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Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


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I have a potential Star Hero game with a Star Trek setting. The problem is, the GM wants any alien as Racial Template first. I don't have the experience to this completely on my own, so this is why is ask:

Has anybody ever made Racial Templates (even for older HERO Editions) for Star Trek Races?

Or tried to re-build a non-human Star Trek character/race?

Or any Guideline from Star Trek RPG's/Suplements how a "Klingon" is defined there for game statistics (more STR and CON, what complications)?


Thanks for Reading.

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Eodin has a Trek Hero PDF. Unfortunately the Star Hero Page that was hosting it has been hacked and you can't get there anymore.


Off the Top of my head


+3 Str

+3 Con

+5 Body


+1 Overall Level -1/2 Only when Stressed or in Combat (Klingons get more focused and think better in stressful Situations including Combat)


10 Klingon Honor code (common, Moderate)



I know I am missing physical stuff, but this is pretty close to their Physical stuff. If TOS Klingons you could pump the Str up by +2 and include a Social Limitation (looks Human) only in Klingon Society.

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Thanks Tasha.


Have written Eodin a PM, perhaps he still has it or knows where to find it.


I never would have thought about the Overall Levels, but I think they would fit. This would also explain why they love to fight so much: Everything gets a little bit easier and clearer when the stakes are high...

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Eodin has a Trek Hero PDF. Unfortunately the Star Hero Page that was hosting it has been hacked and you can't get there anymore.


Off the Top of my head


+3 Str

+3 Con

+5 Body


+1 Overall Level -1/2 Only when Stressed or in Combat (Klingons get more focused and think better in stressful Situations including Combat)


10 Klingon Honor code (common, Moderate)



I know I am missing physical stuff, but this is pretty close to their Physical stuff. If TOS Klingons you could pump the Str up by +2 and include a Social Limitation (looks Human) only in Klingon Society.


That's too bad about that web page. I remember it as being very well done.

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


I have several PDFs from the old StarHeroFandom site.

Here is the TrekHero.pdf.

Unfortunately, the other two are too large to upload, and I don't have a copy of winzip anymore.


In WinXP, you can just select a folder, right-click and select Send To Compressed Folder. This makes it a .zip file, then you can go into Properties and select compression. This probably doesn't compress as much as a proper zip program, but it's simple and part of the OS. I'm sure it works in Win7 too.

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


In WinXP' date=' you can just select a folder, right-click and select Send To Compressed Folder. This makes it a .zip file, then you can go into Properties and select compression. This probably doesn't compress as much as a proper zip program, but it's simple and part of the OS. I'm sure it works in Win7 too.[/quote']

It does. There is also the option to use 7-zip. It is exceptionally good for Text (it can press 200 MB Logs in 5 MB), when put on maximum compression. And if that is to large, It can split big archives into multiple files.

I could even make up a web-server on my laptop where you can upload the files and I take a look at what can be done to slim them a little bit...

Just give me a PM when you are ready...


edit: No FTP or stuff. The upload is identical to the one used by the forum or any decent webmail-page, just without any limits.

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Just a short update for those following:

Nothing has hapened. I had a server open and had given tancred the information, but nothing hapened. Neither tancred nor Eodin have answered on the PM's yet, so if anybody else has those files, don't hesitate to tell.

Transfering them to my computer won't take much effort and I can certanly find a way to get them avalible for everyone.

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Only one day' date=' dude. They might not have checked the forum, yet.[/quote']

Did I sounded that impatient again?


I'm totally cool. I just hoped they still got E-Mails for their PM's, so they wouldn't have to check the forum. Not like I could do anything about it.

And with Good Friday and Easter I doubt they will have time to check the forum any time soon

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Did I sounded that impatient again?


I'm totally cool. I just hoped they still got E-Mails for their PM's, so they wouldn't have to check the forum. Not like I could do anything about it.

And with Good Friday and Easter I doubt they will have time to check the forum any time soon

Eh, don't worry. It's not an Epic Fail.

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Eh' date=' don't worry. It's not an Epic Fail.



Of course it not. Ot's just a misunderstanding, coming from the form of comunication we use.


Anyway, this is my try to make an Modern Klingon (Post Voyager Return) Racial Template. I checked back with memory alpha for most of the parts, especially the social rites.

I tried to keep to Tasha Idea, had the house rule that a templates shouldn't be beyond 18 Points and I tried to make it so that a "Standart Normal" Klingon wouldn't have all his points tied up:


3 Klingon Strenght +3 STR

3 brak'lul +3 CON

3 brak'lul +3 BODY

1 Fit in high age LS: Longelivity: 200 years

8 Battle Focus +1 Overall Level; -1/2 Only when Stressed or in Combat

Overall Abilites: 18



10 Klingon Way of Live (Code of Conduct; Common, Moderate)

Overall Complications: 10




Klingons have a lot of redundant organs


Klingon way of Live:

Outside of Battle: Always be direct. Don't show weakness. Protect the honor of your house. Only die in Battle. Shun Medical Treatment for Recieved in Honorable Battle.

In Battle: Ignore the above; Victory or Death

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


I certainly need to talk to the guy choosing the color scheme of the forum about "links should be discernible from text with the naked eye" or general the concept of readability.


Also, a black background does not work well with dark blue links.


And after some experimentation with the different skins, that it might be very usefull to add the settings-menu or pm's to the "Mobile Sytle", so I can change back to the default.


Could somebody please tell the GM's that I'm now "stuck" in the wrong style?

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Okay, finally found a way out of this awfull style.


Wasn't incative and made a try at "Everyklingon Skills":



Computer Programming




Native Language (4 points, incl Literacy) (Most Likely tlhIngan Hol)



On PS at 11-



WF: Klingon Blade Weapons

AK: Klingon Empire 8-


Took the vanilla Everyman Skills. The only thing I changed was switching the TF for a WF. They can still be lousy fighters with them when they never really trained (even with the +1 Overall Skill levels).

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Have done some more work on the officer templates. First i determined what every Klingon officer has in the 5E supplement:

1 Computer Programming 8-

1 SS: Astronomy 8-

1 Systems Operation 8-

1 WF: Klingon Blade Weapons

2 WF: Advanced Small Arms

3 Fringe benefit: Petty Officer (equivalent)

1 Bureacucratics 8-

1 KS: Klingon History 8-

1 KS: Klingon Law 8-

2 PS: Klingon Officer 11-



-5 Distincitve Features: Klingon Uniform (Easily Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable)

-20 Social Limitations: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major)


Total Cost:




And then what the Combat Troops (Marines) should have:

1 Computer Programming 8-

1 SS: Astronomy 8-

10 10 points worth of CLS that affect either Klingon Advanced small arms and/or Klingon Blade Weapons

4 Surival (choose 2 categories)

1 Systems Operation 8-

10 Klingon Martial Arts

1 WF: Klingon Blade Weapons

2 WF: Advanced Small Arms

3 Fringe Benefit: Petty officer (equivalent)

1 Bureaucratics 8-

1 KS: Klingon History 8-

1 KS: Klingon Law 8-

2 PS: Klingon Officer 11-



-5 Distincitve Features: Klingon Uniform (Easily Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable)

-20 Social Limitations: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major)


Total Cost:





Thrown out Interrogation (doesn't fit for post TOS Klingons anymore).

Changed the way System Operations works, away from "limited-category" to normal Familarity.

Fixed WF:Klingon Blade Weapons and WF:Advanced Small Arms for all personell (otherwise, he wouldn't keep that position long)

I kept bureaucratics - even Martok complained about the paperwork when he was Admiral of the 9th Fleet and this is still an empire spanning the entire beta quadrant.


I am not so certain what Astronomy does. Is this something like "general knowledge of all relevant worlds"?

Haven't defined Klingon Martial Arts for now, but will most likely be a Style for Klingon Blade Weapons.


Anything you think I should make different?

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Let's see - Klingons have the Beta quadrant, Federation has the Alpha and Ceta quadrants...The Dominion by no means has even a majority of the Delta quadrant...(That's the Borg).


...If they came from outside of the galaxy, they'd be an actual threat and not have to rely on legions of cloned soldiers.


(Their leaders aren't even named Darth! :D:P )

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


Hmmm... Star Trek Hero eh?


[Compilation] "to Star HERO Conversions & Adaptations"



Or try these pdfs






The problem is that Starhero fandom is down and has been down for months. It's been hijacked by some malware distributors. So any Link that needs StarHero Fandom's website are dead.

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Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates


that's Gamma' date=' not Ceta (and they don't - the Borg until recently dominated a large portion of the Gamma quadrant)[/quote']

...If there's four quadrants, that name's out of alphabetical order. If there's more than four quadrants, someone miscounted. Or are they using a different alphabet?

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