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My first Champions character in fourteen years.


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I'm out of practice, but maybe you guys will get a kick out of this. I haven't played in fifteen years, but I'm still a big fan of the Hero System. I'm also still very upset about what they did to Hawkeye at Marvel and this is part of my protest. The archer is my favorite superhero archetype. I built this guy and realized that he was all dressed up with nowhere to go.


If there is something wrong with the build let me know. I've only recently been looking at the rules again. I used ReFred and Hero Designer.


Here he is....



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

18 STR 8 13- Lift 303.1kg; 3 ½d6 [2]

25 DEX 45 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

20 CON 20 13-

10 BODY 0 11-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

12 COM 1 11-


8+7 PD 4 Total: 8/15 PD (0/7 rPD)

6+7 ED 2 Total: 6/13 ED (0/7 rED)

6 SPD 25 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

8 REC 0

48 END 4

33 STUN 4 Total Characteristic Cost: 127


Movement: Running: 8"/16"

Leaping: 3"/6"

Swimming: 4"/8"

Swinging: 10"/20"


Cost Powers END

32 Bow and Arrows: Multipower, 52-point reserve, all slots 32 Charges (+¼) (65 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)

4m 1) Blunt Arrow: Physical Blast 8d6, Autofire (3 shots; +¼) (50 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), No Knockback (-¼)

3m 2) Broadhead Arrows: RKA (Physical) 2d6, Autofire (3 shots; +¼) (37 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼)

3u 3) Blast Arrow: Physical Blast 6d6, Time Delay (variable time fuse; +¼), Explosion (+½) (52 Active Points); OAF (-1)

3u 4) Smoke Arrow: Darkness to Sight Group 3" radius, Personal Immunity (+¼), Charge is continuing (1 turn) (+½) (52 Active Points); OAF (-1)

2u 5) Concussion Arrow: Sight and Hearing Groups Flash 3d6, Area Of Effect (2" Radius; +1) (40 Active Points); OAF (-1)

1u 6) Cable Arrow: Stretching 6" (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Cannot Do Damage (-½), no Noncombat Stretching (-¼)

3m 7) Pinning Shot: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF (standard effect: 4 BODY, 4 DEF), Autofire (3 shots; +¼) (50 Active Points); OAF (-1), Each shot effects only one limb (-½), Cannot Form Barriers (-¼), Can Be Missile Deflected (-¼)

3u 8) Plug the barrel: Dispel 14d6 (standard effect: 42 points), most pistols (+¼) (52 Active Points); OAF (-1)

2u 9) Perfect Shot : Energy Blast 7d6 (standard effect: 21 STUN), No Normal Defense (Total head covering/Invulnerability/Force field; +½) (52 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼)

2u 10) Perfect Shot II: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Armor Piercing (+½) (45 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼)

1u 11) Intercepting Shot: Missile Deflection (Arrows, Slings, Etc.), +4 levels built in, Each successful deflection uses 1 charge (+0), Usable On Others (+¼) (22 Active Points); OAF (-1)


14 Costume: Armor (7 PD/7 ED) (21 Active Points); OIF (-½)

7 Costume: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (-½)

4 MIni Breather : Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 5 Minutes (-¾), OIF (-½) [1 cc]

3 Costume: Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OIF (; -½)

3 Costume: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (-½)

5 Swing Line: Swinging 10" (10 Active Points); OAF (-1) 1

4 Athlete: Running +2" (8" total) 1

2 Athlete: Swimming +2" (4" total) 1


Martial Arts

3 Basic Strike +1 +0 8 ½d6 Strike

3 Legsweep +2 -1 7 ½d6 Strike, Target Falls

3 Martial Throw +0 +1 6 ½d6 +v/5, Target Falls

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 Martial Escape +0 +0 48 STR vs. Grabs

3 Weapon Element: Blades, Karate Weapons, Staffs

12 +3 HTH Damage Class(es)



4 Money: Well Off ($400,000 a year)

11 Blazing Arrow: Vehicle



6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

4 Lightning Reflexes: +4 DEX to act first with Ranged attack



3 Acrobatics 14-

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Breakfall 14-

3 Climbing 14-

3 Lockpicking 14-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

2 Language: Japanese (basic conversation; literate)

2 Language: Cantonese Chinese (basic conversation; literate)

0 Language (English): Native, literate

2 AK: Hong Kong 11-

2 AK: Japan and Okinawa 11-

2 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons

2 WF: Common Missile Weapons

1 TF: Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles

0 Everyman Skill:TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

0 Everyman Skill: AK: Los Angeles 11-

0 PS: Youth Counselor: 11-

0 Everyman Skill: Deduction 8-

0 Everyman Skill: Persuasion 8-

0 Everyman Skill: Conversation 8-

0 Everyman Skill: Concealment 8-

16 +2 with All Combat

20 +4 with Ranged Combat


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 238

Total Cost: 365


200+ Disadvantages

25 Hunted: Kano Contract 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)

5 Watched : Investigative reporter 11- (Less Pow, NCI, Watching)

15 Psychological Limitation: Driven to prove himself (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Avoids Killing (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Hunts drug dealers (Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Taunts enemies (i.e. "Cocky Trash talker") (Common, Moderate)

35 Dependent NPC: At risk kids from his program 8- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x8 DNPCs)

15 Dependent NPC: Mariah Knowles (Girlfriend/Masters Development employee) 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)

10 Social Limitation: Unwanted media attention as Darren Masters threatens Sureshot ID (Occasionally, Major)

10 Rivalry (as Darren Masters): Professional, Martin Carstairs, CEO of Masters Development , Rival is More Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry

10 Reputation: Returning Hero/Former Sidekick, 11-


Total Disadvantage Points: 365


Background/History: Darren Evans grew up on the streets of South Central Los Angeles without much parental supervision, and he started hanging with gang members when he was thirteen. He was a tough and crafty kid, and by fourteen he was deeply involved in petty crime. He was arrested for his part in a series of car thefts when he was sixteen and sentenced to a year at a youth farm in Northern California.


There he met a middle-aged youth counselor and archery instructor named Alan Masters. Masters took a liking to the rebellious, smart-mouthed kid and singled him out for special attention. For his part, Darren initially disliked Masters and made it clear in no uncertain terms; he wanted no part of this old, terminally uncool White man. Once and only once, Darren took a swing at Masters. This only happend once because Darren ended up flying through the air and landing unceremoniously on his butt. Somewhat humbled, Darren initially set out to learn how Masters had beaten him so effortlessly. Over time, he came to genuinely like and respect Masters Over the course of the year, Masters and Darren developed a friendship, though Darren never could figure out how Masters knew some of the things he seemed to know .


While Darren was incarcerated, his mother died. She had always been less than involved in his life, and he had not seen his father in years. His mother's death left alone in the world. It seemed that the only option he had upon his release was to go back to the old neighborhood to fall further into the gang lifestyle. However, the time he had spent talking to Masters had exposed him to a new way of thinking about things. Masters had taught him a little about archery and lot about the dead end path he was on, so Darren set out to change his future with Masters' help. Again Masters was capable of accomplishing things no ordinary camp counselor should be able to. When Darren was released, he went to live with Masters, who became his court appointed guardian.


During his time living with Masters, Darren learned two things about his mysterious benefactor. First of all, Masters did not need to work as a counselor. He had large land and business holdings in several western states. The second secret took a little longer to come to light. Just before he turned eighteen, Alan Masters told Darren that he had operated as a costumed vigilante before his advancing age had convinced him to think about retiring. As The Bowman, Alan Masters had a twenty year crime fighting career. Mastersaslo explained that he had at one point dreamed of having a son who would follow in his footsteps. However, the demands of of his two lives prevented him from making the time for a family. As he came to the end of his two careers, he came to belive that he had not really contributed anything to the world, despite his efforts in and out of costume.


In his fifties, he started to work part-time as a youth counselor to clear his mind. When he met Darren, he decided to reach out to him. Eventually, he decided that Darren could be the next Bowman. To this end, he adopted Darren and began to train him. Darren took to the training and worked doggedly for several years. In his costumed identiy as Sureshot, Darren participated in several training misisons with and without The Bowman and gained a reputation as sort of a sidekick to the better known hero. However, the stress of working under The Bowman's strict guidance began to come between them. In costume, Alan Masters was almost a different person. He was intense, driven and very unlike the avuncular man Daren had known, and they often disagreed. The conflict grew as Darren started to develop other interests while away at college.


When Darren decided that he would not continue on a costumed vigilante, the men parted ways. The final argument between them shattered the relationship completely. Darren left Masters' home after her graduated from college and travelled in Asia for several years. During this period of wandering, Sureshot encountered some men working for the ruthless yakuza overlord, Kano Shingo. Though he was somewhat out of training, he was able to foil the assasination of an important corporate figure. This earned Sureshot a place on Kano's enemies list. Kano has offered one milion dollars for Sureshot's capture, but nothing for his death. This reason behind this unusual offer has only been guessed at in by memebrs of the international underworld. As Sureshot becomes active again, this part of his past may come back to haunt him.


Even donning the costume during his sef-imposed exile did not bring Darren any closer to wanting to work as a vigilante on a regular basis. It was only The Bowman's death that brought him back. The Bowman died during a massive battle that saw the end of many of the world's established villains. Though Darren was still in Asia at the time, the story was covered in major media outlets around the world. He rushd back to the in time to see The Bowan buried with full honors. in the afttermath, Darren found himslef beset by guilt. He wondered how Masters would push himself to go into battle one last time given his failing skills and advancing age. He could not help but feel that he shared some responsibilty for Masters' death. If he had taken Masters' place that day, or at lest been with him, would the outcome have been any different? If he had not failed to live up to the responsiblities he had accepted so many years ago, would Masters still be alive? Had his selfishness and immaturity caused him to fail the only pesron who had ever really reached out to help him? Darren has put back on his old costume again to honor what had passed between them and perhaps to silence the questioning voice inside him.


At the time of his death, Masters' contacts managed to keep his identity secret. so Darren's identity can still be kep closely guarded. Howver, some people are aware of the history involved and can put two and two together. Darren chose to reassume his identity as Sureshot and not wear the name Bowman as Masters had originally planned. He may feel worthy to do that one day, but not now. He appeared as Sureshot about a dozen times before he quit. He has not been active in the United States for about five years, but some people remember him as "The Bowman's sidekick". Darren never liked being called that, and he will not hesitate to make it known. He is especially prickly about it now that he is approaching thirty years old. The adventure in Japan occurred about a year before The Bowman's death. Though Darren did not inherit the bulk of Masters assets, Masters left him with a substantial inheritance. This money allows him to devote time to training and adventuring, but it is not limitless. He has access to the equipment he and Masters created years ago and is still using that for now. In the future, he may gain access to the Bowman's more complete stock of specialty equipment. Darren does not have to work, but he maintains a part time job as a parks and recreation counselor in an inner city neighborhood. Using this position, he feels that he might be able to pay back a little of what Masters did for him. He has lost a couple of "his" kids to the drug life, so he harbors special hatred for drug dealers.


Since his return from Asia, Darren has been the subject of some speculation in the tabloid media. He is potentially the heir to Master's fortune. Their estrangement did not prevent Masters from leaving him wih a substantial trust fund, nor does it remove his legal rights to inheret the company. As of yet, Darren has not been interested in life as a business man, but the current CEO of the company, Martin Carstairs, does not like uncertainty. Darren makes him nervous.


Personality/Motivation: Darren Masters did not accept the mantle of heroism when it was first offered to him. He has lived to regret that choice, and with the death of his father figure and mentor, he has revisited his decision and become active again as Sureshot. He can come off as being cocky at times, but he is actually driven by a sense of regret for many of his earlier decisions. He now pushes himself ten times harder than The Bowman ever did.


Quote: "I ain't no goddamn sidekick"

"Count yourself lucky that I generally shoot to wound. Still, that does look painful. Is it?"

"William Tell my @#$%"


Powers/Tactics: Sureshot is a highly skilled archer. He has trained extensively in both target and sport archery, as well as Kyudo . His skill with a bow probably exceeds that of any Olympic champion who ever competed. In addition, he is a natural athlete who maintains a high level of conditioning through intensive regular excercise. The Bownam trained him extensively in Karate and Jiu Jitsu, as well as gymnastics and other useful skills for his planned life as a costumed vigilante. During his travels Darren has picked up a bit from several other instructors, so his fighting syle and life philosophy is at best described as eclectic. At worst, the term hodgepodge comes to mind.


His quiver is designed to mate arrow heads to alloy shafts. The entire process takes place inside the quiver where all the required components are stored. The arrow selection is controlled by voice command from Sureshot's mask, though he has a backup control mounted on his wristguard that allows him to do this silently. The practical limit to the number of arrows he can carry is the number of arrow shafts he has access to (32). The vast majority of the arrowheads he carries have weighted blunt points or sharp broadheads. His skill with the bow is such that he can use these simple arrows to great and varied effect. He does, however, maintain some special arrowheads that do things like explode or dispense smoke. In combat, he will will avoid closing with most opponents to make the most of his ranged attacks and trick shots, but he is not incapable of fighting hand-to-hand if he has to.


Campaign Use: Speedy by way of Robin. I've always wanted to play an archer. I just decided to modernize this guy, give him more of a hip-hop flavor. Plus, I never liked that Speedy was on heroin storyline, so I wanted to fix it in my own way.


Appearance: Sureshot is a tall, muscular African-American male in his late twenties. He wears a close-fitting grey body suit made of padded bulletproof spandex . Over that he wears dark burgundy load bearing vest with black accents. His mask does not cover his hair or the area around his mouth; However, it does contain a radio, as well as a set of nightvision lenses. He is armed with a specially designed bow and wears a quiver of specialty arrows on his back.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


Nice job! Sureshot seems well-constructed, effective without being game-breaking, and you've got some interesting and unique slots in his multipower (hard to do, IMHO - considering the number of archers i've seen written up).


His background, IMHO, is very well-written: a nice homage to Speedy/Robin without being a ripoff of either. Familiar and unique at the same time.



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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


Character looks good, as is...


Just a couple of minor comments:

First, I noticed that a couple of your slots are bought as multis. All three happen to be AF3, which I assume you meant for him to be able to shoot the arrows in any combination. Unfortunately, MPs don't really work that way (makes perfect sense that they could, but...).



A second thing I would look at is maybe replacing at least two of his "Ranged Combat" levels with PSL vs. Range (either with his bow, or all attacks). This will help him a lot, since it will let him fire at a greater range (without actually making his OCV ridiculous). Perhaps go with +2 Ranged Combat, +4 PSL vs Range Penalties (w/ Bow & Arrows). This would allow him to fire from up to range 16" without penalty... also allowing him to use range as defence.


I'd also consider Rapid Attack, and levels with Rapid Attack, and drop the AF from the three slots. This will enable him to fire multiple arrows in a phase (though still from only one slot). To enable him to fire from multiple slots, you'll need to increase his reserve, unfortunately.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


Character looks good, as is...


Just a couple of minor comments:

First, I noticed that a couple of your slots are bought as multis. All three happen to be AF3, which I assume you meant for him to be able to shoot the arrows in any combination. Unfortunately, MPs don't really work that way (makes perfect sense that they could, but...).



A second thing I would look at is maybe replacing at least two of his "Ranged Combat" levels with PSL vs. Range (either with his bow, or all attacks). This will help him a lot, since it will let him fire at a greater range (without actually making his OCV ridiculous). Perhaps go with +2 Ranged Combat, +4 PSL vs Range Penalties (w/ Bow & Arrows). This would allow him to fire from up to range 16" without penalty... also allowing him to use range as defence.


I'd also consider Rapid Attack, and levels with Rapid Attack, and drop the AF from the three slots. This will enable him to fire multiple arrows in a phase (though still from only one slot). To enable him to fire from multiple slots, you'll need to increase his reserve, unfortunately.


That's the effect I was looking for. The crossing of the multi slots with autofire was my attempt at getting him to be able to do things like fire more than one arrow in the same attack. He would literally nock up to three arrows at the same time and fire them in one motion. This is a stunt often performed by Hawkeye in the comics. Autofire would allow him to target all the arrows at one person or at a group. If the active points of the attacks did not exceed the reserve, couldn't you call it attacking with more than one power at once?


I was not sure about mixing and matching the multi slots, so I tried that out. I now believe that it would not work unless the GM allowed it. The SFX is that one or two arrow pin the guy's clothing to the wall while one does damage. He is actually firing basic arrows for the trick shots at the end of the MP. Would that work if I made the reserve larger? I think he would violate the basics of active points though depending on the GM.


I did not belive that Rapid Attack allowed you to make more than one attack in your phase. I thought it just decreased the time to make that attack to a half phase. Looking it up, it is probaly the way I should approach some of the stunts I want to do. The half phase for sweeps and autofire would come in handy.


I could pull the points back from those ranged skill levels, which was also an excellent suggestion. Thanks.


For TheQuestionMan: I set out the points for a motorcycle in the write-up. Great minds... By the way, great avatar!

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


If the active points of the attacks did not exceed the reserve, couldn't you call it attacking with more than one power at once?



Attacking with multiple powers like that would be an MPA.


You are not allowed to MPA with different slots of the same power framework.


WARNING: While totally legal, the following advice may get you kicked out of the game for unbridled munchkinry ;)


However, you CAN MPA with powers from different power frameworks.


So you COULD spend 10pts using the Equipment Doubeling rule and say that you have 3 quivers of trick arrows (each one a copy of the other). Then you can MPA with 3 different slots from each of the three Quiver MP's...


I did something similar in the initial writeup of my archer, Robin Fletcher, only he had different MP's for Trick Shots, Alchemical/Magic Arrows and Tech Arrows (so no equipment doubling abuse)


I cut it in the final draft to save points and because I didn't want the temptation that it would bring...

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


Attacking with multiple powers like that would be an MPA.


You are not allowed to MPA with different slots of the same power framework.


WARNING: While totally legal, the following advice may get you kicked out of the game for unbridled munchkinry ;)


However, you CAN MPA with powers from different power frameworks.


So you COULD spend 10pts using the Equipment Doubeling rule and say that you have 3 quivers of trick arrows (each one a copy of the other). Then you can MPA with 3 different slots from each of the three Quiver MP's...


I did something similar in the initial writeup of my archer, Robin Fletcher, only he had different MP's for Trick Shots, Alchemical/Magic Arrows and Tech Arrows (so no equipment doubling abuse)


I cut it in the final draft to save points and because I didn't want the temptation that it would bring...


Got you. I thought about the two multipowers idea at first, but it seemed too expensive. And I can't do what I originally envisioned, as it is strictly forbidden in the rules, though it makes sense to me logically. Thanks for the assist. I will go back and look at it again now. So far it seems like rapid attack and/or watering down the rate of fire is the only real solution. I'm glad I ran this by you guys.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


What a sweet character! It's reminds me of the Ralph Macchio "Karate Kid" movie' date=' only much cooler (which apparently is possible... who knew!?). :cool:[/quote']


I never liked Ralph Macchio in that movie, but I always loved the Pat Morita character. He was nominated for an Oscar for that part. Too bad he didn't win.


I've spoken about the teenaged Elizabeth Shue elsewhere, and I don't want to risk being accused of obsession.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


I never liked Ralph Macchio in that movie, but I always loved the Pat Morita character. He was nominated for an Oscar for that part. Too bad he didn't win.


I've spoken about the teenaged Elizabeth Shue elsewhere, and I don't want to risk being accused of obsession.


Really, the world revolves around two men: Pat Morita and Alec Guinness.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


I'm looking at Rapid Attack (ranged) and seems like it would be helpful to have Autofire skills. I might put those into the mix as well, or just get levels with the Rapid Fire maneuver as suggested. If I read this right, I can use the rapid fire manuever with any ranged attack. This would serve the same purpose as autofire, but would not solve my mix/match problem. Ah, well. Only so many points.


EDIT: Would a three point level cover the rapid fire maneuver with all attacks in the multipower, or should I just stick with 5-point ranged combat levels?

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


My question is: What's everyone's facination with a 13 EGO? I've just started a game on Hero Central and had a bunch of people make character's with a 13 EGO. Now the GM in me is like "Cool, non-min/maxers", but the player in me is screaming "What are you doing?!?". An 11 EGO gives you the same ECV. Sure it's an 11- EGO roll instead of 12- but if that really bugs you that much by +1 with EGO roll for 2points and you still saved 2 points. The only other thing is it makes is slightly harder to use mind control and mental illusions, but spend 1 point on Mental Defense (almost wrote EGO Defense again) and you've made it even harder on the mind control, mental illusions protected yourself a tiny bit from EGO Blast, and still saved a point (assuming you bought the skill level too).


I guess what I'm trying to say, is 11 or 14 there is no 13 :D

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


My question is: What's everyone's facination with a 13 EGO? I've just started a game on Hero Central and had a bunch of people make character's with a 13 EGO. Now the GM in me is like "Cool' date=' non-min/maxers", but the player in me is screaming "What are you doing?!?". An 11 EGO gives you the same ECV. Sure it's an 11- EGO roll instead of 12- but if that really bugs you that much by +1 with EGO roll for 2points and you still saved 2 points. The only other thing is it makes is [b']slightly[/b] harder to use mind control and mental illusions, but spend 1 point on Mental Defense (almost wrote EGO Defense again) and you've made it even harder on the mind control, mental illusions protected yourself a tiny bit from EGO Blast, and still saved a point (assuming you bought the skill level too).


I guess what I'm trying to say, is 11 or 14 there is no 13 :D


I guess I never thought about it that way. I usually just think in terms of what level of a particular stat seems right for a character. I think how much willpower or intellect does this guy have, and then I buy the stat. I was never very efficient at building characters, which is one of the reasons I asked for feedback. At one point, they used to talk about building using 3 and 8 as the cut off point to get to the next skill roll without going the whole way. That's about as sophisticated at point shaving as I ever got.


Also, in olden days, I belive you had to buy at least five points of Mental (EGO) Defense, but I see that's apparently changed. Maybe I'm not remembering that right. Again, I'm still shaky on a lot of this having been away so long.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


I guess I never thought about it that way. I usually just think in terms of what level of a particular stat seems right for a character. I think how much willpower or intellect does this guy have, and then I buy the stat. I was never very efficient at building characters, which is one of the reasons I asked for feedback. At one point, they used to talk about building using 3 and 8 as the cut off point to get to the next skill roll without going the whole way. That's about as sophisticated at point shaving as I ever got.


Also, in olden days, I belive you had to buy at least five points of Mental (EGO) Defense, but I see that's apparently changed. Maybe I'm not remembering that right. Again, I'm still shaky on a lot of this having been away so long.

Okay I'll go through your character again as if I were your GM. I've already mentioned your EGO (11 or 14).


STR: I would bring the STR up to 20. This will give you another half die to your martial arts, and rasie some figured characteristis.


DEX: With a 23 you have the exact same CV and Skill roll and save 6 points. Now it does let you go before someone who did take a 23, but you could take lightning reflexes and still save points. OR and this one takes a little more thinking, but you've essentially spent 40 points to make your DEX better without buying DEX you have - Lightning Reflexes: 4; CSL +2 w/ Combat: 16; CSL: +4 with Ranged Combat: 20 = 40 points. If you took that same 40 points and just dumped it into DEX you'd have a 38 DEX, and a 13 CV/DCV no matter what you did. Your way, you have a 17 CV IF you are using your bow, and that wouldn't effect your DCV at all, and you'd be saving a point :D. Now there are more effecient ways if you don't think the conception calls for a 38 DEX, which I'll get into later.


CON: I would consider raising it to 23. You're in the 350 (365 to be exact) point range so people tend to hit harder. If you had the points I'd throw some in here.


PD/ED: If everything else stayed the same (didn't increase your DEX) this is VERY low. Remember we're in the 350-365 leagues now. A pretty high DEX and 15 Def's aren't going to cut it like in the 250 point range. This HAS to be at least 20 if you aren't going to increase his DEX at all.


REC: I'd bump this up to 10, but I just like round numbers.


END: You've spent 4 point on END, which I wouldn't do. You use STR which costs 2 END and your main attack is a bow which doesn't cost any END. I would think a 40 would be fine (46 if you choose to raise your CON)


STUN: Again with the relatively low DEX, and very low defenses, you're gonna get creamed. Consider raising this to 40.


Running: I would go with 7". It gives you the same half-move.


Multipower: This has been covered before, make them all ultras. Not sure if you understood what Bloodstone was saying, but HERO now has a rule that if you spend points on equipment, like your arrows, for 5 points you can get one just like it. It was originally intended for guns, I believe you want 2 six-shooters so instead of charging your 30 points or what ever for two, you buy one at 15 points and each one after that only costs 5 points. So for the cost of 1 multipower + 5 points you get two identical multipowers, for 5 more points you have 3 identical multipowers etc. Like he warned that's a very munchkin way of doing it, but it is legal.


Rebreather: Instead of a continuing charge, look under a fuel charge. With a continuing charge once you use it once be it for 1 second or 4 minutes 59 seconds it's gone. With a fuel charge, if you use it for 1 minute, you can still use it for another 4 minutes later.


Martial Arts: I might throw in an Offensive Strike in there, your bow is OAF, if it gets taken away the O. Strike would still give you an 11d6 attack.


Combat Luck: Ditch it, and throw it into your suit. For 20 points (exactly what you paid for combat luck and your suit) you could have +10/+10 armor in your suit (OIF)


CSL's: There are so many possible combinations here I don't even know where to begin. To start with, instead of the 5 point Range Combat ones, go with the 3 point CSL +1 w/Multipower. For what you've spent you could be +3 w/combat (24 points) and +4 with Multipower (12 points). This would give you a lot more flexability (although still not as good as the 38 DEX).



11- hunteds can be a pain in the butt. They will show up probably 2 out of 3 adventures.


You've taken 55 points of Psych disads, standard rules say 50 points from one catagory.


How does your Rep hinder you? Things are different now, before every rep was a disad, now there are good reps which give you bonuses. If I were a GM, I'd say your rep doesn't really hinder you. Things like "Rep: Criminal" when you're not are a limitation.


With your DNPC, the GM has 8 chances to roll an 8 or less, how many adventures do you think that's not going to happen?


Now after all that, let me tell you I'd be your GM anytime :D. I love the character, the thought you put into it, your skills all make sense. You took climbing even though you knew you had the swinging power that would make your climbing skill all but useless. He's great! I hope you don't take my comments as harsh or "picking on you", I'm just trying to explain the thought process I'd go through making that character.


I'm too tired and this post is too long for me to proof read so I apologize for the mistakes.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


Okay I'll go through your character again as if I were your GM. I've already mentioned your EGO (11 or 14).


DEX: With a 23 you have the exact same CV and Skill roll and save 6 points. Now it does let you go before someone who did take a 23, but you could take lightning reflexes and still save points. OR and this one takes a little more thinking, but you've essentially spent 40 points to make your DEX better without buying DEX you have - Lightning Reflexes: 4; CSL +2 w/ Combat: 16; CSL: +4 with Ranged Combat: 20 = 40 points. If you took that same 40 points and just dumped it into DEX you'd have a 38 DEX, and a 13 CV/DCV no matter what you did. Your way, you have a 17 CV IF you are using your bow, and that wouldn't effect your DCV at all, and you'd be saving a point :D. Now there are more effecient ways if you don't think the conception calls for a 38 DEX, which I'll get into later.


PD/ED: If everything else stayed the same (didn't increase your DEX) this is VERY low. Remember we're in the 350-365 leagues now. A pretty high DEX and 15 Def's aren't going to cut it like in the 250 point range. This HAS to be at least 20 if you aren't going to increase his DEX at all.


REC: I'd bump this up to 10, but I just like round numbers.


END: You've spent 4 point on END, which I wouldn't do. You use STR which costs 2 END and your main attack is a bow which doesn't cost any END. I would think a 40 would be fine (46 if you choose to raise your CON)


STUN: Again with the relatively low DEX, and very low defenses, you're gonna get creamed. Consider raising this to 40.


Running: I would go with 7". It gives you the same half-move.


Multipower: This has been covered before, make them all ultras. Not sure if you understood what Bloodstone was saying, but HERO now has a rule that if you spend points on equipment, like your arrows, for 5 points you can get one just like it. It was originally intended for guns, I believe you want 2 six-shooters so instead of charging your 30 points or what ever for two, you buy one at 15 points and each one after that only costs 5 points. So for the cost of 1 multipower + 5 points you get two identical multipowers, for 5 more points you have 3 identical multipowers etc. Like he warned that's a very munchkin way of doing it, but it is legal.


Rebreather: Instead of a continuing charge, look under a fuel charge. With a continuing charge once you use it once be it for 1 second or 4 minutes 59 seconds it's gone. With a fuel charge, if you use it for 1 minute, you can still use it for another 4 minutes later.


Now after all that, let me tell you I'd be your GM anytime :D. I love the character, the thought you put into it, your skills all make sense. You took climbing even though you knew you had the swinging power that would make your climbing skill all but useless. He's great! I hope you don't take my comments as harsh or "picking on you", I'm just trying to explain the thought process I'd go through making that character.


I'm too tired and this post is too long for me to proof read so I apologize for the mistakes.


Thanks for working it over like that. I'm learning a lot from you guys.


The DEX and CON are a philosophy thing. Every group is a little different with that. The guys I used to play with wouldn't have gone with a DEX that high for anything but a Speedster or a god. I can see how the points work out, but it's a matter of taste. The CON is more flexible and I could change it....I'll look at it on the next draft. I keep forgetting that the dial goes to 30 before you aren't human now.


The defenses are probably low. I might double down on the combat luck or up the PD/ED. The conception is more based on martial artisrty than the tech.


The doubling of the multipower thing just offends my sensibilities. Admittedly, my original vision was against the rules, but I didn't know that at the time. There didn't used to be Multiple Power attacks, so I screwed up the rule in my head.


I probably meant to use a fuel charge in hindsight.


If I had to choose, I'd go 14 on the EGO.


The extra END was for running or swimming and using STR.


As a player with so many foci, I would expect the GM to take them sometimes, especially the bow, so I tried to reflet that he would be a competent adventuere without all the gadgets. He's just not a Green Dragon class martial artist.


If I were still playing, I would play with you any day. It seems that you take good care of your players.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


I like the character. Don't change a thing if you don't want to.


However, I'd consider changing his 5pt Ranged levels to 3pt levels with Bows, as his background gives no indication to me that he would also be a crack shot with a pistol.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


I like the character. Don't change a thing if you don't want to.


However, I'd consider changing his 5pt Ranged levels to 3pt levels with Bows, as his background gives no indication to me that he would also be a crack shot with a pistol.


I thought the five point levels would be necessary to cover all the different types of attacks under the multipower. If the GM let me get away with 3-point Multipower levels, or bow only levels for that matter, that would work for me too.


He actually has no familiarity with firearms, so the levels would only compensate for the non-proficiency penalty in that case. I think. He wouldn't pick up a gun unless it was very dire straits anyway. It's a pride thing. He might pick up another common missle weapon on occassion though. At least until I would have enough points to put them on his sheet.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


PD/ED: If everything else stayed the same (didn't increase your DEX) this is VERY low. Remember we're in the 350-365 leagues now. A pretty high DEX and 15 Def's aren't going to cut it like in the 250 point range. This HAS to be at least 20 if you aren't going to increase his DEX at all.

I don't disagree here, but I would also be looking to use RANGE as defense as well... 4-6 range PSLs should allow him to use his range as an increase to his DCV...


Rebreather: Instead of a continuing charge, look under a fuel charge. With a continuing charge once you use it once be it for 1 second or 4 minutes 59 seconds it's gone. With a fuel charge, if you use it for 1 minute, you can still use it for another 4 minutes later.


Well said, I hadn't noticed that. Fuel charges are great for things like this. Jet packs/boots/etc also should typically be Fuel charges as well.


Martial Arts: I might throw in an Offensive Strike in there, your bow is OAF, if it gets taken away the O. Strike would still give you an 11d6 attack.

Make that a Sacrifice Strike (+1OCV/-2DCV/+4d6) and I would agree with you. Just doesn't jibe well that something called "Offensive Strike" still gives you DCV, but makes it harder to hit. How offensive is that? :nonp:


Combat Luck: Ditch it, and throw it into your suit. For 20 points (exactly what you paid for combat luck and your suit) you could have +10/+10 armor in your suit (OIF)

Or, depending on the points you have available (due to savings eslewhere, for example), you could do both? Combat Luck has its uses...


11- hunteds can be a pain in the butt. They will show up probably 2 out of 3 adventures.

Shouldn't it be that they are "activated" 50% of the time... doesn't mean they will be involved in the foreground, but they could be doing stuff in the background.

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


The doubling of the multipower thing just offends my sensibilities. Admittedly' date=' my original vision was against the rules, but I didn't know that at the time. There didn't used to be Multiple Power attacks, so I screwed up the rule in my head.[/quote']


The funny thing with that is that it supposedly was always implied, but the first time that the rule was explicitly stated was 5E. After all, when you linked two attacks, you were doing an MPA. Now, it is stated that you can do it without a limitation!

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


Okay I'll go through your character again as if I were your GM. I've already mentioned your EGO (11 or 14).


STR: I would bring the STR up to 20. This will give you another half die to your ...snippage....


Tim Goodman? Is that you?





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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


Tim Goodman? Is that you?






Do you mean Steve Goodman of the Steve Goodman School of Cost Effectiveness?


Or is the Tim bit an inside joke?


*wonders as he walks along, wondering what went wrong...*

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Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


Do you mean Steve Goodman of the Steve Goodman School of Cost Effectiveness?


Or is the Tim bit an inside joke?


*wonders as he walks along, wondering what went wrong...*


That's where I read that 3 and 8 thing years ago I belive. I wish I had a copy of it now. Wasn't it in Champions III or something?

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