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How do I create the following?


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Hi Guys, I just bought Hero System 5th and Fantasy Hero. I am a newbie so please be patient...:)


I am trying to create the following:


A character has a ring which basically "calls" a black dragon. The Black dragon can telepathically communicate with the ring bearer and is fanatically loyal to the PC. The ring will have no effect on any other black dragons. If this dragon is ever killed, another one will answer the ring's call.


I was thinking of buying this as a Follower (Black Dragon) with a cost reduction for the Ring (OIF)


Second idea:


A PC has a mystical ship that contains "Pods" where other dormant beings are kept in suspension. Whenever the PC is killed, his consciousness is transfered to a random pod, and the PC wakes up a day or two later with a completely new character (but same mental characteristics, INT, PRE, EGO).


Thank you in advance!!!

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Re: How do I create the following?


:rolleyes: How about SUMMON (Black Dragon) Focus-Ring (OIF)

If he dies you can always summon another later on maybe?


PODS- Duplication (only 1 of PC can be "alive" at one time)

Ressurection (self only) (Extra Time 1 day)

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Re: How do I create the following?


A character has a ring which basically "calls" a black dragon. The Black dragon can telepathically communicate with the ring bearer and is fanatically loyal to the PC. The ring will have no effect on any other black dragons. If this dragon is ever killed, another one will answer the ring's call.


I was thinking of buying this as a Follower (Black Dragon) with a cost reduction for the Ring (OIF)


That would work, but I would think it would be easier as a Summon IIF Ring.


A PC has a mystical ship that contains "Pods" where other dormant beings are kept in suspension. Whenever the PC is killed, his consciousness is transfered to a random pod, and the PC wakes up a day or two later with a completely new character (but same mental characteristics, INT, PRE, EGO).


That's not even really a power. It's more backstory and SFX. This is very similar to Mechanon's ability. I'm not sure I would make you cost it out. Most PCs don't die very often, so I would hate for you to dump a bunch of points into a power that might never get used...of course, if you DO dump a bunch of points into it, I'm going to use it all the time!! :)


However, if I did decide to make you pay for it, the duplication above is pretty good or maybe Extra Dimensional Movement or even a Teleport. You could even just purchase Resurrection and stipulate that the new body enhabits a "pod" on the ship. Or Resurrection with a linked Teleport. That's probably what I would do, Resurrection with a Linekd Teleport.


Keep in mind, the two powers you are talking about are pretty powerful. Having a dragon at your beck and call is some pretty juicy mojo to be throwing around. The other power is pretty much makes sure that you cannot die. How many pods are there? Those should be charges (recoverable or non-recoverable depending on your SFX).

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Re: How do I create the following?


Yeah, pretty much what Rapier said on both counts. I would only add that if there is only one character in a group that has use of the Pods, then I might make him pay some token amount of points for it even though it is mostly a plot device. Maybe a 5pt perk or something.



"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little influence on society." - Mark Twain

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Re: How do I create the following?


Welcome Valkyrie...er, stefou!


I got nothing. IIF Summon and Resurection/Regen have been covered.


I'm not sure that the Pods need Teleport. Waking up in a known location could have benefits as well as liabilities. You always know where you're going to wake up, but so do your enemies. Any progress you made on the ground during an adventure is lost.

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Re: How do I create the following?


I'd require that the player purchase the power, maybe a Healing power with Regeneration, which can bring characters back from the dead. Of course, you could reduce the cost by buying Limitations, such as a Focus, or "Character only keeps mental characteristics" or something to that effect.


This ability might get used more often than you think. If a character beleives there's no threat in dying, because they'll just be reborn at home, they might just jump into the lava pit on purpose or laugh at the creepy vampire, or whatever.


This ability actually reminds me of a 1960's character from T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, called NoMan. He was a scientist, who was able to transfer his mind to a robot shell, and could turn invisible and intangible, if I remember. But pretty much, his big schitck was to get himself killed so he'd transfer into another body back at the base.

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Re: How do I create the following?


This ability actually reminds me of a 1960's character from T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents' date=' called NoMan. He was a scientist, who was able to transfer his mind to a robot shell, and could turn invisible and intangible, if I remember. But pretty much, his big schitck was to get himself killed so he'd transfer into another body back at the base.[/quote']

It reminds me of Crushed, the Doomed Kitty. :winkgrin:


The ring should be done with Summon, IMO.

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Re: How do I create the following?


It would be much simpler if the duplicates were the same. However, if they really must be different, I'd suggest self-only Ressurection with a linked Multiform and Teleport. The Multiform would have big limitations like unrecoverable charges and of course Linked.

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Re: How do I create the following?


When a character dies, you usually get to design a new character to replace it, so why not simply agree with the GM to let you build a new character that is the old character in a new physical body? You would build the new character with the same mental stats and perhaps a KS: Previous Character's Memories with a roll based on how successful the mind transfer is. That is, if your new character only has flashes of the memories of the previous character, then it might be 8-. If he remembers almost everything, it might be 18- (or higher).


Just a thought.

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Re: How do I create the following?


I would submit that if you want to retain your gear and memories, that's more a Perk than a Power - although I'm new here, so I don't want to unnecessarily color your opinion, but looking at it from the outside, it's closer to Life Support or a Lich's clay jar of love than a full borne "power" the way I think of powers.


Ring of Black Dragon Summoning. Summon Black Dragon (up to X points). Acid Breathing, Flying, Magical VPP, STR 40, Claw/Claw/Bite/Tail/Wing attacks, levels in sweep, and so on. I'm too tired to stat the beast out. Also, you can make it cheaper with Extra Time. In other words, he doesn't "appear." He comes when called. He can also be off doing something else.


He's not a Follower, he's a Summon with his duty list who is Fanatically Loyal (+1? +2 mebbe?)

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Re: How do I create the following?


Sounds like the Star Wars novels about how the Emporor would transfer essence into a clone of himself.


But kinda piggy backing off of rjcurrie's idea. I would do a:


Clairsentience; 20pts, for base power (sight), +5 pts. for hearing, +20 pts. for Retrocognition. retrocognition -1 only; Only memory of former self/ last life. -1; maybe even uncontrolled +1/2... I think that would be interesting.


That's my oppinion.

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Re: How do I create the following?


Welcome Stefou!


It sounds like a pretty vanilla Summon (with some level of the Amicable Advantage) to me. You might add a small (I'd say +1/4) custom Advantage to represent that the dragon retains memory from the last time it was summoned (provided it wasn't killed), but I wouldn't go crazy worrying too much about that part of it. It could probably just be Special Effects instead of an Advantage or power, for that matter. Remember there could also be drawbacks (on top of knowing you and remembering good times and vital information, it might also remember if you treated it badly or summoned it for something trivial). Also, another drawback might be that the dragon is still wounded (and/or affected by lasting attacks) if it hasn't had time to heal/recover from a previous battle.


As usual, people are coming up with builds that are a lot more complicated than you might need. They are all interesting ideas, but don't let them bog you down or confuse you.


Follower isn't really appropriate because when a Follower dies, it is gone. Summon does not have this property.

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Re: How do I create the following?


rjcurries Idea is the best one I've seen yet for the ressurection, and I think summon is definitly the way to go for the dragon.

Another way to do the cloning vats would be Ressurection with a Side Effect (Character has a new body)

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Re: How do I create the following?


How's this for the resurection guy:


First you need Resurection. Then create a Variable Power Pool that can only have 1 power: Multiform. Can only be changed after death. Then you add limits to the Multiform like 1 non-recoverable charge. So you change and you're stuck there until you can use your VPP to create another Multiform power (which is only after you die). I think it works well.

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Re: How do I create the following?


How's this for the resurection guy:


First you need Resurection. Then create a Variable Power Pool that can only have 1 power: Multiform. Can only be changed after death. Then you add limits to the Multiform like 1 non-recoverable charge. So you change and you're stuck there until you can use your VPP to create another Multiform power (which is only after you die). I think it works well.

Dang, *that* *is* *it*!


Repped! :thumbup:

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