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I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..

VR Dragon

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I have finally gotten my gaming group to give me a chance to run champians and hero system. And now I am somewhat at a loss for ideas....


Firstly, does anyone have an idea for a possible random plot generator? In a book maybe? or spreadsheet or something? One that is comic book workable..


Secondly, I am abit nervous about actually running this champaign. I am somewhat green to the hero system rules. I have been reading the main book for about a year off and on so I have a reasonable idea of what I am doing but I worry about screwing up. Any advice?


Thirdly, Story outline? I was reading a thread about a "Beat Sheet"? someone uploaded a file but I couldn't get it to work. Might anyone have a good outline to follow for making a good story outline?


Fourthly, I don't want to limit my players creativity but might there be certain things or guidelines I should follow or advise my players on when making their characters? Point limits or something? I am running a standard champians game with 350 point characters. One reason I was asking is because the only other time I tried to run a game in champians I got alot of players "not wanting to make my character too powerful"..... Ended up with people with no combat abilities.....


Fifthly, My players are all new to this game system. They are used to Rifts by Palladium books. One player even stated "This will be just a Munchkin Game". I don't want too prove him right. So any advice?


These guys are my friends and I want to give them a gaming experience that will make them enjoy themselves.



Books I have.


Until: Defenders of freedom

Until: Super Power DB I & II

Conquerors Killers and Crooks

Millennium City

Champions Universe

Champions Genre Books


Hero System 5th



Also some of the Ultimate books.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


I have finally gotten my gaming group to give me a chance to run champians and hero system. And now I am somewhat at a loss for ideas....


Fourthly, I don't want to limit my players creativity but might there be certain things or guidelines I should follow or advise my players on when making their characters? Point limits or something? I am running a standard champians game with 350 point characters. One reason I was asking is because the only other time I tried to run a game in champians I got alot of players "not wanting to make my character too powerful"..... Ended up with people with no combat abilities.....



Offhand, these are guidelines I've found helpful.


1) Your character should be reasonably heroic and have a reason they'd want to join a superteam. Please avoid Psychological Limitations like "Loner", "Irritable and Hostile", and "Casual Killer." These don't add to group cohesion.


2) Your character should have at least one decent power for each of the following: Attack, Defense, Movement. It's okay to concentrate on one of these over the others, but you should have something to work with in all three categories.


3) If possible, check with the other players and coordinate a bit. This helps avoid excessive concept overlap, and may suggest good ways to tie your characters together.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


Firstly, does anyone have an idea for a possible random plot generator? In a book maybe? or spreadsheet or something? One that is comic book workable..


Look in the Champions genre book, P. 149-152, for an instant/random plot generator.


I've also taken plots from comic books and reworked them to fit the player characters.


And as Wyrm pointed out, the player characters' Disadvantages are a wonderful place to start. Unless I have a plot already in mind, I roll against all player character disadvantages. Sometimes, some of them fit together nicely to suggest a plot. i.e. Hunted + DNPC + Secret Identity might mean that the character's hunted kidnaps a DNPC, perhaps thinking that DNPC is actually the hero's secret ID.


Secondly, I am abit nervous about actually running this champaign. I am somewhat green to the hero system rules. I have been reading the main book for about a year off and on so I have a reasonable idea of what I am doing but I worry about screwing up. Any advice?


Don't be afraid of making mistakes, and if you're not familiar with the rules 100%, don't worry so much about that. Better to keep the action flowing and make a few wrong best guesses along the way, than to slow the game to a crawl figuring out how to handle each and every detail. Just like your players, you'll learn as you go. Make them aware of it, and if they're good friends they'll cut you some slack.


Since you have Sidekick, maybe start out with those rules, and work up to the full rules set once you're more comfortable with everything.


Thirdly, Story outline? I was reading a thread about a "Beat Sheet"? someone uploaded a file but I couldn't get it to work. Might anyone have a good outline to follow for making a good story outline?


Can't help you there.


Fourthly, I don't want to limit my players creativity but might there be certain things or guidelines I should follow or advise my players on when making their characters? Point limits or something? I am running a standard champians game with 350 point characters. One reason I was asking is because the only other time I tried to run a game in champians I got alot of players "not wanting to make my character too powerful"..... Ended up with people with no combat abilities.....


To combat possible munchkinism and reduce the chance of unbalancing characters, take a long, hard look at any "stop sign" powers a character has.


As to the "no combat abilities," I usually have the opposite problem, and have to specify a minimum point level for noncombat skills. Maybe do the same but for offensive powers? Or better yet, a minimum damage class for at least one attack?


Fifthly, My players are all new to this game system. They are used to Rifts by Palladium books. One player even stated "This will be just a Munchkin Game". I don't want too prove him right. So any advice?


These guys are my friends and I want to give them a gaming experience that will make them enjoy themselves.


You know your friends as players, so for those more likely to make munchkin characters, take a longer look at their characters.


Overall, try and give each player character the spotlight at least once a game session. It doesn't have to be a major spotlight, but something to highlight one aspect of that character each session would be good.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


Villainy Amok will be a very helpful book for you, since it is all about plot generation. I highly recommend it.


Have active point caps in your games for the various powers- I find that 65 active pts in attack powers is a good guideline. Defensive powers may have to be tweakled by concept. Decide also what you want your maximum OCV and DCV (including martial dodges) to be.


Another good idea is that every PC has to have a connection to 2 other PCs (related by family, war buddies, worked together, etc...). It makes the bonds a little more instant.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


A agree about the Villainy Amok, the author did an outstanding job. I wish there was a similar book for FH and SH.


I would guess that just having a simple first adventure would generate ideas for the next. Figure out a way for them all to meet - like a bank robbery. See how that scenario plays itself out and the players may give you enough "material" and ideas for the next adventure.



Villainy Amok will be a very helpful book for you, since it is all about plot generation. I highly recommend it.


Have active point caps in your games for the various powers- I find that 65 active pts in attack powers is a good guideline. Defensive powers may have to be tweakled by concept. Decide also what you want your maximum OCV and DCV (including martial dodges) to be.


Another good idea is that every PC has to have a connection to 2 other PCs (related by family, war buddies, worked together, etc...). It makes the bonds a little more instant.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


I've found it useful to limit Defensive powers to keep combat quick. If everybody (especially the villains) has 25+ PD and ED and Armor and Damage Reduction at 75% then combat is going to take FOR-EVER!


Alternately, if everyone has major attacks that deal out 20d6 of damage, combat is over way too quick. You need to find a balance for the level of power you're going to run. Just remember, it's easy to power up your players with upgrades... they will scream bloody murder if you start out too strong and try to pare back their characters!


Mine their disads for all they're worth, then look beyond the disads to their backgrounds! Have your players give you a written background for their characters and make sure they note anything that they feel is off-limits for you to twist or change. Everything else is fair game! Did Daddy die when the PC was four? Maybe. If it would be interesting to have dead Daddy show up as another hero or a villain, do it. Classic comic stuff.


Just my opinion, but I'd avoid allowing a mentalist with Telepathy, Precog, or Retrocog for your first run. These guys can royally mess with a mystery plot.


READ THE CHARACTER SHEETS OVER CAREFULLY! Don't approve anything until you have had time to consider how it will affect your campaign. Make sure the player gives you more than just the technical stats of the power; have them describe how it looks and sounds, where it comes from, how it's powered, etc. Since you're new to running, give yourself time to reread each power as the player plans to use it. Look for how it could be abused. Then look at the characters as a group and consider how their powers and backgrounds will interact. SKJAM is dead on about not allowing the Psych Lims he listed.


Avoid allowing "Variable Limitation" unless you a) have a player honest and quick enough to tell you each time they use the power what the exact limitations are, B) want to put combat on hold for 15 minutes while the player flips through the book looking for ones that apply, or c) are willing to accept it when the player "forgets" to assign those limitations.


As for stories... turn on the TV, watch a movie, or read a book. A lot of the best plots can be adapted to gaming by changing names and locations to fit your campaign. And when all else fails, and you need quick stats for a character, look up a villain you used in the past and change the name and the special effects of the powers (fire instead of ice, etc.) and you have a whole new villain. And the stats for a grizzly bear make a wicked minion!


And finally, remember that you are in control, and your friends are there to have fun with you. All this stuff will get easier and take less time as you gain experience.


Good Luck!

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


For a starting campaign with new to Hero players I'd design the characters yourself.


Design several archetypes, Brick, Energy Projector, Martial Artists etc, be sure to give them a schtick to hang the design on. If the Brick has a 'Body of Steel' then several powers are obvious choices. The Martial Artist might be a Zen Master travelling the world looking to test himself in combat. The Energy Projector might be a mutant who has amplified his powers with Supertech of his own invention etc.


That way each player will have a character you design, and hopefully, you'll have several balanced chracters.




Next start small and easy. Run uncomplicated plots and let the Heroes shine. (you can complicate them later on by adding hooks and layers later)


You have the opportunity to run all the classic crimes to stop. Bank Robbery, etc.


For example - A single Villain and his henchmen are robbing a downtown bank. Now, at first the players might think it's just for cash. Is it? If it is why do they need the cash? Or, were they after something in a safety deposity box or was it just a distraction to keep the cops away from another more serious crime? You don't even need to decide now you can bring that plothook back in later in the story-arc.


You need to decide how you want to get the characters together into a group. Are they a group of hand picked supercops or are they a secret Govt organisation or did they come together by chance to fight threats they could not manage on their own?

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


Fourthly, I don't want to limit my players creativity but might there be certain things or guidelines I should follow or advise my players on when making their characters? Point limits or something? I am running a standard champians game with 350 point characters. One reason I was asking is because the only other time I tried to run a game in champians I got alot of players "not wanting to make my character too powerful"..... Ended up with people with no combat abilities.....


Fifthly, My players are all new to this game system. They are used to Rifts by Palladium books. One player even stated "This will be just a Munchkin Game". I don't want too prove him right. So any advice?


He plays Rifts, and is worried that Hero will be a Munchkin Game? OK. What does he always play the City Rat, Rogue Scientist or Wilderness Scout? Sorry, don’t get me wrong, I’ve played Rifts, and have had a great time. It is just Rifts always appealed to the Munchkins of my acquaintance.


As to your to “not powerful enough” problem, I’d recommend guidelines. Not just maximum levels, though, I usually give both a maximum and an average. You might want to also consider a minimum. For example Main Attack maximum 15 DCs, Average 12 DCs and minimum 8 DCs. I also recommend looking at the synergy of different categories. Another example you are going to have trouble if some one maxs out both DCV and Def, and they are the only one to do so. You would have to create a villain that has both the OCV to hit the character and the Damage to get something through the Defense, which could make the villain overwhelming for the other characters. (OCV and Damage are another pairing to watch.) I generally have the OCV/Dam and DCV/Def pairs such that if you go above average in one half that you have to go below average in the other half (e.g. OCV Max -> Dam below average). To help get the players to understand what your process is, after the characters are submitted, create a table of the characters abilities. Do not label who has what, but do summarize what the party’s average, maximum and minimum are.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


You have a great set of books there. Pour over them and read them. I'm thinking that you're putting a bit too much pressure on yourself here. Yes, you want everyone to have fun, to make a game that they'll remember but a game doesn't rest entirely with the GM, you in this case; it also rests with the players. You can be the best GM in the world but if your players don't want to enjoy themselves, there is nothing you can do. Fortunately, they're your friends so you have a plus there.


To take some of the pressure off yourself, tell them you want to create a dynamite game for them. Go ahead, they'll be glad to hear it. Also tell them you're learning as fast as you can and that you're interested in feedback from them. Tell them that if they have any ideas that they'd like to do with their hero that they should pass those along on to you.


For now, I'd give them guidelines of point maximums, until they learn the system well enough to govern their powers to the point where they can be trusted with more powerful powers and not have to worry about them using it carelessly. Even friends can over-do things.


There's a thread on the herogames boards here where hundreds of ideas of possible adventure ideas exist but I can't recall it. Can someone direct VR Dragon to it?

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


A question about rules. should I use the hit location and wounding rules ? what combat rules would work good for a supers game? 350 points


I don't generally use either for a Supers game.


I recommend using as few of the optional rules as you can at first. Get your players used to the basics, and than when they feel ready add on optional rules like Knockback.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


Good advice, Caris.


I'd also suggest that you don't worrry too much about the rules as you play.


If you don't know the correct rule for something during play:


- Don't stop the game to look it up! Kepp the game flowing!

- Do make a decision 'off the cuff'. Just apply a modifier which you think is reasonable and carry on.

-Take GM notes of rules you want to check after play or when the players are having a smoke break, or whatever.

-Make sure your players know that you'll be doing this.


GM - You're sitting in a traffic-jam, in your Secret ID, tempers are starting to flare and horns are sounding! All of a sudden, in your rear mirror, you see a man wearing military fatigues, a full face helmet, running past the back of your car and suddenly he opens up with an assault rifle!


Player - Eh, I'll stick the car in reverse, stick the pedal to the metal - hopefully taking him unawares!!


Eitrher the GM goes to look up surprised rules and how much damage a car does while driving in reverse!! This really kills Hero, bad GM's not knowing the rules and looking them up in game.


Or, the GM says make an attack roll, and if he doesn't mess up too badly ask him to roll a handful of dice damage!

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


There's a thread on the herogames boards here where hundreds of ideas of possible adventure ideas exist but I can't recall it. Can someone direct VR Dragon to it?


That is probably this thread. Also search this forum for "Plot Seeds," and you will find a number of other threads that would be usefull.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


I would also suggest getting a combat simulator. I have two new players in my group. Both of them are fairly smart, but they feel the rules of combat are to overwhelming. They feel it is a math class on how to take damage.


To correct this problem, I use the the Hero Tracker program from the Operation Rising Star hero link. It is a little buggy, but it is also very user friendly. All you have to do is quickly enter characters, then during combat just enter the stun and body done to a character; the program does the rest. I find it speeds up my combat. The players tell me what stun and body they do to a villain, I plug the numbers in, the program tells me what happened after their defenses are applied. I then relate the information back to the player; ie is the villain still standing or stunned. I can also have the vilain hit the players and tell the player what happened. How much stun and body they have left. The program also take scare of recoveries and POSt 12 recoveries.


If you do get this program feel free to email me and I can give you some of the fixes I use to make the program work better in 5th edtition.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


I would also suggest taking a look at http://www.roleplayingtips.com This is a weekly online article that is designed to give RPG advice for GM's and players alike. It is more for D&D, but a lot of their articles can be used for any game. They have some great articles in thier archives on how to come up with plots you might find useful.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..




Good advice for a convention game and a clean format for a character sheet - it may help to keep things simple.


There are combat summary sheets posted somewhere on the Hero site as well as a short intro to the rules that are very useful... as I recall they include the how to take damage discussion.


Keep them focused on what is going on (the story) rather than how the rules work.


Knockback is good for Champions, hit locations, wounding etc... probably not so much - if you were talking about street level type heroes (dark champions) then heck yes... but start with the basics before worrying about options.


The published 5th adventures are actually pretty darn good.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


Fifthly, My players are all new to this game system. They are used to Rifts by Palladium books. One player even stated "This will be just a Munchkin Game". I don't want too prove him right. So any advice?


He is used to :hush:Rifts:hush: and he is worried about it being a 'Munchkin Game'.....


Okay, helpfull reply from me when i have more time and i am not supposed to be working- but that really provoked a response from me.:P

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


He is used to :hush:Rifts:hush: and he is worried about it being a 'Munchkin Game'.....


Okay, helpfull reply from me when i have more time and i am not supposed to be working- but that really provoked a response from me.:P


I know the feeling. :thumbup:


He plays Rifts' date=' and is worried that Hero will be a Munchkin Game? OK. What does he always play the City Rat, Rogue Scientist or Wilderness Scout? Sorry, don’t get me wrong, I’ve played Rifts, and have had a great time. It is just Rifts always appealed to the Munchkins of my acquaintance.[/quote']
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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


To avoid the munchkinism, don't let the players write up munchkin characters. Don't let them min-max, and explain to them that if they buy a huge high DEX it won't prevent them from ever being hit.


Cap everything, all the stats, all the powers. Make sure no-one tries to sneak over it, and, at the same time, make sure no-one is underpowered. It can suck to be the only guy whose attack does three or four dice less than everyone else's.


Make the campaign about the characters, and their individual lives and their lives within the group.


If a player has based his character on a favorite character from a book or tv show, make a plot that mirrors one that happened with that character, but throw a few curves into it.


Have the villains taunt the PCs... "Your powers are weak! You cannot hope to defeat us!" and then, when the PCs are victorious, they can taunt right back.


One thing I hate when I'm playing Champions is when the GM thinks that the PCs have to lose all the time. Sure, they might lose a fight in the beginning when the most powerful villain arrives, but eventually the PCs should prevail.


If the villain is going to get away after being trounced by the PCs, have him acknowledge the defeat... "You may have won this round, heroes, but I'll be back! I will not forget this indignity!"

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


What kind of limits should I put in for stuff?


Like DCV and OCV, ED and PD and such when powers in the supplements show powers with 8d6 and 12d6 for attacks? What if a player is a brick or a Energy Projector?


These are somethings I very much need some advice on.



What would be some good starting limits and guidelines for powers, stats and stuff?



10 PD and ED max unless your a brick? 20 dex unless your a speeder or MA? 75 Active point Limit for powers?


I was looking through powers from my Until SPDB books and some powers that use force fields have 15, 20, 25 and even 30 for PD and ED ratings. I would like to use these books to help my new players since it gives already made ideas but are these powers to strong? :think: I get kinda confused right about here.....

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


I suggest a common origin. Have the group create 75, even 150 point heroic (but normal characters). Soldiers, volunteers, scientists, adventurers..whatever.


Tal to each about a desired archetype or two.


Then play through the acquisition and discovery of powers. I'd suggest starting with simple heroes--a few powers, maybe even only one power. Let them and you grow into the use of higher powers. As you become more experienced, you can allow more powers by having more power accidents..suddenly endowing the characters with more XP.


As for limits--well, rule of thumb, decide what you think an average Cv should be, and what the minimum and maxes you want peopel to be.


For example, a huan at 20 Dex can have a 7 OCV before levels. If you really want superheroes to outshine them, you wan tthe maximum to be somewhat above that--paybe 10 to 12. Same thign with DCV's.


Once you have that figured, assignign defenses and atatcks come easy. A benchmark range is starting defenses shoudl be between 2 to 2.5 times the average attack DC. Those with high DCV's you probably want to limit defenses somewhat.


For example the martial artist who uses moves and elvels to commonly have a 12 DCV, in a campaign where 10 damage classes is average should probably have PD and ED below 20, or at least no higher. Being hit once shouldnt knock the Ma out, but he should stand a good chance of being stunned, and may want to be on the defensive to recover. A Brick with a 6 DCV base in that same 10 DC campaign proably should have a 25 PD/ED average. He shouldnt be desperate for stun after a few hits from average campaign attacks.


I'd suggest starting small, and working up.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


Here are some core, small scale characters that re pretty balanced as a team.


 Captain Titan


Val	Char	Cost
10/50	STR	0
18	DEX	24
15/30	CON	10
12/15	BODY	4
10	INT	0
13	EGO	6
13/20	PRE	3
10	COM	0

5/25	PD	3
5/25	ED	2
4	SPD	12
5/16	REC	0
30/60	END	0
25/56	STUN	0

8"	RUN	4
2"	SWIM	0
2"/20"	LEAP	0
Characteristics Cost: 68

Cost	Power
Titan Form Powers, all slots OIHID (-1/4)
40	1)  Titanic Strength: +40 STR, (1/2 Endurance; +1/4) (50 Active Points)
24	2)  Titanic: +15 CON (30 Active Points)
5	3)  Titanic Frame: +3 BODY (6 Active Points)
12	4)  Impenetrable Skin: +12 PD, Hardened (+1/4) (16 Active Points) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic)
6	5)  Impressive: +7 PRE (7 Active Points)
13	6)  Impenetrable Skin: +17 ED (17 Active Points) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic)
6	7)  Impenetrable Skin: Damage Resistance (15 PD) (7 Active Points)
7	8)  Impenetrable Skin: Damage Resistance (15 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (9 Active Points)
13	9)  Are you trying to move me?: Knockback Resistance -8" (16 Active Points)
15	10) Safe Anywhere:   (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) (19 Active Points)
20	11) Titanic Leap: Leaping +10" (2"/20" forward, 1"/10" upward) (Accurate, x8 Noncombat) (25 Active Points)
Powers Cost: 161

Cost	Skill
10	+2 with HTH Combat
2	KS 11-
3	Custom Skill 
3	Custom Skill 
3	Custom Skill 
Skills Cost: 21

Total Character Cost: 250

Pts.	Disadvantage
15	Social Limitation:  Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major
15	Psychological Limitation:  Protective of Innocents (Common, Strong)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Needs to Prove Self (Very Common, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Overconfidance (Common, Moderate)
10	Distinctive Features:  : Registers on Energy X Scanners (Not Concealable; Always Noticed ; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
20	Hunted:  IHA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
5	Distinctive Features:  Large 8 foot tall Human Juggernaut of Muscle (Easily Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
Unluck 1d6

Disadvantage Points: 100
Base Points: 150
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0
Experience Unspent: 0




Val	Char	Cost
15	STR	5
23	DEX	39
20	CON	20
11	BODY	2
13	INT	3
14	EGO	8
15	PRE	5
12	COM	1

4/20	PD	1
7/23	ED	3
5	SPD	17
10	REC	6
40	END	0
30	STUN	1

6"	RUN	0
2"	SWIM	0
3"	LEAP	0
Characteristics Cost: 111

Cost	Power
16	Elemental Control, 40-point powers, all slots Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4)
16	1)  Flight 20"
16	2)  FF (16 PD/16 ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4)
4	Absorption 2d6  (energy, END); Limited Phenomena (Electrical attacks; -1), Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2)
50	Multipower, 62-point reserve, all slots Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4)
5u	1)  EB 10d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4)
4u	2)  EB 5d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), NND ([standard]; +1)
3u	3)  RKA 3d6+1, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2)
5u	4)  Sight Group Flash 10d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4)
Powers Cost: 119

Cost	Skill
3	Acrobatics 14-
3	Computer Programming 12-
3	Electronics 12-
2	SS:  Computer Engineering 11-
3	Security Systems 12-
3	Systems Operation 12-
3	+1 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks
Skills Cost: 20

Total Character Cost: 250

Pts.	Disadvantage
15	Social Limitation:  Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major
15	Psychological Limitation:  Code Against Killing (Common, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Overconfidance (Common, Moderate)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Annoyingly Cheerful (Very Common, Strong)
20	DNPC:  11- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)
15	Hunted:  Thunderbolt 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
5	Distinctive Features:  Energy X (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
Disadvantage Points: 100




Val	Char	Cost
15	STR	5
26	DEX	48
18	CON	16
10	BODY	0
13	INT	3
13	EGO	6
15	PRE	5
12	COM	1

5/17	PD	2
4/16	ED	0
6	SPD	24
7	REC	0
36	END	0
27	STUN	0

6"	RUN	0
2"	SWIM	0
3"	LEAP	0
Characteristics Cost: 110

Cost	Power
25	Elemental Control, 50-point powers
28	1)  Flight 20", No Turn Mode (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (60 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4)
26	2)  FF (12 PD/12 ED) (Protect Carried Items), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (51 Active Points)
40	Multipower, 40-point reserve
3u	1)  Turbo speed: Flight 5", No Turn Mode (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4), Noncombat acceleration/deceleration (+1) (35 Active Points)
2u	2)  Fast Punch: HA +6d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (37 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)
3u	3)  Move Through Objects: Desolidification  (40 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2)
Powers Cost: 127

Cost	Skill
3	Computer Programming 12-
2	PS: Teacher 11-
3	Oratory 12-
3	Electronics 12-
5	+1 with HTH Combat
5	+1 with DCV
Skills Cost: 21

Cost	Talent
3	Lightning Calculator
4	Speed Reading (x10)
Talents Cost: 7

Total Character Cost: 265


The Psycho Kinetic


Val	Char	Cost
15	STR	5
21	DEX	33
20	CON	20
10	BODY	0
13	INT	3
13	EGO	6
15	PRE	5
12	COM	1

4/20	PD	1
4/20	ED	0
5	SPD	19
7	REC	0
40	END	0
30	STUN	2

6"	RUN	0
2"	SWIM	0
3"	LEAP	0
Characteristics Cost: 95

Cost	Power
62	Multipower, 62-point reserve
4u	1)  Telekinesis (10 STR), Fine Manipulation, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (56 Active Points); Affects Whole Object (-1/4)
4u	2)  Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Full Range (+1) (40 Active Points)
6u	3)  Force Wall (13 PD), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Transparent to ED Attacks (+1/2) (57 Active Points)
5u	4)  Telekinesis (40 STR) (60 Active Points); Affects Whole Object (-1/4)
4u	5)  Energy Blast 10d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (62 Active Points); OIF (Focus any object nearby to throw; -1/2)
20	Elemental Control, 40-point powers
20	1)  Force Field (16 PD/16 ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (40 Active Points)
20	2)  Flight 20" (40 Active Points)
Powers Cost: 145

Cost	Skill
6	+2 with TK Powers
4	+2  with Missile Deflection
3	Breakfall 13-
3	Deduction 12-
3	Stealth 13-
3	Security Systems 12-
3	Lockpicking 13-
Skills Cost: 25

Total Character Cost: 265

Pts.	Disadvantage
15	Mystery Disadvantage
20	Social Limitation:  Public Identity (Many Enemies) Frequently (11-), Severe
10	Reputation:  Member of the Destructors Supervillian Group, 11-
10	Physical Limitation:  Amnesia (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
50	Hunted by Just About Everyone
5	Distinctive Features: Mutant:  (Not Concealable), Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable Only By Unusual Senses
10	Vulnerability:  1 1/2 x STUN vs Mental Attacks (Common)
15	Enraged:  Innocents Killed (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-
5	Psychological Limitation: Minor Gambling Addict:  Uncommon, Moderate
10	Psychological Limitation: Show Off:  (Common, Moderate)
15	Psychological Limitation: Protect the Innocent:  (Common), Strong
15	Psychological Limitation: Seeks Justice:  (Common, Strong)
Disadvantage Points: 100
Base Points: 165


the last two I made 265, cause it worked, You could give them 15 more points in disads, or beef up the other two with 15 points--but these are nice, basic characters that show a range of balance, with a combination of high DCV's with lower defenses, a unique focus and niche for each character.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


What kind of limits should I put in for stuff?


Like DCV and OCV, ED and PD and such when powers in the supplements show powers with 8d6 and 12d6 for attacks? What if a player is a brick or a Energy Projector?


These are somethings I very much need some advice on.



What would be some good starting limits and guidelines for powers, stats and stuff?



10 PD and ED max unless your a brick? 20 dex unless your a speeder or MA? 75 Active point Limit for powers?


I was looking through powers from my Until SPDB books and some powers that use force fields have 15, 20, 25 and even 30 for PD and ED ratings. I would like to use these books to help my new players since it gives already made ideas but are these powers to strong? :think: I get kinda confused right about here.....


We can't tell you what limits to use, because we can't know if what works for us and our groups will work for you and your group. I would recommend going on the low end with your caps, and let them build up from there. It is often easier to convince players to add to their characters than take away. Alternatively, do you have some antagonists built that you intend to use? Consider what kind of threat you want that NPC to be, and figure out what kind of levels the PCs have to have to be effective. (Big Bad has Def of 30 and 30 Con, that means that you need to have a 6DCs to have any chance of damaging, 9DCs to get damage through on a average roll, and an average roll on 18DCs will Stun Big Bad. OK, I don't want average rolls Stunning Big Bad, so I'll set my max at 14 (19 Stun after Def on average, and will Stun on a somewhat better than average roll), my average at 12 (12 Stun after Def on average, and still has a chance of Stunning), and my minimum at 8DCs (needs a better than average roll to do damage, but not as much better as 6 would, and can not Stun Big Bad)).


Personally, I'm not fond of setting caps based on the "classic" arch-types that most people talk about, but that is just a personal preference. If you go that route, talk with your players about what arche-types you are using and what the caps for them are.


Remember, the nice thing about the powers in the USPDB is that you don't have to use them exactly as written. It is the easiest part to just reset the base levels and recalculate the cost (Hero Designer is very helpful for this) if the level in the book is higher or lower than you need.

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


One idea you could do is hold back a number of points (say, 25 or so) to be added after they've done their initial writeup. So for a 350-point campaign, have them draw up 325-point characters. Then, look over what they've created and see where their weak areas are.


Player A might be a combat munchkin, so you tell him he needs to spend those 25 on noncombat skills, talents, and perks. (You have to specify "noncombat" or he'll just add Combat Skill Levels, martial arts, etc.)


Player B has too little combat power, so you tell him to use those points to boost the DCs of his attacks.


Player C is okay skill- and combat-wise but can't hit the broad side of a barn. Maybe his points should go to combat skill levels and/or characteristics.


Player D seems to have balanced combat and skills okay, but has no movement powers or enhanced senses. Advise him to use his 25 points to get some, or maybe some rarely-used but fun power if "low-move, no-senses" is part of his concept.

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