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Here's Me

Captain Emu

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So, while toolign around on HERO Designer early this morning it occured to me to do a quick and slightly off the wall write-up of my list alter-ego. So, here I am.



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

19 STR 9 14- Lift 696.4kg; 4 1/2d6 HTH damage [2]

18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6

20 CON 20 13-

21 BODY 22 13-

14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12-

19 EGO 18 13- ECV: 6

19 PRE 9 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6

10 COM 0 11-

18 PD 14 Total: 18 PD (0 rPD)

13 ED 9 Total: 13 ED (0 rED)

8 SPD 52 Phases: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

8 REC 0

40 END 0

41 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 181

Movement: Running: 6"/[Noncombat]"

Leaping: 8 1/2"/[Noncombat]"

Swimming: 2"/[Noncombat]"


Cost Powers END

10 "Tough ol' bird": Physical Damage Reduction, 25% 0

7 "Big bird": Growth (+5 STR, +1 BODY, +1 STUN, -1" KB, 200 kg, +0 DCV, +0 PER Rolls to perceive character, 2 m tall, 1 m wide), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (10 Active Points); Always On (-1/2) 0

3 "What makes you tick?": Lack Of Weakness (-3) for Normal Defense 0

10 "Gah!!! It's such a mess in there!!!": Mental Defense (14 points total) 0

14 Detect Free Food: Detect A Class Of Things 22- (Smell/Taste Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Perceive into a related group of dimensions, Targeting (50 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Always On (-1/2) 0

50 Mutant Bird Powers: Multipower, 50-point reserve

1u 1) "Hey...where did you go?": Invisibility to Sight Group , Limited Power Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (Must have surrounding obstructions; +0) (20 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (Slight of Hand; -1/2), Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Incantations ("Hey look a ...!!!"; -1/4) 2

1u 2) Long Neck: Stretching 1" (5 Active Points); Limited Body Parts (Head and neck only; -1/4) 1

1u 3) "Strike of 10,000 beaks": Hand-To-Hand Attack +1d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (7 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 1

1u 4) "Hen Peck": Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6 (10 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 1

2u 5) "But...emus...can't...": Flight 10", Position Shift (25 Active Points) 2

1u 6) "...or jump...": Leaping +4" (8 1/2" forward, 4" upward) (4 Active Points) 1



6 Contact: Winny Kincaid (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 12-

2 Contact: Tugger 11-



18 Evasive



3 Breakfall 13-

3 Bribery 13-

3 Conversation 13-

1 Deduction 8-

3 Forgery 12-

3 Gambling 12-

1 Mimicry 8-

3 Oratory 13-

1 Paramedics 8-

3 Persuasion 13-

3 Sleight Of Hand 13-

3 Survival 12-

2 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 159

Total Cost: 340


200+ Disadvantages

20 Dependent NPC: Koala Joe 11- (Incompetent)

15 Distinctive Features: "Um....you're a bird." (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Hunted: Jackjumper 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: Sydney Zoo 11- (Less Pow, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture)

5 Money: "What do I gotta do, rob a bank? What's that? I knoooooooow I'm a hero." Poor

5 Physical Limitation: Big bird (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

15 Psychological Limitation: Egomaniac (Very Common, Moderate)

20 Psychological Limitation: Arachnophobic (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Monologuer (Common, Strong)

10 Reputation: "Look it's that big friggin bird...", 11-

5 Social Limitation: "Um...sir...you are a bird." (Frequently, Minor, Not Limiting In Some Cultures)

5 Unluck: 1d6


Total Disadvantage Points: 340

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Re: Here's Me


Bitten by a radioactive emu' date=' of course![/quote']


He's hunted by a zoo, implying he IS an emu.



I'm sure he was an emu who acquired some humanlike abilities from being bitten by a radioactive human.


Lucius Alexander


Biting a radioactive palindromedary

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Re: Here's Me


I really, really like this. It gave me a very welcome laugh. :lol:


The origins of Captain Emu are pretty vague so far. As far as he is concerned' date=' he's always been this way, but this is obviously unlikely as we all know that emus can neither talk, fly, or con a local scout troop into painting his fence so he can go to the local comic convention.[/quote']


I'd believe the part about the local scout troop; most boy&girl sprouts I've seen are that dumb. ;)


"Contact: Winny Kincaid." I read that as Whiney Kincaid. ;)


"Detect Free Food:" LOL. I wish I had that!


Winny Kincaid, Koala Joe, Tugger, Jackjumper,.... Who are all these people??

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Re: Here's Me


Captain Emu? I always thought he was from the funny books. You know the ones with Awesome Carrot and Dr.Dingo, the Hyena from Hell? Funny that. So when this weird bird dude comes traipsing across the lawn, what was I gonna’ do? I mean, it could have been a little person in a bird suit for all I know!


So he sits besides and I offer him a beer and he offers me these grub things… What are they called? Wichetty grubs or something like that? Quite tangy really. Next thing I know he’s beek down into the lunch box and telling me bits of his life story.


Seems he doesn’t remember any of his childhood, though he carries this picture of an egg that he says was him as a youngster. All he knows is that his Mom said that once, when she and his pa were getting it on, there was a flash of light that turned everything green. And then a voice said “Uh-oh! Now you’ve done it! She’s going to be really pissed this time!”


Nah, his mom’s pretty much a standard emu from what he’s told me. Sort of small, brownish, eats insects, you know, a regular emu. So, then he tells me about the only thing he had to read when growing up was an old Superboy comic. It was some story about meeting other kids and forming a band or something. So there he is, wandering around, looking for other emus like him.


Hmm? No, he said something about a guy named Ralph who gave him a lift in an old Chevy Nova… green.

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Re: Here's Me


Tugger is an Aboriginal tribesman. Koala Joe is...well..a Koala who's latched onto The Captain and seems to get himself into trouble with some frequency. Winny is a zoologist from the Sydney Zoo that is helping him. Jackjumper is a bug-themed Aussie hero I pulled out of my feathery butt - Jackjumpers are nasty, vicious jumping ants.

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Re: Here's Me


Tugger is an Aboriginal tribesman. Koala Joe is...well..a Koala who's latched onto The Captain and seems to get himself into trouble with some frequency. Winny is a zoologist from the Sydney Zoo that is helping him. Jackjumper is a bug-themed Aussie hero I pulled out of my feathery butt - Jackjumpers are nasty' date=' vicious jumping ants.[/quote']


Thank you for the information.


However, what you have written raises in my mind one question. "I pulled out of my feathery butt" seems to imply the others are not your own invention; perhaps they are derivatives of, or homages to, characters I am unfamiliar with. Is that correct, or did you have some reason to especially point out Jackjumper as being your invention?

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