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Urban Fantasy and HERO


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So, here's the story. A few months ago, a friend of mine told me his friend was going to be running a Champions game, and explained that Champions was a superhero game. We went to his friend's house, met with him and started hammering out character ideas. I learned what HERO system is. Until that time, I hadn't strayed too far from standard d20.

But I really enjoyed my experience with HERo, and I've since been learning it how it works, how to build characters, and I've really fallen in love with the system. So, I posit this question. What do I need to run a urban fantasy game besides the basic HERO book? Will Fantasy HERO be necessary? As far as the feel goes, I'm looking at something along the lines of the Dresden Files.

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Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


Fantasy Hero will be useful. Potentially Dark Champions, The Ultimate Skill, and The Ultimate Mystic. Those last three are somewhat overkill.


Upcoming is Urban Fantasy Hero, as well. I don't know the release date off the top of my head, though.

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Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


The short answer is no. The core rulebook or Hero Sidekick contains everything needed to run a game using the Hero System.


Fantasy Hero could be useful in designing your magic system. A more useful book for what you are thinking of may be The Ultimate Mystic.

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Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


Yeah, I was thinking The Ultimate Mystic would be better than Fantasy Hero for an urban fantasy game. FH has some good info for creating a new magic system, but more often than not, an urban fantasy game will be more interested in "real" magic systems like those outlined in TUM rather than brand new systems.


The Hero System Bestiary is a good start for critters, both natural and supernatural.


Of course, there are tons of Hero books that can be useful in nearly any game, but between the core rules and TUM, you should be able to get such a game off the ground.

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Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


Urban Fantasy Hero: There's more to Fantasy than alternate worlds filled with sword-swinging barbarians, armored knights, and fireball-casting wizards. One of the most popular Fantasy subgenres today is "Urban Fantasy," which combines the mysticism and wondrous creatures of Fantasy with modern-day settings, technology, and people. Urban Fantasy Hero is your complete guide to this subgenre for gaming, with detailed information about genre elements and themes, character creation, and gamemastering. It also includes an extensive resources section featuring settings, spells, and other material you can use right away. So step away from your everyday life... and into the magical world of Urban Fantasy Hero!

Author: Steven S. Long

Tentative Release Date: Late 2008


The Dresden Files



The Dresden Files



Susano's Guide to Adapting Fictional Characters to HERO



naturaltwenty's "The Dresden Files Hero"



Urban Fantasy - Films/TV Series



Fantasy Subgenres












Neverwhere D6



Combined with


HERO Characteristic Conversion (Str) by Grey's Hero




More later




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Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


Holy slamoley! I've heard of info dumps, but that's impressive. Thanks, QM. I've been following DFRPG, but Fate has never really felt right for me. It's an interesting ruleset, but despite my liberal arts education I need some solid, hard crunch, and non of the Fudge games really bring that to the table.

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Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


The trick is in playing around with foci, extra time, and ritual limitations. I understand why they went with a Fudge based system, since they built Fate around it, but Hero covers everything with their powers more or less out of the box. So, you want a blasty-type spell? It requires a staff as a focus? You need to say a special word, as well? How was the staff made? Hand crafted you say, with mystic runes carved in it? So, it wouldn't be easy to get a new one, huh? Badda bing, badda boom, you have your limitations outlined. I'm still working on the shield bracelet, trying to decide if using it as an armor power instead of a force wall power is too munchkin-y. Right now, I'm just trying to come up with some framework stuff, so that I can sit down with players and my laptop and copy/paste out a character using HERO Designer.

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Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


The trick is in playing around with foci' date=' extra time, and ritual limitations. I understand why they went with a Fudge based system, since they built Fate around it, but Hero covers everything with their powers more or less out of the box. So, you want a blasty-type spell? It requires a staff as a focus? You need to say a special word, as well? How was the staff made? Hand crafted you say, with mystic runes carved in it? So, it wouldn't be easy to get a new one, huh? Badda bing, badda boom, you have your limitations outlined. I'm still working on the shield bracelet, trying to decide if using it as an armor power instead of a force wall power is too munchkin-y. Right now, I'm just trying to come up with some framework stuff, so that I can sit down with players and my laptop and copy/paste out a character using HERO Designer.[/quote']


For magical defenses Force feild works the best because you can add wrinkles like power defense and flash defense, as many magical attacks feature drains, supress, transforms and flashes in various forms and effects. The down side is endurance cost and the lack of persistant defense, if your dazed your forcefeild goes down. Both can be fixed with apporiate advantages but that increases the cost of the power.

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Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


Read Terry Pratchett's "Watch" sequence for another take on urban fantasy.


This may be only me, but I've never considered a modern day setting to be essential for urban fantasy, just a city environment which the PCs don't leave that often - if at all.

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Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


Read Terry Pratchett's "Watch" sequence for another take on urban fantasy.


This may be only me, but I've never considered a modern day setting to be essential for urban fantasy, just a city environment which the PCs don't leave that often - if at all.


The term "urban fantasy" has a specific meaning.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Urban Fantasy and HERO


Also, for a great resource.... browse the boards!


There are a ton of great resources in the posts and responses here, and not just in the genre threads. It's cheaper than books, and a great place to get started. Once you've spent some time catching up with all the questions other people have asked, you'll have a better feel for the system, AND a better feel for what other resources you might need.


Welcome and happy gaming!

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