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Build A Kaiju


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This is something I've been meaning to do for a while. After seeing an awesome Godzilla toy at my neighborhood Wal-Mart, (where I work) I got inspired to cook up a campaign based around kaijus and their interactions with the world. I haven't got it all planned out, but do have some of the ground work done (some alien invaders, task forces that try to stop them etc.). The problem lies in that I can't think of any good original ideas. The prime example of this is when it dawned on me that I spent 30 minutes on hero designer effectively making Rodan/Megaguires. So I leave this in the capable hands of the HERO Boards Community. The sky's the limit as to power. Well, except nothing that can face Serpentera *shudders*.

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New can be difficult


A new idea can be difficult with a concept like this, especially since Godzilla has been around and smashing for over fifty years. Maybe you can try a different source though. Like the Rampage games, especially total destruction with the bonus characters. How often do you see giant wolves, or bulls?


You can try thinking in view of your game world. Are you going to be using a world from scratch, or your own take of the champions universe? If it's the second, then think about your own villains. Any villain who work with genetics, cybernetics, or machines? The first and third could actually attempt to create a monster of their own, quite possibly by accident, or could lose control of it. In the case of the second, they could create one from the remains of an existing one, or from parts of some other large creatures.


Maybe you could try other source material. Watch some good old episodes of Power Rangers. Have something of interest to one of your players some how get turned into a monster.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Build A Kaiju


You could always have some scientist with a yen for seriously humongous

critters create a few building-sized versions of scorpions, tarantulas, or even

lizards -- just imagine the sheer terror that a half-mile long Komodo Dragon

would create in a city. FEMA and the CDC both would go apesquat, but for

entirely different reasons, while the city's superhero response would be limited

to those members who are superstrong, highly resistant to damage, and im-

mune to disease.


For a 'giant spider' encounter of a different sort, try throwing a shooting spider

(not the proper name, but I don't know what it is) at your PCs. Superheroes

closing in on one of these thinking that it'll be an easy fight will be unpleasant-

ly surprised when it shoots/spits a glob of webbing at them from long range.





Major Tom :eg:

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Re: Build A Kaiju


I usually go with the Blob from Outer Space approach. An amorphous mass of tissue with defense from heck and I mean heck. All it does is consume and grow. It's the wieght of the thing that smashes, pulps and then consumes the resultant liquids. It never actually attacks anything. Gives the players the old 'Doesn't it have a right to live' moral quandary.

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Re: Build A Kaiju


To be honest, I have been looking at some old Power Rangers episodes (Serpentera that I mentioned earlier is Lord Zed's Zord, it blew up the earth with a single blast from it's mouth). Also the arguments you've all made as to originality and the approach of this are pretty good. I'll take these under advisement. As a side note, I should have Gigan up pretty quick.

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Re: Build A Kaiju


Therein lies a problem with most of these beasties. The suspension of disbelief factor is really high with some of them, like Gigans lack of ability to feed itself. But, back on topic.


Let's see, What about that fine old classic, the giant rabbit? Remember deForest Kelly's drabest moments in 'Night of the Lepus' (Lupus?? I forget) Where a town was destroyed by giant fluffy bunnies (or maybe they were Hares?)


Now you've got all the kids screaming and crying about the bad men killing the big bunnies... Awwww.


Amazing that, we've had movies about giant ants, tarantula's, spiders in general, Vultures, Mantis', Gila Monsters, Rabbits, Scorpions, Shrews, squids, sharks, even Tomatoes. And of course, men and women hmmmm, and a baby. Not much left to get frightened about in the western version of giant monsters.


How about fleas? Giant blood sucking fleas? As in total body drain in one big gulp?

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Build A Kaiju


Therein lies a problem with most of these beasties. The suspension of disbelief factor is really high with some of them, like Gigans lack of ability to feed itself. But, back on topic.


Let's see, What about that fine old classic, the giant rabbit? Remember deForest Kelly's drabest moments in 'Night of the Lepus' (Lupus?? I forget) Where a town was destroyed by giant fluffy bunnies (or maybe they were Hares?)


Now you've got all the kids screaming and crying about the bad men killing the big bunnies... Awwww.


Amazing that, we've had movies about giant ants, tarantula's, spiders in general, Vultures, Mantis', Gila Monsters, Rabbits, Scorpions, Shrews, squids, sharks, even Tomatoes. And of course, men and women hmmmm, and a baby. Not much left to get frightened about in the western version of giant monsters.


How about fleas? Giant blood sucking fleas? As in total body drain in one big gulp?


Yep, Night of the Lepus was the one with the giant man-eating bunnies.

But if anyone thinks that that one was bad or goofy, you should try the one

with Alan Hale and Barbara Hale (the Skipper and Della Street) involving huge

spiders from another dimension (I think it was called Invasion of the Giant





Major Tom :eek:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Build A Kaiju


And PETA leaping to the creatures defense. Calling them misunderstood creatures and entirely new and obviously rare and thus endangered species while getting a court injunction to protect it, and its native habitat!




Fortunately for the good guys, there's a way around that, and it's called a

Judge. The moment that some toad of a lawyer tried to get an injunction

on the grounds that you've listed here, His/Her Honor would take one look

at the lawyer and proceed to tell him/her in no uncertain terms that he/she

is a complete and utter idiot, and then list the reasons why (one: giant

monsters of any kind aren't a normal part of the ecosystem, and two:

downtown U.S.A. isn't the natural habitat of any giant, city-

killing monstrosity that walks on two or more legs).




Major Tom :sneaky:

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Re: Build A Kaiju


And PETA leaping to the creatures defense. Calling them misunderstood creatures and entirely new and obviously rare and thus endangered species while getting a court injunction to protect it, and its native habitat!



Of course after they 'rescue' them, they will euthanize them and dump the carcasses in a back ally dumpster...

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