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A: I'm not giving this dog a name, because I don't want him to come when I call.


Q - Not to be insulting, but that dog looks like what would happen if Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton had a love child.  What are you going to call it, anyway?


A - Schrödinger's panther.

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A: Remember when I bet at 5,000-1 odds that Leicester City would win the EPL? Well, I'm here to collect. In small bills, please.

Q: What was the best investment you have made in your life?


A: Instead of Organization XIII, it is now Organization XIV. The new member has a terrible name. 

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A: Instead of Organization XIII, it is now Organization XIV. The new member has a terrible name. 

Q: You supervillains are like cockroaches! The more we kill, the more show up to take their places! How can you actually grow your evil superteam after getting slaughtered time and time again by the MetaDuperHero League?


A: In case you had any lingering doubts, you are in fact dead and this is in fact Hell. You know what they say about Hope around here.

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A: In case you had any lingering doubts, you are in fact dead and this is in fact Hell. You know what they say about Hope around here.


Q - Wow, I never knew Heaven had such an awesome barbecue pit! I hope you'll be serving the slow-roasted wild boar soon!


A - The sky looks threatening. And I'm not talking about the weather.

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A: If you climb Mount Olympus and find no gods there, it doesn't necessarily invalidate Greek Myth.


Q - What do you mean, 'Zeus has a time share in Tahiti'?


A - That should be illegal, except in Saskatchewan.

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A- James Bond knew you were coming.

Q: Miss Moneypenny, how about -- BANG ...urrkkkkkk


A - That should be illegal, except in Saskatchewan.

Q: Hey, baby, let's ... well ... there's this really interesting sensual set-up that includes a moose, and fifty liters of maple syrup, and a hockey stick, and (now that it's early May) 22 centimeters of snow on the ground, and nine cases of Pilsner or Great Western, and ... how about it?


A: I don't really associate "moose" with much besides "squirrel" and "fatal one-car auto accident".

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A: I don't really associate "moose" with much besides "squirrel" and "fatal one-car auto accident".


Q - Wouldn't it be nice to see a return of the Bull Moose Party this election cycle?


A - I've never seen someone so excited about felt.

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A- James Bond knew you were coming. 

Q: SPECTRE has enough resources to conquer the world five times over, but can't throw a decent surprise party?


A - I'd be surprised if that's really what happened.

Q: First Noah had to sail to Australia to drop off the kangaroos, because he knew he couldn't leave them with the velicoraptors in Antacrctica....


A: O for a Muse of Fire!

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