Or, if the group only needs one person that can contact you:


Link Crystal: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Any distance, No LOS Needed (20 Active Points); Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing (-1/2), IIF (-1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) [20AP/10RP]


Now you have two crystals - yours and the rest of the groups.


edit: This is a case where "One Specific Mind" could be defined as "The guy who holds one of the Focii."

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


What about:


Link Crystal: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Any distance, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (35 Active Points); Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing (-1/2), IIF (-1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) [35AP/17RP]


Eight Crystals, one for each person you need to communicate with, only crystal to crystal comm is allowed.


Or, if the group only needs one person that can contact you:


Link Crystal: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Any distance, No LOS Needed (20 Active Points); Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing (-1/2), IIF (-1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) [20AP/10RP]


Now you have two crystals - yours and the rest of the groups.


edit: This is a case where "One Specific Mind" could be defined as "The guy who holds one of the Focii."



Wouldn't that be a 'group of specific minds' [those with a crystal]?


I like the idea of the other PCs having to actually have their own crystal. The problem I was having building this was that exactly. From your build [and mine] it seems as though there is a crystal that provides a mind link between 8 people. Not that each of those people have to have their own crystal.


The player in question wants to purchase the power, and I don't want to force the others to buy it....


What if he bought them as independent foci? What's the rule about having multiple foci, 5 pts per, right?


How about this?


9 Mind Link , Human class of minds, Specific Group of Minds, Any distance, Multiple Foci x4, No LOS Needed (45 Active Points); Independent (-2), Only With Others Who Have Mind Link [Crystal] (-1), IIF Fragile Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; -3/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 0

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


The Deep One signal.

Commissioner Gordan-san drops the ultra secret sonar device with its ultra secret signal into the water and viola! Within an hour the Deep One arrives to hear what Gordan-san has to say.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


I'd provide for two options here:


(1) The crystals (or whatever approach you choose to use) cost no points, but are useful only for "gathering the group", so to speak. If the GM wants them to fail for some reason, they fail. Perhaps the crystal doesn't allow for communication, but only to cause the crystal to glow, warm, vibrate, make a noise, whatever, and the character knows that means "come a'runnin'".


(2) Make him pay for the crystals, however they can be used for full communication at any time, which will have some in-game benefits to substantiate the point cost. But don't make them Independent - independent means once it's gone, it's gone forever (unless he can get it back from whoever took it).


9 Mind Link , Human class of minds, Specific Group of Minds, Any distance, Multiple Foci x4, No LOS Needed (45 Active Points); Independent (-2), Only With Others Who Have Mind Link [Crystal] (-1), IIF Fragile Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; -3/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 0


As noted above, Independent = lost forever, so if PowerMan's crystal is removed from him when he's captured and searched by Dr. Devious, you're down to 3 crystals until/unless you can somehow recover the one Dr. Devious stole.


I wouldn't allow the "only if you have a crystal" limitation - this is reflected by Specific Group on one side and multiple foci on the other. I would allow the character to define his "multiple minds" as "anyone with one of the four crystals" and not be required to pay extra for having four crystals. He could pay for Mind Link with one target at a time, or with all four at once.


The IIF seems fine. I always consider "does not provide mental awareness" to be a crock of a limitation. "So, I can take a limitation on a 75 point power, and save 60 points by selling back a 3 point sense. Sounds like a pretty good deal. I'll take it on all my mental powers except my 4d6 of Telepathy."


That's likely a lot more expensive than your computation, but let's consider what it does. The PC's are now effectively able to communicate between themselves at will. If one is captured, he can call one or more of the others. If they're searching different areas of the villain base and one is ambushed, he can silently "call for help". They can share tactics and battle plans withoput fear of the enemy hearing their planning. This is a pretty useful ability, and should cary a commensurate cost.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


Howabout just slap an advantage onto HRRH "Works underwater, only works underwater to contact other 'radios' with same advantage" ? Flight usable underwater is what, a +1/4 advantage? Make up some pseudo-science explanation about "quantum gamma-radio waves" and there you go. Above water, functions like a normal radio, underwater, can only be used to contact other teammates. Should only cost everyone another point or two.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


Wouldn't that be a 'group of specific minds' [those with a crystal]?


I like the idea of the other PCs having to actually have their own crystal. The problem I was having building this was that exactly. From your build [and mine] it seems as though there is a crystal that provides a mind link between 8 people. Not that each of those people have to have their own crystal.


Those whole "Specific Mind"/"Group of Minds" thing has managed to bother, confuse and irritate me to various degrees over the last few years... it doesn't seem to make sense that you can take One Specific Mind multiple times.. but then it does .. and ... anyways - try this explanation:


Use "One Specific Mind" x8 (or however many in the group) with the Focus: Crystal.


The crystal is attuned to the person you give it to - making them the only one who can use that crystal, but they need the crystal to communicate with you.


Keeps the prices down, and the effect in place. Upside: cheaper. Downside: Only the people you defined when you bought the power can get crystals. no trading off.


If I were the GM I'd do this: if there are 6 people who need crystals, you make 6, but have bought the power to x8 leaving two unused. At a later date you can define those unused 2 Mind Links, but from that point forward they can't be changed, any additional Crystals require more Mind Links (another doubling).


I would nix the Independant - but we try to avoid that one to the point of outright disallowing it in our games. That's a preference thing.


That and the "Only with others that have Mind Link" does require the rest of the team to buy Mind Link - which is not what you want.


you could add "Visible" if you want the crystal to glow and hum or somesuch when active - always a cool comicbook schtick.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


How about a transceiver buoy? It picks up cell phone transmissions and rebroadcasts coded ultrasounds to a receiving set (wrist phone, earpiece, whatever) that Fishboy wears.


If everyone else is using unpointed up, free cell phones, just have him buy Radio(Sonar) Transmission/Reception with the Hearing group or Affected By Both Radio and Hearing. If the rest of the team buys their comm gear, have him buy his twice or with an added Sonar sense.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


Just to be contrary... Great Magical Dragons shouldn't be called like they were puppies.



I'd handle it in one of the following ways:


1. Don't worry about it. He shows up at the start of the adventure on his own. He's cool that way.


2. Danger Sense, brought so that it informs him when Japan (or whatever area he's interested in now) needs his help. Then he can show up and inform his teammates that something is up.


3. Mink Link to his 'pet' human on the team. Make it one way. He'll decide if whatever is troubling his 'pet' is worth the effort of looking into.



May want to buy Meta-scale Teleport, only to be used to magically arrive where his team is when one of the above three conditions are meant.


To save points, put which of the above options that is decided on into his magical spell multi-power or VVP. That way it's only active when he's switched to that slot/power, generally during 'down times'.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


What about:


Link Crystal: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Any distance, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (35 Active Points); Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing (-1/2), IIF (-1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) [35AP/17RP]


Eight Crystals, one for each person you need to communicate with, only crystal to crystal comm is allowed.


Or, if the group only needs one person that can contact you:


Link Crystal: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Any distance, No LOS Needed (20 Active Points); Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing (-1/2), IIF (-1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) [20AP/10RP]


Now you have two crystals - yours and the rest of the groups.


edit: This is a case where "One Specific Mind" could be defined as "The guy who holds one of the Focii."

Make it seven. Make them spheres. Call them "Palantirs" and watch the Tolkien fans chuckle.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


Make it seven. Make them spheres. Call them "Palantirs" and watch the Tolkien fans chuckle.


/Tolkien Geek Mode ON


Technically, that's Palantiri, not Palantirs.


/Tolkien Geek Mode OFF


Why, yes, my online handle IS Elvish, why do you ask? :P

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


OK, lots of good suggestions, but now I've had another thought on the issue.


a) I'd like them to be physical objects.


B) They don't need full communication, they only need to be able to summon the rest of the team. The crystal 'glows and hums' to let them know they're needed, and glows brighter/hums louder the closer they get to the crystal that put out the call, allowing them to 'follow their nose' to the scene.


Fox, Yes, he's got a Mega-scale flight spell to get to the scene in time.


Tempus, Lightray, others, I want it to be 'private' so that no one can just decode the signal or whatever, this is supposed to be magical.


Yes Ghost Angel, the rules for Mind Link seem to confuse me too... I like the 'visible' idea a lot, thanks...


Hugh, I don't mind the 'independent' so much on this, they are 'magic devices' that the character creates... and if he's out by 9 points eventually, I don't think it's that big of a deal. But yes, normally I don't allow that limitation. And the "does not provide mental awareness" is only allowed when the character does not get it from some other means, a limitation that isn't limiting is worth no points of course...

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Tempus' date=' Lightray, others, I want it to be 'private' so that no one can just decode the signal or whatever, this is supposed to be magical.[/quote']

As you've described things, though, it seems something that would be a bit of an over-kill to be statted out as a Power.


You want to (1) notify that he's needed and (2) tell him where he's needed. This is something that's going to be used mainly to get him to where the action is at. Functionally, it's the same as a cell phone, isn't it? Unless you're requiring the other team members to pay for cell phones, then why should he? Sounds like a Perk, to me.


Conversely, if you are going to stat it out as a Power, you should allow for more flexible use -- hopefully, make it something that he'd use in the middle of an adventure fairly often, instead of just at the beginning. Allowing him to hand them out to DNPCs or other allies might be a start, but you're going to have something that will be taking up quite a bit of space on that character sheet in this case. Best make it worthwhile.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


If the effect is "I get to play in the game with the others!", then - why should it cost? I'd propose linking it to his backstory like this


"GoDraDem was a normal Japanese kid, until one day while diving for pearls he was stepped on by Godzilla. A radioactive fragment of Godzilla's toenail pierced his side and shattered the rocks below. After healing, GoDraDem was born! He is somehow mysteriously linked to the rocky fragments created that day, and can be summoned by those of good spirit who possess one of the shards."



Phys Lim - "Feels" the pull of his origin shards when activated : 0 pts.

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


If you want to go magic, another general solution might be some Gate magic


Dragon Gate
: Teleportation 5", x2 Increased Mass, Trigger (Activating A Stone (Zero Phase Action), Reseting A Stone (Turn); +1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 100 km; +3/4), Continuous (+1), Usable As Attack (+1) (67 Active Points); Gate (-1/2), Only To A Fixed Location (-1/2), IIF (-1/4)

Dragon Stones
: Teleportation: Fixed Location (8 Locations) (8 Active Points); IIF (-1/4)


This would allow communication even if neither party decides to go through. You might tack on some LS High Pressure if you don't feel right about the pressure differential not shooting water through the pipe, personally Id just go with Magic Gate Physics (+0). The Trigger would allow the Gate to be opened by the landlubbers (although I wouldn't allow them to Gate between themselves just out to Dragonguy).

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Re: Cell phones don't work underwater...


I'm with the cell phone crowd - if all it does is tell him he's needed and give him an idea of where, it's not worth charging points for unless everyone else has to pay for the ability to be notified that the adventure is beginning as well.

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