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Champions or Hero System v5 ???


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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


OK, I think I understand how the two systems work together. Now, since i do own the original (1980's) versions of Champions I, II, and III ( at which time it was a complete system) would it be worth the upgrade to buy hero System v5? Or, would i just be buying more of what i already have?

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


So , is it safe to say that the new Hero System v5 encompasses Champions I, II, III and any of the other core supplements into one system?


Sorry, for all the follow ups, but I'm just gettin' a bit excited about playing again....it's been a long time.

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


Hero System incorporates and expands on all the old rules, powers and skills in Champions 1-11 etc, and adds many more, with a ton of new crunch added. :)


The setting stuff has been moved to the Champions book.


For examples of how characters look in 5thER, look around the Champions forums. There are always a few character threads up.

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


So , is it safe to say that the new Hero System v5 encompasses Champions I, II, III and any of the other core supplements into one system?


Sorry, for all the follow ups, but I'm just gettin' a bit excited about playing again....it's been a long time.


Yes, Fifth Edition takes all the core rules and puts them into one rules engine. Really, Fourth Edition did this, Fifth Edition just takes it a step further in cementing the idea that the rules are genre independant.


The only thing you need to play is the core rule book (Fifth Edition). Everything else is just there to make the job of setting up a campaign easier.


If you want some suggestions on books that just make gameplay either easier or to simply expand on rules ideas I suggest the following:

Combat Handbook - puts all the combat rules into one book (incoprorates elements from the main rule book, Ultimate Martial Artist, Hidden Lands, Dark Champions, Ultimate Brick and Fantasy Hero).

Any Ultimate Series book. The Ultimate Skill having one of the widest appeals.

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


I'd go with 5th ed rules, for sure. Everything complete in one book, all point costs tweaked for extra compatiblity, and expansions in the skill rules and extra bits (Perks, Talents) for the modern roleplayers.


I would get 5th and either Champions or Champions Universe. If you are feeling ok about playing Hero mechanics again, get CU. If you're feeling a bit rusty though and would like to polish up those GM skills, get Champions. Tons of advice in Champions to get you back up to speed pronto.


Then I'd get either a city setting book or a super villainous organization group book. I have Viper and it's great. Tons of mooks, and lots of detail about the organization to throw at your players.


Either Champions or CU will give you serveral supervillains to throw at players, and the mooks in one of the super villainous organization books will round things out for you.


Good times.

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


Yes welcome back to champions Glenn..as Oddhat said many people post ther characters here and a few of us have our own threads for characters. I am one of them follow the link in my signature and browse...steal anything you want for you own campaign.

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


As for 5th edition VIPER, I am not a fan. I really wasn't too happy with Mystic Serpent Worshipping people, or the fact that Viperia got a weird upgrade and spontaneously changed ethnic groups. The character A) Was too powerful as it was and B) this flies in the face of everything I've always wanted out of a villainous organization like this one.


What is wrong with having the leader of an organization of agents that functions well with supervillain backup being a highly skilled, intelligent, and competent AGENT that is just a better agent that his subordinates?


Apparently, this thought process left the building before 4th edition even started. And that bothers me.

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


As for 5th edition VIPER, I am not a fan. I really wasn't too happy with Mystic Serpent Worshipping people, or the fact that Viperia got a weird upgrade and spontaneously changed ethnic groups. The character A) Was too powerful as it was and B) this flies in the face of everything I've always wanted out of a villainous organization like this one.


What is wrong with having the leader of an organization of agents that functions well with supervillain backup being a highly skilled, intelligent, and competent AGENT that is just a better agent that his subordinates?



This doesn't bug me much. First, you can't expect to appeal to everyone all the time. The authors had to pick some story or another and run with it. They picked the one they liked best. I was going to change the leader of Viper anyway to Serpent One. That fit's my view of Viper better. (Those of you who read the history of Viper know who Serpent One is. :D)


And Viperia doesn't bug me either. She's a galactic level Supervillainess. If you're playing in those leagues, go ahead and whip her out. But that's why I suggested getting Champions for the super villains -- it's Pulsar and Green Dragon that are going to be your bread and butter most of the time.

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


Viperia made a guest appearence in my Champions of Vancouver Campaign recently. She was acting more as a moderator between two VIPER Nest Leaders than the Supreme Serpents enforcer.


I am not using the Mystical Leader of VIPER and unfortunately I cannot post what I am using cause my Players troll the Forums looking for clues.





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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


As for 5th edition VIPER, I am not a fan. I really wasn't too happy with Mystic Serpent Worshipping people, or the fact that Viperia got a weird upgrade and spontaneously changed ethnic groups. The character A) Was too powerful as it was and B) this flies in the face of everything I've always wanted out of a villainous organization like this one.


What is wrong with having the leader of an organization of agents that functions well with supervillain backup being a highly skilled, intelligent, and competent AGENT that is just a better agent that his subordinates?


Apparently, this thought process left the building before 4th edition even started. And that bothers me.


meh. At least VIPER isn't a blatant Cobra rip-off anymore. I like the new VIPER, but haven't completely read through the sourcebook (in a campaign where the GM is using them, don't wanna accidentally ruin a surprise).

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


My recommendation is that which books you get depend on whether you want to play in a published setting or you want to create your own super world and develop your own NPCs. I prefer to do the latter. I very seldom run from published settings.


If you want the published setting you can either use the setting details in the earlier Champions books that you already have, but spend time converting or creating NPCs in the current rules, or pick up the newest version of your favorite setting. If you like creating your own setting and characters then the big black book (Hero System Rules) is all you need, but books like Ultimate Skill or Power Database will make creating your own easier.


All of this is just my opinion.

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


There are two vital pieces you will need as a GM.


The RuleBook - Hero System 5th Edition (Revised)



The RuleBook is needed for rather obvious reasons. There isn't much difference between 4th and 5th Editions, but the difference from 3rd to 5th is pretty big.


HeroDesigner is a character designing software that is 100% official rules compliant. Remeber how you used to spend at least an hour creating a character (and that was usually a brick)? Not any longer. I can crank out a character in about 15 minutes or so. If a limitation is not appropriate for a power (eg Cumulative on an attack power, which is already cumulative) the Limitation is removed from the window so you can't select it.


HeroDesigner will also let you update all that wonderful old skool goodness that is lying around on your shelf right now.


HeroDesigner is the single Hero System product that I use the most frequently. I use it many times more than any of the books, including the RuleBook.


If you are getting back into it, get the RuleBook and HeroDesigner. Design a couple of characters and do some danger rooming. This will help you settle back into the swing of things and give the players something to distract them while you develop a campaign.


Welcome back to the fold, young padawan. :)

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


I was in a similar boat a while back, I used to play back in the BBB days, but hadn't since then (and lost the BBB). I purchased only the 5th rules, I haven't really missed the others, since I can fall back on all my old suppliments or work from scratch.


That is to say, 5ed was all i needed to get back into the game, I can't comment on the usefullness of the other suppliments. On a side note, i haven't seen it, but I have heard the sidekick is a condensed 5e 'book' and may be an alternative to get back in on the cheap. I don't know how much is missing from the 5ed book but I have heard its a good option for players (vs the GM).

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


There are two vital pieces you will need as a GM.


The RuleBook - Hero System 5th Edition (Revised)



I have to agree, good call.


Having been out of gaming for a few years, these are the first two items I acquired when I was looking to start back up. These are definitely the cake. There are lots of other good Hero System books, but their just the icing on the cake.


And welcome back glenn69.


Scott Baker

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Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


On a side note' date=' i haven't seen it, but I have heard the [b']sidekick[/b] is a condensed 5e 'book' and may be an alternative to get back in on the cheap. I don't know how much is missing from the 5ed book but I have heard its a good option for players (vs the GM).


Sidekick is a very cool (and cheap) intro into Hero System. It's generally what I recommend to new players if they're uncertain about making a $50 commitment. I've also used it as a GM before: I've done several games (usually at conventions) where I've deliberately restricted myself to just what's in Sidekick and had a great time of it. Pulp works extremely well this way.

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