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More Bat-tyness

Mark Rand

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This is not set in the main DC Comics Universe.


There was neither plague, nor earthquake. The "No Man's Land" incident never occurred. There is no Bludhaven.


Jim Gordon is still police commissioner. The DOE doesn't exist, but PRIMUS does, mainly because I think the agency is cool. PRIMUS doesn't have a branch office in Gotham City, however Intelligence Agent Cameron Chase is stationed in the city to keep an eye on Batman. She doesn't know who he is, but she's impressed by him.


The last Robin, Stephanie Brown was killed by a thug moments after Batman fired her. Batman took the thug down.


Harold, whose full name is Harold Allnut, wasn't killed by Hush, nor did he betray Batman. Instead, the two worked together to take Hush down.


The last three Presidents have been George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. Josiah Bartlet is the current President.


There are two new women on the team, Maggie Porter, Bruce's live-in secretary, is Harold's lover and helps him in the shop. Barbara Wilson, Alfred's neice, is the new Batgirl.


With all this in mind, here's the situation. Alfred, Harold, and Maggie are in the Batcave, watching the news. They see Batman climbing up a building just before it explodes. When the debris is cleared, they find Batman with a steel rod in his chest. After he's pronounced dead, Batman is unmasked, and Bruce Wayne's face is revealed.


What happens next?

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A few minor things that may or may not mean anything.


The Batmobile is the Tumbler from Batman Begins.


Batgirl's current vehicle is a Kawasaki Ninja, but a car, based on the Lamborghini Murcielago, is being built for her.


Maggie is an African-American woman whose black hair is in braids. When she has to, she wears the braids in a sophisticated style. She also likes to stay in shape and races a Toyota Celica in the Sports Car Club of America's GT3 class that she works on herself.


Batgirl is a computer expert and spends a lot of time either studying books on criminology or working out in the gym.


I'll post a tour of the Batcave once I find all of my notes.

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Re: More Bat-tyness


It's revealed 24 issues later that Bruce only faked his death to draw out various villains who were in hiding from the Batman. In a 12 isue story arc "the Dirty Dozen" the publisher's make a mint on big flashy comics showing the Batman taking down the 12 kingpins of Gotham. Comic "fans" decry the stunt as a pure moneymaking scheme but proceed to buy multiple copies of each issue anyway.

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Re: More Bat-tyness


Actually, Pheemeys idea is the only one Id like! Im SICK AND TIRED of writers killing off characters for no good reason! :mad:



If Batman gets killed for real, it HAS to be by the Joker, and no one else. And we KNOW he doesnt get killed, cause then who would Terry McGuiness have gotten the Batsuit from? :winkgrin:

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Re: More Bat-tyness


With the death of Batman, the heart goes out of the Batman Family. Batgirl continues to protect Gotham City as best she can, but once she learns that Batman's not coming home, she starts to get caught up in her daytime life a bit more. The rest of Gotham's vigilanties become more serious, especially after a moonlit ceremony at Bruce Wayne's grave, where his cowl & utility belt are laid to rest. Wayne Manor is seized by the government, and Agent Chase leads a team in cataloging and indexing Batman's files. The Cave is looked after as an unofficial museum and the hordes of Batman's arch-villains that try and demolish the place find themselves in gunfights against PRIMUS troops. The Joker survives due to his crazy luck, but loses an eye, and the Penguin survives by not trying anything so stupid. The rest of Batty's Rogue's Gallery winds up six feet under.


(Eh, just my $0.02)

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Re: More Bat-tyness


If Batman gets killed for real, it HAS to be by the Joker, and no one else. And we KNOW he doesnt get killed, cause then who would Terry McGuiness have gotten the Batsuit from? :winkgrin:


That doesn't happen anyway. Everyone knows there's a nuclear war and Bruce Wayne recruits the Sons of the Batman to restore order to Gotham City. Oh yeah, and beats up Superman for good measure.


(I've always thought a SOB comic taking place after Bruce really passes on would be kick-***. Bats would be a legendary past hero, and the leader of the SOBs would always be called "Robin")

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This is the tour of the Batcave Bruce gave Maggie once she agreed to keep what she was going to see secret.


"Beyond this wall is a secret room that leads to someplace many people dream about visiting," Bruce said. "Each entrance has a panel beside it that scans your palmprint and admits only people it's programmed to accept. Tou can, at your option, request a retinal scan instead."


"I understand," Maggie said.


"What do you see?" Bruce asked as they entered.


"Makeup, disguises, and books on various subjects," Maggie replied. "If I didn't know any better, I'd guess that you're Batman."


"I am," Bruce said, walking to another touch panel. He activated it and a door opened, revealing a passageway. "We're right above the Batcave."


"You're kidding," Maggie said.


"I'm not," Bruce returned. He pointed out the elevator and various pipes and cables as they decended the stairs that surrounded them. "This is the main level," Bruce explained as they left the stairs. "We're 150 feet above the water. That's why the railing."


"So I see," Maggie said.


"This is the east side," Bruce explained. "The communications and computer equipment are on our right, along with a rest room and a break room. The Batmobile usually sits on the turntable on our left, but it's getting repaired. If you look carefully, you'll notice a tunnel. The Batmobile goes through it to the surface and along it are storage areas, parking spaces for seven more vehicles and a freight elevator leading to the repair shop.


To be continued.

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"Okay," Maggie said. "Where to next?"


"There are bridges connecting the east and west sides on each level," Bruce explained. "We'll cross to the west side." They did. "The forensics lab is on this side," Bruce explained. "At the far end, we have a store room, rest room and a stairwell with pipes and wires between the flights of stairs. Shall we continue?"


"Yes," Maggie replied. "There's a draft in here."


"Yes," Bruce returned. "A breeze always flows through the Batcave."


"I see." They went down the west stairs, onto sub-level one. "A well-equipped gymnasium," Maggie said. "This is so cool."


"Glad you like it," Bruce said.


"I like to stay in shape," Maggie admitted. "That means working out. The gym upstairs isn't bad, but this one's better."


"I know," Bruce said. "Oh, there are locker rooms by the stairs."


"Saw them," Maggie admitted. "Where to now?"


"Across a bridge," Bruce replied. They crossed to the east side. "The workshop. It's divided into automotive, machine and general work sections. There's also a storage room, a rest room and CADAM equipment."


"CADAM?" Maggie asked.


"Computer-Aided Design And Manfacturing," came the reply from the back. The both turned and Bruce introduced Maggie to Harold Allnut, his engineer.


"That name's familiar," Maggie said.


"My great grandfather was Charlie Allnut, the captain, and owner, of The African Queen. Bogart didn't do too badly playing him in the movie."


"I see," Maggie said.


To be continued.

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"How's the Batmobile?" Bruce asked.


"Almost finished," Harold replied. "I'll have it off the lift and upstairs within one hour."


"Good," Bruce said. "Turning to Maggie, he asked, "Shall we continue?"


"Of course," she replied. "I may come here later."




"I'm a shadetree mechanic myself," she replained. "I work on my two Toyota Celicas, the one I drive to work and the GT3 one I drive in races sanctioned by the Sports Car Club of America."


"I see," Bruce said. "I'm sure Harold will be willing to accept your company. They continued the tour and went down more stairs. "We're on sub-level two. The east side has my trophy room while the west side has the medical bay and our store of emergency supplies."


"Intreresting," Maggie said. "Where to next?"


"Downstairs," Bruce replied. Sub-level three proved to be an expansion and storage area that Harold sometimes tested equipment in. Sub-level four held living quarters and an exit to the Gotham subway system. Sub-level five had the power generating equipment on the right side and nothing on the left side. Sub-level six, water level, was also occupied only on the right side. The Batboat was docked there and lockers held other aquatic supplies and equipment.


The end of the tour.

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Over the next seven months, things began to change.


Maggie and Harold became lovers. She now shares his quarters on sub-level four and keeps only what she needs to keep up her cover in her bedroom upstairs.


Barbara Wilson, Alfred's niece, joined the team as the new Batgirl. She's a computer expert, a skilled motorcycle rider, and knowledgable in both Tae Kwon Do and Krav Maga.


On the night in question, Batman and Batgirl were on separate missions. Alfred, Harold, and Maggie were in the computer room, listening to police calls and watching a newscast when the explosion occurred.


Once Batman was found, pronounced dead, and unmasked, Alfred said, "This isn't good,"


"Yeah," Maggie said as she pulled a key from a pocket of her jeans. "Fortunately, Mr. Wayne planned for this situation. She unlocked a drawer on the communications console and pulled out some envelopes. "He left instructions for each of us, and several Wayne Industries officials."


"Right," Harold said, flipping switches on a panel. "Now, all the mansion's phone lines are being fed into the Batcomputer. It'll answer all messages and identify both the telephone number and caller, even if the number normally doesn't show up on caller ID. We'll be able to hear the calls on the speaker and by flipping the switch below the one for the line, we'll be able to talk to the caller on the headset."


"Nice," Maggie said, reading her message. "I'm to disconect the mansion's computers from the Batcave and retreive Mr. Wayne's business and household papers.


"I'm to bring the mansion's food and drink supplies down here," Alfred said. "We're also to bring our personal belongings down here."


"I'm to man the computer and communications gear," Harold said.


"Lucky stiff," Maggie purred as she kissed Harold on the cheek. "Come on, Alfred. "Let's get the stuff we need down here."

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Re: More Bat-tyness


What happened to Dick and Tim? Should either be alive they would be at the Cave as soon as humanly possible.

Dick is fighting the good fight in Atlantic City, the city Bludhaven was based on. He'll show up when he can, but probably won't stay for long each time.


Tim was forced to resign by his father, Jack, after he found Tim's Robin gear. Tim promised never to become Robin again. Stephanie's death, and Bruce's, would make Jack more determined to keep his son from being Robin.


Both would call Alfred and show up for the funeral, but neither would be active in Gotham's superhero scene.

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Re: More Bat-tyness


I'll eventually write, and attach, an MS Word document containing a universe timeline.


The White House staff is slightly different from The West Wing. Jed's MS is known to the public. Abbey is on the faculty of George Washington University's medical school. C.J. doesn't have a goldfish in a bowl in her office. Instead, she has three goldfish (Gail, Carefree, & Clueless) in a tank.


Bonnie, Ginger, Kathy, & Nancy now have last names. Bonnie's is Clark, Ginger's is Carter. Kathy's is Nakamura, & Nancy's is Wells. Bonnie and Ginger usually handle the teleprompter. Ginger suffers from allergies and asthma. Kathy occasionally doubles as a speechwriter.

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Sub-level 4's living quarters consist of ten bedrooms with queen-size beds and attached bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, and combination laundry, linen room, andbroom closet.


For those of you who are wondering if I'm going to drop BtVS into this, the answer is yes. Batman first became aware of them in early 2002, when a vampire invaded Gotham City. Alfred, the son of a Watcher and a Slayer, called, at Bruce's suggestion, his friend Giles for help. Two days later, the vampire was dust.


Bruce heard from them in 2003, after the Sunnydale earthquake. She told him what had happened, and that they were headed for Cleveland and its Hellmouth. As it turned out, the Cleveland Hellmouth wasn't in Cleveland. Instead, it was in a remote corner of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.


Slayer Centeral is, because of the ease of travel, in London. There are also branch offices in Rome, Rio, and Arkon, the closest city to the Ohio Hellmouth. Watching it are Vi, Rona, and Shannon.


The Batcave has a contact number for the local team. It belongs to the team's Watcher, the Librarian of a high school, and the father of one of the area's three Slayers.

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In The West Wing, the eldest daughter is Liz. In this campaign, the eldest daughter is Holly. She's married and a circus performer.


To be preceise, Holly is the superintendent of felines, or cat trainer, for the Durant, Oklahoma-based Ross Brothers Circus. Her husband, Richard Valdez, is the assistant superintendent of elephants at the same circus. The other members of her immediate family are the elephant, horse, and menagerie superintendents and the show's vet.


John Hoynes is the Vice President. His wife, Akiko, is originally from Gotham City. Their teenaged daughter, Aki, who looks Japanese, became a Slayer in 2003, when Willow activated all of them. She now lives with family in Gotham.


Aki's grandmother, Fujiko, an assistant professor in Gotham State University's Japanese studies department, was born in Kyoto where her mother was a geisha. Fujiko worked as one for a number of years while getting her undergraduate degree. She then marries and came to the United States, where she got her masters and PhD.


Although Akiko showed no interest in the geisha culture, her sister, Midori, who is now on the faculty of Summerset High School, did.


Fujiko and Midori often perform for cultural events throughout the city and Midori often gives magic shows as a geisha.


Next, we rejoin Harold, Maggie, and Alfred.

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Re: More Bat-tyness


I've rewritten post 13 so that it reads better. It should be noted that none of the names DC gave parts of the city in the 90s are being used. Onward.


Harold sat and listened to the radio and telephone. So far, eight calls had come in, all from reporters demanding interviews. Then, an expected call came in. "Yes, Commissioner?" Harold asked.


"I had a little trouble getting through," Commissioner Gordon said.


"The media," Harold explained.


"Oh. I've sent officers to guard the mansion until the governor gets the National Guard to do it."


"I'll tell Alfred," Harold said. "Anything else I can do for you?"


"I want to unlock his utility belt and cowl and toss them into the Batmobile," Gordon replied.


"No problem," Harold said, typing. "The belt's unlocked. However, it will still self destruct if you open the pouches. The Batmobile's unlocked, too."


"Right," the commissioner said. He tossed the items inside and the top closed. "It's all yours.


The Batmobile rolled away slowly and headed to the Sarah Essen Gordon Memorial Drawbridge which spanned the North River at the East Side Expressway. As it turned onto the bridge, Batgirl radioed in to confirm the story about Bruce's death. When Harold did, she said that she was returning to base code 2 over the East Side Expressway.

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The Sarah Essen Gordon Memorial Drawbridge is a Strauss-type Bascule Bridge and is based on the Burnsde Bridge which crosses Portland, Oregon's Willamette River.


In our version, the control tower is at the top of the southwest tower. The operators, Yvette Thompson and her daughter, Yvonne, live in a small apartment under the control room. Onward.


Both Batgirl and the Batmobile made it to the Batcave without any problems.


As Batgirl checked in with Harold, Lucius Fox, the president and chief operating officer of Wayne Enterprises, called in. All Harold was able to tell him was that Bruce had left envelopes for him and several other Wayne Enterprises officials in the Batcave.


Alfred and Maggie joined them as Harold hung up and said, "Mr. Fox is worried."


"Probably about the company stocks and how the public will view Mr. Wayne's activities as Batman," Maggie said. "Any interesting calls?"


"Catwoman called in," Harold replied. "She said that she was going to find whoever did this and shred them."

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At 10:30 the next morning, Alfred escorted Agent Chase, Mr. Fox, and a number of Wayne Enterprises officials into the Batcave. After exchanging greetings, Maggie said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have some envelopes for the people from Wayne Enterprises that Mr. Wayne left before he passed on."


Most took their envelopes and opened them right there. One man grumbled, "We'd have been here sooner if we hadn't been held up at the drawbridge. Those idiots operating it let ships pass before letting us through."


"That's the way it's done," Maggie said. "Priority goes to emergency vehicles responding to a real emergency, then rush hour traffic, than sea traffic, then everything else. Believe it or not, sea traffic has priority over the President of the United States."


"Bruce wants what he started here to continue," Mr. Fox said. "He thinks a team, with the mansion and Batcave as a base, would be best. Harold, Maggie, Alfred, want to stay on and help them?" All three agreed to. "Batgirl, want to lead the team?"


"I'd be honored, Mr. Fox," she replied.


"Good," he said. "Agent Chase, I think PRIMUS should appoint a liaison to the team. We can also make arrangements to share data."


"I'll talk to my superiors," Agent Chase said.

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From time to time, I'll be stepping away from the story to update you on attachments and discuss stuff about Gotham City.


The next attachment, which hasn't been started, will deal with the Secret Service.


Each of the four drawbridge towers has eight sides, each five feet long. Each floor has an area of 100 square feet. With most of the second floor occupied by a spiral staircase, the actual floor space is left is 16 square feet. The only way for an apartment to be in there is magic. Fortunately, this is permitted within a superhero universe.


The New Jersey Department of Transportation, who owns the bridge and employs Yvette and Yvonne, hired a mage to create a gateway to a pocket universe within one wall of the tower. Said universe is the small apartment Yvette, Yvonne, and their black cat, Heidi, share.

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Re: More Bat-tyness


In the Universe Timeline, Amazons were mentioned. They are not musclebound women. Instead, they're normal women with at least 10 points in martial arts, WFs in common melee and missile weapons, and a KS in Amazon customs and ceremonies.


Since there are Amazons in most countries, most of the governing is done by the local elders with the queen looking at the overall picture. The current Amazon queen is Nancy Sterngood, a ceramist living and working in Perfection, Navada. (If I decide to add Highlander-style Immortals to the game, Nancy will be the current identity of Gabrielle herself.)


When I thought up the apartment under the drawbridge control room, I had thought that the sides were 10 feet long, not 5 feet long. So, we either have the control room in that tower with the apartment in a gateway under it or the control room is in an apartment less than 100 feet from the bridge.


Both Yvette and Yvonne are Amazons. Neither is a giantess. Yvette resembled Pam Grier in Jackie Brown while Yvonne resembles Halle Berry in Die Another Day.

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