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Black Falcon 3.5

Pizza Man

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OK, lets try this again.


Edit to add: Lets just define something here. None of BF's powers can do Body to living organic beings. Objects, devices, non-organic living beings are in for trouble. But the goal is for her to be unable to kill, just induce unconsciousness in living beings.



The new write up is post #33 on the third page.

Black Falcon --OK, edited to add final character to first post


10 STR

18 DEX …………..16

30 CON .………..20

13 INT ..……………3

10 EGO

15 PRE ………5

7 OC……………..20

7 DCV,…………..20



5 SPEED……….30

5 PD….…………..3

2 ED

24 REC…………20

60 END.…….8

15 BODY.……..5

50 STUN……..15



165 Total Characteristics


60 Dark Armor 20 Pd/20ED

10 Power Defense

20 Flight 30M, Wings Restrainable -1/2


5 Flash Defense

5 Night Vision


60 Multi-Power Dark Prowess,

3) Shadow Punch 12D6 E Blast Darkness, Does NO Body or Knockback to living beings, no Range

4) Dark Touch 6D6 NND. Defense is Darkness powers or LS vs poison –No Range

6) Dark Aura: 4D6 NND area effect 8M. Defense is Darkness powers or LS vs poison

6) No Barriers: Bought to show her ease at moving through walls.

10m Tunneling through 25 PD Materials. Does not fill in afterwards

6) Shadow Tentacles: A Black Portal opens and shadowy tentacles entangle the victim. 4D6 Body 4 PD/ED + 1/2 Attacks do not damage This is a ranged attack!

5) Corrosive Aura: 4D6 Body Drain/Area of Effect 4M --only vs Non living things—cannot effect the living

5) Dark Aura 6D6 Body Drain Not against living beings


185 total Powers points


Talents and skills


1 Wealth $ 100,000

15 +3 CSL with Dark Prowess Multi Power (10 OCV)

2 KS Archeology/ancient civilizations

2 KS Magic artifacts, history of magic

2 KS History

1 Conversational Arabic

1 Conversational Greek

1 Conversational Latin

2 KS Campaign city 12-

2 Navigation, Air 12-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Computers 12-

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Concealment 12- First honed on archeology digs looking for lost artifacts/Search

3) Oratory 12-

3 Climbing 13-


185 total Powers points

165 characteristics

350 total

+50 Skills

400 Total Points


10 Distinctive Features: MUTANT & MAGIC Not concealable always noticed. Detected only by unusual senses.

20: Hunted Genocide (or whatever it’s called now, IHA?) Giant robots!

15: Hunted, As Pow, Frequently, Harsh kill. Flying Brick type, made for aerial battles across the cityscape. Possible magic origin.

15: Secret ID

20: Susceptibility: 2D6 every phase when mind controlled (uncommon)



Natasha Faraday always wanted to be an archeologist like in the movies. A prize student at the university, she won a chance to go to an important Greek dig site. Wandering away from the site, she stumbled into (or rather fell through the roof of) an ancient tomb. He leg was broken and she was too weak to call for help. She built a fire and looked around. A sarcophagus was against one wall, and a golden necklace hung against the other. She crawled to the necklace and touched it, unleashing a hideous magical curse.


Unfortunately, the minds of men, mages, and mice cannot plan for everything. Natasha was a mutant. She had the “survivor gene.” Faced with a sudden lethal condition or environment, her latent mutation would react and adapt instantly (surviving where lesser mortals would die). And such was the case with Natasha.


The shadow magic that was intended to transform her into a winged undead monster, instead flowed into her body and allowed the girl to transform at will into the hero we know today as Black Falcon. Her mutation absorbed and channeled the shadow curse so the is master (not the slave) of the vast destructive energies. The poor girl detects as a mutant and shines like neon to any magic detection spell. The dark energy is magic, the immunity to it, and ability to harness the darkness is a mutation.


Smoke from her fire alerted the authorities, and she was rescued. The necklace (no longer enchanted) hangs in a Greek museum. Flown back to the states, Natasha became something of a celebrity, and sold more than a few interviews. Investing in a trendy bar, she now has disposable income and a lot of free time.


To the disappointment of the history department, she changed her major to criminal science and is pursuing a new career. Today she lives in the campaign city, and rumors of a beautiful winged woman fill the papers.



Black Falcon is NOT the grim determined crime fighter. She is in the biz strictly for the kicks. She loves to fly, loves the mess she makes, and loves the furious rush of combat. She’s bubbly, always laughing at something, and is a secret book worm.

She believes she is a magical hero, and has no idea she is a mutant. When the giant robots target her she will be surprised. Once she figures out she is a mutant, Natasha will use her secret ID speaking skills to lobby for mutant rights.



“All I need to do, is touch you.”



Black Falcon can destroy non-living matter with a touch. Living organic beings are not hurt, but fall unconscious with a mere touch. Sentient robots and the like are dead meat (figuratively speaking).


Falcon is still new to the game, but prefers to open a fight with a foe caught in her entangle (that takes no damage from attacks). But in any case, she is a born scrapper; she likes to get up close and personal.

Her steel gauntlets are from her first adventure. Some mad scientist hard wired a bunch of corpses into a zombie army. Not only did they smell bad, but when BF hit them, they squished. As Falcon would say, “Barf ’O Rama!” She wears steel gauntlets to this very day.


At this start time she is 22 years old, makes $100k a year, and is sitting on top of life. What could go wrong?


Campaign Use

Back in Greece, the necklace has been stolen. It made its way to a museum where a local DEMON agent recognized it. Disapointed that the magic was used up, they are none the less interested in Black Falcon. Divinations reveal that she somehow STOLE the magic. Demon would love to access the ability to create winged undead things, but are unsure if they can take the magic back from the girl. This merits more study


Back in the states, Black Falcon was assisting the police with a delivery of Viper thugs. Agents from IHA and DEMON had a chance meeting. Each group was scanning the hero. Instead of starting a fight next to the police and a super, they did an amazing thing…they talked. Both were coming up with different results. IHA scanners indicated BF was a Mutant. The DEMON wands were pointing to the strongest source of magic in the area: Black Falcon. How could she be both?

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


depends on what is going to be used against

a 4d6 KA averages 14 body

So you will do body to most objects short of a tank or battleship

a 6d6 body drain will do 21 pts halved to 10.5 body

most objects have no power def

looking at your character you have a 20 power def so you would have 1/2 body done to you per attack


lets say your target is an armored car 10 def 20 body

the KA will average 4 body per attack

5 attacks to destroy

the body drain does 10.5 body per attack

2 attacks to destroy

if the target had 5 power def ,the drain does 16 pts for 8 body drained

3 attacks need to destroy


post 12 recovery is the drains only failing as 5 pts comes back each turn unless you alter the recover time



I have a gravity based character (Wraith) who can crush just about any object given time and endurance using a body drain

the special fx is like a sub heading down to crush depth

rivets pop alarms go off everything is still working till it is crushed

A KA will have systems breakdown as it damaged

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


Yes it is, but realise what "no leathal attacks" actualy means. A 12d6 EB is very leathal. Average civilian has a body of 8, average PD of 2. 12 body per attack, first beam puts them at -2 body, which is a -1 per body per turn.


Having said that, two MP is not that uncommon, and the art is wonderful.


Only character sheet probelme I see is that one of the powers seems to be linked, but not sure to what. Remember you cannot link a power in a MP to a different slot of a framework (Same or different)

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


The linked is a mistake...when I first made the character I hadn't seen Champion rules in 10 years, and I linked EVERYTHING!

Can't do that. So its just something that didn't get removed.


OK, How about a 12D6 E-Blast that does no body against living beings?

Hmmm, and maybe no knockback only against living beings?

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


If I were the GM, here are the problems I would have with the character:


Now I didn't read the other thread that may have her origin and an explanation of her powers, but, the first thing I noticed is that she's full of cheese. I immediately get suspicious whenever I see everything bought OIHID. When I GM there has to be a way to stop you from turning on your OIHID. For example, take away Tony's briefcase, no Iron Man. Stop Billy from saying SHAZAM or stop the lightning from hitting him, no Captain Marvel. In my view OIHID saves you TONS of points for not a whole lot of limitation. There has to be a way that I, as a GM, can make you "pay" for those point savings.


On top of that you've added IIF, which is the next most non-limiting limitation. That would never fly if I were your GM. Do you really want to play out adventures where she's powerless? I try to encourage players to take limitations (and complications) that they actually want to play out. Your limitations make me think you just wanted more points.


As far as the build, I don't see anything major. I would say your CON, END, REC, and BODY are way too high, but that's one of my issues with 6th ed. REC is WAY too cheap. You'd have to do the math, but it might be cheaper to half the END on your powers, although you'd lose the other benefit of REC, bringing back your STUN.


Your skills brings up another pet peev I have with 6th ed in that you have maybe 5 points in skills that aren't directly used to find or fight bad guys. 6th encourages this attitude by giving the abilities that make a character a person for free. It essentially tells you to only buy skills used to interact with bad guys and we'll give you all your background skills for free, and I dislike that intensely.


I agree with the JmOz the art is really cool.

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


Hmmmm. This is the kind of advice I'm looking for.

The CON and Body are High because Falcon is essentially a brick, an up close scrapper. The END and REC are high because This character is likely to be burning 12 END every Phase.


The character transforms into the Black Falcon hero and has no powers otherwise. I was thinking of saying a magic word like "shazam" to transform so a simple gag could prevent a transformation. Do I need to make a Civilian character with an 80 point multiform?


Let me play with this and see if I can't simplify things.

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


The CVK is more HOW you use your attacks that do body


you are sneaking into a viper base and need to take out a guard

you would grab him and choke him down (pull the body or use an NND martial maneuver)


your targets need to be able to take your common attacks and not die,and you need to know that they can

not hoping they can

Having a stun only or NND attacks does help

work around being creative

when Green Arrow was relaunched all he had where broad head arrows and he used them on thugs doing trick shots tacking clothing or earrings to walls trees,etc

scaring the crap out of some by shooting close to private parts and causing them to faint away

it also showed how much of a bad ass he was with a bow

it this case you could use special fx for a stun only effect

the beam is a foot wide instead of being as thick as a pencil and it spreads more over the target

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


Hmmmm. This is the kind of advice I'm looking for.

The CON and Body are High because Falcon is essentially a brick, an up close scrapper. The END and REC are high because This character is likely to be burning 12 END every Phase.

I've been playing 5th for a long time, and haven't really gotten into 6th all that much, so I haven't really done the math, but in 5th it was typically cheaper to add Half END Advantage to your Multipower. You may want to think about that.


I get that you want to make her a Brick, I've never had a character with over 20 REC, and that was a 70 STR brick with low defenses making the high REC a necessity. Think about this from the other side, let's say you're fighting a bad guy who has 50 STUN, you get him down to 2 STUN when phase 12 starts, he takes a Recovery, then gets his end of phase 12 Recovery. In one phase he completely recovers and it's like you haven't even touched him.

The character transforms into the Black Falcon hero and has no powers otherwise. I was thinking of saying a magic word like "shazam" to transform so a simple gag could prevent a transformation. Do I need to make a Civilian character with an 80 point multiform?


Let me play with this and see if I can't simplify things.

You don't have to create a Multiform, that would be spending points on a limitation, but I would separate things more. What about the belt Where does that come in? Why does taking away the belt take away her wings?

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


My namesake character, Assault, had a 24 Rec under 3rd Edition. Being pummeled and getting up again was what he did. I don't have a problem with characters that can take a lot of damage.


I would look at managing Black Falcon's END cost some other way though.


The OIHID and IIF combination bothers me a little. They would both need to be very clearly defined, so it's obvious when she won't have access to her powers.


She's also nearly totally helpless without her powers. You might want to reconsider that, given the frequency with which she won't have them.


Otherwise: she could make toast out of most of the characters I would build on the same points. That's "would" rather than "could" of course - at a certain point it's a matter of taste, and I prefer simple characters despite the loss of power.


All up, not bad.

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5



Natasha Faraday always wanted to be an archeologist like in the movies. A prize student at the university, she won a chance to go to an important Greek dig site. Wandering away from the site, she stumbled into (or rather fell through the roof of) an ancient tomb. He leg was broken and she was too weak to call for help. She built a fire and looked around. A sarcophagus was against one wall, and a golden necklace hung against the other. She crawled to the necklace and touched it, unleashing a hideous magical curse.


Unfortunately, the minds of men, mages, and mice cannot plan for everything. Natasha was a mutant. She had the “survivor gene.” Faced with a sudden lethal condition or environment, her latent mutation would react and adapt instantly (surviving where lesser mortals would die). And such was the case with Natasha.


The shadow magic that was intended to transform her into a winged undead monster, instead flowed into her body and allowed the girl to transform at will into the hero we know today as Black Falcon. Her mutation absorbed and channeled the shadow curse so the is master (not the slave) of the vast destructive energies. The poor girl detects as a mutant and shines like neon to any magic detection spell. The dark energy is magic, the immunity to it, and ability to harness the darkness is a mutation.


Smoke from her fire alerted the authorities, and she was rescued. The necklace (no longer enchanted) hangs in a Greek museum. Flown back to the states, Natasha became something of a celebrity, and sold more than a few interviews. Investing in a trendy bar, she now has disposable income and a lot of free time.


To the disappointment of the history department, she changed her major to criminal science and is pursuing a new career. Today she lives in the campaign city, and rumors of a beautiful winged woman fill the papers.



Black Falcon is NOT the grim determined crime fighter. She is in the biz strictly for the kicks. She loves to fly, loves the mess she makes, and loves the furious rush of combat. She’s bubbly, always laughing at something, and is a secret book worm.

She believes she is a magical hero, and has no idea she is a mutant. When the giant robots target her she will be surprised. Once she figures out she is a mutant, Natasha will use her secret ID speaking skills to lobby for mutant rights.



“All I need to do, is touch you.”



Black Falcon can destroy non-living matter with a touch. Living organic beings are not hurt, but fall unconscious with a mere touch. Sentient robots and the like are dead meat (figuratively speaking).


Falcon is still new to the game, but prefers to open a fight with a foe caught in her entangle (that takes no damage from attacks). But in any case, she is a born scrapper; she likes to get up close and personal.

Her steel gauntlets are from her first adventure. Some mad scientist hard wired a bunch of corpses into a zombie army. Not only did they smell bad, but when BF hit them, they squished. As Falcon would say, “Barf ’O Rama!” She wears steel gauntlets to this very day.


At this start time she is 22 years old, makes $100k a year, and is sitting on top of life. What could go wrong?


Campaign Use

Back in Greece, the necklace has been stolen. It made its way to a museum where a local DEMON agent recognized it. Disapointed that the magic was used up, they are none the less interested in Black Falcon. Divinations reveal that she somehow STOLE the magic. Demon would love to access the ability to create winged undead things, but are unsure if they can take the magic back from the girl. This merits more study


Back in the states, Black Falcon was assisting the police with a delivery of Viper thugs. Agents from IHA and DEMON had a chance meeting. Each group was scanning the hero. Instead of starting a fight next to the police and a super, they did an amazing thing…they talked. Both were coming up with different results. IHA scanners indicated BF was a Mutant. The DEMON wands were pointing to the strongest source of magic in the area: Black Falcon. How could she be both?

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


I won't make jokes about Dark Breathe!!! I won't make jokes about Dark Vapors!!! I just won't!!!


As a side note: Cornerstone from Invaders from Below, had a 5d6 HKA that was only usable on non-living objects in 4th ed. He was given a -1 1/2 limitation on the power.

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Re: Black Falcon 3.5


when you are not in your hero ID

you are much easier to sandbag and get captured

I view that as cost enough

and villains figure out secret Id's all the time


If I were the GM, here are the problems I would have with the character:


Now I didn't read the other thread that may have her origin and an explanation of her powers, but, the first thing I noticed is that she's full of cheese. I immediately get suspicious whenever I see everything bought OIHID. When I GM there has to be a way to stop you from turning on your OIHID. For example, take away Tony's briefcase, no Iron Man. Stop Billy from saying SHAZAM or stop the lightning from hitting him, no Captain Marvel. In my view OIHID saves you TONS of points for not a whole lot of limitation. There has to be a way that I, as a GM, can make you "pay" for those point savings.


On top of that you've added IIF, which is the next most non-limiting limitation. That would never fly if I were your GM. Do you really want to play out adventures where she's powerless? I try to encourage players to take limitations (and complications) that they actually want to play out. Your limitations make me think you just wanted more points.


As far as the build, I don't see anything major. I would say your CON, END, REC, and BODY are way too high, but that's one of my issues with 6th ed. REC is WAY too cheap. You'd have to do the math, but it might be cheaper to half the END on your powers, although you'd lose the other benefit of REC, bringing back your STUN.


Your skills brings up another pet peev I have with 6th ed in that you have maybe 5 points in skills that aren't directly used to find or fight bad guys. 6th encourages this attitude by giving the abilities that make a character a person for free. It essentially tells you to only buy skills used to interact with bad guys and we'll give you all your background skills for free, and I dislike that intensely.


I agree with the JmOz the art is really cool.

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