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Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


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I'm thinking about running a couple of champions games for a convention that is running in the last part of March in my hometown. One thought I was thinking of doing was basically a cage match with all the contestants. (Not original, but it's always fun.) Last one standing in the arena, wins. What they win, I have no idea, I'll leave that up to the people running the convention. I figured that it would be an anything goes as long as it doesn't break any of the 5ER rules. Now what I am wondering is what the point limit should be and if there should be a few other rules that should be enforced? Should I also make up a few characters for people to play?

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


What would you do if people don't want to fight? Like if they think this competition is a front and rigged for some other nefarious scheme?


Most like they would be taken out by someone else. The whole scenario is really designed around who could munchkin the best character without breaking the rules overtly. the whole game is set up as a big free for all, no other motivation there other than to be the last one standing.


Though if i wanted to be devious, your train of thought would be fun....

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


Right now, I am figuring that I will use 750 points for the rumble, it will take place inside an arena, anything goes- as long as it is legal-technically, anyone thrown out of the arena is done- being thrown straight up or flying straight up does not count as being thrown out, the body must actually break a plane/line around the arena- or if you are knocked out- con'd is okay as long as you don't get thrown out while you are recovering.


Is there anything else I should do? Are the points too high? Any house rules I should consider?


One friend did mention that I should make up a BBEG that comes in at the end when there is only 1 player left and see if the player can beat him.

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


The miniature gamer and old-school Champions geek in me would like to see a couple of things. The GM in me has a suggestion as well.


GM suggestion: Definitely do pre-gens. Time spent trying to approve new characters at the event is limited, time to make pre-gens before the con is much less limited.


Old school Champions geek suggestion: Do it as the last rounds of the Great Supervillain Contest. Have the pre-gens be various CU villains (adjusted accordingly for balance), maybe toss an undercover hero into the mix too.


Miniature gamer suggestion: If it's going to be a set location for the action with predetermined participants, having a to-scale modelled arena and minis for the participants would be aces. :thumbup:

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


GM suggestion: Definitely do pre-gens. Time spent trying to approve new characters at the event is limited' date=' time to make pre-gens before the con is much less limited.[/quote']


I figured that I would do up a bunch of pregens in case people just show up and want to play. But the big fun for this event is letting the players create their own character before the convention starts and letting them run it against others who did the same. I figured that the people playing will also be familiar with the game and would be on the look out for any illegal character generations. If that happens, then the player is ejected from the game. But I would be the final arbitrator.


Miniature gamer suggestion: If it's going to be a set location for the action with predetermined participants, having a to-scale modelled arena and minis for the participants would be aces.


I would love to do this, but alas I have absolutely no superhero miniatures. I do have a lot of fantasy miniatures. I guess I could use cardboard cut outs. I also have no time to build a diorama. I figured I would use a megamat and if the player goes off the mat, they are out of the competition.


Old school Champions geek suggestion: Do it as the last rounds of the Great Supervillain Contest. Have the pre-gens be various CU villains (adjusted accordingly for balance), maybe toss an undercover hero into the mix too.


Doing it as the last part of the Great Supervillain contest like you suggest may be the easiest way to do this. Thanks for the suggestion. It actually gives it a storyline. Or maybe I could work my game so that the other games I want to work up for the convention all lead to this scenario at the end...hmmm Say heroes start to investigate the disappearance of heroes and villains from all over the world....

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


Yeah, I seriously starting to think that people here are right and I should just generate all the characters and not let in any home made characters. This way I can throw in some other interesting side plots/objectives for people to see what happens.


It's going to be fun. I haven't been to any conventions in years, let alone ever run any type of convention games. (I hope it's not any harder than running a LARP all weekend.) I'll be pretty busy now since I also agreed to run the Steve Jackson game Killer for them all weekend. At least now I'll get into the convention for free. yeah!


Time to get generating characters....


Though if anyone else has some ideas, please post. I have a month til the convention.

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


If you are going to make all of the characters you might want to tone it back down to the 350 point range. It's no longer a contest of who can make the best character, so swing it to be, who can play *this* character the best. Just an idea, that would makes things a lot easier for you :)

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


If you are going to make all of the characters you might want to tone it back down to the 350 point range. It's no longer a contest of who can make the best character' date=' so swing it to be, who can play *this* character the best. Just an idea, that would makes things a lot easier for you :)[/quote']


Yeah, I am planning on doing that, just forgot to say that. Though it may not be 350, it may end up around 500-600. I have to start writing up characters first. Or, conversely, I could just use a bunch of characters out of the Algernon Files I have... I was also considering using the Justice League animated write-ups for some of them. (I'd change character names) I'll still personally do up a lot of them, though, for that special touch, especially for the BBEG.

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


I figured that I would do up a bunch of pregens in case people just show up and want to play. But the big fun for this event is letting the players create their own character before the convention starts and letting them run it against others who did the same. I figured that the people playing will also be familiar with the game and would be on the look out for any illegal character generations. If that happens, then the player is ejected from the game. But I would be the final arbitrator.




I would love to do this, but alas I have absolutely no superhero miniatures. I do have a lot of fantasy miniatures. I guess I could use cardboard cut outs. I also have no time to build a diorama. I figured I would use a megamat and if the player goes off the mat, they are out of the competition.




Doing it as the last part of the Great Supervillain contest like you suggest may be the easiest way to do this. Thanks for the suggestion. It actually gives it a storyline. Or maybe I could work my game so that the other games I want to work up for the convention all lead to this scenario at the end...hmmm Say heroes start to investigate the disappearance of heroes and villains from all over the world....


I'm loving the great sv contest...more of a free for all the villians can team up, hose each other...and only get points for capturing or defeating the super heros.....nice.....

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


Yeah, my old gaming group used to do this on summer breaks from college. We usually used 500-point characters, and they all had to be approved by whoever was GMing beforehand. Additionally, there were some ground rules laid out in advance that the players knew they had to follow: DC levels, Power (and/or Advantage and/or Limitation) disallowances, that sort of thing.


As for the prize? Well, all we ever played for was prestige. "Yeah, Iconoclast kicked all your butts!" I remember; I had to listen to it all summer long. :)


If there's any way to get an advanced look at your players' characters, I'd pretty much consider that a necessity. Otherwise, use pre-gens. As an option, you could have pre-generated characters chosen randomly by the players...and then have them choose their motivations at random as well. Half are villains, half are heroes. One of my old GMs did that for us, and we had a blast!


Anyway, whatever you decide, good luck. It sounds like fun!

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


A few suggestions for an arena bash:


1) No STOP powers, talents, advantages or power frameworks - and you could even go to no Exclamation powers etc too. There is still a wide variety of choices, but some of the things that could break this go away.

2) No limitations - meaning people can say they have powered armour, but all it is is flavour. And see the above comment about brokenness.

3) No END - what you want to minimise is book keeping to keep the battle flowing.

4) Use the "roll less than your speed on a D12" speed determination rather than the speed chart - it mixes things up for the experienced player.

5) Set an arena size that allows movement, but set an impenetrable barrier around it. I've used a 25" radius sphere as an arena before and it worked fine. Remember to have some ground in case someone wants to tunnel.

6) I agree with giving folks less points - 350 with only the above limitations should be fine.


First character I ever made with 50 DEX was in an arena bash :D Pretty cheap really.

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Re: Let's get Ready To Rumble! (help)


You are going to have to make all the characters I think or you are gonna have a few pople not having fun. The RPers will bring weak to balanced characters while PGers are gonna come in with everything from the dreaded 2d6 EB to Tunneling Ego Blasters. I think 350 is a fun point level for combats.

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