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Help: Two Dimensional Characters


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No, I'm not talking about those characters who are just a bunch of numbers wrapped up in spandex.


I'm wondering if anyone has written up a character who can turn two dimensional. Like Tommy of the Morlocks back in the first Mutant Massacre storylines of Marvel's X-Men.


I want to create the effect of being super thin but only at the sides.


Desolidification with an Activation was one idea (and vulnerable to Area-Based Attacks).


Anyone have ideas? Maybe it's already been posted but I couldn't find anything.



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Re: Help: Two Dimensional Characters


You could buy it entirely as DCV & Skill Levels in Stealth, Shadowing and Concealment OHID, plus Distinctive Features, if you're of a mind.


A spatial version of the Enter the Speedzone-like dimension travel, possibly.


Desolidification, also possible, as you suggest. Might also include Invisibility with the same activation roll.


IIRC, the character you're referring to, unlike Flatman and Ribbon of the GLA, didn't have stretching.


And you could use the 'Density Alteration' version of Density Increase, the one that reduces weight by half for each level bought, too.


Be worth considering Takes Double Knockback, if the flat version is lighter.


If the special effect is that they must flatten against a surface, you could go for Tunneling, Only Along Surfaces.

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Re: Help: Two Dimensional Characters


Variation of Shapeshift, if they can roll themselves up like a map.


uncontrolled Gliding - it's like dropping a piece of paper.


As Comic Said - Enter the 2nd Dimension! may be considered an attack. I do recall it being really freaky, from Madeline L'Engle's "a Wrinkle in Time". (there's a quick scene where the protagonist is traveling through the tesseract, and they make a brief stop in a 2D world. It lasts for only a paragraph or two, but it really freaks her out.)

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Re: Help: Two Dimensional Characters


Do you mean flat, or do you mean two dimensional?


Two dimensional living has its challenges, such as the need for total life support. Additionally, I would suggest that the desolidification could be total, since the hero would be less than an atom's thickness and therefore completely permeable.


Would he be limited to a planar existence, or would he be a two dimensional anomoly in our three dimensional world? Could he move in all three dimensions? How? Hypothesize for a moment that whichever direction he moves in, he move only in two of the three possible dimensions at any given moment. He might look like a very primitive ray tracing of a superhero, or a lifesized work of origami. He would be invisible and unstoppable to whatever he approached (invisible special effects, or indirect, and penetrating would be the way I'd do it) or at least the approaching part would be, since the plane of existence must be parallel to the direction of travel. He could have a hell of a dodge if all he must do is turn perpendicular to an attack for it to miss him entirely.


He would need some way to perceive three dimensions simultaneously, possibly bought as Clairsentience with no range. (!)

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Re: Help: Two Dimensional Characters


Do you mean flat, or do you mean two dimensional?


Two dimensional living has its challenges, such as the need for total life support. Additionally, I would suggest that the desolidification could be total, since the hero would be less than an atom's thickness and therefore completely permeable.


Would he be limited to a planar existence, or would he be a two dimensional anomoly in our three dimensional world? Could he move in all three dimensions? How? Hypothesize for a moment that whichever direction he moves in, he move only in two of the three possible dimensions at any given moment. He might look like a very primitive ray tracing of a superhero, or a lifesized work of origami. He would be invisible and unstoppable to whatever he approached (invisible special effects, or indirect, and penetrating would be the way I'd do it) or at least the approaching part would be, since the plane of existence must be parallel to the direction of travel. He could have a hell of a dodge if all he must do is turn perpendicular to an attack for it to miss him entirely.


He would need some way to perceive three dimensions simultaneously, possibly bought as Clairsentience with no range. (!)


Eeek. I think she will be flat, really flat, rather than fully two-dimensional.


Gotta love comic book science!


Thanks for freaking me out though, Bone Daddy!



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Re: Help: Two Dimensional Characters


Seems to me that Hero has put out a character like this, could turn into paper? 4th edition, Golden Age Champions, a villain, Japanese I think, Oragami? Might be worth checking her out...(away from my books right now, could look it up later today or tomorow if you don;t have access)

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Re: Help: Two Dimensional Characters


Eerie...I just made a 2-D character.


The USPDB and UM both have a Two Dimensional power build. I borrowed heavily from their build but changed stuff to what I thought made more sense. I'll summarize what I did.


"Two-Dimensional Form" EC

-Desolidification, 0 END, Does Not Protect Against Damage (-1)

-Invisibility, 0 END, Only From The Sides (we settled on a -1 for this, as when you are surrounded more than half your opponents will be able to see you).

-Gliding, Costs END (-1/2)


I differed heavily from the books in regards to Desolidification. I used the Desolidiification only to be able to pass through solid objects (on the thin side of coarse). I bought the actual 2-D form as a combination of Armor and Damage Reduction.


"2-D Attacks" MP (The books suggest AP and Affect Physical World on STR (banned in our campaigns) but I modelled this build off the rules for becoming solid inside an object (under Desolidification), like the Vision's attacks. You can choose how severely you want to damage an opponent or object while passing through them with your thin side.)

-HA, STUN Only (-0)




The books also recommend Vulnerabilities to Knockback (theoretically you have reduced mass) and Killing Attacks (there is less of you to go through). I hope this helps.

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Re: Help: Two Dimensional Characters


The Algernon Files includes a two-dimensional detective called Film Noir (he's even in black and white, and he narrates his actions). Apart from "standard" two-dimensional abilities like invisiblity and desolid, he also can talk to and interact with other two-dimensional characters (i.e. pictures, paintings, and movies -- and in one game session even a stained glass window).



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Re: Help: Two Dimensional Characters


Great concept, Dave.


Narrating your own exploits is fun, I said in a tone of bemusement. Truthfully, it required a certain fondness for my own inner monologue, but I'm not loved enough in the outside world to trust any other biographers to be discrete. Somethings should not be preserved posterity; the less said about the shady deal done with the rabbit in the back alleys of NGD, the better.

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