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Alien with a big brain


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Re: Alien with a big brain


Then the skull would have to extend down its back to protect the brain? Why would some ones brain grow out of skull and down their back? I saw in one game system that the person with this took temporary Intelligence damage.

Actually such a growth is beyond the growign ability of a normal brain. Not even tumors grow so fast. And certain it could not crack the skull.


As to why it worked in that unnamed game system and why he not died: Ask the desigers of that system.

In any chase the brain needs some form of themal controll, shock absorber (both is done with the liquid it float in) and protection from direct pressure (the brain is the single most important organ. all others just work for the brain).

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Re: Alien with a big brain


That system was d20 and the game was Infernum. The characters with that feature in that game are demons from hell.


So how big could I make my character's brain if its is clone?


How do I make the description below more alien? I really want the character to be trully alien in appearance.


This vile creature resembles a gigantic, tremendously horrific creature that blend the features of a monstrous humanoid with the worst features of a segmented worm. He stands twelve feet tall. His whole body is covered in hard jagged chitinous plates that are sickly yellow in color. Both of his monstrous eel heads are perched upon a flexible foot long snake-like neck. On each side of both heads he has one huge round eye and behind that eye are three smaller round eyes. Each one of his eyes is an unearthly orange orb that blazes brightly with a fiery light. Both of his large powerful mouths are lined with a double row of razor-sharp, serrated, triangular teeth. Instead of a normal tongue both of his mouths have three black tentacle-like tongues that when fully extended, are about one-third the length of his body. In place of each arm he has three highly flexible prehensile nightmarish looking tentacles. A triple row of inch long backwards curving spines protrudes from his back. The segment worm body is twelve feet in length with each jagged segment measuring a foot in length.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Alien with a big brain


How do I give him the following abilities listed below. Also how do I make He spends more time around machines than others a complication? How do I do the Scientist skill enhancer with the Hero Designer? Should I give him some gadgets? What kinds gadget do you think would work well with him. I would like the gadgets to only be operated with the character's mind if possible.


Kinetic Memory (Computer Brain): His mind works in the same way as a computer with unlimited storage capacity, only much faster.


Multi-tasking: able to perform multiple tasks at once by allocating a partition of his brain to each task.


Is the following to much for a starting out character?


Technopathy: Mind Control 7d6 (Machine class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4) (44 Active Points)

Telepathy 7d6 (Machine class of minds)


What are some aliens I can look to help me make him more alien looking?

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Re: Alien with a big brain


Even if he had a gender' date=' a being of this completely alien species would be unlikely to find humans attractive at all unless you're in a '50s B-Movie inspired campaign where everyone in the Universe "needs our women". He would be immune to uses of charm involving romance but not other uses. The main thing about this guy is that his thinking would be as alien as his appearance. A telepath who tried to actually enter his mind beyond his defensive shell would find most of its contents utterly incomprehensible. A creature that has no concept of gender (how does his kind reproduce) would be very alien mentally -- the concept is that pervasive among biological beings. Will his plans or desires make sense to anyone but himself (if he's the only one of his kind on Earth)?[/quote']


Superheroes (and villains) are notoriously open-minded about interspecies Romance. Superman and Lois, Martian Manhunter and Rose, Nightwing and Starfire, Karolina and Xavin (Runaways), most of the members of the Green Lantern Corps, etc.

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Re: Alien with a big brain


Kinetic Memory (Computer Brain): His mind works in the same way as a computer with unlimited storage capacity' date=' only much faster.[/quote']

If its only about remembering: Eidetic Memory.


Multi-tasking: able to perform multiple tasks at once by allocating a partition of his brain to each task.

How many can he do at once and how many of those can involve mechanical work (like using a keyboard)?


When you have APG II, how about uisng the Speed Zone Rules for Mental Activity only?

Otherwise Skill Levels, Only to compensate the penalty for Rushing Mental task.



Is the following to much for a starting out character?


Technopathy: Mind Control 7d6 (Machine class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4) (44 Active Points)

Telepathy 7d6 (Machine class of minds)

Both have an averge Result of 24/25 and maximum result of 42.


Superheroes (and villains) are notoriously open-minded about interspecies Romance. Superman and Lois' date=' Martian Manhunter and Rose, Nightwing and Starfire, Karolina and Xavin (Runaways), most of the members of the Green Lantern Corps, etc.[/quote']

I think you wanted the Link to show:


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Re: Alien with a big brain


Superheroes (and villains) are notoriously open-minded about interspecies Romance. Superman and Lois' date=' Martian Manhunter and Rose, Nightwing and Starfire, Karolina and Xavin (Runaways), most of the members of the Green Lantern Corps, etc.


Most of those, though, are examples of alien beings who are quite similar mentally to humans (or each other in other cases). The motivations and desires of a Superman or Starfire are quite comprehensible to the typical human. A psi who found their way into a position where they could look at Superman's mind would find that most of the differences between his mind and a human mind are subtle.


The mind of the guy we're talking about here would work in a completely non-human way. Even elementary logic might work differently for him/her/it.

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Re: Alien with a big brain


I would like to have him and his race be at most vaugely humanoid. I would like his pyschich powers be telepathy and any powers that give him the ability to communicate and control manchines. How do I show that his race is at least 3,700 years ahead of earth when it comes to technology?


How would I do the follow as complacations that he has?


It is very egotistical and very self serving. It regards itself and its own opinions and interests as most important above all other being’s opinions and interests. It claims responsibility for its successes more than it does for its failures.


It is only a team player in the sense that he can use the team to achieve its desires.


The means justifies its ends and there is only the wrong opinion and its opinion. Those who ignore or chastise its opinion are potential enemies.


It wants to dominate all of the earth. His goal of world dominating all of the earth is fueled by his ego and his conviction that it is capable of dominating all of the earth, but also worthy and deserving of it.


It believes it is a god. It believes it is above the law, judgment, and comprehension of all creatures. Consequently, it ignores the laws of any place it visits.

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Re: Alien with a big brain


How do I show that his race is at least 3' date='700 years ahead of earth when it comes to technology?[/quote']


What does that mean? 3700 years ago on Earth, the Mycenaeans were replacing the Minoans. The Shang Dynasty was replacing the Xia in China. The Middle Kingdom of Egypt was in decline. You may want to have his technology seem like magic.

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Re: Alien with a big brain


What does that mean? 3700 years ago on Earth' date=' the Mycenaeans were replacing the Minoans. The Shang Dynasty was replacing the Xia in China. The Middle Kingdom of Egypt was in decline. You may want to have his technology seem like magic.[/quote']I meant that his race is 3,700 years ahead of the earth right now when it comes to technology and science (I left that out).
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Re: Alien with a big brain


I meant that his race is 3' date='700 years ahead of the earth right now when it comes to technology and science (I left that out).[/quote']


I understood that. The problem is that we don't know what kind of technology we're going to have in 3700 years. I suspect that any technology from then would seem magical by our standards, much like modern technology would baffle the Mycenaeans.

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Re: Alien with a big brain


So how would do that? I think that the following might fit. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic (Clarke's Three Laws by Arthur C. Clarke)


I know his race is the following.


Type II – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a star, and generates about 10 billion times the energy output of a Type I civilization.

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Re: Alien with a big brain


Type II – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a star' date=' and generates about 10 billion times the energy output of a Type I civilization.[/quote']


What are the environmental consequences of "harnessing the energy output of a star"? Although I can't imagine how one would do that, making it Clarkeian Magic virtually by definition, I can't help but think the natural world on such a planet would pretty much cease to exist. The sheer amount of energy implies catastrophic consequences if something went wrong -- and sooner or later something will go wrong....

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Re: Alien with a big brain


What would suggestion could you give to make the description below more alien. I have chosen to change his looks to the description below. Would you see the description below having as it main form of movement being flying?


This vile creature resembles a gigantic, tremendously horrific creature that blend the features of a humanoid with the worst features of a segmented worm. He stands eight feet. His whole body is covered in hard jagged chitinous plates that are sickly yellow in color. Instead of a humanoid head he has the head of a monstrous eel. On each side of his head he has one huge round eye and behind that eye are three smaller round eyes. Each one of his eyes is an unearthly orange orb that blazes brightly with a fiery light. His large powerful mouth is lined with a double row of razor-sharp, serrated, triangular teeth. Instead of a normal tongue his mouth has seven black tentacle-like tongues that when fully extended, are about one-third the length of his body. Next to each side of its mouth is a sharp mandible. In place of each arm he has three highly flexible prehensile nightmarish looking tentacles. A triple row of inch long backwards curving spines protrudes from his back. The segment worm body is eleven feet in length with each jagged segment measuring a foot in length.

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Alien with a big brain


The reason for character not being able to speak at all is due to the fact his race speaks telepathically


I would like the character to have a computer-like brain. Would the following abilities help the character out? Also would give a +15 INT be to much? The bonus to his INT is due to the character having Computer-Like Thinking. All of the character's race have a mind that functions with computer-like precision.


Probability Analysis: Detect Probable Outcome of Proposed Course of Action 19- (no Sense Group) 0

Clairsentience (Sight, Hearing, and Smell/Taste Groups), Retrocognition, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (90 Active Points); No Range (-½), Personal History Only

(see text; -1), Retrocognition Only (-1). Total cost: 26 points

Fast Thinking: Penalty Skill Levels: +15 vs. penalties for rapid performance with Intellect Skills

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Alien with a big brain


There is no link between in-game intelligence and IQ tests. If there were, we would have to assess which IQ standard to use. When our son's IQ was tested a few years back, the psychologist indicated it would be higher if he were tested in OTHER COUNTRY WHICH SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS, since the median is set at 100, and the median OTHER COUNTRY WHICH SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS score is lower than the median Canadian score. The median also shifts over time. As well, it is set for various age ranged.


Intelligence is a measure of quick thinking and perceptiveness. A Nobel prize winning scientist could have an 8 INT. He works slowly and methodically, not making leaps of understanding.


A 45 INT is, by Hero rote, twice as intelligent as a 40 INT and half as intelligent as a 50 INT. How close it is to the top or bottom in any given game world depends on how characters in that specific game are constructed.


You would explain precognition powers by applying your imagination to provide the reasons the character has precognition powers. So why does he have precognition powers?


If you can't envision any logical reason the character would have precognition powers, then perhaps these are an inappropriate power for your character.

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Re: Alien with a big brain


Does anyone know anything about hyperdimensional math and where I can find a good explanation of it? Its highly developed brain will help it unlock the secrets of dimensional travel and maybe even time travel.


The 6th edition main book says he is smarter then Albert Einstien, Sherlock Holmes and a Supercomputer (listed as the highest I.Q. in the main book).

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Re: Alien with a big brain


...I'm a little at a loss here. You can use Euclidean geometry in arbitrarily many dimensions for an application that requires that many dimensions. Statisticians do that a lot, but really any problem dealing with n independent linear equations can be understood as a space of n dimensions. Here's Wikipedia on linear algebra. It's pretty simple stuff, in my experience that rapidly gets a great deal more complicated when you move into calculus functions.


The general assumption is that if space actually has more than 3(4) dimensions, the "higher" dimensions are going to be a little weird, or we'd notice them. This is already the case with the "spacetime" dimension that you encounter in relativity. String theory, about which I'm completely ignorant, deals with these higher dimensions.


The idea that there exists separate dimensions not accessible to our reality is not really addressed by these mathematics, but it's not completely out of the scientific mainstream. "Many worlds" theory is one resolution to the logical problems of quantum theory. People have also played with time travel in a semi-serious way. Here's Wikipedia again.


All this said, you probably want a good fictional treatment suitable for gameplay, and not a mathematical geometry of alternate dimensions, something that doesn't actually exist in the real world. Have you bought a copy of Book of the Empress? It's quite good.

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Re: Alien with a big brain


What is the Book of the Empress?


A new book from Hero Games for the Champions universe. It described an alien character who is called "empress of a billion dimensions" and has the power and experience to back up that claim -- armies of billions at her beck and call, for example.

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