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Algernon Files Plot Seeds, anyone?


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Re: Algernon Files Plot Seeds, anyone?


Well, I'm not sure this is the sort of thing you're looking for; but as I tend to run a modified Champions Universe, I've looked at blending elements of the Algernon Files world with the CU. I find that for the most part it's pretty easy to do, since both worlds are based on the themes and tropes of mainstream comic books.


For example, I would replace Nama with the Serpent Queen as the secret ruler of VIPER, making VIPER more malevolent from the top down. I've already substituted the Covenant for the Trismegistus Council in my game; they can still act as a support resource for PCs, but also have the capacity to assist more directly in confrontations with occult evil. I would like to introduce the Prometheans as the "children" of Teleios -- they suit his M.O. very well, and would add more dimensions to encounters with him. The Saeduun seem to me to make a good template for Mandaarians during the superheroic era. And I've adapted the conflict between the Acathii and the Rha'Zha'Keth to the Champions Universe background, substituting the Progenitors and the Edomites.


One thing I'd really like to try is to run an invasion of Earth by the forces of Istvatha V'han, using appropriate characters from the Algernon world to bolster her forces. Praetorian would be V'han's general commanding the invasion; his Time Towers would become dimensional bridges; and his Bloodhawks, Wardogs, Stridermechs and Battle Spheres would supplement the D-Soldiers and Hovertanks listed for Istvatha's troops in CKC. The army would also include members of "super class" races, including the P'Ahq (Bloodstar's people), the Sikkai (Magog's kin - I've already used Magog as left behind after V'han's last invasion), and the Chidoro (Nemesis' race).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Algernon Files Plot Seeds, anyone?


On behalf of SkeletonMan-


1) Instead of having Protorean working for Istvatha V'han as Lord Liaden suggested, an alternative would be having the two of them battling over the same dimension which has some strategic advantage to them both. (The Old Doctor Who plot Sontarans vs. the Ruetens plot).


2) There was a team of female demons called the Hell's Belle's in one of the M&M magazines. Although they were absolutely nothing to do with the Algernon Hell's Belle's- in my game i used the idea of an evil version of the band summoned by some villain ( perhaps Purgatory's father) to discredit them. In this plot the heroes would start out chasing the real Belle's before later fighting alongside them against the evil(er) version of the band.


3) Taking the Prometheans and removing Dr. Prometheus (interesting character but very much a Silver Age idea.) and breaking up the team, having them act independently or in small groups most of the time, (this could make the group more useful if you are running a low-power level or Claremont style game).

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Re: Algernon Files Plot Seeds, anyone?


Nemesis is a Earth Mutant, not an alien. Despite what our GM thinks ;)


LOL... Great Stuff LL.




I never said he was an alien, QM.


Out loud, anyway. :D


Doing this at work, so I don't have the book on me, but I seem to recall that The Aerie threw a mutated man-bat (name?) to the wolves one time. Can't go wrong with a good revenge plot. And any mystically themed heroes might find themselves under the guns of The Covenant. Ona similar note, some of Templar's past lives might come back to take over the current host.


Just a few thoughts!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Major Tom

Re: Algernon Files Plot Seeds, anyone?


I never said he was an alien, QM.


Out loud, anyway. :D


Doing this at work, so I don't have the book on me, but I seem to recall that The Aerie threw a mutated man-bat (name?) to the wolves one time. Can't go wrong with a good revenge plot. And any mystically themed heroes might find themselves under the guns of The Covenant. Ona similar note, some of Templar's past lives might come back to take over the current host.


Just a few thoughts!



Dr. Chiropterus was the man-bat who was part of the Aerie.




Major Tom :cool:

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