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Yet Another Character Name Needed

Super Squirrel

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I need a name for a villain. He is extremely large (about two hexes) he has massive ammounts of strength, and a negative INT. For his name, I was thinking of having his name be a big word that he does not know the meaning to. I have had some other ideas on the name as well, such as M because, "It is the prettiest letter of the alphabet." There should definitely be some humor value to the name.



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Feet sinking into the straining pavement beneath him, the gargantuan combatant fixed his beady-eyed stare upon the frightened camera crew on top of the parking deck. He draws himself up, one hand placed upon his hip in his best dramatic pose and boldly declares, "I... AM... MANOPAUSE!"


Something like that, Squirrel?



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"Heyoo", cuz people always sez "Heyoo, c'mere a minute."


"Ox". Becasue two letters is all he could manage.


"Duh scientists callz me Pb and sez dats what means "Lead" on duh idiotic table of elemements. He sez I'm smart as Lead."

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A negative INT? Are you sure he'd even be able to remember a big word? :rolleyes: Interesting idea, as long as you don't mind him trying to make an INT roll every time he has to make a decision on his own.


Whoever controls him might commonly refer to him by a perjorative term which he would take as his name, such as "Brute," "Oaf" or "Troll."


If you do want a big word, how about "Gargantua?" It was good enough for a real gorilla, so why not a metaphorical one.


For something a little different, he could have watched a popular fantasy film and adopted the name of the character he most identified with: "Fezzik." ;)

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