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Q: Want Whitefish? We've got Whitefish! White salmon, white flounder, white tuna....


A: If you don't know what calamari is, maybe you should think twice before ordering it.

Q: What is going on with the squid? I thought that I ordered calamri.


A: We have discovered a forest that cannot burn.

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A: We have discovered a forest that cannot burn.

Q: How are we possibly going to get any timber? The tree-bark shatters our chainsaws! Tell me there's an upside to this place, will ya?


A: Sometimes wildlife needs a refuge from Man. Other times Man needs refuge from the wildlife. It might have been a good idea to think about which is which before you went charging in with a bulldozer!

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Q: How are we possibly going to get any timber? The tree-bark shatters our chainsaws! Tell me there's an upside to this place, will ya?


A: Sometimes wildlife needs a refuge from Man. Other times Man needs refuge from the wildlife. It might have been a good idea to think about which is which before you went charging in with a bulldozer!

Q: Where did that boulder that smashed our bulldozer come from? I thought that we were the only ones here clearing this place out.


A: Return fire is the point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q: Place steady machine-gun fire over the enemy trenches, even if I don't see anyone? What's the point of that?


A: I worked my way up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty.

Q: Now that those who are in the poverty line are the next great celebrities, exactly what your plans?


A: I cannot see the forest for all the trees around.

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A: I cannot see the forest for all the trees around.

Q: We'll find Robin Hood any second now! All we have to do to clain the reward from the Sherrif is get to Sherwood Forest, and then ... what's wrong, Sir Guy?


A: I told you this is what happens when Puppymonkeybabies grow up, but did you listen? You did not!

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A: I told you this is what happens when Puppymonkeybabies grow up, but did you listen? You did not!

Q - There are now more insane asylums than nursing homes in this country. What the [redacted] happened?!


A - We're the best [censored] unit in the whole [unprintable] army!

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A: Because you made a phone call.

Q: Why is there a strange teenager at my door carrying a pizza?


A: Tell me again how allowing 120 million random people to cast one ballot each, with the person with the most votes getting to lead the nation for four years, was ever considered a good idea.

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A: Tell me again how allowing 120 million random people to cast one ballot each, with the person with the most votes getting to lead the nation for four years, was ever considered a good idea.

Q: I'm sorry, Mr. Dubois, could you repeat the question?


A: That's a juvenile fantasy, nothing more.

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