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Lantern Corps...Only Not


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I've gotten back into reading comics, and GL has always been a favorite of mine. The currently storyline there are 7 "Lantern Corps" each based off a different emtion with a different color representing each emotion. In the comics it's:


Red - Anger

Orange - Averice (Greed)

Yellow - Fear

Green - Willpower

Blue - Hope

Indigo - Compassion

Violet - Love


I thought that was pretty cool and thought about making a campaign based on this concept with each PC able to belong to any of the Corps (Even the ones that seem "evil"). Then I started going back to some past issues, and I remembered a "Lost Lantern" (long story, ask some other time :) ) that was like a Zen Master of the GL Corps. I thought that was pretty cool too, so I decided instead of emotions, to use Warrior-Like virtues (not sure if virtue is the right word, but you'll see what I mean). So I thought they'd look something like this:


Red - Anger - Would be like a Bezerker in combat.

Orange - ??? - Little help here

Yellow - Fear - They would concentrate on the fear they instill in their enemies.

Green - Willpower - The will and drive to win

Blue - Serenity - Kind of the counter-point to Red. Picturing a Tai-Chi Master or the like

Indigo - Compassion - I kill because I have to and I forgive you for making me kill you. (a little weak, need help)

Violet - ??? More help here


Now I had originally seen this as a Galactic Champions game they all had rings. Then I thought about weapons, Red rings would create a Battle Ax, Blue's a Staff, ect. Then I thought about powers OR weapons. Green would have Mind Control, Red would have a Battle Ax, Indigo force fields etc.


I pictured them all as part of a monk-like order so even Indigo, with their force fields (or healing maybe?) would have Martial Arts, different styles for different colors.


So what I'm asking for, does anyone have any ideas on how to solidify this concept? Or ideas for Orange and Violet?

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Here would be my take on this concept:


Red - Aggression - Take the initiative, act before your foes can react. Victory is not won by defense it is taken by those with the strength of will to push bast all obstacles.


Orange - Control - In battle one seeks to obtain every advantage be it superior weapons, footing, choosing the battle field, troop numbers or other resources.


Yellow - Morale - The battle is won long before a sword is ever drawn. Those who lack confidante lack the will to achive victory. To obtain victory one must inspire their own forces and crush the will of their opponents.


Green - Discipline - All battles are chaos, the master or combat and leader of men must be able to see through this fog. Understanding and preparation for the enemy's tactics are paramount to victory.


Blue - Balance - If the enemy is strong one must learn to use that strength against them. In a foe is cunning they will inevitably out wit themselves. To find balance one must adapt to any circumstance it is here where true strength lies.


Indigo - Diplomacy - In war the most deadly of foe is the one who can change the minds and wills of others. The art of the diplomat is in giving up of value to obtain something of far greater value. This does not always mean the loss of life.


Violet: - Leadership - A battle can only be won if those who fight understand what victory entails. Lieutenants must be able to convey a generals orders and troops must be able to rally behind their leaders.


I like the concept of a kind of monastic order with seven guiding principles. Students learning how first to apply their chosen principle at an individual level then at the squad, platoon or larger scale as they progress in understanding. To this point maybe all the suggestions you presented are valid. In the beginning they learn martial arts and might possess a basic power or two from their training. At a higher rank they are given a weapon office. At the highest level they receive a ring or other item that embodies their chosen principle.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Black Lanterns are the re-animated dead. I like the idea of Green being Courage rather than Willpower, since it is the ability to overcome fear that makes one a capable Green Lantern.


Taking colors as a way of differentiating members of a monastic order is a neat idea. Maybe White could be the color of an Initiate, one who has yet to select their color in the order, whcih could be determined by emotional and physical tests. Black could be the color of the High Masters of the order.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Na, the white Lanterns are going to be when Hal Jordan takes all the rings (ala the infinity gauntlet) and with that power makes them into the White lantern, the combination of all the powers, and the one that can wipe out the black lanterns... my take...


I now return you to the regularly scheduled discussion.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Na, the white Lanterns are going to be when Hal Jordan takes all the rings (ala the infinity gauntlet) and with that power makes them into the White lantern, the combination of all the powers, and the one that can wipe out the black lanterns... my take...


I now return you to the regularly scheduled discussion.


Aaand that doesn't bear emphasis in such a hypothetical setting that is being discussed?

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


in the dc universe orange ie the colr of avorice[greed] he won't share the lanterns power withanybody else

Right, which is why I say that at the beginning :D

Violet could be the cleaners: internal security, mentors,

guardsmen (of the central authority), secret service (in a good sense).


checker, controller, detective, investigator, monitor, overseer, police officer, reviewer, tester

Neat idea, but I think I like the 7 virtues (is that the right word?) idea

Here would be my take on this concept:


Red - Aggression - Take the initiative, act before your foes can react. Victory is not won by defense it is taken by those with the strength of will to push bast all obstacles.


Orange - Control - In battle one seeks to obtain every advantage be it superior weapons, footing, choosing the battle field, troop numbers or other resources.


Yellow - Morale - The battle is won long before a sword is ever drawn. Those who lack confidante lack the will to achive victory. To obtain victory one must inspire their own forces and crush the will of their opponents.


Green - Discipline - All battles are chaos, the master or combat and leader of men must be able to see through this fog. Understanding and preparation for the enemy's tactics are paramount to victory.


Blue - Balance - If the enemy is strong one must learn to use that strength against them. In a foe is cunning they will inevitably out wit themselves. To find balance one must adapt to any circumstance it is here where true strength lies.


Indigo - Diplomacy - In war the most deadly of foe is the one who can change the minds and wills of others. The art of the diplomat is in giving up of value to obtain something of far greater value. This does not always mean the loss of life.


Violet: - Leadership - A battle can only be won if those who fight understand what victory entails. Lieutenants must be able to convey a generals orders and troops must be able to rally behind their leaders.


I like the concept of a kind of monastic order with seven guiding principles. Students learning how first to apply their chosen principle at an individual level then at the squad, platoon or larger scale as they progress in understanding. To this point maybe all the suggestions you presented are valid. In the beginning they learn martial arts and might possess a basic power or two from their training. At a higher rank they are given a weapon office. At the highest level they receive a ring or other item that embodies their chosen principle.

I really like this idea, with my next post, we'll flesh this out some more.

Why not structure them along the lines of the 7 Virtues of Bushido, and then go High tech Force field modeled on colors and orientated along those lines as presented in the 7 virtues?



I hadn't know about these before, so thanks fer learnin' me something. While I like the idea of these, they don't lend themselves to being singled out enough. For example I don't like the idea of one set of monks being trained in Honor, one set loyalty etc.

I always thought Green should be Courage. All the rings take willpower to wield. But I am alone in this. :weep:

I like Courage, it makes sense, but would be one heck of a retcon.

Nay' date=' for I completely agree.Also, White and Black have been overlooked.[/quote']

Good catch on the white/black, initial thoughts would be the Whites would be the overall leaders, equivalent to the guardians. Each "school" or color would have a master (Kilowog ) but the Master of the Masters would be the whites, and I would say all Disciples are Black, they absorb all the colors (ie learn the basics) until they have been chosen for a school (this could also be switched to be more inline with Martial Arts and the disciples that come in are White, and the Masters of the Masters are Black meaning they've absorbed all knowledge of the other schools..?)


As far as a character sheet, yikes let's get the colors nailed down first :D

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


The setting is Green Lantern-ish and ALL the monks are good guys, a police force of sorts (although maybe each color has certain roles). The PC's can be aliens (including strange ones, although I think we'll leave out the planet sized ones) and built on 350 points (definitely negotiable) and 5th ed. I'm thinking all PC's will be sufficently advanced in their school to have gotten rings which are free, and provide Flight, FTL Travel, Communications only with other rings, and enough LS to survive in space, so that doesn't come from their 350 points. I'm also thinking the rings focus the "Chi" which makes the super-powers possible.


After each color I'll state what I see, and ask that everyone else jump in and offer suggestions, improvements or just say "That sucks".


Here would be my take on this concept:


Red - Aggression - Take the initiative, act before your foes can react. Victory is not won by defense it is taken by those with the strength of will to push bast all obstacles.

I like Aggression, and I think we'll call it this, but I still want Bezerkers. I'm picturing Barbarians from D&D (3rd edition, don't know if there are barbarians in 4th). Their style is very Boxking/wrestling oriented, and included a Fury that probably gives them extra strength, more STUN (that doesn't get subtracted from first), things like that.

Orange - Control - In battle one seeks to obtain every advantage be it superior weapons, footing, choosing the battle field, troop numbers or other resources.

I like Control, but I'm not entirely convinced. I'm picturing their style would look like Jason Bourne from the movies (I believe that was Krav Magna?). What super-skills or "chi" powers do you see this granting?

Yellow - Morale - The battle is won long before a sword is ever drawn. Those who lack confidante lack the will to achive victory. To obtain victory one must inspire their own forces and crush the will of their opponents.

I like this too, but still not sure it can be unique enough to be it's own discipline. I mean I could see some Penalty Skill Levels based on PRE Attacks and the like, not sure what the style would look like, or would it be the basic skills (the disciple skills) with the focus on Super-Skills and "Chi" powers.

Green - Discipline - All battles are chaos, the master or combat and leader of men must be able to see through this fog. Understanding and preparation for the enemy's tactics are paramount to victory.

I like Green being Discipline, it fits in with being the "Center" color. I think it should be a balanced mix of Chi powers and martial arts.

Blue - Balance - If the enemy is strong one must learn to use that strength against them. In a foe is cunning they will inevitably out wit themselves. To find balance one must adapt to any circumstance it is here where true strength lies.

In the comics, Blue is Hope. It is said to be the most powerful color, but also has the largest limitation (needs a Green around to do anything productive). I really want to stick with that concept, so I think I want to keep this Serenity. I'm picturing a very internal art very Tai-Chi/Akaido, I don't like to fight and won't attack, but if you try to punch me I'll break your arm in 8 places.

Indigo - Diplomacy - In war the most deadly of foe is the one who can change the minds and wills of others. The art of the diplomat is in giving up of value to obtain something of far greater value. This does not always mean the loss of life.

I LOVE this idea. It fits with my spectrum idea (see below) very well. I'm seeing some Mental Chi powers and a very defensive art (and chi powers).

Violet: - Leadership - A battle can only be won if those who fight understand what victory entails. Lieutenants must be able to convey a generals orders and troops must be able to rally behind their leaders.

Again very fitting with the spectrum idea. I may limit these to NPC's as these would be advisers and the like.


Something I thought of while typing out green, since the colors are part of a spectrum, should be make one of the spectrum concentrate more on the martial aspects, and on the other end more on the Chi aspects? So Red would involve almost all fighting, Orange, still pretty brutal, but has a small bit of non-fighting chi powers etc.?

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