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Teleport catcher


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Here is a power that ranks amongst the weird ones.


How about 'catching' a teleporter mid teleport? How would you build that?


Basically a character with this power could make a grab on a teleporting character. Or punch for that matter.


It would only work if the opponent teleports..

It would only work if he 'hit' the teleporter just like in normal combat.


I have 3 people working on that and they still couldn't agree after one hour..


Some say power drain, some say immunity, some say change environment...

Me is more confused then ever


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Re: Teleport catcher


Welcome to the boards!


Assuming the characters trying this have some means of knowing their target is about to teleport, they could simply try to go first. That way, they could make their attack before the target teleports. The trick is getting the target to still teleport if they are Stunned. I'd suggest building a seperate attack power and include No Knockback and Only Against Characters About To Teleport and a Side Effects (Target Still Teleports Even If Stunned, Unconscious Or Killed -0). For the going first part, if they don't want to be constantly holding their Phases, buy them Lightning Reflexes, only with that attack, and just let them go first is someone else is teleporting (or require a DEX/Fast Draw roll to see who goes first).


You've raised an interesting question though.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: Teleport catcher


Teleport Block: Entangle 1d6, 0 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +1) (27 Active Points); No Defense (-1 1/2), Does Not Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci (-1), Entangle Has 1 BODY (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4) Trigger= Character in Range targets hisTeleport Power.


Add to that a Detect 'Teleport Targeting', Sense with Targeting.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: Teleport catcher


Actually, this is the version on my mentalist character...

Not This Time: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +1), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (75 Active Points); Does Not Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci (-1), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4) Trigger= Character in Range targets hisTeleport Power.

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Re: Teleport catcher


I think you're first problem to solve is how the teleporter is targetted.


Doc Anomaly started a thread about detecting a memorised location for a teleporter and this covers the same kind of territory. You might want to go look at this thread.


If you can detect and target the teleporter then I think that you could use a +0 advantage on telekinesis - only to grab someone in mid-teleport. Then it is a simple matter of hitting them and reeling them in....




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Re: Teleport catcher


Yep I am talking about a power that catches him mid teleport.


Now I also want it to go this way. If he punches the guy or makes a grabble he can do it.


So if we go with the entangle option.. Make it tied to STR will do it?


Oh, so you want to stop the teleport from happening? Do you also want to do Damage?


For stopping the Teleport from happening (as an instant effect, the teleporter can try again) you just use Dispel, and manage to go first in a DEX roll when he tries to Teleport. If you want to do damage that would make him stop, then just use any attack power instead of the Dispel and hope you Stun him.

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Re: Teleport catcher


Ok some more details are in order I think


Think of it like this.


Teleporter tries to go from A to B


Player "catches" teleporter between these point. He doesnt need to know where teleporter is going or if destination is memorized or not.


An entangle prevent the guy from leaving A. Now the closest I could come up with on the concept is STR with some power advantages.


A little like a charactr with str that affects desolid characters, this character would affect teleporters.


Basically teleporter ports. Player rolls to hit and 'hits', either making a grapple or a punch. Porter appears at character location and damage is processed normally. The porter can still make another port (but player can still try to catch him)

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Re: Teleport catcher


There are two logical problems with "catching" someone mid-teleport.


1.) Teleportation is instantaneous. There is no real mid-teleport. You're either here or there, never inbetween (unless you have the disadvantage of having to go through the intervening space). So, in theory, you can't really catch them mid-teleport.


2.) Teleport can have many in-game special effects for which a "grab" or "punch" just doesn't make sense. For example, I had a time-controlling character whose "Teleport" was really just him stopping time and walking over to where he wanted to end up, and then restarting time. How about someone who transforms into a beam of light and shoots over to where they want to end up?


Honestly, I don't think you can make a power that would logically work in the way that you want, unless there was some standard kind of teleport that many people have that was specifically open to it.


That's above and beyond any game mechanics, which make it very difficult, since teleport is instantaneous, so you can generally only do things before or after it. I think you'd probably need to do something like triggered dispel of their teleport and then Usable Against Another Teleport to the midpoint... which would generally be way too expensive.



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Re: Teleport catcher


This is a complicated power. I think you could simulate it with something like teleport, usable against others, only usable against someone about to teleport, linked to your characters strength, along with a teleport dispel vs their teleport power. You could set the fixed point of your teleporter as 2 hexes in the direction the enemy was trying to teleport. You'd probably also have to make your teleport IPE and VSE (mimics opponents SE). You'd have to have a saved action, and you wouldn't catch them all the time (fast draw would help), but you'd have to have stretching or something to really make this work.


Curses: Souljourner beat me to it!

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Re: Teleport catcher


Souljourner is right, you can't stop an instant power really.


Looking at other Instand Powers .. specifically Attack Powers .. you 'stop' them with a Block.


I would suggest adapting some form of Block Maneuver to work against movements powers.


As for doing something else like a punch or a grab, now we're getting into trying to perform more than one 1/2 phase action in a 1/2 phase. I would say once you've stopped them you need to wait your turn to affect them.

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Re: Teleport catcher


Souljourner is right, you can't stop an instant power really.


Looking at other Instand Powers .. specifically Attack Powers .. you 'stop' them with a Block...

There's one other book legal method. You may Dispel an attack that has already been made, but before you are hit with damage. You have to have a action available, but it is legal.


- Christopher Mullins

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Re: Teleport catcher


Now here is where it gets weird.. Is teleport really more powerful then desolid? Because you can simply have str with advantage affects desolid. Why not have str that affects teleports aporting?



Desolid is a Constant Power .. you're Desol between your phases, you're Desol on your opponents phases and actions, you're Desol during you're actions.


Teleport is Instant - you're only Teleporting during a 1/2 Phase Movement Action on your Phase during your Action where, unless there's an abort involved, you're the only one Acting.


There's a HUGE difference in the two scenarios. Ginormous difference in the fundamental way both powers interact with the world.

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Re: Teleport catcher


Ooh, ooh. Can I be the first to mention Transform?


Essentially the power that is being sought will redirect any teleport in the vicinity of the character to somewhere next to the character. Surely this is a classic case of transforming a power.


I'm not sure whether I'd call is minor or major trasform but I'm thinking area effect changing the teleport to be limited to one floating location - 1" in front of the catcher.



Whadda ya think? Cool huh?




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Re: Teleport catcher


Ooh, ooh. Can I be the first to mention Transform?


Essentially the power that is being sought will redirect any teleport in the vicinity of the character to somewhere next to the character. Surely this is a classic case of transforming a power.


I'm not sure whether I'd call is minor or major trasform but I'm thinking area effect changing the teleport to be limited to one floating location - 1" in front of the catcher.



Whadda ya think? Cool huh?


Transform is never the answer :)

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Re: Teleport catcher


This is a little up to how the GM handles obstacles that cannot be Teleported through. Is the teleporter stopped from teleporting at all, or does (s)he teleport to some location right on his original side of the barrier? If the latter, Entangle or FW could probably work fine.


Otherwise, I would suggest a large UAA Teleport with the fixed Trigger of someone passing, "through," a defined region. The UAA Teleport would always be from the teleporter's final destination to a point in the, "barrier," region. This might require a custom (Telescopic?) Detect to go along with the Trigger, and will only work if the target's final location is close enough to the, "barrier," but that could be a good thing as there will be ways to counter the trap if the teleporter has a large enough Teleport Power. Add (Accurate) Area of Effect, MegaScale, and encapsulating Multipower to taste.


The benefit to this approach is that we don't have to worry about countering the original Teleport. No Drains, Dispels, or Str is necessary.

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Re: Teleport catcher


This is a little up to how the GM handles obstacles that cannot be Teleported through. Is the teleporter stopped from teleporting at all, or does (s)he teleport to some location right on his original side of the barrier? If the latter, Entangle or FW could probably work fine.


Otherwise, I would suggest a large UAA Teleport with the fixed Trigger of someone passing, "through," a defined region. The UAA Teleport would always be from the teleporter's final destination to a point in the, "barrier," region. This might require a custom (Telescopic?) Detect to go along with the Trigger, and will only work if the target's final location is close enough to the, "barrier," but that could be a good thing as there will be ways to counter the trap if the teleporter has a large enough Teleport Power. Add (Accurate) Area of Effect, MegaScale, and encapsulating Multipower to taste.


The benefit to this approach is that we don't have to worry about countering the original Teleport. No Drains, Dispels, or Str is necessary.


But wouldn't the target actually appear at his destination for a minute? And this still wouldn't allow the character to grab the character from the "ether" so to speak...

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: Teleport catcher


to do exactly what you are talking about, would be (maybe) this...

Teleport Grab: Mind Control 5d6, Telepathic (+1/4), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +1) (56 Active Points); Set Effect (Telport to directly in front of me; -1 1/2)

Trigger= Targeting of Teleport.

SFX= Teleporter is grabbed in between locations.

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Re: Teleport catcher


But, again, that is assuming that there is an "ether" to grab the player from. Unless the character has the "pass between the intervening space" he does not "move" to his target location. He appears there. Out of nowhere. Instantly leaving one location in space and appearing at another. Or as his SFX state.


If the SFX is "travels to another dimension, then back to a differnet location on earth" then yes, he does go somewhere else.


if it is "Warps space so that both locations co-exist at the same point in space/time" then he doesn't move. Reality moves around him.


If he "turns to sunlight and flashes though the air" then yes he moves through the same reality/space as everything else, just at the speed of light and I would like to see the DCV of a character moving at that speed.


If he "Stops time and walks to the other location" then, again, he also still moves through normal space, but since everything else in existance is frozen then it doesn't matter because they are unable to take any action.


all of these SFX and a thousand more that come to mind, make it next to impossible to have a catch all power that allows you to "Grab" a character mid-teleport" (since quite often there is no "mid" ). before, after, sure. During, I don't think so.

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