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Expressing English Language in Hero Terms

Manic Typist

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A mad idea that came from tonight's session, during a break.


I started thinking about how I would EXPRESS the English language, in HERO TERMS.


For instance, the word "and" is a Transform (from simple sentence to a complex sentence).


Adjectives are perhaps COM, while adverbs are almost definately SFX. Or should it be the other way around?


Perhaps "no" is a Dispell?


Thoughts, ideas? I'm just crazy, aren't I?

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


No offense, but I just don't see this working. The language is too complex.

For instance, "and" does not always create a complex sentence. It depends on what you are joining with it. Often, the inclusion of and has no bearing on what type of sentence you have. Sometimes, it does, but not always.

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


No offense, but I just don't see this working. The language is too complex.

For instance, "and" does not always create a complex sentence. It depends on what you are joining with it. Often, the inclusion of and has no bearing on what type of sentence you have. Sometimes, it does, but not always.


Perhaps you could model it as a Multipower? Or a VPP?


And Johnston: and maybe a Reputation: Pure as a cribhouse whore?

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


We could take this all the way ... let's sink wholly into the morass of self-reference ...


... How would you define the HERO System itself in terms of HERO System rules?


CS equivalent (sort of): can you write a HERO System compiler in HERO System?


(Without appealing to Transform, that is. That's the equivalent of Fortran's Computed GOTO's in a context like this one. :rolleyes:)

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


We could take this all the way ... let's sink wholly into the morass of self-reference ...


... How would you define the HERO System itself in terms of HERO System rules?


CS equivalent (sort of): can you write a HERO System compiler in HERO System?


(Without appealing to Transform, that is. That's the equivalent of Fortran's Computed GOTO's in a context like this one. :rolleyes:)


Change Environment - Into Room Where RPG Exists.

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


Summon Rulebook.


Can you model the English Language in HERO System terms? No, because HERO is itself a language. You can EMULATE the English Language as a Special Effect, but no language can ultimately *be* a different language. Besides, you'll get stuck on Form & Function and sentence diagraming, then you'll be at my house, broken, begging for a cuppa, and I'll have to console you through the long dark winter of your failure.


And really, wouldn't it be easier just to have a nice round of HALO?

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


And really, wouldn't it be easier just to have a nice round of HALO?


Not the way I play. :)


The Hero System can be a VPP that can be used to simulate any genre, has extra time (because few people can make characters for a new game in single phase), and has usable by others (you your friends can play too).

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


The English Language in the Hero System rules? Maybe, but I doubt. For one thing, one of the core elements in modeling anything in Hero System is to reason from effect. This leads to trouble when you consider there is little reason behind much of the English Language. Many of the words we use are there simply because they are there and server no purpose other than to give writers a little flexibility and variety.


One thing that occurs to me though; the Hero System in similar to the English Language in that there is more than one correct way to express just about anything.


As for building the Hero System using the Hero System:


Hero System: Mental Illusions 8d6, AOE (9" Cone; +1) (80 Active Points); Extra Time (6 Hours, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3 3/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (Requires both hands; -1), OAF (rulebooks, character sheets & dice; -1), Arrangement (-1/4), Requires Multiple Foci or functions at reduced effectiveness (+1/4), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2) (Real Cost: 10)

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


Verbs: VPP

Nouns: IIF, Variable SFX

Adjectives & Adverbs: Aid (Clarity)

Pronouns: Perk - Anonymity

Conjunction: Naked Limitation: Linked

Interjection: Flash, Hearing Group.

Preposition: Duplication (where before you could only have one phrase in a sentence...)

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


A mad idea that came from tonight's session, during a break.


I started thinking about how I would EXPRESS the English language, in HERO TERMS.


For instance, the word "and" is a Transform (from simple sentence to a complex sentence).


Adjectives are perhaps COM, while adverbs are almost definately SFX. Or should it be the other way around?


Perhaps "no" is a Dispell?


Thoughts, ideas? I'm just crazy, aren't I?




Lucius Alexander


"Laconic, isn't he?" observes the palindromedary

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Re: Expressing English Language in Hero Terms


Sounds like a set up for HAWK PHOENIX: ATTORNEY AT LAW!


NB: 'HAWK PHOENIX: ATTORNEY AT LAW is pronounced like it sounds - in a booming, theatrical pulp over the top voice. If this is done at the proper time, HAWK PHOENIX: ATTORNEY AT LAW can add dice to his Presence Attack


Today we join HAWK PHOENIX: ATTORNEY AT LAW as he enters the courtroom!


"Order! I demand order!"


The jury comes in and sits down - the bailiff introduces the judge and everyone takes their seats. The opposing attorney opens his case - immediately Hawk decides to get the drop on him!


Hawk (to TH): "Thia, I'm not down with this line of questioning - can I use my OBJECTION! to Flash the jury so they don't hear this?"


TH: "Yep, sounds reasonable. However, the opposing attorney has a chance to use his Overrule! and if he makes his skill roll, will add his Flash Defense to the Jury and your objection won't stand - also, be aware that on the Jury's turn, every Segment 12, they look at the aggregate 'win loss' record of a round to see who's ahead, so it is a gamble, but yes, you CAN attempt it."


HP: "Okay!" (takes a deep breath) "Objection! Badgering the witness!"


TH checks his notes


TH: "The Judge looks up, and glances down at the opposition - who looks at Her Honor and says "Judge, clearly asking whether or not she had intimitate knowledge of the deceased isn't badgering!" (TH rolls behind the screen), and the Judge looks over at HAWK PHOENIX: ATTORNEY AT LAW and says "All right, objection sustained. Jury please make a note."


Stay tuned for more scenes from HAWK PHOENIX: ATTORNEY AT LAW!

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