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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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About Kraessius and the Progeny...







Kraessius is one of the survivors of Nymr, the lost world.




It is believed that was the first world to host life and the first planet in which life evolved earlier. When the surface of our planet Earth was still cooling, the inhabitants of Nymr (so called their world) already had a civilization much higher than the current we have on Earth . Each Nymir possessed skills and even unique physical characteristics, such as the ability to fly, move objects with his mind or a skin as hard as diamond. Also had the common feature of immortality, or rather a longevity beyond measure. This, coupled with a superhuman capacity for cellular regeneration made them as close to true immortality.


This, bullet for us, took Nymr disaster.


Far from being a peaceful people, dedicated to enjoy the gifts that the evolution had been granted, the Nymrs were a warlike and distrust race, which had split into innumerable clans. These clans were always engaged in fratricidal struggles with each other, this alongside with the fact that they were so hard to kill led to the creation of weapons of mass destructive, weapons that could kill the immortals, but of course weapons that finally ended up destroying their own world.


However, this was not the end of Nymrs (or "Children of the Lost World”, as also known). Although their number was obviously very small, Nymrs survived their home world, escaping to the stars.


Coupling was the fate of the survivors, but today we focus on the ones whom, having managed to flee the destruction of his planet of birth, decided to move the unquenchable flame of their lives to a small planet in the solar system:




The planet Earth was inhabited by dinosaurs when the Nymrs were set at.


Several clans settled and everything is back to start again. It was what was called the "first war of clans." Like in Nymr, the war led to a disaster on a planetary level, which caused the mass extinction of native species. Nymrs left the land and moved to Mars, by then a less bleak than at present, although not as exuberant as it was Earth before they left devastated.


Only one clan remained in the earth, the clan of Atlan.


It’s said it was this clan that create human beings as we know through genetic engineering. Drawing on humans, the clan of Atlan forged a powerful civilization:


Atlantean civilization.


This empire was like a light that illuminated the world, leading to a legendary era. Its heyday coincided with the return of the other houses of Nymr ...


Mars was also devastated.


Wanting the Earth for themselves, Atlan clan declared war on his brothers invaders. Again, the conflict was so terrible that even change the face of the earth and mankind went from dreaming of the stars to be thrown into caves.


This was the second clan war.


Atlantean continent disappeared beneath the waters of a new ocean would inherit his name and from that disaster would be born a new legend.


But that's another story ...


Atlan clan was wiped out by his brothers who came from skies, which, knowing their own destructive nature, made a non-aggression pact, which divided the Earth and vowed to not confront (at least not directly) with each other.


The Nymrs were getting back in touch with humanity, being worshiped by humans as gods.


Over time, gradually disappeared from the sight of men, becoming legends, tales, myths... But still, behind the scenes, in the shadows, They’re still pulling the strings of humanity...>>


The Progeny.


Kraessius through nymr super advanced technology of cloning and genetic engineering, was able to "manufacture" a series of altered clones of himself. He called these pseudo-clones the "Progeny", his progeny, his children ...


Shirrtakk is the chamberlain of Kraessius, his second in command. It has high-level psychic powers, besides being the smartest members of the Progeny.


Brakko is the "champion" of the progeny and his best warrior.


Klaws is practically an animal with a rudimentary intelligence, a pet, a terrible pet, which is designed to be the perfect beast of prey, the perfect watchdog.


Nekkra (or Nekkro) is ... well, let's say that Kraessius needs female companionship too. Nekkra absorbs life energy of living creatures ...


Ikkarya is a creature of fire, living plasma shaped by electromagnetic conscious and sentient energy.


Psiklown's mind is divorced from our reality, he perceived distorted and grotesque, like a cartoon. It is also a powerful psychokinetic.



There may be more members of the progeny that we have not seen yet.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


A couple more NPCs from Loose Ends: Shadowstrike, and Citrine - The Yellow Guardian




(I don't usually use capes, but in her alter ego Citrine is more than a bit of a 'meta-geek' with some confidence issues -- she's going to agree with Abby (link)...)

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Originally posted by jack78:


There may be more members of the progeny that we have not seen yet.



Truer, more dire words have seldom ever been spoken...


This is one of those members of the Progeny that has not yet been seen: Hahngarr,

a being who is, if anything, even bigger than Kraessius (but not as intelligent). He is,

in essence, a living siege engine whose job it is to "kick in the door" (or tear it to

shreds -- he's not the most subtle of beings) whenever Kraessius and the Progeny

are launching an attack against someone. The claws on his hands and feet are red

as a result of a powerful acidic secretion produced by his body, which enables him

to more easily tear his way through most barriers, whether solid rock or metal.







Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's something that was inspired by the MJOLNIR battle armor worn by the

Spartans in the Halo games and books, the Myrmidon battle armor:






The primary weapon is a heavy pulse laser rifle, while a short-range plasma gun

serves as a backup weapon. Other types of weapons, however, can be carried;

multi-round missile launchers and particle-beam weapons are standard alternat-

ives to the HPLR for some Myrmidon troopers.




Major Tom 2009 :dyn

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Re: The Crow


Yet another of the unseen Progeny: Whysparr.


While most of the Progeny are content with the use of brute force (or ranged

energy attacks in Ikkarya's case), Whysparr takes a more subtle and insidious

touch when it comes to attacking an enemy. A powerful psionic, she attacks

her victim by gradually invading his or her mind, causing them to hear voices

that "aren't there". She gradually increases the strength of her attacks to the

point that, by the time she -- or one or more of the other Progeny -- is ready

to strike, the victim has been driven to near insanity, and is less able to de-

fend him- or herself.


Because of the time that such an approach takes, she doesn't use this power

in combat; rather, she keeps out of sight in any combat between the Progeny

and a hero group -- or better yet, a lone hero -- and waits for an opportunity

to sense the specific "frequency" of her intended victim's mind. Once Whys-

parr has that information, she waits until her victim has had time to lower his

or her guard, then she begins her attacks. Obviously, this works best if the

victim is a loner, or belongs to a team that has no mentalists whatsoever.


Of the female members of the Progeny, Whysparr is the tallest, at least as tall

as Brakko, Klaws, and Shirtakk; unlike the other Progeny women, she has a








Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: The Crow


And now, for some teen heroes. First up is Pulse, the product of a union between

an Earth mutant and an alien. His unique genetic heritage gives him considerable

energy-manipulation abilities.


This was a character in a Champions game that I was part of when I first got into








Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style heroMachine


Next up is Redshift (not to be confused with the character of the same name

from Teen Champions), who possesses the power to shrink in size, emitting

a red glow as she does. Because of this effect of her power, she chose for her

heroic identity the name Redshift (after the "red shift" phenomenon, in which

objects moving away from a viewer at near-light speeds emit a red glow).







Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style heroMachine


Last but not least is the teen speedster Silverbolt, who is able to reach speeds

of Mach 1 when running at super-speed. A side-effect of the accident which gave

him his super-speed has caused the development of capacitor-like groups of cells

in his body which are capable of storing -- and projecting -- the massive amounts

of friction-generated electricity which are created when he uses his super-speed

running. While he can fire powerful electrical bolts at his opponents as long as he

continues to run at super-speed, the charge gradually dissipates within minutes

of stopping.







Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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