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The Avengers Legacy


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Re: The Avengers Legacy


The healing throws me off' date=' but with the other powers I'd guess Power Pack.[/quote']


From the Wikipedia entry:


Other Versions




A young girl called Francine Power appeared in the pages of X-Force Annual #1, operating under the name Powerpax. She had all the powers of the various members of Power Pack, and wore a costume similar to the one later worn by Alex Power in the pages of New Warriors. This story took place in an alternate future (but as with all alternate future timelines and out-of continuity series published by Marvel, the world in which the story is set is also an alternate reality somewhere in the larger Marvel multiverse).

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


It was pretty funny. I was after an Avengers Legacy group and the first couple of chars that were pitched at me were Alpha Flight' date=' Masters of Evil, and X Men related. So much for having an "Avengers" team but its been a lot of fun none the less. :rofl:[/quote']


Heh. And my first thought reading this thread was a Cloak & Dagger tribute. Love the Power Pack idea too. :D

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


So I'm curious as to whether I should post the pictures of actors that everyone chose to play their characters and their parents. If people are interested I'm wondering what the best way to go about doing that is. Should I just post them in the thread or should I make an album? Not that I know how to make an album, I just figure that's an option.


An as an opening this is my pick to play General Pryde.

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


So I'm curious as to whether I should post the pictures of actors that everyone chose to play their characters and their parents. If people are interested I'm wondering what the best way to go about doing that is. Should I just post them in the thread or should I make an album? Not that I know how to make an album, I just figure that's an option.


UserCP->Your Profile->Albums->(Show All Albums)->Add Album


(Sequence might be a little different if don't have any albums yet)

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


A quick recap of the next game...


After meeting Captain America the team was shuttled over to Four Freedom Plaza and met most of the Fantastic Four. Crusader and Marvel were both flirting with Franklin, who's a spitting image of his uncle Johnny at that age. They met Ben Grimm, who explained to the team that they were going to be shuttled to a FF space observatory and from their they'd be put on a deep space probe that would get them to the old Avengers forward base out past Pluto. All told the trip one way should take about a week.


This was also the first game where Titans being abrasive to his team mates caused some contention. This would became a reoccurring theme.


crusader: Sarah closes her eyes


Marvel: Jean braces herself for what is about to happen.


Titan: Titan sits on the nearest chair and waits


hawksmoorsad: All of you feel a slight lurch as the ship disengages from the station. Through the video screen you see a large solar sail fold out around the ship and then the barest hum as the ship moves away from the station. All in all a much smoother ride than the trip up.


Armatron: [Whistles "major tom"]


Marvel: "Huh. Thought that was going to be as bad as the trip up. Guess this is going to be comfortable ride."


Crusader: "Hey, is long as whatever let's us not feel the g-forces decides to fail, I'll be straight."

Armatron: "nope, you see the solar sails must first deploy then gather light energy to provide thrust. However, one thing did occure to me. From what I know, and I'll admit that isn't a great deal on this subject, solar sails only work when moving away from the sun.. hmmm I am really going to have to look into this....."


Crusader: "Actually, I saw this on Discover Channel, you can go toward the sun with solar sails. You need to remember we are all travelling around the sun still."


Armatron: "Like I said I am not expert on this particular field, so I will take your word on it"


Marvel: "So, anyone else wondering the kind of threat we are going to face out there?"


Titan: "Yeah, we up against the ID4 Aliens or just ET?"


Crusader: "I think the other aliens out there are just as scary as the fake ones," Sarah said.


Titan: "Just stick with me, I'll get ya home."


Marvel: "Heh, considering what exist on Earth alone, anything in the movies could be tame compared to what is out there."


Armatron: "WE shall make it home and it will be a team effort I am sure"


Crusader: "It's kinda scary when you think about it. These other races have been out here among the stars for centuries and humanity are the New Kids on the Block."


Armatron: [Mac begins to familiarize himself with the various controls and consols]


Titan: "Don't need to be familiar with every quarter of space to kick some alien butt..."


Armatron: "But it is a good thing to know where they are from and what they want, before we kick their behinds."


hawksmoorsad: (mac you do find a console that has a video library of alien races along with some movies and video games. You're also pretty sure that it can be accessed through out the ship)


Titan: "True, we need to know who to send them back to with their tails between their legs."


Armatron: [Mac starts running through the files and films of on Alien races]


Marvel: "No, we need to know if they are a threat first, before taking any offensive action."


Crusader: "We are the ambassadors of our world, let's not just kick their ass because it is easier to do so."


Titan: "That parts easy... they point their ray guns at us and start firing? Yeah, they're hostile."


Crusader: "I think things are rarely that easy."


Titan: "What would you call it? An energy handshake?"


Armatron: "My uncle Judd always said that things are not always as they seem"


Titan: "Yeah, sometimes they're even more fun." [cracks knuckles]


Armatron: "Well folks I am going to transfer this to my room and head there"


Marvel: "Calm down, cowboy. No need to act tough like that up here. We can at least try to talk first."


Titan: "Fine you talk... I'll wait until that proves useless."


Armatron: [walks into the mess to get a snack and then to his room]


Crusader: "Sounds like something to do. Let's get familiarized with the aliens we know, maybe some practice in the simulators, then we can organize combat training."


Titan: "Just don't expect me to go in uncovered and empty handed, and we've got a deal."


Armatron: [pulls the files back up and continues to read and view]


Titan: "Anyways, I'm gonna go grab a brew and kick back for a while in the mess... anyone care to join me?"


Marvel: "Nah, I'm going to my room and get some rest, before we start any training." Jean said as she walked off.


Titan: "Alright, Cap?"


Crusader: Sarah looks around.


Titan: "You wanna join me for a brew?"

hawksmoorsad: ((you guys will find out there's no actual "danger room" but there is a reinforced cargo bay that could be used to stretch out in))


Titan: [starts heading for the mess]


hawksmoorsad (8:48:55 PM): ((mac as your looking through files you hear a mechanical voice ask "if there anything i can help you find sir?"))


Crusader: "Ok, just one, I'm only eighteen after all," Sarah explains. "And my nom de guerre is Crusader."


Armatron: "AI I take it? if so what may I call you?"


Marvel: Laying down on her bed, Jean closed her eyes and went into a meditative trance, trying to focus and relax for the upcoming task.


Titan: "No problem girl, I'm only nineteen... but what Mom and Dad don't know can't hurt me y'know?"


hawksmoorsad: Herbie "I am Herbie mark 2"


Armatron: "Well Herbie, I am looking to see if there are any ship configurations from known Alien species that match the one(s) heading our way. And if so who they might be."


hawksmoorsad: Herbie "No sir the ships that have been seen do not match any known species that Dr Richards has knowledge of."


Armatron: "Hmm, to bad, didn't think it was going to be that easy. Ok can you project a visual of the ship(s) in question in a 3 D format for me?"


hawksmoorsad: it comes up floating above your desk


hawksmoorsad: Sarah and Max you get to the galley and you "meet" Herbie as he asks you what you'd like to have.


Armatron: ((what am I looking at?, Approx size and config))


Titan: "I'll take a six pack of beer, and one for the girl too Herb"


Crusader: "And a ham and cheese sandwich, please, sir," Sarah replies.


hawksmoorsad: the food shows up much like on Star Trek


Titan: "Good point, food... got any pizza?"


hawksmoorsad: ((mac you see a ship that looks like a long cylinder. at the back end are 4 forward sweeping spires that are in 90 degree relation to each other. Titan pizza shows up))


At this point I had to take care of some things around the house so Armatron took over "running" things for me. Awesome having more than one GM in a game!!


Day one:

Marvel: As Jean entered a deep meditative state, tiny motes of blue energy began to swirl around her. She begins to float several inches off the bed and focused so intensely, it would take a lot to snap her out of it.


Crusader: Sarah will get up at 0600, take a 2 mile run through the ship in her exercise clothes, before hopping in the shower and getting ready for breakfast.


Armatron: [Mac is in the Mess eating breakfast as you speed past, he smiles and waves]


Crusader: *waves back*


Titan: Titan gets up at 10:30 takes a shower and heads to the mess where he grabs a little more of the dog that tried to bite him and two half pound burgers.


Armatron: Herbie "Good morning master Titan, you wish for something?"


Marvel: Waking from her trance a few hours later, she went down to the mess hall and got a good sized meal, far more than you would think a girl her size would eat. Going to clean up in the shower, she enjoys a simple routine compared to what she had back home.


Titan: "Yeah, give me another six pack and two half pounders with cheese, double mustard, and pickles Herb." ((with his con, the beers just basically "adult pop"))


Armatron: [your food and drink arrive promptly] [from behind you] "Was wondering when you'd be getting up? We need to get some basics down, wanna give up the details of your powers?" asks Armatron. "You seem to have the mess hall down, now we need to see what else you can do.... "


Titan: "What's to say? Dad could change to anything he could touch, Mom was just naturally strong. C'mon, join me and I'll answer most questions you want to ask."


Armatron: "Hmmm sure why not...." [Armatron walks into the mess] "Phase out" [Mac steps out of Armatrons chest and sits at the table, soon getting a soda] "You seem to want trouble where there may be none.. why is that?"


Titan: "I know how people see me... they try to hide it, but it's always there." [takes a mouthful of burger and begins chewing almost as if to emphasize the always there comment]


Crusader: Sarah strolls in wearing a sport bra, sweat pants and a pair of white sneakers, "May I have two scrambled eggs with bacon and sausage, a tall glass of orange juice, two slices of wheat toast?"


Armatron: [Herbie] "Sure thing Ma'am, right away."


Armatron: to Titan "You so sure of that are you, hmmm? And how do I see you?"


Titan: "You see me, and you see not my parents, but who they were. Look it's Absorbing Man and Titania's little brat... fine, the world won't give us a chance, what the frell do I need to give them one for?"


Marvel: Feeling guilty about slacking off in her training, Jean goes for a 20 minute job around the hallways of the ship, taking care not to bump into anything.


Armatron: "And you think that is the way I SEE you?"


Titan: "Of course, everyone sees us that way... like they haven't made any damn mistakes in their lives." [takes another large bite]


Armatron: "What I see is a person too wrapped up in his own self loathing to realize that most people could care less who your parents are or who he is..."


Marvel: Jean comes in after her run, back into the mess hall once. "Ah, I need a quick drink of spring water." she says, sitting down at the closest seat.


Armatron: to Titan "Personally I could care less your parents were villains... if you want to get technical my own father was considered such for a time."


Titan: [swallows hard almost choking but forcing it down] "Loathing? Hey, I like myself I'm not the one with the problem."


Crusader: "You wish," Sarah says as she sits down. "Try being the daughter of a Living Legend."


Titan: "Whaa whaa, my daddy was loved by millions..."


Armatron: "Actually mate you are. You project your view of the world on everyone else. Gen Pryde asked you to join this team, and in my view that makes you one of us. I do not give a damn who your parents are"


Titan: "Shield asked me aboard for one reason and one reason only. To have a front row seat for when they think I'll go bad. Doens't matter that I saved lives before, to them I'm a super villain already."


Crusader: "Hey, I don't care who your parents are, we're here to help each other to achieve a goal. Do you feel you can do it?"


Armatron: "So if you THINK we care or are judging you... then this is going to be one hell of a mission, TRUST is the keystone to any mission, and that is what we need, period"


Titan: "Better than most babe." To Mac "Oh I trust you to keep me around while ya need me."


Armatron: [stands up and walks over to Armatron] "Look I can't make you believe that I don't care who your parents are nor at this point do I think I care to. You honestly do not know me, or you would have shut your pie hole a while ago."


Crusader: "Then to heck with the others, what is it in that play, 'This above all: to thine own-self be true."


Titan: "Mine own-self is that I'm in it for one reason, to prove everyone wrong. I know myself, and I ain't what people expect me to be..."


Marvel: "Ugh, enough of the pity party. If you don't stop this, I'm going to telepathically scream in your head. I never even heard of your parents growing up, I heard of the likes of Magneto and other enemies of the X-Men. So just drop it already. I judge others by their own words and actions, not by who they are related to."


Armatron: [looking dead at Titan] "Then quit being a fool allow US to help you prove that for as I see it we are a family now and no ,matter what we are all we have."


Crusader: "Funny thing is, I've heard so many stories from my dad. I don't know how much is just story and how much is truth."


Titan: [pops a beer downs it, then crushes the can] "Fine. I'll give ya all a chance... one, don't blow it."


Crusader: "Just do the work you know you can do. The only thing that can screw us up is lack of faith in your own abilities."


Armatron: "Same goes for you Titan."


Titan: "Heh, I ain't hurting for self faith. So, now that that's over, come join us again Mackie."


Armatron: "Mackie, I haven't heard that name since the last time I saw Uncle Logan" [smiles and sits back down]


Titan: "So anyone want one?" [offers a beer to each]


Armatron: "Now we need to figure out something no one else seems to have thought about... who leads?" [waves away the beer] "It messes with my abilities"


Titan: "You're the resident brainiac."


Armatron: "So?"


Titan: "I say you lead. Seems to work for the FF."


Marvel: "Beer, very bad idea for me. Last time I had one, they had to rebuild one of the buildings at Xavier's School. Leveled the thing when my powers when out of control."


Crusader: "Maybe we should ask, do any of us have any practical experience?"


Armatron: [shrugs] "I'll do it if I have too, but not really my bag, if you know what I mean."


Titan: "I helped quell a riot... don't think that counts though."


Armatron: "I just started being a Hero so to speak a few months ago.. up until then I was a collage student."


Marvel: "Experience leading, nope. I always liked to run the Danger Room exercises on my own most of the time. So don't ask me to lead anyone."


Titan: "Speaking of, think they'd let me take a spin that someday?"


Crusader: "Maybe we could practice between each of us in one of the other rooms? Herbie, is there a room large enough we can practice in?"


Armatron: "From what I have been told, it's quit fun actually."


Marvel: "Heh, considering the kind of individuals who've trained it, I think they wouldn't mind."


Armatron: There is a cargo bay that is big enough and strong enough to do what you need to."


Titan: "Sounds like a plan. What say the girls against the guys?"


Armatron: "could be fun, but I am thinking that might not be fair to us."


Titan: "Winners choose the dinner for tonight?"


Marvel: "Sounds good to me. But be warned, my powers are varied and could prove to be too much for you."


Titan: "Wimping out on me Mack?"


Armatron: "Nope, physical threats I am cool with. Some one being able to get into my head, well that is not something I can combat yet."


Crusader: "Well, I don't have any powers, but I'm willing to try."


Titan: "There is a way to solve that..."


Armatron: "Do tell as we walk to the "danger (cargo) room."


Marvel: "Okay, I agree not to use my psychic blast or telepathy during the fight. There, now is it fair?"


hawksmoorsad (9:43:41 PM): ((back)


Titan: "Sure, and keeps ya from being target number one."


Crusader: "Maybe you can help us learn to combat that during the trip?"


Armatron: [Laughs as he phases into markfer] "Sure and I promise not to wrap the ship around you."


Marvel: "Sure, I can try and teach you some mental defense techniques I've learned."


Titan: [touches the metal of the ship and seems to become metal himself] "One second, I've got something to pick up back at my room." [goes and gets his ball and chain]


hawksmoorsad: ((okay you guys pretty much play power tag with each other in the cargo hold. you get a fair grasp of what each other can do. considering i think you've all seen each other sheets it shouldn't be hard to rp it))


Crusader: "I think I can practice without wearing my costume," Sarah said.


The days moved forward....


Crusader: (( Sarah keeps a routine of jogging during the morning, breakfast, followed by training, either with the the others or sim training, lunch, 3 hrs more training, dinner, then relax.


hawksmoorsad: ((Over the next few days you guys continue to talk and train together or alone and it becomes pretty clear to you Titan that these guys may find you a little course at times but they don't care who you came from. A week goes by and you guys see the space station on the view screen. Its huge, easily larger than the one you launched from.))


Armatron: [sitting at the Command Station, watching the scanners and optical view screens]


Crusader: "That's not a moon, it's a space station."


Marvel: "Whoa, now that is a space station. Could have the Superbowl in there and still have plenty of room left."


hawksmoorsad: its two huge squares joined by what looks like a center pylon. Think H straight on I from a front view


Titan: "You guys ain't getting scared already are ya?"


Crusader: "Scared, no, but nervous, who wouldn't be?"


Marvel: "Nah, bigger the station, less chance of stray shots puncturing the hull."


hawksmoorsad: Herbie : "The Avengers claimed this base from the space pirate Nebula around 22 years ago. She had apparently stolen it from the Mad God Thanos while he was reported dead the first time."


Crusader: "The first time?"


Titan: "First time, what did it become a habit for him?"


hawksmoorsad: Herbie "Thanos has said to be dead several times and yet manages to come back."


Marvel: "So, how soon til we finish docking to the station?"


hawksmoorsad: Herbie "Projected time of 15 min."


Titan: "Just enough time to get geared up."


Armatron: [Gets up and goes and gets markfer]


Marvel: Jean agrees and takes off to suit up in both her uniform and one of the tougher looking spacesuits.


Titan: [heads to his room to metal up and grab his ball and chain]


hawksmoorsad: The space suits give ls for the appropriate environments and 4 rpd/red


At this point Crusader got her own suit and everyone prepared for the docking at the station.


((And yeah it wasn't a quick recap once I started to edit everyone's role-playing))

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


Mac, Heather, and Madison Jeffries: Christian Slater, ???, Johnny Depp


Sarah, Cathy, Steve Rogers: Hilary Duff, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Aaron Eckhart


Max, Mary, and Crusher Creel: Vin Deisel, ???, ???


Jean, Jean, and Scott Summers: Jewel Staite, Jewel Staite, ???



EDIT: Corrected some of my booboos... :o

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


Okay let me see if I can remember/find all of the actors involved.


Mac, Heather, and Madison Jeffries: Christian Slater, Christina Hendricks, Johnny Depp


Sarah, Cathy, Steve Rogers: Hilary Duff, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Aaron Eckhart


Max, Mary, and Crusher Creel: Vin Deisel, Corinna Everson, Bill Goldberg


Jean, Jean, and Scott Summers: Isla Fisher, Brigid Brannagh, Guy Pearce

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


The next game...


Saw everyone arrive at the station that Nebula had stolen from Thanos when he was supposed to be dead one of the earlier times. The place was huge and they did some looking around prior to settling in for a night before the ships they were waiting for showed up.


After a night filled with off kilter dreams they saw 3 ships approach the station. The ships broadcast a signal that said "We are the of the I'sonj'ries. We bring the message of existence for all to know."


When the ships were close enough 2 of them literally came apart at the seams and in their place was 6 robots that looked as if they'd been cobbled together. The Avengers let them into the docking room on the station to try to have a reasonable conversation. This is what they were told.


"We have come from the planet of Origin that we may speak of existence. The I'sonj'ries, the dual faced god, created use that we could serve him and be the instruments of his will. The will of the I'sonj'ries is all and in serving his will all are fulfilled."


"His will was to share his story with others and to continue to spread the word to all. The I'sonj'ries believed that through creation that life had meaning and purpose. In creation there are times of destruction, further re-enforcing the will of the dual faced Lord."


Before anyone could react the lead I'sonj'ries puts a palm on Armatrons chest and the same tech accessing tendrils that Armatron had been using buried into his cheat and in stereo all of them said "All praise the I'sonj'ries."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The Avengers Legacy


The next game saw the combat with the I'sonj'ries. Titan, Crusader, and Marvel swung into battle against the robot as the one who palmed Armatron continued to stand there. The team isn't happy to see that the I'sonj'ries possess the same morphing abilities that Armatron has. Armatron and he would occasionally chat "ALL PRAISE THE I'SONJ'RIES!" As the fight progressed they could see that Armatron was morphing different different weapons and spikes as it went. The team had managed to whittle the numbers down they heard the I'sonj'ries that was with Armatron start to scream "NULL. YOU ARE THE NULL. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!! YOU ARE AN ANOMOLY!! YOU ARE NULL!! WE WILL DESTROY YOU AND YOUR EFFORTS TO STOP OUR MESSAGE!!!" Mac pops out of his suit and the last of the I'sonj'ries can't remove himself from the meld he has with the Armatron suit.


As Mac explains the team learns that the I'sonj'ries were made as assistants and companions to Alpha Flights' Madison Jefferies. During a cross dimensional adventure fighting the Demon Queen they were literally lost in space and time. With no way to get home they ran out of power and landed on a small planet and tried to make the best of their lives and continued to try to get home. Jefferies made a bunch of robots to help him out and eventually to keep him company. He ended up being the last Alphan alive due to his being in and out of the suit but finally chose to live out the end of his days and had the bots bury him. The robots took a corrupted form of Madison Jefferies as their own name off of what was left of his tombstone "ison J" and "ries" as there own and chose to spread the words of their dual faced god. Mac found the source code for their being able to morph and locked it in place and then morphed them all into scrap metal and left a plaque out side of the space station that read "The Avengers won this day, because they were stout of heart and strong of mind and arm.... AVENGERS ASSEMBLED."


The other ship of I'sonj'ries had by that point turned tail and warped back into deep space. The team buttoned up shop and saw to what little bruises they had and headed back for home.


Yes Alpha Flight got killed off. I was asked to take them out due to Armatrons background and I feel I at least gave them a better send off than an @$$ whuppin that happened off panel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The Avengers Legacy


Yes Alpha Flight got killed off. I was asked to take them out due to Armatrons background and I feel I at least gave them a better send off than an @$$ whuppin that happened off panel.


You sure did mate, I must admit that was one of the best game sessions I have attended in a very long time. Even if all I did was type in "All Hail The I'sonj'ries"


I think I had more fun the the rest of the team and they were doing all of that fighting :D


In any case.. all I can say HAWK is you rock.


And Rep to you.

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


All I know is that I'm glad you guys stuck around for the learning curve. Online GM'ing is a freaking chore. I've done more to get ready for this game on a weekly basis than I have for any other game I ever ran.


Still, as always, so long as the players walked away from the game happy I call it a win.

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