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Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


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Anyone remember the old Shadow World Boxed set, way back when Rolemaster and Hero were done together? I have the boxed set, but I've lost the conversion guide that had all the Hero Stats :(


I would desperately love to get my hands on the stats for the 'Shards' and 'Greater Shards' monsters if anyone wouldn't mind either posting them or sending me a PM.


And assuming it doesn't violate any rules of course. I do own the stuff, just can't put my hands on the book.



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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


Ah hem! check out the post first


Shadow Hero






I did. Please check out my response.

Unless there is a link I'm not seeing, the only /actual/ info I can find on that site is a link to a PDF dealing with converting PC characteristics. That won't help with monster stats as they are from an old school game that did monsters completely differently from pcs.


If I am missing something, please point me to the actual link.

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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


Yeah, I lost that information myself. I would very much like to have it back, but alas, all I have access to is the new Shadow World master atlas and it doesn't have any HERO stats in it (though I have no problem converting on my own)


If I remember right, the Shards were Automatons with ungodly amounts of Speed. I think their Speed scores were in the 6-8 range!

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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


I'll also check my Shadow World box set when I get home. I actually sold the first release when I was in hard times, but I bought the box set last year when I saw it for sale. I'm not sure if it is the same as the first printing, but I'll let you know.

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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


A friend of mine has all the Shadow World stuff from the era of dual-statting; I cannot remember seeing any Shard stats though.


I have been toying with the idea of converting the Feeder Races (Hue Eaters, Bone Eaters, Flesh Eaters, etc. - i.e. the followers of the Breathless) to HERO, as soon as Real Life lets me.


This will actually be a conversion from Bladestorm as the Shadow World Atlas I have (2nd ed.) had an error in it (well, it looked like an error - it looked like some paragraphs had been left off the page and not flowed onto a new one) where they were described, but not statted up properly (whereas their masters were). The only stats I have were those in the Bladelands Sourcebook (part of the Bladestorm boxed set).


As soon as I get them done I will post them here/and or put them on the Hero Designer site. I was going to do an Agath (Demon-Drake), but the HB, MMM and NKN volumes have that pretty well covered already.


Eventually I hope to turn stuff out with the regularity and the quality of Susano's output (:)), but first I have a load of Real Life Work (:thumbdown) to do (and my 'mousing' shoulder needs to quit giving me trouble :mad: - that's where I am prone to RSI-type problems, and it's not much fun when my job [typesetting + book layout] involves moving a mouse around all day).

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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


Finally took a look, I had 4 source books that were all the dual stats, and the Master Atlas, which is 2nd edition unfortunately. The only Shard stats I found were in the Master Atlas, but they were strictly Rolemaster. Sorry. I looked through the other source books and couldn't find any write ups for them there either.


For Bismark, my book also seems somehow incomplete regarding them. I couldn't find any paragraph errors, but it looks like they failed to include more info. Give me a page reference and I'll check mine to be sure.

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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


Finally took a look, I had 4 source books that were all the dual stats, and the Master Atlas, which is 2nd edition unfortunately. The only Shard stats I found were in the Master Atlas, but they were strictly Rolemaster. Sorry. I looked through the other source books and couldn't find any write ups for them there either.


For Bismark, my book also seems somehow incomplete regarding them. I couldn't find any paragraph errors, but it looks like they failed to include more info. Give me a page reference and I'll check mine to be sure.


I know without a doubt that there were FH stats for shards SOMEWHERE, but they weren't all that well written, IIRC. Still nasty tho.


On the topic of nasty...

Try writing up a Shadoworld Navigator

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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


RPMiller: Regarding the 'missing bits' pertaining to the Hue-Eaters and Breathless in the Shadow World Master Atlas 2nd edition:


I misremembered the nature of the mistake - they were mentioned in the text on pp. 79-80 but the stats were omitted from the chart on page 82 (odd - 5 Agothu mentioned in text, only 4 statted up in the table; 6 Agothu servants mentioned in the text, only 5 statted up in the table).


I have just found my copy of Bladestorm, so Hue-Eater stats will be done [i love the Ogres in this book - [i]furry, tailed marsupials[/i] :thumbup: ...]

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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


Ah ha! Yes I see it now as well, that kind of stinks... Does Bladestorm have the missing stats for those? Even though I doubt I'll be playing Shadow World any time soon, it would be nice to have the missing stats if you could post them. I'm referring to the RM stats as well as the FH stats. I wonder if there is an errata listed somewhere....

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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


Sadly, there are no stats for the Breathless themselves in Bladestorm; just the Hue-Eaters.


The other "jolly" thing is that I will have to convert back from Bladestorm to RM stats so I can then apply the RM-to-FH conversions that our esteemed colleagues have invented.


The bonus is that stats for the other Feeder Races (Bone Eaters, Flesh Eaters, Teeth Eaters) can be derived from the Hue Eater stats, working in conjunction with the descriptions in the Bladestorm Sourcebook.

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Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


Keep in mind these are 1st Ed FH stats. The Lords of Orhan and the Navigators have complete writeups (with magic items!), but the monster conversions are just summaries. The information below is all the info provided.


I do not have RM so I don't know what 'shards' are, and they are not described in the conversion guide, so you'll have to make sense of this yourself.




STR 20

DEX 33

CON 23


PRE 35

tPD 10

rPD 2

tED 6

rED 1


REC 18


OCV 13

DCV 11

DAM 2d6K

MOVE 100"



- Strong Venom

- Half CV in daylight

- Must make half a move before it attacks

- Attacks draw 2 charges at a time from a reserve of 50 that recharges 3/hr

- Running is brought to 1/4 normal endurance





STR 30

DEX 33

CON 30


PRE 45

tPD 16

rPD 4

tED 8

rED 2


REC 24

STUN 120

OCV 15

DCV 11

DAM 3d6K

MOVE 100"



- Strong Venom

- Half CV in daylight

- Attacks draw 2 charges at a time from a reserve of 50 that recharges 3/hr

- May project a 'lightbolt' from its eyes that does 8d6 of Blast damage

- Running is brought to 1/4 normal endurance





- 'Blast' is the same 'Energy Blast'

- 'Reduced Endurance x1/4' no longer exists, I'd just use 'Reduced Endurance: No END' instead


I no longer have the 1st ed Bestiary and do not recall precisely how 'strong venom' is defined. IIRC the rankings were:


- Weak Venom: 1d6 BODY, gradual effect 1 hour

- Strong Venom: 2d6 BODY, gradual effect 5 minutes

- Lethal Venom: 3d6 BODY, gradual effect 1 minute

- Horrid Monster Venom: 4d6 BODY, gradual effect 1 turn


I'd suggest:


STRONG VENOM: 2d6 RKA, NND Does BODY, No Range, Gradual Effect 5 minutes, Doesn't affect target unless simultaneous HKA does BODY.

Defense is appropriate immunity, unusual metabolism, or suitable antidote.

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  • 3 years later...

Re: Rolemaster Shadow World Conversion


For my 1,00th post on the Hero Boards:


Since some of you seemed to find my Characteristic Conversion useful, here's my Skill Conversion document for RoleMaster (and d20) to Fantasy Hero System:


[edit: removed old file, updated file in message below]


This works specifically for Shadow World, Middle Earth Roleplaying (MERP), and generic Rolemaster (as well as for d20 D&D 3.xe and Pathfinder).


It'll work for everything ranging from the starting characters of Terry Amthor's "Grand Campaign", through the Heroes and Rogues characters, right up to the big boy Kuor himself.


Hopefully some of you will find this Skill conversion to be useful.

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