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Aborting to Shrinking


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Uhm... how about this simplification:


If it requires an attack role, you can't abort to it (shooting down that incoming missile, as an example). Throwing up a force wall does not require an attack roll, so can be aborted to.


Similarly, aborting to self-sacrafice works very well for a truly 'Heroic' campaign or character, so I would allow it, even if it requires an attack roll to intercept the incoming attack (maneuver roll vs/ incoming attack roll). But the suicidal character cannot abort into any direct attack maneuver: they have to put themselves into the path of the incoming attack; zero-DCV vs that attack, OCV modifiers to intercept depend on the attacker's roll. A suicidal interception can even respond to instantaneous attacks, so long as the character can percieve it and react (intercepting mental attacks is, OFC, darned near impossible without a good rationalle as are Indirect that initiates directly on the victim). The intercepting character has to be in a position that enables them to intercept, OFC.

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Re: Aborting to Shrinking


For me, the question is simply "Can I construe that as an attack?" I see shooting down a missile as an 'attack,' something that should be done from a Held Action. If you abort to cast "Wall of Fire" you have to make an attack roll to hit the hex, and additionally, it'll deal damage (if someone is dumb enough to walk through it) but it isn't "an attack." Unless the GM allows the caster to put it in a hex row that some poor slob is standing in, but that goes against the premise of the thing.


Wall of fire to divide an army? Probably allowable. Wall of Fire abort that "happens" to toast a small group? That's a much rougher argument to make.

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Re: Aborting to Shrinking


Since Growth provides reduced Knockback, can you abort to that as well?


"I *really* don't want to be knocked back, so I Abort to Growth, thus helping me to stay anchored to the spot where I'm standing."


Sure, but only if you declare before I roll to hit...cause your DCV is takin a nosedive...if after I'd likely "prorate" somehow as you go flyin, you start growing and so fly a lesser distance...but thats just me....

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Re: Aborting to Shrinking


I think the general consensus is thus:


Aborting (to anything) that offers a DCV bonus: Yes

Sacraficial Aborting that can be used to intercept an attack: Yes

Aborting to a power that affects the target (damage or whatnot): Generally No.


All of the above depending on GM discretion... if it fits the story but not exactly the rules, fudge it a bit.

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Re: Aborting to Shrinking


That's something I've never known:


Can you abort after the dice hit the table?

No. However, there is one exception: Roll with Punch. That's the *only* exception.


I think the general consensus is thus:


Aborting (to anything) that offers a DCV bonus: Yes

Sacraficial Aborting that can be used to intercept an attack: Yes

Aborting to a power that affects the target (damage or whatnot): Generally No.

It doesn't have to be a DCV bonus, it could also be a DEF bonus, or a STUN/BODY bonus, or a KB-resistance bonus, maybe even a CON bonus (to reduce the likelihood of being Stunned). And you can abort to give any of these bonuses to another person (such as putting up a force wall to protect them).


Which opens another can-o-worms: Can you abort to anything that raises any of your other stats, besides DEX/DCV, STUN/BODY, DEF (any), or CON? Such as Aid to STR or SPD or INT when you think you're about to be hit with a Drain/Suppress or one of those stats? Or how 'bout Aborting to Aid: Flight, when you think someone is about to Drain/Suppress/Dispel your Flight (which could be very dangerous if successful)? Or other powers?

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