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Storn Art from idea to full picture Year 3

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Re: Storn Art from idea to full picture Year 3


How about a classic strong guy Brick in a torso and arm exposing outfit' date=' with an unusual cyborg style. He appears to be all flesh, and muscular, but where his veins would be showing under his skin is instead metal coils, some of which break through the skin and writhe about him like tiny tendrils. I just have this weird image in my head. It's a bit 90s, but seems unusual compared to the usual metal arm cyborg brick type. Hardwire might be a good name for such a guy, but it's just an idea off the top of my head.[/quote']

This idea I am dropping because I actually have a pic like it. I believe that it is from Astro City and is one of a street level group.


The other idea I had was in an Energy Projector/Metamorph (Multiform) vein. Storn might consider it a cheat, because it would be a two for one deal. Two figures, Day and Night. Day is a vibrant openly fun (with a bit of cheesecake) superheroine, and she dresses in bright sunthemed colors and as her name implies, she has light powers. Night, while also beautiful, is more enshrouded and concealed, definitely much more mystery and aloofness and wearing dark colors to match her darkness wielding powers. The drawing I imagine might have one looking through a mirror to see the other looking back at her. Perhaps only one can be in this world at a time. Another option would be to catch her in mid change at dawn or dusk.

If I was going to go with this one I would need to have it as two seperate pics.


I'd kind of like to see a Catavalan martial artist' date=' myself. Maybe someone who came to Earth from the Malvan arena.[/quote']

I would need more info before I can say yay or nay


Ice Brick - since it's been mentioned, I believe Storn did a black and white pick of Ymir for the original Champions Universe. I had an idea for a similar "Ice Giant" However, he'd have nowhere near human porportions, A huge barrel chest, massive shoulders and arms and squat, but powerful legs. made of living ice, wearing sectional armor or sectional costume.


Fire Brick. As above but with jet black hair and beard, black iron armor perhaps a club or something. nimbus of flame surrounding him.


How bout an elemental based martial artist?

I dropped the speeder because I have seen the burst into fire bit done a few times.

The brick ideas here are interesting.

Elemental Martial Artist. Anyone care to develop this ?


I am dropping the Anachronistic idea as Storn said he'd rather not. And severl of the others just do not appeal.

I'm not keen on the you see the person under layers of ice idea either.

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Re: Storn Art from idea to full picture Year 3


How about a martial artist that is composed of the various martial art animal icons?


So there might be a snake for one arm, a crane or the other, a bear as a chest, etc. Or you could simply have the various body parts be the animal parts. So like the bears torso, snakes head for a hand, mantis claw for the other hand, tiger's legs, that sort of thing.

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Re: Storn Art from idea to full picture Year 3


The Catavalan I had in mind would be someone who took full advantage of the fact that Catavalans have four arms. You know, autofire hits and all the rest from TUMM, plus a lot of tricks from TUMA. Like Herculean he'd just wear a traditional outfit from his people, and be on Earth seeking to learn all he can about the widely varied martial arts of Earth.


That's the basic idea I had, anyway.

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Re: Storn Art from idea to full picture Year 3


Elemental Martial Artist. Anyone care to develop this ?

Well, let's see... from the Shaolin animal forms, there was a basic concept that each animal also represented an element. I'm going off memory here, so I may have some errors, but...


The chinese elements are a bit confusing, unfortunately, as there are two versions of it as I recall, but I only remember one, which consisted of fire, water, wood (earth), gold, and air which correlated with leopard, snake, tiger, dragon, and crane... I think. Been about 5 years or so since I read all this. Probably wouldn't go with a good concept, as such. So, to adapt to a more conventional system...


The elements could be Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Void. Skip the animals, because they just confuse matters. Fire equates to ferocity and speed, water to change and a flowing nature, earth with solidness and strength, Air with intangibility, and Void to represent mind and spirit.


I'd say multi-form would be one representation, but that's asking for a lot of characters to be drawn. Combining these elements into a single visual is a bit tough, though. So we could pick one to be mostly represented or represent all in one. I actually have a character that follows this concept, representing Earth (a martial artist with armor and density increase, kind of like a Colossus martial artist :D ) so let me go down the list...


Fire... used too often as an elemental representative, so kind of boring. Water is used less, but not exactly visually appealing as I think of it, Air could be interesting and is seldom used... but I personally like Void, which embraces the esoteric yet could be visually interesting. So in keeping, perhaps a martial artist with force projecting power and control over self...? Or one that moves deceptively, like the bruce lee image of him moving his arms in front of himself in blurs, or the bad guy from Chronicles of Riddick if you've seen that, who has a shadow-self that moves before he does.


Dunno... its not that late, but I'm tired, I can't think of anything for visuals right now. Sorry.

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Re: Storn Art from idea to full picture Year 3


A golem-puppetlike brick:


This is a brick that is the henchmen (or perhaps even a full member of the duo) of a mystic. He can be kept in a pocket the size of a doll, but when brought out can grow to 10' tall or something. He could also be used in a Johnny Lightning-like manner (he's a magical kids toy - they both fight crime together). So he has superstrength, growth/shrinking abilities (but can only be 2 sizes - no in-between), plus maybe some automaton-like defenses.

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Re: Storn Art from idea to full picture Year 3


Ice Brick - since it's been mentioned' date=' I believe Storn did a black and white pick of Ymir for the original Champions Universe. I had an idea for a similar "Ice Giant" However, he'd have nowhere near human porportions, A huge barrel chest, massive shoulders and arms and squat, but powerful legs. made of living ice, wearing sectional armor or sectional costume. [/quote']


This is the winner and you'll see it shortly in the Storn thread

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