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My favorite player ain't coming back

hooligan x

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My best friend, the lovely Miss Terror, admited today that she "wasn't that into" the game anymore and while she might return at some point, I shouldn't count on it.


I am not exactly surprised. She has been unavailable for game night for a few months now. The game is played in our apartment, so it's not like it was out of her way.


So, here's the problem: I run so many subplots that Clairmont would be amazed, at least three are tied strongly to Terror's PC Lillith. In the last game she played Lillith eloped with the prodigal scion of the Unseelie court, so I have used the honeymoon to explain her absence. I have ramped up the plots involing other PCs but I am coming to the point a resolution must come to some of the Lillith plots. I need to bring her husband back but I don't want to run Lillith as a PC. I should kill her off but I don't want to. Anyone else ever have a simular problem?

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Re: My favorite player ain't coming back


Is she willing to come back for one special game? If so you could wrap up all the loose ends. Also the last game could be your opportunity to try and pull her back in;)


It’s a shame when a star player decides that its time to move on but sometimes it for the best. I’ve sometimes lingered at a game that I wasn’t really into and it sort of soured the game for the other players.

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Re: My favorite player ain't coming back


That is too bad- especially since Miss Terror is such a kickass name. My suggestion is to simply "pull the plug" on the subplots involving the character. It's perhaps unsatisfactory from a storyline standpoint, but if you indeed throw more stuff against the wall than Clairmont, it's not like you'll be wanting for material.

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Re: My favorite player ain't coming back


Anyone else ever have a simular problem?
When I first started our MidGuard campaign back in '92, I planned to provide one of the PCs with a moral dilemma by making the chief acolyte and apprentice of our campaign's megabaddie, the Emerald Mage (A Talofanes-class sorcerer with a 350 point Cosmic VPP), of his character his high school sweetheart. Unfortunately the player dropped out of the game right as I began the adventure (the only player to ever voluntarily leave our game). While I still ran the adventure, it certainly lost some of its poignancy.


I was later able to restore some of the intended plot twist by making the woman the best friend and college roommate of the team leader's fiance (now wife). In fact, both the gal pal and her boss ended up being invited to the wedding! (Picture Doctor Doom being invited to Iron Man's wedding.) :eg:

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Re: My favorite player ain't coming back


Pretend that the hanging plot threads are "being resolved in Miss Terror's spinoff solo title", and either never refer to them again or tie them up by GM fiat.


It's a shame to lose a good player, but it happens and you have to move on.


That could work.


You could also always turn her into a villain. Taking over the Unseelie court, absorbing their power by drinking the blood of the prince after murdering him on their wedding night could be a good start. :)

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Re: My favorite player ain't coming back


My best friend, the lovely Miss Terror, admited today that she "wasn't that into" the game anymore and while she might return at some point, I shouldn't count on it.


I am not exactly surprised. She has been unavailable for game night for a few months now. The game is played in our apartment, so it's not like it was out of her way.


So, here's the problem: I run so many subplots that Clairmont would be amazed, at least three are tied strongly to Terror's PC Lillith. In the last game she played Lillith eloped with the prodigal scion of the Unseelie court, so I have used the honeymoon to explain her absence. I have ramped up the plots involing other PCs but I am coming to the point a resolution must come to some of the Lillith plots. I need to bring her husband back but I don't want to run Lillith as a PC. I should kill her off but I don't want to. Anyone else ever have a simular problem?


Hmm. Well, if you need her off-screen but retrievable AND you need her husband back, I can think of at least a couple thematically similar ways.


Turn her to stone & remove her head. Now hubbie needs your PCs to help him get back that blackguard's new paperweight so that the transformation can be undone.

The poison apple method. Knocks her into an "irrevocable" coma via some McGuffin-laced poison that neither Seelie nor Unseelie can directly effect. Make it something to do with one of the fae-banes like rowan or cold iron or some such nonsense. Smells like quest to me.

Trap her in a crystal formed of her own soul. Bust her out the wrong way and she's wormfood.

"That's no dog, that's my wife" A classic for the fae. She's now a small yappy dog, mind and body. This is gonna take some fixing and you can have fun with the jokes about poorly-housebroken pets.

Make her physically & mentally 6 years old. Now hubbie gets to play surrogate dad and you can always just unravel the spell when you need her back.

As an alternate to the statue option, see if the reasoning behind the Black Knight being petrified work. He had his soul sent back to merge with an ancestor in the 12th century and his body turned to stone while he was gone. Maybe someone needs to borrow her essence and will return her ASAP, honest.


It's like it says in the BBB, if you can kill someone you can turn them into something for the same points. Just fiddle with the whole Trigger to undo the Transform and it's all good.

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Re: My favorite player ain't coming back


I recommend something involving clone duplicates. Or' date=' given the Unseelie connection, a Faerie doppelganger.[/quote']



Funny you should mention that...



Lurking Team F-up players ignore this post!


Lillith's twin sister Eve drowned at age six and ended up ruling a dream dimension. She was a big hunted for lillith and last time Terror needed a break, Eve trapped her in a dream, putting Lillith in a coma.


During a multiversal adventure, Lillith met Eve's adult counterpart, a strong and ambiguously moral telekinetic who worked for the evil Emperor Lao. Alternate Lillith was the one who drowned in that world. Alt Eve followed Lillth home and later replaced child Eve as ruler of the dream world.


I planned on Mad Angus reverting to his super-villianry in order to procure a spell to make Lillith immortal. He doesn't age and can't bear to watch her grow old and die. I wanted the team (including Lillith) to investigate weird robberies around town and find the culprit was Angus, pressured into working for the shadowy mage known only as the Venetian.


Angus had skipped out on his responsibilities as heir, including a betrothal to his cousin Moire. She's out to get Lillith & friends and bring home Angus.


I have a sneaky idea now...

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Re: My favorite player ain't coming back


My sympathies - always a shame to lose a good player.


As far as her character goes - why not simply have her disappear? Strange things always happen when the fae are involved, so you could have the court suddenly not refer to her, not mention her name, or even pretend to not remember her. She suddenly becomes a "nonperson" in a sense. Or, they could even not be pretending; their memories could have been erased, or the timeline may be altered. You could leave it hanging as a major mystery for as long as it takes you to figure out how to resolve it (by which time the other PCs will start to notice gaps in their own memories of her?). You could make it to look like she simply up and left one day, leaving all her stuff behind, or it could be as if she never existed.

GMs should never close doors, especially one which may or may not ever open....

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