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Do I need the core rule book?


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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


You'll need the core book. In fact, you need the core book more than you need Star Hero :)


That is, the rules you need to play any genre is in the core rulebook. The genre books (Star Hero, Champions, etc) contain setting material, rules examples, etc. -- ways to implement the core rules.


As an experienced GM, I can (and have) run a space opera HERO game right out of the 5th ed book, although Star Hero can be helpful material.

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


You need the core rulebook. All other publications are dependent on the core rulebook. Conversely, the core rulebook is the only book you actually need. All of the genre books are examples of how to extrapolate the genre from the core rules.


Keith "Mr. Helpy-Guy" Curtis

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


The above replies are generally spot-on.


I will add that the genre books often cover details about a given genre that are really important if you want to run that genre, but not so important they would go in the core rulebook for a generic game system. In SH, for example, there are rules and example for how to build different types of FTL travel systems using the HERO rules. In the grand scheme of things that's not real important, but for planning many Science Fiction games it could be pretty crucial.

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


As an option you can run a basic game with the Sidekick rules, it is a sort of Hero light intended to introduce Hero to new players. For my games I use the big book as a GM manual (though my players are free to use it too), and my 2 sidekick books as at the table players manuals, then I use Star Hero, Terran Empires, The Spacers Toolkit, Alien Wars, and Worlds of Empire for game material like a campaign backdrop and pre-built vehicles/equipment.

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


FWIW, I really liked the Star Hero book. I imagine Steve'd do it differently if he had to do it again, but it's a great resource for science fiction in general - all sorts of nifty ideas and constructs to lift. I was going to say it's much, much better than GURPS Space, but checking that book I see Star Hero more as a complementary product.

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


Star Hero was the first genre book I picked up. It is my second favorite Genre Book published to date (first being Pulp Hero) simply based on all the cool information it gives you on how to make a Science Fiction game.


Space Opera is my personal favorite style of game to play in.

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


FWIW, I really liked the Star Hero book. I imagine Steve'd do it differently if he had to do it again, but it's a great resource for science fiction in general - all sorts of nifty ideas and constructs to lift. I was going to say it's much, much better than GURPS Space, but checking that book I see Star Hero more as a complementary product.


Actually, if I had it to rewrite I might expand upon a few things (if for no other reason than to take advantage of several years' worth of new astronomy research/discoveries) and I might reorganize things a smidge, but I wouldn't really do it differently. I'm happy with the way it turned out, and it made a good "blueprint" for how we tend to do genre books.

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


If funds are an issue, you could purchase a copy of Sidekick with Star Hero. That would give you the essential mechanics, while Star Hero would give you the genre specific applications. There are a few things in Star Hero, like constructs relying on frameworks, that don't appear in Sidekick (being a part of the whole-hog rules set), but since you should be able to run with it nonetheless. Personally, I think it is ideal to have the whole rule set, but with Sidekick out there it isn't strictly necessary.

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


If funds are an issue' date=' you could purchase a copy of Sidekick with Star Hero. That would give you the essential mechanics, while Star Hero would give you the genre specific applications. There are a few things in Star Hero, like constructs relying on frameworks, that don't appear in Sidekick (being a part of the whole-hog rules set), but since you should be able to run with it nonetheless. Personally, I think it is ideal to have the whole rule set, but with Sidekick out there it isn't strictly necessary.[/quote']


Both Elemental Control and Multiple Power Pool are in Sidekick.


Which only leaves the VPP unaccounted for, which many people run screaming from anyway - veteran and new player alike.

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


Both Elemental Control and Multiple Power Pool are in Sidekick.


Which only leaves the VPP unaccounted for, which many people run screaming from anyway - veteran and new player alike.

1. I really need to get Sidekick to carry around with me.


2. I don't see a need for Variable Power Pools in a Star HERO setting.


3. I like VPPs. (turns and runs)

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


1. I really need to get Sidekick to carry around with me.

I actually find the Combat Handbook better, but I've nearly memorized 5ER.


2. I don't see a need for Variable Power Pools in a Star HERO setting.

Reconfigurable Sensor Array.



3. I like VPPs. (turns and runs)


I love 'em. though VPP Responsibly people.

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Re: Do I need the core rule book?


Ditto on Sidekick being a good deal. 90% of the rules are in there, and the PDF from the wedsite is only $7. Plus, once you get the core rules, you can loan out the PDF to players, while keeping a back-up on your harddrive so it never gets "lost" or "damaged."


This will give them basic rules for character creation and combat while you have The Big Tome of Really Hairy Details.

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