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Expanded Unoffical Bibliography for Urban Fantasy HERO


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Hi all, it is time again to add our books, movies, comics and TV to the list that exist in Urban Fantasy HERO! Once the list is populated enough I will place a copy under the HERO Product thread for the book (which I will do so for Ulitmate Mentalist too). So please post and I will add. As always any entry already in the Urban Fantasy HERO will not be added to this list.






Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman

Atrocity Archives by Charles Stross

Cabal by Clive Barker

Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Diana Tregarde Investigation by Mercedes Lackey

Elves on the Road Series by Mercedes Lackey

Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino

'Healer', the Repairman Jack stuff, and the Nightworld stuff by F Paul Wilson

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Lord of Light and This Immortal by Roger Zelazny

Mage & Mage II by Matt Wanger

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny

Nightside Series by Simon R. Green

Prom Nights From Hell Anthology

Tea With A Black Dragon by RA MacAvoy









Lost Boys






Heaven and Earth

Little Fears




3x3 Eyes




Forever Knight


Ghost Sweeper Mikami



Hyper Police

Night Stalker

Phantom Quest Corp.

Silent Mobius


Witch Hunter Robin



Anybody has any more and if anybody have an issue with anything I added let me know. I am a pretty reasonable fellow:)

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Re: Expanded Unoffical Bibliography for Urban Fantasy HERO


Roger Zelazny: Amber series. Well, quite a lot of RZ, actually :)


I don't know if this fits exactly, but stuff like Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel and even the Twighlight movie probably make it in as, worryingly, do the Harry Potter books and movies :)

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Re: Expanded Unoffical Bibliography for Urban Fantasy HERO


I would not consider Amber to be Urban Fantasy, though I freely admit I haven't read all of it.


Harry Potter certainly has some elements of Urban Fantasy, but it's a sort of odd duck that doesn't entirely fit within the subgenre.


Buffy, Angel, and Twilight are all unquestionably Urban Fantasy as it's defined in the book.

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Re: Expanded Unoffical Bibliography for Urban Fantasy HERO


Harry Potter certainly has some elements of Urban Fantasy, but it's a sort of odd duck that doesn't entirely fit within the subgenre.


I think Harry Potter would be Urban Fantasy if they didn't spend all their time at school :) You could certainly do Urban Fantasy in that world. Harry Potter: the Later Years :)

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Re: Expanded Unoffical Bibliography for Urban Fantasy HERO


Underworld, the Day Watch/Night Watch and Blade movies.


Damn vampires. They get into everything. Oh -that reminds me - Lost Boys.


Harry Dresden books and TV series.


X-Files, obviously (is there a genre that doesn't fit into?)


Pushing Daisies?


Comics have to include Hellblazer (also a film, of course), and possibly Hellraiser (the Clive Barker books and films)


Books include almost anything by Neil Gaiman, not least Neverwhere and American Gods.


Lovecraft, possibly


Back to Zelazny with Lord of Light (favourite book ever) and This Immortal, perhaps.


F Paul Wilson, 'Healer' and the Repairman Jack stuff, and the Nightworld stuff.


Humour from Terry Pratchett - Good Omens, maybe even quite a bit of Discworld: it is certainly fantasy and much of it is in an urban setting.

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Re: Expanded Unoffical Bibliography for Urban Fantasy HERO


TV: Charmed, Brimstone, Witchblade, Gargoyles (animated)

Movies: Hellrazor (most Clive Barker), Nightwatch/Daywatch, Wanted



Possibly: 4400, Millennium, First Wave -- all have powered beings but probably more of a Sci-fi slant. Ditto with Babylon 5 and the Technomages.



White Wolf: pretty much everything they produce except the Rome stuff.

Unknown Armies


Delta Green [alien horror versus dark champions]

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Re: Expanded Unoffical Bibliography for Urban Fantasy HERO


Just about anything written by Ligotti if you want to blend a little horror into your urban fantasy.


Winterlong by Elizabeth Hand is the perfect example of post-apocalyptic urban fantasy.


And, although I didn't read it fully, Perdido Street Station by China Mieville tackles Urban Fantasy from the opposite direction.


As for RPGs, there's Tribe 8 which falls in line somewhere between Winterlong and Perdido Street Station.


I'd also throw Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow in there. If read with an eye for it, it's pretty much an epic fantasy adventure with various magical sects (the Pavlovians), items (Rocket 00000), creatures (the giant solenoid), and is itself written with a mystical structure. It also happens to be my favorite American novel.

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Re: Expanded Unoffical Bibliography for Urban Fantasy HERO


I suggest Kolchak the Night Stalker for TV, Several books by King such as Bag of Bones, Duma Key, Cycle of the Werewolf, The Talisman, The Drood books by Simon Green, Operation Chaos by Poul Anderson.


Amber might not fit, but other books by Zelazny would like Jack of Shadows, Chasing Darkness, Lord Demon, A Night in the Lonesome October, Roadmarks.


Most any pulp occult detective like Jules De Grandin, or John Thunstone.


Several short lived television series like Tru Calling, Wonderfalls, Joan of Arc, Moonlight, Forever Knight, Werewolf.


Things like Ghost Whisperer or Medium might be on the edge since I don't know the cause of the psychic power described.


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Re: Expanded Unoffical Bibliography for Urban Fantasy HERO


I looked through my library, and offer the following titles:


Neverwhere -- Neil Gaiman

Coraline -- Neil Gaiman

The Graveyard Book -- Neil Gaiman

Anansi Boys -- Neil Gaiman


A Night in the Lonesome October -- Roger Zelazny


Something Wicked This Way Comes -- Ray Bradbury


Tea With A Black Dragon -- RA MacAvoy


Mage & Mage II -- Matt Wanger





Hyper Police

Sakura Taisen

3x3 Eyes

Silent Mobius

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