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Spell Fu!

Guest WhammeWhamme

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Interesting Idea I had:


I was toying with a build for a PC like Salem (from Sabrina); a powerful Warlock turned into a cat who thus lost their powers (in this character's case, he still kept some).


To simulate that although he no longer wields earth shattering power (and is, in fact, objectively as powerful as apprentice), I thought of giving him ranged martial arts with his magic.


Now, an experienced Archmage would likely have both a high base power level AND a large degree of skill with their powers... and the art would be something like was taught in Dueling Class in Harry Potter II.



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Re: Spell Fu!


While Ranged Martial Arts would indeed go a ways towards equalizing the former archmage and his current opponents, you might want to add in Missile Deflection and/or Reflection to show his greater skills in manipulating mystic power, whether he can currently generate it or not. A small but broadly advantaged Succor or Aid might also work to show how he's going to wring every last drop of juju out of a specific spell. You might also give him some Dispel of a higher DC than expected due to his precision in unravelling the spells of others. Kitting him out with assorted magic-augmenting items might also work, as those high-order mages tend to accumulate artifacts and relics. Even if he hadn't bothered to buy them previously, there's no reason he couldn't carry one or two around now given his currently lowered power and available character points.

Lightning Reflexes vs other spellcasters due to his familiarity with magic combat sounds useful.

Perhaps a Dex Aid based on Analyze: Magic to show how he's effectively outmaneuvering the target.

Then there's the idea of loaning your skill to someone with the opposing problem. Buying Usable by Others on your Magic skill roll or just buying some Aid to their Magic skill, incantations a must as you keep up a stream of advice.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Spell Fu!


First, just to clarify:


The idea is a character concepted as having been turned more or less permanently into a cat. They've probably been stuck that way for a while, and it would be a resolution of a major plotline to cure them, as "I'm a cat!" is a large portion of the concept.


To elaborate a bit... "You know the superstitions about black cats crossing your path? I jump started that one when I was stalking a guy who pissed me off. Cats have nine lives? Actually, I've survived death a bit more than that, but I think nine was just a nice number for story. Puss in Boots? Yeah, seven league boots REALLY put crotch strain on a cat. Cats are evil sould sucking beasts who crush your chest in your sleep? Uhm... that's my cousin, who also got turned into a cat, actually. Witches familiars though? That's me, always trying to nurture the younger generation... yes, I *am* _the_ archetpyal black cat... although I did spend a week in disguise as a white cat to infiltrate an archnemesies lair... started a trend for white, nearly hairless cats amongst villains that week, I did.


Oh, fine. Thomas Kattz. Lost a duel to a Warlock who knew about all my resurrective countermeasures. Bastid managed to do an end run around the whole thing by hitting me with a supposedly "beneficial" spell... too bad I can't use a wand, or make potions, or gesture very well now, isn't it?"



He's not an Archmage (and never was), but he's probably experienced enough to handle the post by now, if he ever gets back to human form.



Artifacts and relics are an interesting idea, but the idea was to have him be at a diminished power level, so I'm just going to assume that for various reasons he's had trouble either getting, or retaining, them.


Still. Excellent suggestions those are.

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Re: Spell Fu!


Oh... and Weapons Elements? How' date=' exactly, would that work with innate powers? (Not finding anything in tUMA)[/quote']

I wouldn't sweat the Weapon Element part too much, since you are going with a ranged Martial Art. It would only be relavent if you wanted him to be able to use the Martial Art with guns or something simillar. Otherwise define the default as being "Magic Spells" and don't allow him to buy any other Weapon Elements.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Spell Fu!


I wouldn't sweat the Weapon Element part too much' date=' since you are going with a ranged Martial Art. It would only be relavent if you wanted him to be able to use the Martial Art with guns or something simillar. Otherwise define the default as being "Magic Spells" and don't allow him to buy any other Weapon Elements.[/quote']


That was the problem:


Spells are not a Weapons Group, and Ranged Martial Arts are by default applied to a group. :(

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Re: Spell Fu!


Here's my pass at this...


Arcane Combat Martial Arts

For millenia spellcasters have developed tricks to give them an edge when dealing with more powerful spellslingers. A number of abilities have become useful in magic duels. From increased accuracy with ranged spells to zapping an artifact from the clutches of an enemy to precision placing of minor evocations to deprive a rival mage the ability to speak arcane words of power, the Arcane Martial Artist can use improved accuracy and discipline to win battles against more experienced foes.


Arcane Combat Martial Arts

4 1) Quick Shot: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +0, Strike, +2 DC

4 2) Basic Shot: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +2, Strike, +2 DC

4 3) Offensive Shot: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +0, Strike, +4 DC

4 4) Butterfingers: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +0, Disarm, +3 DC to Disarm

4 5) Watch Your Footing: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +2, v/5, Target Falls

4 6) Silencer: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Range +0, 1D6 Flash v. Speech

0 7) Weapon Element: Spells

24 Total Martial Arts Cost

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Re: Spell Fu!


That was the problem:


Spells are not a Weapons Group, and Ranged Martial Arts are by default applied to a group. :(

Ok, take a look at Zero Gravity Combat on UMA page 87. Does "Gravity" sound like a weapon group to you? I know that is really the only obvious example where weapon elements are applied for something that isn't clearly a "weapon".


Most of the GMs I know fall into one of three stances:


No powers with MAs of any sort unless it has a weapon SFX or is just extra STR. You couldn't use claws, extra limbs, or what have you.


Powers can be used with appropriate MA moves at no cost. A character with claws could use them with certain appropriate moves and styles.


Powers grouped by some aspect of SFX are allowed as either a base for a unique MA or as an added on Weapon Element.


As a GM if I were allowing Martial Arts in the character's campaign, I would consider it. I'm just not 100% convince that I would find it the most satisfying build for one of my games.


Edit: Just remembered "Red in Tooth and Claw" that uses the "Natural Weapons Group". I really think this pretty clearly falls into the "GM's Call" arena.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Spell Fu!


Ok, take a look at Zero Gravity Combat on UMA page 87. Does "Gravity" sound like a weapon group to you? I know that is really the only obvious example where weapon elements are applied for something that isn't clearly a "weapon".


Most of the GMs I know fall into one of three stances:


No powers with MAs of any sort unless it has a weapon SFX or is just extra STR. You couldn't use claws, extra limbs, or what have you.


Powers can be used with appropriate MA moves at no cost. A character with claws could use them with certain appropriate moves and styles.


Powers grouped by some aspect of SFX are allowed as either a base for a unique MA or as an added on Weapon Element.


As a GM if I were allowing Martial Arts in the character's campaign, I would consider it. I'm just not 100% convince that I would find it the most satisfying build for one of my games.


Edit: Just remembered "Red in Tooth and Claw" that uses the "Natural Weapons Group". I really think this pretty clearly falls into the "GM's Call" arena.


Hm. And Razor Dancing has 'hand claws' as one of it's base options.


Okay, I'm sold.


Now... that raises the question of what spells you would allow to use Martial Arts on. Straight EB/RKA damage is a given... but what about advantages?







And other damaging powers, too... hrm. This sounds like a job for House Rule Man!

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Re: Spell Fu!


Hm. And Razor Dancing has 'hand claws' as one of it's base options.


Okay, I'm sold.


Now... that raises the question of what spells you would allow to use Martial Arts on. Straight EB/RKA damage is a given... but what about advantages?







And other damaging powers, too... hrm. This sounds like a job for House Rule Man!

I might be a little more generous with what base powers that I’d let work with this (tk, ranged drains, transforms) in terms of CV modifiers, but I might stay stingy on the damage issue.


As for advantages I’d stay focused on that everything stayed within my campaign limits once I modified the DCs for the combination of maneuver + power + advantages.

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Re: Spell Fu!


I would be most concerned about Damage Classes on the Martial Art. By limiting the number of DCs they could take, you would minimize Advantage abuse. In fact, I Think it would be entirely acceptable to allow no DCs for Arcane Martial Arts Styles.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Spell Fu!


I wouldn't necessarily bother with a Martial Art. The super-experienced guy could be well-represented by things like lots of levels' date=' missile deflection/reflection vs magic, and find weakness.[/quote']


Find Weakness is an interesting idea, especially since a blaster type can just take the half phase while standing there to find it... but apart from that, there's no real way to get the damage you'd need, and Find Weakness is pretty expensive if you want it to be reliable (range modifiers? Ugh).


I mean, it would obviously be a perfectly clean build to just have the extra active points of attack powers... in fact, it would probably be cheaper for the character as written up as of now... but I really like the idea of skill being a Skill.




And a character for review, using Arcane Fu (or my version thereof, at least)




AKA: Thomas Kattz



-5 STR 5

39 DEX 23

16 CON 18

-8 BOD 6

13 INT 23

8 EGO 14

15 PRE 25

5 COM 20

7 PD 8

4 ED 8

17 SPD 5

2 REC 6

0 END 36

0 STN 18




5 Cat's Eyes: Enhanced Sense: Ultraviolet Vision

5 Eternal: Life Support: Immune to Aging

3 Keen Senses: Enhanced Sense: +1 to Perception Rolls

47 Minor Magic: 30 point Power Pool, 0 Phase to Change, Adding Powers to the VPP List Requires


a Skill Roll (-¼), All Powers Require a Skill Roll (-½)




Martial Art: Wizard Fencing

4 Called Spell: 8, 12, +0, Disarm, +25 Strength to Roll

4 Empowered Spell: 7, 10, +0, Spell +6 DC Strike

4 Evade: -, 17, DOdge All Attacks, Abort

5 Long Distance Spell: 9, 11, +4, Spell Strike, Takes an Extra Segment

4 Quickened Spell: 9, 12, +0, Spell +4 DC Strike

8 +2 Extra Damage Classes




3 Analyze: Magic 14-

3 Breakfall 14-

20 Combat Skill Levels: +4 with DCV

3 Climbing 14-

2 Concealment 14-, Self Only

3 Conversation 14-

3 Deduction 14-

3 High Society 14-

3 Linguist

3 Language: German (idiomatic)

1 Language: Greek (fluent conversation)

1 Language: Latin (fluent conversation)

1 Language: Sanskrit (fluent conversation)

3 Navigation (Astral, Dimensional) 14-

3 Oratory 14-

3 Paramedics 14-

3 Persuasion 14-

3 Scholar

2 KS: Ancient Lore (3 Active Points) 14-

2 KS: Demonology (3 Active Points) 14-

2 KS: Magicians (3 Active Points) 14-

2 KS: Mythology (3 Active Points) 14-

3 KS: Occult Lore (4 Active Points) 15-

3 KS: Occult World (4 Active Points) 15-

19 Sorcery 22-

3 Spell Research 14-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Tactics 14-

3 Traveler

1 AK: Astral Plane (2 Active Points) 11-

1 AK: Mystic Places (2 Active Points) 11-

1 AK: Outer Planes (2 Active Points) 11-

30 +3 Overall




10 DNPC: Apprentice (Normal) 8-

15 Hunted: Archnemesis (As Powerful, NCI) 8-

5 Physical Limitation: Allergic to Other Cats (Infrequent, Slightly)

15 Physical Limitation: Clumsy Hands (Frequently, Greatly)

10 Physical Limitation: Dietary Restriction - Carnivorous (Frequently, Slightly)

10 Physical Limitation: Tiny (Infrequently, Greatly)

10 Psychological Limitation: Aloof and Superior (Common. Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Compulsively Sarcastic (Common. Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Fastidious (Common. Moderate)

20 Psychological Limitation: Gentleman's Code of Conduct (Common, Total)

5 Reputation: Gentlemanly Warlock with more knowledge than power 8-

15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)

15 Social Limitation: Talking Animal (Very Frequently, Minor)



"You know the superstitions about black cats crossing your path? I jump started that one when I was stalking a guy who pissed me off. Cats have nine lives? Actually, I've survived death a bit more than that, but I think nine was just a nice number for story. Puss in Boots? Yeah, seven league boots REALLY put crotch strain on a cat. Cats are evil sould sucking beasts who crush your chest in your sleep? Uhm... that's my cousin, who also got turned into a cat, actually. Witches familiars though? That's me, always trying to nurture the younger generation... yes, I *am* _the_ archetpyal black cat... although I did spend a week in disguise as a white cat to infiltrate an archnemesies lair... started a trend for white, nearly hairless cats amongst villains that week.


Oh, fine. Thomas Kattz. Lost a duel to a fellow Warlock who knew about all my resurrective countermeasures. He managed to do an end run around the whole thing by hitting me with a supposedly "beneficial" spell... too bad I can't use a wand, or make potions, or gesture very well now, isn't it?"





Well... Charm tends to be somewhat arrogant, as he considers his current predicament to just be mere ill fortune, and thus considers himself deserving of the respect the Archmage he would likely be if not for his condition... on the other hand, he is a perfect Gentleman, and is thus rarely rude about it.

He largely disregards the fact that he is stuck as a cat. It just doesn't factor largely into his thinking, being a mere temporary aberration. He does, however, remember how much his power has been diminished, and so forth; he is Very Superior, not an idiot.

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Re: Spell Fu!


That's a pretty cool character.


In my FH game I have a martial arts for magic, and this is how I run things.

I have certains "spell groups" a la weapons groups, and the same for weapon elements. Not to difficult to do.


On offensive spells, I run the spell as if it were a weapon - Full DCs to normal, half to Killing. 1 DCs add +5 active points to other offisive powers (NND, Flash, AVLD, Drains ect).


On other spells it is a case by case basis. In general - the active points adds like the offensive, but at half rate, so a +2 DC manuever would add +5 points to a FF spell or to a "blur" spell that increases DCV - so in these cases a haymaker like manuever works well, take a few extra seconds and concentrate really hard to cast a spell, and you get greater power.


I have in game reigns to keep this from being common - the place you can learn such things is a special school, and they require a certain powerlevel and skill with magic, so it is often considered the "archmage art".


So far it has added great flavor and color, and lets a player that has it have a special niche when the group has multiple spellcasters. :)

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Re: Spell Fu!


Interesting Idea I had:


I was toying with a build for a PC like Salem (from Sabrina); a powerful Warlock turned into a cat who thus lost their powers (in this character's case, he still kept some).


To simulate that although he no longer wields earth shattering power (and is, in fact, objectively as powerful as apprentice), I thought of giving him ranged martial arts with his magic.


Now, an experienced Archmage would likely have both a high base power level AND a large degree of skill with their powers... and the art would be something like was taught in Dueling Class in Harry Potter II.






Martial Arts TK-jutsu

Weapons Element TK





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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Spell Fu!


His last name is Kattz? thats almost silly enough to be funny.


Yes, yes it is. I kinda like the genre convention that names of the Secret ID sometimes harken to the powers of the hero/villain...


...and I'm easily amused, and thus find it hilarious.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Spell Fu!


A great idea looks like a fun character to play.




Now to find a game to play him in...


(sometimes you just have an idea that you _have_ to stat up. :))

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