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What would you do? what would you do?


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'Reincarnation Man' ... well, he gets different powers every time he dies. (Yeah, that 'recovers from death' power gets good use in the current campaign... as I'm the designated redshirt. Which is interesting.)


So power-wise, "you never know what you're gonna get".


Personality wise, though... he'd either try to talk the guy down or at least get him to point the gun at him, get the supervillain to take HIM as a hostage ... hey, he both regenerates and comes back from the dead... or just shoot/punch the supervillain.


{shrug} It's a cat. He'd save it if he can, but if it gets shot... he'll apologize profusely to the owner, offer to pay for medical treatment if it's salvagable, and feel bad about letting the critter get hurt/killed.


But it's not like it's gonna traumatize him forever.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Vitus : Long stare. "You're robbing a pet store. And threatening dumb animals. Is there perhaps something wrong with your brain?"


*conjures 6 foot of bronze spear, transfixing the bad guy's head*


"Well, there is now, anyway"


This is not because Vitus has any particular fondness for cats, altho small animals do cook up nicely. He just doesn't have any patience for idiots, and can always justify the execution by pointing out he had a human hostage as well.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Rubber Mousie, despite any jokes about a mouse saving a cat, would calmly walk towards the psycho... and keep walking into him, flowing around him. (Clinging with Damage Shield). Gently, she'd use her Power Skill of Slight of Hand to slip the kitten through her substance to a counter or something... and then get to work with her Martial Art NNDs, doing unpleasant things to the psycho she's just engulfed until he's not a threat anymore. Probably ends up buying/adopting the kitten.


Mike the Demoness: "If you harm a hair on that cat's head, I'll make sure she gets to haunt you every day and night for the rest of your life. You think your hairballs are bad now, wait until a ghostly feline can jump right through your lungs." She doesn't actually know how to turn a dead animal's spirit into a poltergeist tied to its killer... then again, she's got a VPP with No Conscious Control, so for all she knows, she actually /can/, if the GM finds the idea amusing. As she talks, she keeps walking closer, until she can... stick her finger in the gunbarrel. She's got pretty good defenses, plus Healing with Regeneration in case they fail. Her hellfire has the -0 limitation/adder, 'cannot harm innocents', and in this case, a kitten is about as innocent as one can get... so once the gun's no longer a threat, it's time to start turning up the heat. She'll probably adopt the kitten, too; if her plan goes wrong, and it dies, it'll probably hang around with her anyway in spirit form, batting at her flames, flying around her head, and generally being a cute, innocent, angelic counterpart to her icky, lizardy demonic familiar Follower.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Vetra: would see the rescue of the kitten as a contest and a challenge: is his fist faster than a bullet? It would be an irresistable temptation, so the kitten's fate wouldn't really enter his thought processes.


CC: would purr, considering his options, before saying. "Pal, I like that kitty there. I'll give you three.. no.. eight bucks for it. And your shoes. I like them, too. Fifty bucks..." In the end, he'd likely wind up negotiating to hire Psychovillain to retrieve Dr. Destroyer's belt and suspenders for another ten bucks. Because everything is negotiable.


Dr. O: would treat the hostage situation no differently than if it were a human hostage. After all, the point of being a hostage taker is you've decided you're willing to make a deal, and all that is left to work out are the terms.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Volt would use an ability he just figured out he could do. Take the gun away using magnetism. Then beat up on the guy, even though Volt is allergic to cats (or maybe because?).


Olorin One stinking cloud coming up. (NND, def not needing to breath and no exposed skin) Down goes the villain, cat hopefully does not get hurt dropping to floor and one villain captured.


Black Tiger One takedown maneuver coming up. As a martial artist, he's fast and accurate. If the cat dies, well, it's just a cat. Plenty more where they came from (Peta and him would NOT get along)


Futurian would laugh and proceed to do a body drain on the gun. Then beat up on the guy.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Arac-4105 (four-armed spidey homage): Entangle the gun to jam it, Entangle the gun to the guy's chest because he's being a slimeball. "Honestly, you people keep thinking that guns give you actual power. Grow up."


Mythic (modern-day, magic using centaur): too big to fit in a tiny pet store, so would use his Magic EC: Shield spell to protect the kitten, Illusion spell to make goon think his gun's vanished, TK spell to lift kitten into his arms and EB spell to send goon to GM's Option.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Thunder (the supersonic woman) would take the gun away from him, take all the bullets out of it, disassemble it, strip him out of his clothes, discard all other weapons he might be carrying, and hog tie him before he could blink.


Query "Why are you threatening that cat?" She would then then shunt reality so that the gun jams.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Last time a badguy tried the old "point a gun at the hostages head" routine on Blackjack, he bought hisself a one way ticket to the Hell of Getting Drilled Through the Right Eyeball with a High Velocity AP Bullet.


As this criminal is pretty obviously not right in the head, and it's only a kitten (no matter how cute, they're not in the same category as people), he'd probably try to talk him down, looking for an opening to go ahead and "disarm" him. I figure blowing apart the balljoint in his gun arm's shoulder will probably keep him from pulling the trigger.


Then I'd go ahead and kick the snot out of him for threatening a cat. Bastard.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Carrough would blink, cock her head to the side and stare at him blankly. She would prefer that the creature didn't die, but it wouldn't sadden her. Of course, if he seemed to be less than reactive she would calmly walk up to him (whispering in Gaelic as she went) and (hopefully) send him to his knees with a drain.

If the kitten survived, she would adopt/buy from the owner it for it's fortitude in the face of danger.


Gwendolyn would go wide eyed and squeal. Hit him with her tk almost immediately and follow up with a fireball once the kitten out of the way. She would glumly give the kitten back to the owner.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


The Cat Without a Name would have very likely ignored in the meelee, and would probably have been mistaken for one of the petstore's wares. The crazy person would succumb to a seeming attack of narcolepsy. The kitten can fend for itself once the baddie's unconscious.


Bob Tiger (B.T.) would roar (PRE attack) and lunge for the gun. If he grabbed it before Crazy Badguy (CBG) could fire, he'd just hold the gun (and the baddie's hand) over his head. Unless the baddie is significanly taller than average (B.T. is 8' tall) he'd be hanging by his gun hand. If the kitten was harmed in any way, B.T. would grin right in CBG's face and say "how appropriate that I'm the one who'se going to hand you your head. CBG would now have serious health problems apart from his mental "disabilities".


Argus would probably be able to react fast enough to rescue the kitty and render the nutcase hors de combat.


Fist-man would negotiate with the baddie and worry about pounding him after the kitty and any other hostages were safe.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Hermes: depends on if the 'kitten' is Artemis or not. If it is, then he'll mostly focus on trying to explain this insanity to her, possibly to the annoyance of the psycho criminal. . .


If not, punch to the head before he can blink. Normal humans shouldn't try holding hostages against speedsters.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Carrough would blink, cock her head to the side and stare at him blankly. She would prefer that the creature didn't die, but it wouldn't sadden her. Of course, if he seemed to be less than reactive she would calmly walk up to him (whispering in Gaelic as she went) and (hopefully) send him to his knees with a drain.

If the kitten survived, she would adopt/buy from the owner it for it's fortitude in the face of danger.



"Go n-ithe an cat thu, is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat."




May the cat eat you, and may the devil eat the cat!

Funny that the Gaelic word for Cat is... Cat


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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Plex1 He wouldn't have been able to throw a punch, most like, if he knew the reason as to why the villain was robbing the pet store. He'd be rolling around laughing too hard. He'd be wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes and telling the villain to just go, leave the kitty, and take the medicine. Since it is a known bad guy, Plex would just follow him back to his secret lair and watch what happens next before taking him in. If his secret lair wasn't know, most likely the group would be able to follow him anyway from the tracer the sneaky guy of the group planted on him.


Plex2 I believe he would be doing the same thing as Plex1, but only after stopping the goon squad of the villain.

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Explain to this guy that he is fatally mistaken if he thinks he can threaten my special order Kitten-of-Doom. I then give it the command to attack; it scratches the poor psychopath, instantly flooding his system with a fast-acting neurotoxin. I feed it nibbles, apologize to the shop owner for the fuss, and take Whiskers back to my base.


Rules for Evil Empresses #18: My poison-fanged or -clawed beast minions will not be spiders, snakes and ravens, but kittens, goldfish, and canaries.

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