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Show me the Water Powers


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Hello all,


I have a player that wants play a Storm style character but focused on water powers. Aside from the standard "Fire Hose", "Water Form", "Water Shield/Wall" powers I'm kind of at a loss for new and interesting powers to show her.


Can you folks lend a hand? I'm trying to target abilities that I can stuff into a 50 - 60pt Multipower but I'm open to any and all idea's.

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


A couple of ideas:


Tsunami - 6-10D6 EB AOE, Megascale, requires large body of water.


Watery Hand - TK requires Water, affects porous


Water Sense - Detect Water (you could conceivably make this a targeting sense given the high % that water comprises in most bodies).


Dehydrate - 6D6 NND (def being not having substantial water in body). FX - sucking the water out of someone's body.


CE - Fog, slick water, rain, etc.

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


Oo I just thought of this one:


Oceanic Pillars 15d6 EB, Area Effect 30" Radius, selective, continuous, 2 handed Gestures, physical manifestation


The SFX are a number of massive pillars of water that the user can maneuver about and use to smash various targets with. Of course you can reduce the power of this to fit it into a 60pt Multipower. I'd recomend reducing the number of dice and starting with a simple 1 hex Area Effect, definetly ditch the continous for now, she can put that back on with EXP.

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


I personally would just use the standard invisibility, desol, flight, defences, life support stuff, but...


Growth, only with a suitable water supply to draw mass from.

Shape Change - fluid form. (Also ties into Greek mythological charactes like Proteus and Nereus.)


I'd check out the USPD, though.


Also bear in mind the "Golden Age rule": almost all characters can be martial artists in addition to their ostensible powers.


How many points is this character going to be built on? The suggestions made so far would easily burn 350-450 points.

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


She's a 350 point character. I'm trying to go with a less "direct" approach to her abilities and make them more "atmospheric" in nature due to the players desire to make her close to Storm.


So water-like powers are the goal, but avoiding the traditional Fire Hose water mutant.

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


So water-like powers are the goal' date=' but avoiding the traditional Fire Hose water mutant.[/quote']


I dislike Fire Hoses too. That's why my standard water powered character is a martial artist. Well, that and a bit of influence from Zan from the Superfriends. ;)


Let's see: Storm-type water powers...


Darkness - "fog".

Flash - "driving rain".

Energy Blast - "hail".


You could possibly sneak some other Ice/Cold related stuff in too.

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


Did You Waterproof That? Dispel vs. electronics


It can be given AOE, even Selective Targeting, at your discretion. Dispel is cheap enough ;)


Condensation Transform, air to water, effect limited to humidity


Not much good to have water powers unless you can get water when you need it :)


Icy Tomb Entangle


You might want to consider an END reserve to keep track of how much "water" you have - buy the powers as "must draw from BOTH regular and reserve Endurance", this will save you more points. Make the END reserve limited, and have it represent "how much water you can have 'in mind' at one time", so you have to spend a moment regathering the various droplets and taking mental stock of what you have where before you can use any water again. This would be taking a REC; perhaps, in addition to the reserve's natural Recovery, you should use a Healing or Aid power that can more rapidly replenish it if you have a bunch of water all in one place, and don't have to locate all the little bits and pieces of water just to control them.


On the other hand, you might consider a "Summon"-like power to assemble all the water in an area, right at the place you choose. Powers like this (and the Condensation) probably shouldn't have the double END limitation, since they won't draw from the water reserve.


If they're cheap enough, you may find it better to place them outside of the Multipower instead. Can you get a Limitation on the value of the Multipower itself if all the slots inside share that same Limitation?

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


If I were to mandate that all powers within a Multipower be utilized from an END Reserve' date=' what would that limitation/advantage be worth?[/quote']


Nothing, you would just decide when defining the powers where they drew Endurance from. Requiring them to draw Endurance from both the reserve and personal END is described, along with many other helpful Limitations, on 5ER page 159.


Does anyone have a link to guidelines for how much of this data I am permitted to post openly without bordering on "too much"? This part was easy when I didn't have a book, I could guess wildly and point to existing posts for my clues.

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


So here is what I gave her


60 Water Powers: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots: All Powers Must Draw END from the END Reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); all slots Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)


3u 1) Dehydrate: Energy Blast 5d6, No Normal Defense (Power DEF or body that lacks liquids; +1) (50 Active Points); Victim At Least 50% Immersed In Water Gets A Free Recovery Of This Damage Each Phase (-1/2), Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)


2u 2) Hydrokinesis: Telekinesis (20 STR), Affects Porous (40 Active Points); Only On Water (-1), Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)


2u 3) Steam Form: Desolidification (affected by air/water attacks) (40 Active Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2), Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)


3u 4) Hardened Air: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Vulnerable (Air Powers; -1/4), Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)


3u 5) Fog: Change Environment 32" radius, -3 to Sight Group PER Rolls (36 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)

and the non-multipower powers

72 Hailstorm: Energy Blast 8d6, All Powers Must Draw END From the END Reserve (+0), Indirect (always from above; +1/4), Area Of Effect (5" Radius; +1) (90 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)


30 Water Form: (Total: 45 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) (Real Cost: 20) plus Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) (Real Cost: 10)


24 Cloud Platform: Flight 15", All Powers Must Draw END From the END Reserve (+0) (30 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)


13 Aquatic Genetics: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Self-Contained Breathing)


13 Ambient Water Vapor: Endurance Reserve (40 END, 10 REC) Reserve: (14 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


60 Water Powers: Multipower' date=' 60-point reserve, all slots: All Powers Must Draw END from the END Reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); all slots Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Extremely Dry/Arid Conditions (-1/4)[/quote']


With this build, the 1/2 END just means they take less water (since the END reserve is water), but it costs an extra 15 points to do so, whereas simply buying your END reserve with twice as much Endurance and REC would be 14 points. This wouldn't seem to violate your AP limit, since Hardened Air has 60, and the new AP total for that END reserve would be only 28.


I recommend, again, the "power draws from both personal and reserve END" Limitation, which would fail if movement/attacks ran you out of personal Endurance or if you had no water for them.


Also, the Limit doesn't seem entirely appropriate for all the powers within it; for instance, why would Dehydrate fail to draw moisture from within the target's body (interestingly, as written it can be used against plants as well as humans) just because there was no moisture outside the body? The "only on water" Limitation with Hydrokinesis seems overvalued, considering that it partially overlaps with the "not under extremely dry/arid conditions". The fog and flight powers, really, are the only ones I can see to deserve that Limitation.


Unless . . . none of her powers really work at range, and the only way she can manipulate water is by "extending" her reach through water molecules that are floating in the air, adjacent to each other.


This seems to go with how you built the END reserve, as a measure of how much "water" was dissipated nearby, but the "vapor" part also implies that you can't use regular water (i.e., from a lake). I would give it a higher point value for the "not under extremely arid/dry conditions", because it's more Limiting than the "no REC" that can vary between -1/4 and -2 (not only can it not recover, but it can't be drawn upon at all). I would consider a power to "humidify" the air by linking a Transform (water to air) with a short-term Aid of the END reserve (points wear off very quickly, to reflect how the moisture in the air rapidly spreads out to the rest of the planet's atmosphere, and to let you Aid it again immediately). Combined with the TK effect to carry around more water (and provided you had someplace to put it, that it would not soak into the ground and be lost), you could use some powers, Aid the END reserve, use the bonus points before they ran out, and repeat several times before running out of liquid water (the ruling that lost points are considered to have come out of the extra first is useful here).


I'm curious as to whether it would be more appropriate for the Aquatic Genetics to provide "water breathing" than self-contained breathing.

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


I like your idea of the "Both END" option, but the player is REALLY new and I don't want to overwhelm her with bookkeeping. The way I imagine her powers is that she draws the water from a "local" area (whether that is a pond, gutter or from the air is irrelevent so I'll change the title) and this powers her abilities.


I definitely need to re-work her powers based on what you've posted as it all makes sense when I go back and spend more time actually looking at her abilities and fine tuning them.


I think I'm going to make two multipowers, one external that relies on the END Reserve and one that is "internal" that relies on her own reserves or those of the target.


I think that putting a Side Effect of the END Reserve that sucks the moisture out of the surrounding environment/people/etc. as it recharges would be cool.


Maybe another power called Sudden Rain that acts as an Aid to the END Reserve and/or its Recovery...


Sheesh, this character can be incredibly cool and complicated if I really delved into her.


Thanks Robyn, I'm never speaking to you again...:thumbup:

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Re: Show me the Water Powers


Stealing a classic shadow-based power:


Teleport, to any place with water. Can modify it to require that she be entirely in the water. If you're going for weather-related, make it any place where it's raining. Megascale to taste.



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Re: Show me the Water Powers


Stealing a classic shadow-based power:


Teleport, to any place with water. Can modify it to require that she be entirely in the water. If you're going for weather-related, make it any place where it's raining. Megascale to taste.


Tunneling if rain has saturated the ground with water (could just do this as the SFX for an Indirect Teleport, but then any Hardened defense against Teleport would stop it; this way, she can actually trickle along through the ground and go under some barriers.

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