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Looking for players for a new PBEM Champions campaign.


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Interesting... the "R" for "revised" kinda threw me off... I kinda just threw the activation in as a representation of the somewhat randomness of getting things going, and just did it from memory... That'll teach me.


Anyhow... any other suggestions design wise from anyone? Something glaringly cheesy or missing?


Thanks again!

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Originally posted by ch0wyunf47

Anyhow... any other suggestions design wise from anyone? Something glaringly cheesy or missing?


Hmm. Well, there are some stylistic differences to the way I would do things, but I don't want to go overboard on making suggestions. I'll just point out a couple concerns/things to think about.


1) Your 1st two attacks are combo attacks. I would be concerned that each individual component won't be suffiicient to have much effect. For instance, take Winter blast... if the average campaign damage is in the 12-15 DC range, how much effect will a 9 DC attack have on typical defenses? How many opponents will not have an attack that will easily remove a weak entangle? I personally would rather have a variety of campaign average or better (12-15 DC) attacks that each do one thing well.


2) A couple things to consider are (a) how to handle an opponent that doesn't seem to be much affected by your regular attacks, and (B) how to handle large groups of weaker enemies. Your snake bite seems to be designed with the former situation in mind, but I don't see anything that allows the latter. OTOH, you can partially offset that with spreading an EB for area, if you have a high enough DC attack that you can afford the loss of DC, assuming the special effects allow it. (Can you spread a bear charge across multiple hexes? If you can't, then the beam limitation (-1/4) might be appropriate. What about bouncing?) You can also decide that you will rely on your team-mates to handle mass combat situations if you prefer.


3) Most of your attacks are high-end cost attacks; even your DI requires paying END for the DI in addition to paying END for the STR when you attack. This is perhaps acceptable in a brawl with a smallish number of strong opponents, but probably won't work in a protracted battle. You might consider having at least one attack to fall back on that you can use for a full turn without exceeding the amount you can recover at the end of the turn; e.g. you might buy a slightly weaker Body of Stone with 0 END cost instead of 1/4 END cost, and buy 1/2 END cost on all your strength instead of just the DI strength.


Incidentally, Aid doesn't cost END to use. I'm not certain but I don't think Healing does either.

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All valid thoughts.


My biggest concern was his inability to re-charge his END while in stone form. I had tried to give him a high as REC as possible, to off-set the high END costs of his attacks. I'm thinking of adding a AOE Entangle to maybe try and handle the large group of weaker enemies, as I envisioned him taking on a batman-esque role in FC, taking on thugs and low-end supers a lot more than large groups of relatively high powered supers, and such a power would not only be useful, but likely.


I admit, his attacks lack a little 'punch' for 75 AP, and I might change the effects of his biggest attack. The -1/4 of it being a summoned bear is entirely unneccessary, but just a spell I envisioned.


Again, I will work on this more when i have a book handy :)

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This is the character I sent in... that do you guys think?




Player: Gary Ciaramella


Val Char Cost
10 STR 0
20 DEX 30
18 CON 16
10 BODY 0
13 INT 3
18 EGO 16
15 PRE 5
18 COM 4
4/30 PD 2
4/10 ED 0
4 SPD 10
6 REC 0
36 END 0
24 STUN 0
6" RUN02" SWIM027" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 86


Cost Power END
90 Telekinesis Attacks: Multipower, 90-point reserve
9u 1) Telekinesis (40 STR), Fine Manipulation, 1/2 END (+1/4) 3
4u 2) +50 STR, 1/2 END (+1/4); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 2
9u 3) Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel), Reflection At Any Target, Ranged Full Range (+1)
7u 4) Tunneling 6" through 12 DEF material (Fill In), 1/2 END (+1/4) 3
15 Telekinetic Defenses: Elemental Control, 30-point powers
12 1) 50% Resistant Phyical Energy Reduction; Costs 1/2 END (-1/4) [Notes: HD wouldn't allow Reduced Endurance (1/2 End) for a power bought with Costs Endurance. But Steve said that Costs 1/2 Endurance is an allowable -1/4 limitation. I assigned Costs Endurance at the -1/4 level and changed the lable.] 1
15 2) Force Field (24 PD), 1/2 END (+1/4) 1
20 Telekinetic Movement: Multipower, 20-point reserve
2u 1) Leaping +15" (27" forward, 13 1/2" upward) (Accurate) 2
2u 2) Flight 10" 2
6 Trained Mind: +6 Mental Defense (10 points total)
12 Can "Hear" background mental noise.: Detect Thoughts 12-, Range, Sense
5 Psionically Sensative: Mental Awareness
8 Reflective & Insulated Costume: Armor (2 PD/6 ED); OIF (-1/2)
Powers Cost: 216



Cost Skill
3 Breakfall 13-
9 +3 with Telekinesis Attacks
3 Concealment 12-
3 KS: Art History (INT-based) 12-
2 Language: French (fluent conversation)
3 Paramedics 12-
8 PS: Artist (DEX-based) 18-
3 Shadowing 12-
3 Stealth 13-
3 Teamwork 13-
Skills Cost: 40


Cost Perk
4 Professor Ryan Kennedy (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good relationship with Contact) 11-
4 Claremont Academy (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 11-
Perks Cost: 8




Total Character Cost: 350


Val Disadvantages
10 Distinctive Features (Mutant): (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
25 Hunted: Institute For Human Advancement 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)
20 Hunted: PSI 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find)
10 Physical Limitation: Weirdness Magnet (Infrequently; Greatly)
10 Psychological Limitation: Afraid of Energy Attacks (Common; Moderate)
10 Psychological Limitation: Headstrong (Common; Moderate)
20 Psychological Limitation: Takes Her Responsibilities Seriously (Very Common; Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Will not "Murder" (Uncommon; Total)
10 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Occasionally (8-), Major)
20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Here's my initial impressions:


1) A 90-point multipower with no limitations on the AP reserve? Ouch!!! IMHO, multipowers are best used with built-in limitations, often significant ones. If your powers are so flexible that you don't have any set limitations, you're often better off to go with a VPP. This will let you change your powers from session to session (or even more frequently) as you come up with new ideas for powers, and won't cost a lot more. Of course you will have to take time to change your powers into account unless you take the relevant advantages.


2) The character has a low SPD, low-middling CV, low energy defenses, low CON and STUN, and modest special defenses. He might be able to survive against purely physical attacks, but is weak otherwise. I expect he will be on his back a lot.

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I have to say that its interesting looking at the couple of characters that have been publically submitted.


I'm not in a position to join a PBEM game at the moment, but I still whiled a way a couple of spare hours wondering what kind of character I would play if I was. It turned out that I only have a fairly small pool of character conceptions that I would be happy playing. I was therefore positively impressed that the couple of characters that were posted were entirely different. Better yet, of course, they weren't particularly more formidable than my own designs, although they were probably a little more flexible than many of my designs tend to be.


My character designs are still reasonably "state of the art". How reassuring. I probably need to work on the flexibility side a bit, though. Hmm...



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Regarding flexibility I've realized a flaw of my own in character creation. I hesitate to make a 'check-list' hero type, but at the same time fear being too limited. I want my characters to have room to grow, but at the same time don't want them to be too weak to begin with.


What happens is that they're somewhat homogonized. Tough, but not too tough. Generally have a movement-power and defenses that are up all the time. Have a close and short trange options in combat...


I was very tempted to go with one of my frist characters that I played. He was a 250-pt, originally, and he was a ton of fun. Just a straight up 50STR brick. I think with the sort-of reorganized power structure of having 350 point characters, at least for me, it's actually limited my characer development.


The short of it is, don't worry too much about flexibility. It's being not good enough at your focus that you should worry about.


*starts re-working multipower....*

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Originally posted by assault

My character designs are still reasonably "state of the art". How reassuring. I probably need to work on the flexibility side a bit, though. Hmm...


If you want some character designs to compare to your style to look at, check out the character posting thread here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3205


Or, you can look at the Enforcers thread here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6160


The latter is mostly villains/mercenaries though, and they can usually get away with a more unidimensional approach. I generally prefer heroes to have a good balance of powers.


There may be some questions regarding the design style of the submitted characters that Dean will have to deal with. For myself, I tend to buy a lot more powers on my characters, but have some substantial limitations as well -- for instance, the character I submitted makes heavy use of Focus, RSR, and Side Effect. As a result I expect she will under most circumstances be able to keep up with the above listed PCs despite being built on a lot less points, but will occasionally get hamstrung fairly badly.


We'll have to see how this plays out, and what Dean's plans are regarding making the stats of the PCs in the game public (is it encouraged, discouraged, or neither?) I was planning to post my character's stats once she's finished, which should be soon, but Dean might want me to change some stuff around or might want me to not post it, so I'll wait to hear from him first.

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Originally posted by Zed-F

There may be some questions regarding the design style of the submitted characters that Dean will have to deal with. For myself, I tend to buy a lot more powers on my characters, but have some substantial limitations as well -- for instance, the character I submitted makes heavy use of Focus, RSR, and Side Effect. As a result I expect she will under most circumstances be able to keep up with the above listed PCs despite being built on a lot less points, but will occasionally get hamstrung fairly badly.


We'll have to see how this plays out, and what Dean's plans are regarding making the stats of the PCs in the game public (is it encouraged, discouraged, or neither?) I was planning to post my character's stats once she's finished, which should be soon, but Dean might want me to change some stuff around or might want me to not post it, so I'll wait to hear from him first.


On the RSR/SE/Focus, my character submission had some of that (he is pretty young as a hero), but also some "Mystery Power" points so that I can have the character discover yet unknown abilities in his arsenal. I have a list of possibles in there and I hope this flies. I too will start a but underpowered but I love the RP potential of the self discovery process.


My biggest downfall may be that I know very little about the CU, having always GM'd in my own custom universes and played in peoples who did the same. Hopefully the character concept is not too far out to be adapted. I won't post char info here because I have no idea what Dean's policy is on it (It may be part of the meet up adventure, etc).


- Ernie

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Originally posted by ch0wyunf47



Looks fair to me. Overall I think the concept and implementation are reasonably sound.


A couple minor points...

- you probably should not have 2 powers with the same name. :) You might change the Aid to "Wolf's Stamina" or something.

- Normally when you buy reduced END cost on something that adds to another power, you're supposed to buy the advantage so it covers all of the power. (See examples of buying Reduced END on Running, for instance, or check the FAQ.) So, you would buy Reduced END on 50 STR rather than on 30 STR (but it would reduce the total END cost on STR to 2 instead of 3.) It is possible to have powers that have a Reduced END advantage add to other powers that have a different level of reduced END (see this thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7623 ) but the rules seem a bit fuzzy to me. You might want to check with Dean and see if he is OK with this the way you have written it. Personally, written this way, I would let you do it, but make you pay END for your base STR before your extra totemic STR, so if you wanted to use less than 50 STR you would still wind up paying most of the END cost up front.

- You still have an uneven split in your base PD/ED values left over from when you had the DI power. Is that intentional?

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- you probably should not have 2 powers with the same name. You might change the Aid to "Wolf's Stamina" or something.

That was actually intentional. Eventually, he will be able to bestow his totems onto other chars with further aids/transforms. They're supposed to be similar, although seperate, powers.


- Normally when you buy reduced END cost on something that adds to another power, you're supposed to buy the advantage so it covers all of the power.

Again, intentional. The intent was that his STR 20 is his 'normal', mutant STR. The Totemic powers are meant to be low end abilities that have to be turned 'on' and 'off'. That's part of the reason there was never an activatoin on the EC.


Also, everything with this character is pending approval. He's kind-of vague in his power definition/description, and it's based on uncommon knowledge (how many of y'all are really familiar with Navajo and Hopi theology/mysticism?)


- You still have an uneven split in your base PD/ED values left over from when you had the DI power. Is that intentional?

Yet again, this is intentional. He's always supposed to have been better suited for taking on energy throwers than bricks. However, it does bring up the fact that 20 pd won't do him much good against another big 'un. I might add some DI to the Bear's Strength (Bears are heavy :) )



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My only thought is that characters with his kind of character conception actually make good checklist characters, and it's good to have a checklist character around. Just because I don't play them myself doesn't mean that I don't appreciate them!


Your multipower would be a good place to stick some odd powers ("spells"). Some thoughts that come to mind: mental powers, illusions and other stealth stuff. Outside the multipower: enhanced senses and other little odd bits. Maybe you could add some "odd" bits as your character gains experience points.


The character as written is a pretty standard energy blaster. This is fine - EBs are useful.


It's a funny thing, isn't it - PC hero teams are seldom designed to be a coherent whole. Everyone picks their own character conceptions, and team balance isn't really a consideration. It's even worse when characters are submitted anonymously...


Hmm, if I was designing a team from scratch, what would it be like? First four members (in no particular order): brick, EB, mentalist, martial artist/speedster. Next two (in no order): gadgeteer, checklist character. Next: probably another brick - possibly a suit of powered armour.


Yeah, that would be nice. I'd play the first brick. :)



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Yeah, there's a secondary reason i posted my char. It's good to know what's out there. If the GM doesn't want a team built as a team, that's fine, we'll just have to work around it somehow, or luck out and have a good balance :)


At the same time, my char can go pretty much any way. I could focus on being a bear, and work that angle, and I could focus on being a blaster. Right now I'm more of a blaster, and hopefully that won't ruinate us in the early goings. Weird powers will be easy to add, thanks to the mpower and the concept. Enhanced senses were on the checklist, but as a secondary function, and got cut in the end.


Touch appears to be a good 'brick' of sorts, though a little bit suceptable to someone like my char. Dunno about anyone else, really.


As for building a team, your suggestion seems to be a popular model. The thing is, most campaigns i've been involved with have been 3 person teams. This makes for some interesting challenges. Let's see, the last group I was in had a move-through guy in power armour, a blaster, a martial-artist and a brick. I guess that's pretty standard, but lacking a mystic of sorts.


we'll see how things go :)

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Originally posted by ch0wyunf47

The thing is, most campaigns i've been involved with have been 3 person teams. This makes for some interesting challenges. Let's see, the last group I was in had a move-through guy in power armour, a blaster, a martial-artist and a brick. I guess that's pretty standard, but lacking a mystic of sorts.


Yeah. I think there is a bit of a breakpoint between 3 and 4 person teams. I'm not too stressed about balance in 3 person teams, as long as there is some kind of investigator.


Classic comic book examples would be:

Batman, Superman, (Robin or someone else).

Green Arrow, Green Lantern, (Black Canary or Speedy).

Power Man, Iron Fist, (someone else).

A bunch of mystics.


All EB or all Brick teams would be a problem. Gadgeteers, checklists and telekinetics are all handy.


I forgot telekinetics in my wish list. That's another good hybrid category: EBs with brickish or mentalist sidelines. They also can have really useful things like forcewalls, which are nice for "innocent protection".


EBs and mentalists with a bit of martial arts are nice too.


In a small group, then, I'd pick a mix of bricks, martial artists, telekinetics, checklists, and gadgeteers, each with some significant non-combat areas of expertise. Pure combat monsters wouldn't be particularly useful. The brick, or possibly the Teke, would probably be the closest to this.


So you might have, for example:

Brick, martial artist, telekinetic.


The Teke would cover the mentalist and EB slots, and might be replaced by a mystic checklist. The martial artist might double as a gadgeteer. All would have at least some investigative skills, although those of a mystic/checklist might be oriented towards the "mystic" field, and those of a martial artist/gadgeteer might be science-heavy. That leaves the brick as the investigator! That's fine. Or you could shuffle things about a little.


You would lose a bit in power, but the flexibility would be more useful, as long as the GM wasn't a munchkin who was going to keep throwing you into singleminded combat scenarios.


But then, a munchkin GM is going to kill the game, regardless of what else happens. A more difficult situation would be if you have munchkin players... Oh well.



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The character I proposed is a sonic blaster who likes to stay in flight. He also can wing buffet for a nifty (though not overwhelming) melee attack.


From a role-playing angle he is a legacy character, son of Kestrel from 5th Ed. and Max Bowman from 4th Ed. and trained by American Eagle II from the VOICE module and 4th Ed. Champions Universe.


If Dean doesn't want anything 4th Ed. I'm sure I can oblige.

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Right guys,

I have now sent mails to eveybody I have received characters from, either accepting them, asking for small revisons and/or a more fuller background.


If you have not received a mail from me that means for whatever reason I have not received your character.

Unless you have heard from me the game is now closed for more players (we should now have eight) and will not open again unless someone drops or is unable/unwilling to give the character revisions I have asked for (nothing massive mainly just replacing non CU hunteds and small stuff like that).


I have started a Yahoo group for the game which will help speed up the campaign and let us all talk to each other easily.


Once all the characters have been accepted I will issue invitations to join the group.


speak to you all soon



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A quick note for DJ: I seem to be having a spot of trouble sending you email. I received your last email but the last couple mails I sent you have bounced. I will keep trying.


In the meantime, you have asked for a couple CU hunteds, but I'm afraid I don't know the CU universe well. Most appropriate would likely be someone who is either after her to put pressure on her father for some purpose, or who is out to prove their battlesuit is better than hers. Perhaps you can pick someone suitable. I'd prefer it be a surprise. :)


If she's to have Hunteds, I'll also have to upgrade one of her social lims.

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Originally posted by Zed-F

A quick note for DJ: I seem to be having a spot of trouble sending you email. I received your last email but the last couple mails I sent you have bounced. I will keep trying.



Hmm, strange let me know if you keep getting the problem.



the meantime, you have asked for a couple CU hunteds, but I'm afraid I don't know the CU universe well. Most appropriate would likely be someone who is either after her to put pressure on her father for some purpose, or who is out to prove their battlesuit is better than hers. Perhaps you can pick someone suitable. I'd prefer it be a surprise. :)


fine by me, Are you ok to have a couple?




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