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The downsides of the Iron Age


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Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


I personally didn't care that Spiderman in a near death, animalistic, taken-over-by-his-inner-spider, rage caused him to devour the corpes of a foe that deliberately and with premeditation killed Peter (you did notice that Peter was in fact dead) and attempted to consume the parts of his essence that Morlun (whoever that is, I never heard of him before) had taken.


It doesn't change Peter, it doesn't make him a cannibal (he wasn't anything near resembling human at the time), and it doesn't make him less of a hero.


I just do not accept such stark hard and fast rules about what makes someone heroic or a hero.



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Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


Yeah. While they aren't my cuppo tea' date=' Preacher and Sin City were big and have devoted following, as does Transmetropolitan.[/quote']


Maybe a whole bunch of writers need to be sat down in front of a big pile of 2000AD back copies.


Several of the famous British writers, at least, actually started off there and in similar publications. Maybe they should get back to their roots.




While I'm at it, here is a neat Zenith website: http://www.seizingthefire.co.uk/

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Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


I will admit that I do not know this particular storyline (Spider-Man:The Others) well enough to be upset about it.


I just commented on the concept of Spider-Man eating people. I do not like that on principle. In the past, there might have been a moment where that appeared to be the only solution to the problem. He might have come close to doing it, but there would have been another solution. The dramatic tension would have come from those moments spent thinking: "They can't possibly do that. I can't believe they are really going to do that. Oh, thank God, they didn't do that. Hey, that was pretty clever the way they avoided doing that." Is this an artificial way of resolving the conflict? Perhaps. However, now they just go ahead and do the unthinkable and call that drama. I don't always think that makes a better story, especially when you are dealing with a character to whom that action would be completely out of character.


I might or might not check this story out. I just saw it at the local comic store in trade paperback. In the end, I would be unsatisfied if they failed to show some serious downsides to that event. And I don't mean that one or two issues of downcast facial expressions follwed by business as usual in time for the Wolverine team-up issue approach we see so often.

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Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


It doesn't change Peter, it doesn't make him a cannibal (he wasn't anything near resembling human at the time), and it doesn't make him less of a hero.


I just do not accept such stark hard and fast rules about what makes someone heroic or a hero.




Myself, I don't see "don't eat people's brains" as that much of a high bar for heroism, but then that's not what I object to in this sequence.


I like horror comics. I like the splatterpunk genre. I might like reading a Spiderman What If where Peter turns into a brain eating zombie, and I got a few chuckles out of Marvel Zombies. Heck, I've still got Marshal Law in a box somewhere. What I think is a blindingly bad editorial choice is for the Earth 616 Peter Parker to be turned into a brain eating monster, then having him chow down in front of his wife. Spiderman is not a horror story (though horror elements have been there) or a revenge tale, and it's certainly not a story about the primal conflict between Man and his animal (arachnid) nature; it's a Superhero story about Peter Parker coming to terms with power and responsibility, with a dose of soap opera.


I am not dismissing the opinions of those who enjoyed this storyline, but it does not belong in the main Spiderman continuity.

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Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


Maybe a whole bunch of writers need to be sat down in front of a big pile of 2000AD back copies.


Several of the famous British writers, at least, actually started off there and in similar publications. Maybe they should get back to their roots.




While I'm at it, here is a neat Zenith website: http://www.seizingthefire.co.uk/


Now those were some Iron Age books! Pulpy Iron, but still Iron.


Eclipse Comics here in the States reprinted a lot of the good stuff from the 80's, Laser Eraser and such. Ennis and Esquerra's current stuff really reminds me of 2000AD.


Hey, maybe you know Assault. Who was Pedro Henry?

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Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


I love Kirby's Characters' date=' I hate his art. I like a lot of the artists who draw the iron age comics. The writers should have their fingers and tongues removed with dull hammers.[/quote']


Alternatively, Spider-Man could eat the fingers and tongues.

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Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


Myself, I don't see "don't eat people's brains" as that much of a high bar for heroism, but then that's not what I object to in this sequence.


I like horror comics. I like the splatterpunk genre. I might like reading a Spiderman What If where Peter turns into a brain eating zombie, and I got a few chuckles out of Marvel Zombies. Heck, I've still got Marshal Law in a box somewhere. What I think is a blindingly bad editorial choice is for the Earth 616 Peter Parker to be turned into a brain eating monster, then having him chow down in front of his wife. Spiderman is not a horror story (though horror elements have been there) or a revenge tale, and it's certainly not a story about the primal conflict between Man and his animal (arachnid) nature; it's a Superhero story about Peter Parker coming to terms with power and responsibility, with a dose of soap opera.


I am not dismissing the opinions of those who enjoyed this storyline, but it does not belong in the main Spiderman continuity.


Excellent! Repped and quoted. This is exactly how I feel about the whole thing. If you want to write splatterpunk horror comics, that's fine. There is a time and a place for that. But don't try to pass it off as Spider-Man. Is it still Strazenski (sp?) writing this title? If so, he has let me down big time. Whoever is writing this stuff needs to see the Spider-Man movies. That is Peter Parker. I don't know who the cannibal is.

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Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


...Whoever is writing this stuff needs to see the Spider-Man movies. That is Peter Parker...


More or less, yeah.


... which reminds me... back in the day, I quit collecting the "Amazing Spider-Man" because of the clone garbage. But really, for me, Carnage was the beginning of the end.

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Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


Personally, I had no problem with Venom. Venom was a great concept. As a villian! It's when they gave Venom his own mini-series and tried to make him a hero that I got fed up with it. Note to Marvel: You do not have to take all your most popular villians and suddenly decide they're actually heroes. Sometimes, we just like the way a villian works. Or, if you're going to do it, take a lesson from Busiek (the first series of Thunderbolts), and do it Right. And while we're on the subject, you also should not take some of your greatest heroes and turn them into villians (see: Civil War), or experienced, effective heroes and turn them into incompetent newbs (see: New Warriors at the biginning of Civil War).

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