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I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?

Thespian WM

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


Not entirely certain what you're meaning. What does he do? Actually alter public opinion? Manipulate the view on the opinion poll' date=' e.g. a computer hack? Or does he call a few contacts, who throw opinion the way he wants? How he does it is as important as doing it...[/quote']


It's difficult to attach an effect to it. It's not computer programming or some sort of mind control. Basically the person gives a speech or writes a position paper that changes public opinion such as in an election.


Example: Someone has been nominated to the Supreme Court, they need 5 votes in the Senate, this character endorses them, they immediately gain that support. No mind control used, this person simply gave their opinion.


Thanks for the help.

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


That might be done with a helacious Reputation, perhaps with some odd Limitations on it.


Though, frankly, that's exactly the kind of thing Mind Control is for. Slap on IPE, Extra Time and something to reflect it can only be used for subtle changes, and your good.


Look at some of the "Super Hypnosis" write-ups for ideas.

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


Influencing the opinions of a group of people seems pretty straight forward as Oratory for the basic skill.


Getting national air-time consistently might be reputation, contact, or maybe a fringe benefit. Or it could just be the result of having a -really- high Oratory.

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


Influencing the opinions of a group of people seems pretty straight forward as Oratory for the basic skill.


Getting national air-time consistently might be reputation, contact, or maybe a fringe benefit. Or it could just be the result of having a -really- high Oratory.


Oratory' date=' Speech Writing and/or a Reputation would do the trick nicely.[/quote']

Hmmm.... I'm not so sure. It certainly doesn't sound to me like the only specific example we've been given.


It's difficult to attach an effect to it. It's not computer programming or some sort of mind control. Basically the person gives a speech

OK, that's Oratory.


or writes a position paper that changes public opinion such as in an election.

Reputation? I'm not sure that's quite enough. Does Persuasion apply to a situation with no face-to-face contact? Does Oratory??


Example: Someone has been nominated to the Supreme Court' date=' they need 5 votes in the Senate, this character endorses them, they immediately gain that support.[/quote']

Now this is Mind Control. Not a speech, not a position paper, just "I like him" and bang! people change their POV.

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


It does sound like Mind Control, or an extremely high rep. Like it has been suggested before...Oratory, Persuassion and you can even throw in Seduction (agreeing with this guy makes you popular because he's HIM.....that is a form of seduction).

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


Mebbe Mind Control, with some Limitations (Extra Time, Set Effect), a huge Area of Effect, and RSR: Oratory? It wouldn't have to be a lot of dice, since you're only talking about an EGO or EGO+10 effect. Or just a humongous Oratory Skill?

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


It's difficult to attach an effect to it. It's not computer programming or some sort of mind control. Basically the person gives a speech or writes a position paper that changes public opinion such as in an election.


Example: Someone has been nominated to the Supreme Court, they need 5 votes in the Senate, this character endorses them, they immediately gain that support. No mind control used, this person simply gave their opinion.


Thanks for the help.


That's your effect right there. He's not involved in a computer hack; he's using scads and scads of Influence Mongering and Sterling Reputation to achieve a stated goal among living people: changing their minds. This can be done in the two ways already previously stated:

  1. either Mind Control;
  2. or Oratory, Persuasion, Reputation, and Contacts.


Considering that he wouldn't be able to change the minds of people deeply seated against the topic -- he's just getting that critical 5-10% swing vote -- you can still go either way on this. However, while IMO he should HAVE pretty strong Oratory, Persuasion, Reputation, and Contacts, I don't think they're the best way to go about this.


Mind Control is a good blanket way to go about it, I think.


Political Maneuvering: Mind Control 15d6 (standard effect: 45 points) (Human class of minds), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), MegaScale Radius (1" = 100 km; +3/4), Area Of Effect (38" Radius; +1 1/4) (281 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Day, -4), Mandatory Effect EGO +30 or Greater (Must Always Achieve Ego + 10 (wouldn't mind doing) plus Remember Actions and Think Them Natural; -1), OIF (Newspapers, Radio, Phones, Etc.; -1/2), Set Effect (Vote My Way; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (Variable RSR; Oratory or Persuasion, Depending on Methods; -1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4): 13 END, 37 Points.


Compared to the amount of reputation and/or contacts this is effectively worth -- I mean, with 3800km worth of 'radius' on this, you're pretty certain to 'hit' everyone in the country -- I think you're probably getting off pretty cheap. ;)


It does, however, take roughly a day to do the work -- sound out who's closest to the fence and get them to change, or get your position paper or endorsement out to the people who matter, etc. etc.

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


I think I'm missing what effect is this actually going to have on the game...?



Can't speak for him, but I gather there may be Political machinations going on as part of the session. Or the character may be a Televangelist or something......

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


Toss in small rocks to alter the flow of public policy, looks like. At least the way I set it up, he won't get anything more than 5-8% anyhow -- real fence-sitters -- with that Ego+10 target. 'Well, I was thinking Obama on the way there, but when I walked in I thought about Sen. Joe Johnson's latest ad, and thought y'know, he's really got a good point, so Clinton it was ...'


Sometimes it's enough to make a change; sometimes it isn't. I imagine he'll pick his battles wisely.

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


Toss in small rocks to alter the flow of public policy, looks like. At least the way I set it up, he won't get anything more than 5-8% anyhow -- real fence-sitters -- with that Ego+10 target. 'Well, I was thinking Obama on the way there, but when I walked in I thought about Sen. Joe Johnson's latest ad, and thought y'know, he's really got a good point, so Clinton it was ...'


Sometimes it's enough to make a change; sometimes it isn't. I imagine he'll pick his battles wisely.



You've basically got it. The Character is, in addition to being a superhero, something of a super pundit (who is actually listened to).


Thanks for the tips everyone!

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Guest Major Tom

Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


With regards to this character, it actually helps that she's one of the

good guys.



Major Tom :cool:

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


That still doesn't really answer the question for me. How will the ability interact in a meaningful way within the context of the game?


I'm not making judgements here mind you. Some games have a strong political/bureaucratic style and in such a game an ability like this may be worth spending lots of points on.


By contrast in a "kick in the door" style game, this ability may well be a waste of points even if it costs of just 5pts


(for the record the mind control ability can probably be built cheaper by buying it as 1 hex AoE and then increasing the size of the MegaArea)

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Re: I need help with a Talent? Perk? Skill?


The game mechanics are largely designed to measure effects that occur in combat time and scale. You CAN attempt to stat massive out-of-combat effects if you like and sometimes it 'works' but its definitely going off the reservation and can reveal "holes" in the simulationist aspect of the system.


For things like this, if this is the kind of setting where politics are being handled this granularly, its probably some kind of at least semi-realistic game (since granularity and realism tend to go hand in hand), and if thats the case I think the easiest approach to this is a really really high Professional Skill like PS: Campaign Manager 21- (or higher if you think it necessary).

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