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Creating the Silver Age Team


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I want to comme up with some teams for the ages of my world and right now I'm looking at the Silver Age. Wanting to be a little sterotypical (basing them on the JLA and the Avengers), I have right now:


1. Doctor Atom (yeah, I HATE the name but Atom Smasher seems too violent): the nuclear man of tommorow! One of earth's most powerful and noble heroes who gained his abilities through his experiments into harnessing the power of the atom for the good of all! He fills the Superman role, paragon of virtue, and the nuclear/science angle in many Silver Age stories.


2. Athena: warrior woman of wisdom with grace, beauty, and one heck of a right hook. Clad in the ancient armor and armanents of Greece, this goddess returns to a world that sorely needs her guidance and power. Basically a homage to Wonder Woman/Winged Victory. Also, gods showed up on a few Marvel teams (Thor, Hercules, and Venus).


3. Silver Archer: pretty self-explanatory and comes with the hotshot bravado to mask insecurity at being the normal man on a team that can shake the earth and tear down the heavens.


4. Bluebolt: second generation speedster.. because every team needs a speedster (Flash of the JLA and Quicksilver of the Avengers).


5. Hornet: a man of science whose experiments drew the attention of Commie spies! Left for dead in a bath of his serums of insect extracts (hey, it worked in the Silver Age), he gains the ability to shrink down to hornet size, fly, and generate bio-stings. Again, a man of science who shrinkers (Atom, Antman) have been on Silver Age teams. Communist spies were pretty popular advesaries in Marvel Comics.


That's it for now. I'd like a cosmic type hero since the space warrior/guardian/sentinel/knight as popular back then too. I already have a GL homage though in the modern age though (Star Knight). Maybe an alien warrior gifted with powers and cosmic awareness, kind a cross between the responsibilities of Captain Mar-Vell and Green Latern with the outsider status of a Martian Manhunter.


Other possibilities (but not as essential):

1. Tyr: Norse god of justice. A tie in to the Silver Knights but the god position is kinda filled.


2. Oynx: normal archealogist who gains the powers of an avatar of Bast, the Egyptian goddess whose symbol is the cat.


Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Thanks!

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


I think you did a god job of covering some major archetypes. I love the name Doctor Atom- very Silver Agey, and not that bad for modern day either. Athena needs a new name. Perhaps think outside of the warrior box. Moondragon, Medusa, Dream Girl, lots of sort of interesting names out there for powerful women. Also, in the late 50's and early 60's, it was not generally accepted than female super-heroes were as good as the men. Giving your super-woman a "weaker" name would be OK genre-wise (without of course dampening her power level). Big Bang Comics used Thunder Girl in the 60's, and prior to that, Venus the Goddess of Love and Laughter as their main female characters. Both were nearly as powerful as Ultiman, their big gun, but were considered "softer" by writers and fans alike due to their femininity.


(And yes, I know Big Bang never actually pubished in the 50's and 60s... but they've got a fine homage universe that I love to mine for new material for older genres.)

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Guest Lollygagger

Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


1. Doctor Atom (yeah' date=' I HATE the name but Atom Smasher seems too violent): the nuclear man of tommorow! One of earth's most powerful and noble heroes who gained his abilities through his experiments into harnessing the power of the atom for the good of all! He fills the Superman role, paragon of virtue, and the nuclear/science angle in many Silver Age stories.[/quote']


Call him Doctor Atomic. It just sounds better.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


As soon as you mentioned Silver Age and "cosmic character," I immediately thought of someone from the great multi-statted SA supers supplement Omlevex from Z-Man Games; specifically, Omega Max, the Blue Beam! A scientist who developed a powerful cosmic disc capable of carrying him to the stars, Max's planet was devastated by the awesome Grunn, Bridger of a Thousand Worlds!. The Blue Beam escaped his world's destruction and now wanders space.


If you're not familiar with it, here's where you can read and view more about Omlevex: http://www.spectrum-games.com/omlevex/


Here's a picture of Omega Max than Z-Man publisher Cynthia Celeste Miller posted to the boards: http://www.herogames.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=2627&d=1072275224

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


What about a Magician...? Mages were some of the very first Supers...


For a Cosmic Entity, perhaps someone who is a Cosmic Avatar...? The idea is that the Universe as a whole is Sentient, and creates Avatars of itself to take a hand in things on a smaller scale... If Supers are becoming more prevalent on Earth, this could draw the attention of the Universal Collective to the point of them creating an Avatar for Earth...


Once created, he or she could draw from the reserves of the Collective, although sometimes the Avatar would space out, as the Collective calls upon him or her in return... But oh, the power the Avatar can bring to bear, when he or she isn't distracted...

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


I think you did a god job of covering some major archetypes. I love the name Doctor Atom- very Silver Agey, and not that bad for modern day either. Athena needs a new name. Perhaps think outside of the warrior box. Moondragon, Medusa, Dream Girl, lots of sort of interesting names out there for powerful women. Also, in the late 50's and early 60's, it was not generally accepted than female super-heroes were as good as the men. Giving your super-woman a "weaker" name would be OK genre-wise (without of course dampening her power level). Big Bang Comics used Thunder Girl in the 60's, and prior to that, Venus the Goddess of Love and Laughter as their main female characters. Both were nearly as powerful as Ultiman, their big gun, but were considered "softer" by writers and fans alike due to their femininity.


(And yes, I know Big Bang never actually pubished in the 50's and 60s... but they've got a fine homage universe that I love to mine for new material for older genres.)

A new name for a warior woman type ? How about "Bellatrix" (the constellation otherwise known as "the Amazon") or "Bellona" the Roman godess of war ?
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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Some very good ideas so far, thanks!


Regarding Athena, I like the idea of using the goddess or at least an avatar of her. Hmm... maybe I could make her an avatar of sorts: a young woman can call upon the power of Athena to gain her wisdom and power kinda like Billy Batson and Captain Marvel. By having her being a normal girl, you lose some of those war-like aspects. Also, ditch the sword and armor (make it more of a bronze age thing). Also, might change the name to Minerva (the Merciful?) since Wonder Woman used to always say "Merciful Minerva!"


Regarding the cosmic stuff, I still haven't come across a decent cosmic cop yet (since I already have a GL analogue and I don't want that appearing until modern times) but I did think of a decent alien type. On his world, he was a man of peace but an evil general subverted the government and exiled his chief opponent. His exile was supposed to be a death sentence (ie rocket ship to the sun) but instead he was contacted by a cosmic power who would spare him and grant him powers in exchange for going to where he was most needed.


This being (perhaps the sentient spirit of his sun) granted him star-like powers (energy blasts, density increase to mimic a white dwarf, desolidifcation by mimicking plasma (yet it doesn't burn... wierd), illusion powers via light control and gravity manipulation. On Earth now this powerful being with many powers (and going by the generic name Alan Smithee) tries to learn to live among these strange beings. I don't have a name yet but probably something like his semi-inspiration of Martian Manhunter or the Vision in that it's less about his powers and more about his alien nature.


A magician is a good idea but can't come up with a decent one right now. Only Silver Age mage I can think of Zatanna (and Scarlet Witch to a lesser extent although she was a mutant). Might be a decent additional female character who is more the seductress compared to the more "morally upright" Minerva.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Hm... on second thought, I might make the guy with solar-like powers more of a GL type (perhaps empowered by the forces of the universe) and just come up with something else for the MM/Vision homage/rip-off. Might call him the Stranger or something... need some cool powers though that are kinda out there.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Good stuff, Powerhouse. I particularly like Athena cause you've combined two chars - Wonder Woman and Thor - much as Omlevex's Omega Max seems to be a combo of Adam Strange and Silver Surfer.


Here's a list of Silver Age 'bits' you may want to include (some u already have ofc):



>>Female – Batgirl, Batwoman, Supergirl

>>Sidekicks – Teen Titans

>>Groupie - Bat-mite

Teenagers – Legion of Super-heroes, Spider-man, X-Men, Teen Titans, Dial ‘H’ for Hero

Aliens – Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Brainiac, Skrulls

Outcasts/Outsiders – Doom Patrol, Metal Men, X-Men

Explorers – Challengers of the Unknown, Fantastic Four

Golden Age connection - Captain America, Human Torch, Earth 1/2, Zatanna

Feared & hated heroes

Commie villains

Gorillas, usually villains


Secret agents

Half-monster/half-hero – Hulk, Thing, Bizarros

Evil versions of a hero – Abomination, Leader, Sinestro

Comedy imps/pranksters - Mr Mxyzptlk, Bat-Mite, Impossible Man

All the powers of a hero team – Amazo, Super Skrull

Absorbers – Absorbing Man, Parasite

Stretchers – Mr. Fantastic, Elongated Man

Shrinkers – Atom, Antman, Wasp

Super-couples – Reed & Sue, Antman & Wasp

Speedsters – Flash, Quicksilver

Weapon Masters/Archers – Hawkeye, Green Arrow, Captain Boomerang

Shapeshifters – Skrulls, Martian Manhunter, Metamorpho

Robot constructed by superhero turns against humanity – Computo, Ultron


Single gadget/schtick villains – Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Pied Piper, Captain Boomerang

Superheroes with really dumb powers – Matter-Eater Lad, Stone Boy

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


1. Doctor Atom (yeah, I HATE the name but Atom Smasher seems too violent): the nuclear man of tommorow! One of earth's most powerful and noble heroes who gained his abilities through his experiments into harnessing the power of the atom for the good of all! He fills the Superman role, paragon of virtue, and the nuclear/science angle in many Silver Age stories.


I depends the kind of Silver Age you wish to coiver. If it's the diehard 50s DC, Dr. is fine. If you want the more serious '60s Marvel, the Dcotr suffix is a bit too cheesy. As a fan of the latter and, I would suggest Atom Master (especially if the character is an hybrid concept with energy projector, matter amnipulation, or telekinetic abilities in addition to the classic Superman.like brick set), or Omega Man.


2. Athena: warrior woman of wisdom with grace, beauty, and one heck of a right hook. Clad in the ancient armor and armanents of Greece, this goddess returns to a world that sorely needs her guidance and power. Basically a homage to Wonder Woman/Winged Victory. Also, gods showed up on a few Marvel teams (Thor, Hercules, and Venus).


IMO Athena, Minerva, Victrix are all good.


I generally don't fancy weapon master, "running" speedsters, and shrinkers, so I decline out of lack of inspiration.


That's it for now. I'd like a cosmic type hero since the space warrior/guardian/sentinel/knight as popular back then too. I already have a GL homage though in the modern age though (Star Knight). Maybe an alien warrior gifted with powers and cosmic awareness, kind a cross between the responsibilities of Captain Mar-Vell and Green Latern with the outsider status of a Martian Manhunter.


Hmm what about Solarus ?? I'd suggest some kind of Beta Ray Bill origin... character is the last scion of noble peaceful advanced race who was forced to rediscover war by the onslaught of imperalistic alien empire/Galactus-like maddened Space God/the local breakthrough in reality of extradimensional demons: a seclection of their best citizins was chosen and bestowed superpowers, they fought bravely but for all their courage they proven unable to the task, character was the last survivor, he plunged for suicidal strike/fled in an attewmpt to warn other civilizations/tried all-ornothing attack with experimental tech/ritual, but something mulfiunctioned (or was it destiny?) or he was plunged headfirst in the heart of the universe/the beasic cosmic lattice groundwork that sustains all reality/the naked strem of time and empowered with Power CosmicTM. I would suggest a similar powerset to Omega Man (kind of like Superman/Martian Manhunter dynamic), a mix of brick/energy projector/mentalist, but with the a twist either the mornful and survivor guilt complex demeanor and a more rugged warrior mentality to contrast Omega Man optimism and idealism. He would be your Silver Surfer/Beta Ray Bill/MM niche.


Other possibilities (but not as essential):

1. Tyr: Norse god of justice. A tie in to the Silver Knights but the god position is kinda filled.


Hmm, this would be maybe a bit too bronze age (but OTOH, Hercules was Silver Age). What about a very masculine divine avatar figure from Celtic mythology, to contrast with (and subtly hit on, if players are willings to RP it) Athena. I suggest either Cerumnos (god of the hunt and of nature: brick powers, shapeshifting, possibly with an animal motif, or "animal magnetism" super-charisma) or Lug (solar god, and "good at everything": brick/solar energy projector, healing powers, jack-of-all-trades ability, super-charisma).


2. Oynx: normal archealogist who gains the powers of an avatar of Bast, the Egyptian goddess whose symbol is the cat.


Either Bast, or Isis. Your magician niche, a more seductive female character to contrast with the upright Athena.


Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Thanks!


Hope thiese humble suggestions are useful.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Cosmos: Designed to be the Ultimate Weapon in an eons -old Intergalactic War, Cosmos had one flaw: a conscience instilled in him by his "mother" bio-roboticist Gora Rao. Unwilling to use the vast cosmic power contained in his humanoid frame to destroy "enemy planets", he fled his galaxy to find a place where he could live in peace, a small backwater the natives call "Dirt" or "Earth".

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


And don't forget Jack Kirby's The New Gods... wonderful stuff there melding science with a pantheon of gods. And the Eternals from Marvel' date=' which is something similar.[/quote']


Yup. "Young bored/idealistic/thrillseeking member of immortal hidden offshoot of mankind with cosmic superpowers, trying an hand at this superheroing stuff" is always a nifty and readily available background for such a concept. Marvel's Eternals (and CU's Empyreans) are the obvious references here. Pick the basic Empyrean template, 2-3 typical Empyrean power templates, and you have the skeleton of your character, to customize as you see fit.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Some very good ideas so far, thanks!


Regarding Athena, I like the idea of using the goddess or at least an avatar of her. Hmm... maybe I could make her an avatar of sorts: a young woman can call upon the power of Athena to gain her wisdom and power kinda like Billy Batson and Captain Marvel. By having her being a normal girl, you lose some of those war-like aspects. Also, ditch the sword and armor (make it more of a bronze age thing). Also, might change the name to Minerva (the Merciful?) since Wonder Woman used to always say "Merciful Minerva!"


I love this idea. Making a Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman homage in one!~

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Minor update:


First of all, thanks everyone for your advice and I look foward to more!


A new, tentative line up for the Sentinels of Justice:


1. Doctor Atomic, the Nuclear Wonder! A humble scientist becomes endowed with incredible nuclear abilities to make him one of the most powerful beings on the planet. Fortunately, his sense of nobility points him to the path of right and service. A Superman clone with some tweaks, especially the 750 pt version


2. Minerva (the Merciful): a high school girl is empowered by the ancient Greek goddess to bring justice and wisdom to the world. When she chants the ancient pray, she becomes the goddess on earth with enough strenght to lift tanks, the combat skills of ancient Greece, and the wisdom of the ages! A bit of a Thor/Wonder Woman/Captain Marvel homage.


3. Glamour: a bored British lady, she sought excitement by studying with her eccentric uncle. Too late did she discovere his links with the occult. After escaping from the cult (and dealing it a major blow), she now battles evil and protects this dimension from threats. Although the seductive lass is flirty, even with the villains, never underestimate her resolve. Her powers center around charms and illusions. A bit of Zatanna but even more charming. ;)


4. Solaris (*cough* name change *cough*): known to be almost fearless, this astronaut volunteered to be the first man to visit the inner planets (yeah, it's weak... I'll work on it). Sabotage by Communist spies caused his ship to slowly spiral into the sun. He should have died but instead an unknown force gave the choice to become the Guardian of the Galaxy. Accepting, Solaris was born with the powers of the sun itself! Able to generate intense solar radiation, manipulate gravity, and alter his density, this new protector patrols the cosmic spaceways! Basically the team's GL.


5. The Stranger: on a planet far away, hungry eyes look upon earth. This race of shape-shifters infiltrated earth and attempted to take it over. They would have succeeded had not one of its own warned the heroes of Earth. He paid a terrible price though: exile from his home and family. On Earth he must now stay and learn. His powers include super strength and durability as well as the ability to shift into a variety of "war shapes" to make him incredible versitale. A combination of the Martian Manhunter and the Vision. He might turn later in the invasion and lead the fight back to his people, kinda like how Vision turned on Ulton.


6. Hornet: insect powers: shrinking, flight, energy blasts with chemistry skills: Atom/Henry Pym.


7. Silver Archer: same as before, ie no powers except for his skill and feels kinda insecure among such powerful beings but he soldiers on with bravado. Needs work. Gee... who could THIS be based on?


8. Blue Bolt: second generation speedster. Nothing else right now. And yeah, think Flash or Quicksilver.


Other possibilities:

1. Tyr: Norse god of justice and law

2. Oynx: archaelogist with the power of Bast

3. Nightingale: singer with super human voice (and later artificial wings)

4. Johnny Adventure! An overconfident and omnicompetent human


I might not use Tyr and Onyx since we already have a "god" slot filled with Minerva. I really like them though and they have long histories stretching back to the Golden Age so it's possible that they might have been on the Sentinels. Nightingale I like since she goes from being a girlfriend to one of the modern age's most prominent, skilled, and respected supers. She might be a bit more bronze age but it gets tough to tell since time gets all funky in comics.


Again, I look foward to comments and suggestions. Also, I am still considering stuff that has already been posted so this is all in flux.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Here's the first version of the 750 pts Doctor Atomic (it's fun going from 350 to 750 pts!). He's REALLY powerful but then again he is intended to be like Superman.


Doctor Atomic




Val Char Cost

75 STR 65

23 DEX 39

35 CON 50

17 BODY 14

23 INT 13

20 EGO 20

25 PRE 15

14 COM 2


35 PD 20

35 ED 28

5 SPD 17

22 REC 0

70 END 0

73 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

15" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 283


Cost Power

80 Atomic Powers: Multipower, 80-point reserve

8u 1) Atomic Blast: Energy Blast 16d6 (80 Active Points)

8u 2) Atomic Drain: Drain CON 5d6+1, Ranged (+1/2) (79 Active Points)

7u 3) Atomic Field: Drain CON 3 1/2d6, Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (70 Active Points)

7u 4) Atomic Shield: Drain CON 2 1/2d6, Damage Shield (+1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (75 Active Points)

4u 5) Atomic Powered Punch: Energy Blast 8 1/2d6, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/2"; +1/2) (75 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only affects grounded targets; -1/4), Gestures (Must punch ground; -1/4)

5u 6) Induce Radioactivity: Major Transform 4d6, Improved Target Group (Any radioactive material; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Requires A Science Skill: Nuclear Physics Roll (-1/2)

3u 7) Transmutation: Major Transform 2 1/2d6, Improved Target Group (One element into another; +1) (80 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), Requires A Science Skill: Nuclear Physics Roll (-1/2)

3u 8) Atomic Powering: Succor END 16d6 (80 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (Only to nuclear powered devices; -1 1/2)

50 Atomic Flight: Multipower, 50-point reserve

5u 1) Atomic Flight: Flight 25" (50 Active Points)

2u 2) Atomic Flight Overdrive: Flight 10", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (25 Active Points)

44 Atomic Fission: Duplication (creates 600-point form) (120 Active Points); Limited Power Can be used only once a day for a total of ten minutes (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Side Effects (Reduces Atomics Powers Multipower and STR by 15 active points; -1/4)

30 Atomic Hardened Skin: Damage Resistance (30 PD/30 ED)

17 Atomic Hardened Skin: PD and ED Hardened (17 Active Points)

30 Radiation Resistance: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%, Limited Power Not against Argonite (+0) (60 Active Points); Limited Power Only against Radiation (-1)

22 Atomic Powered Physiology: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing)

10 Radiation Resistance: Power Defense (20 points) (20 Active Points); Limited Power Only against radiation attacks (-1)

18 Radiation Sense: Detect Radiation 14- (No Sense Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Range

Powers Cost: 353



Cost Skill

3 Computer Programming 14-

3 Conversation 14-

3 Criminology 14-

3 Electronics 14-

3 KS: Superhuman World 14-

3 Oratory 14-

3 Paramedics 14-

3 Persuasion 14-

3 Tactics 14-

3 Teamwork 14-

3 Scientist

3 1) SS: Nuclear Physics 15- (4 Active Points)

2 2) SS: Physics 14- (3 Active Points)

2 3) SS: SubATomic Physics 14- (3 Active Points)

9 +3 punch, grab, or haymaker

12 +4 with Atomic Powers

Skills Cost: 61


Cost Perk

12 Reputation: Popular Superhero (A large group) 14-, +4/+4d6

3 Well-Connected

25 25 pts spent on Contacts

5 Fringe Benefit: International Police Powers

5 Fringe Benefit: Membership: Sentinels of Justice

Perks Cost: 50


Cost Talent

3 Lightning Calculator

Talents Cost: 3


Total Character Cost: 750


Pts. Disadvantage

25 Susceptibility: Argonite, 3d6 damage per Phase (Uncommon)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code of the Hero (Very Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Tries to outthink normal opponents rather than hurt them (Common, Moderate)

15 Hunted: The Mad Doctor Murdock 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: Nuclear Nightmare 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: Rogue's Gallery 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Dependent NPC: Scientist Girlfriend 11- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills)

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)

15 Reputation: Heroic Superhero who will help anyone, 14-

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 400

Total Experience Available: 400

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Cool Character.


Quick question:

44 Atomic Fission: Duplication (creates 600-point form) (120 Active Points); Limited Power Can be used only once a day for a total of ten minutes (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Side Effects (Reduces Atomics Powers Multipower and STR by 15 active points; -1/4)


Wouldn't this be Costs Endurance (-1/2; Costs End during entire time); 1 CC (5 minutes = -3/4; or 20 minues = -1/2)? [same total limitation, just using the rules that are already there]


Also, rather than the side effect, why don't you just buy 15 Strength with the limitation Not while duplicated (-1/4)?


Finally, is the duplicate supposed to be an accurate duplicate? If so, don't you need to up the total number of points in the form to 710 (750 less the cost of duplication)?


I look forward to seeing the rest of the write ups.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Cool Character.




Quick question:

44 Atomic Fission: Duplication (creates 600-point form) (120 Active Points); Limited Power Can be used only once a day for a total of ten minutes (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Side Effects (Reduces Atomics Powers Multipower and STR by 15 active points; -1/4)


Wouldn't this be Costs Endurance (-1/2; Costs End during entire time); 1 CC (5 minutes = -3/4; or 20 minues = -1/2)? [same total limitation, just using the rules that are already there]


Good idea, thanks! It's more elegant and matches what I thought before in that he doesn't fission too often since it's draining. I though that burn END every phase was kinda much though so let me look into shifting down the time chart (I didn't know you could do that!)


Also, rather than the side effect, why don't you just buy 15 Strength with the limitation Not while duplicated (-1/4)?


Or more accurately, that with the MP. That could work. Let me think about it. Thanks. It does seem like it would work better.


Finally, is the duplicate supposed to be an accurate duplicate? If so, don't you need to up the total number of points in the form to 710 (750 less the cost of duplication)?


True dat. I was building him up from 350 pts and kept adding stuff. One problem is trying to figure out how powerful I want him to be although if he's this world's superman, it should be pretty high. He still can't go one on one with Dr. D but then again I wouldn't have Dr. D be THAT powerful anyway. So I'm trying to decide total power levels (between 600-750 pts)


I look forward to seeing the rest of the write ups.


Thank you. I hope that I do not dissapoint.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Here's another character: Glamour. I included a brief history and personality. As before, it's all kinda first draft so comments as always are appreciated. Glamour is basically a sorceroress specializing in illusion. I hoped that the mystical angle and treatment of the character (a little vain and flighty) is Silver Age enough.






Val Char Cost

10 STR 0

23 DEX 39

20 CON 20

10 BODY 0

18 INT 8

23 EGO 26

20 PRE 10

24 COM 7


5 PD 3

5 ED 1

5 SPD 17

6 REC 0

42 END 1

26 STUN 1


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

2" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 133


Cost Power

62 Enchantments: Multipower, 62-point reserve

6u 1) Illusion: Mental Illusions 12d6 (60 Active Points)

6u 2) Mass Illusion: Sight , Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups Images Increased Size (8" radius; +3/4), +/-4 to PER Rolls (32 Active Points)

6u 3) Charm: Mind Control 12d6 (60 Active Points)

6u 4) Sleep: Ego Attack 6d6 (60 Active Points)

6u 5) Bliss: Entangle 2 1/2d6, 2 DEF, (Works against Ego, not Strength; +1/4), Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (62 Active Points)

5u 6) Walk Unseen: Invisibility to Sight and Hearing Groups , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (52 Active Points)

23 Disguise Self: Shape Shift (Sight and Hearing Groups, any humanoid), Imitation, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (41 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4)

4 See Through Illusion: +3 PER with all Sense Groups (9 Active Points); Only to see through illusions and magical concealments (-1)

5 Mage Sense: Detect Magic 13- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory (8 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2)

5 Trained Mind: Mental Defense (10 points total)

16 Enchanted Amulet: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); IAF (-1/2)

8 Instant Change: Cosmetic Transform 2d6, Improved Target Group: costume and any clothes (+1/4) (12 Active Points); Limited Target (clothes) (-1/2)

16 Reposistioning: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)

Powers Cost: 174



Cost Skill

2 Animal Handler (Equines) 13-

2 CK: London 11-

3 Conversation 13-

3 Riding 14-

3 PS: Dancing 14-

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: Animal Husbandry (3 Active Points) 13-

2 2) KS: Arcane and Occult Lore (3 Active Points) 13-

2 3) KS: Mystic World (3 Active Points) 13-

3 Seduction 13-

0 TF: Equines

6 +2 with Enchantments multipower

Skills Cost: 31


Cost Perk

2 Reputation: Popular Superheroine (A large group) 11-, +1/+1d6

2 Fringe Benefit: Member of the Lower Nobility

2 Money: Well Off

3 Well-Connected

3 3 points spent on Contacts

Perks Cost: 12



Total Character Cost: 350


Pts. Disadvantage

20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: ThrillSeeker (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Has vowed to bring down the Dark Cabal (Common, Strong)

0 Psychological Limitation: Vain and flirty (Common, Moderate)

20 Hunted: Dark Cabal 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

15 Hunted: Legion of Evil 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: Lord Dreadblade 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

5 Rivalry: Professional (Other beautiful women), Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry

15 Dependent NPC: Jennifer Jones (roommate) 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)

10 Reputation: Flighty and flirtatious heroine, 11-

5 Distinctive Features: Very vivid, almost flame-like, red hair (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

5 Unluck: 1d6

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


And somebackground. I wonder if the "icy fury" when facing true evil is ok although I figure it's a bit Marvel-esque in giving her a bit of diversity to the personality instead of being a one-note vainy flirt.


Brief History:


Once, Glamour was a product of British aristocracy. A privileged background combined with her intelligence, charm, and devastating beauty promised Anna an easy life. Also a boring one. That would change when she turned 13 and her grandmother began taking her away for the summers. They were from a long line of spell casters and sometimes the gift was inherited still. A good student, despite her propensity for boredom, Anna learned her powers well. The wisdom to use them properly never quite sank in though and she used them for the occasional prank or revenge against a rival.


That would backfire one day near the end of her senior year of high school when casting an illusion on a particularly arrogant boy of the Lutherion clan. A sorcerer himself, he resisted it easily. Although at first Anna thought that she might have found a kindred spirit, her hopes were dashed when his clan kidnapped her. Her magical bloodline would make for the perfect sacrifice.


The sacrifice was interrupted by Anna's grandmother and in the battle that followed, the mansion burned down, killing all of the cultists and her grandmother. Only Anna survived but not before her grandmother named her Glamour, the traditional name of a sorcerer of their line.


This would not be the end though. Research lead her to discover that the bulk of the clan lived now in America where they would continue their evil ways to dominate the world. Vowing to stop the Dark Cabal from hurting others but also interested in adventure, Anna left for America. During the day she is a student studying literature at Columbia but at night she is Glamour, mystical superheroine.


Personality: raised in privilege, Anna can be arrogant at times but her natural charms and friendliness tends to compensate. She does to be somewhat vain though, particularly when she is around another beautiful woman.


Her motivations are a bit mixed in that she understands that there are few besides her who can battle and understand the evil side of mysticism and thus is falls to her, especially after her grandmother's death. However, she also is an adventurous sort who hates boredom than just about anything else. This, along with her flirty nature, leads people to underestimate her. They would be surprised how she is when confronted by true evil, when an icy fury overtakes her.


Appearance: Anna is a very beautiful young woman with a willowy build and model's stance. Her most striking feature is nearly fire-red hair which seems to shimmer in the light. A minor charm dampens this in her secret ID but in her superheroine guise her mane unfurls to its full glory. Her costume tends to vary since she can reshape them at will but she likes stuff that is rather revealing and sensual.


Notes: the Dark Cabal is a group of families with a strong history of magic. They work in the shadows more often than not to accumulate power. At present, they have been commanded to pursue Glamour by the demon who was summoned in the ceremony mentioned above. He is enchanted by her and seeks her for his bride. Given his nature though, the creature is unaware of anything resembling Anna's secret ID but instead only knows her as Glamour.


The Legion of Evil is a super team of various villains who oppose the Sentinels of Justice


Lord Dreadblade is an evil knight who is one of the more prominent members of Glamour's rogue gallery.


Jennifer Jones is Anna's roommate and journalism student. She's convinced that there is something that Anna is hiding and is always pestering her to try to find out what it is. She has a tendency to try to follow Anna around to discover the "secret."

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Glamour Girl? perhaps


Hmm.. I don't know if I like that. Actually, I'm wondering whether to make her older given the seductive aura she tends to give off. Then again, that might be interesting in having this younger character (say 18 if she is a freshman in college) acting older. Hmm... I feel the urge to raise her now to 21. Would be fun with Minvera who looks older (and has a high amount of wisdom like Solomon's wisdom from Captain Marvel) but is in reality is a 15 year old girl.

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