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Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


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Angela Greer in the daughter of Donald and Pamela Greer. Her father, a noted philanthropist lead a double life as a ruthless and talented mob lawyer. He had connections and favors owed from several major crime families and was considered largely untouchable. His wife was yet another trophy and Ms Greer understood her position: look pretty, impress his friends, do as she was told and ask no question. In return she got a fabulous lifestyle and almost all the money she could spend.



Angela came as an unexpected and largely unwanted surprise. It was only Pamela lapsed but deeply ingrained Catholicism that made her balk at getting an abortion. Donald changed his mind. A child would look good to the public. Just because she kept her child didn't make Pamela a particularly good mother. She was so drugged when Angela born she barely remembered the day and that was a trend that continued for most of her life. Angela grew up passed from nanny to nanny, tutor to tutor with her parents as distant, cool figures, sources of money and, in her father case, angry beatings when she got out of line.



This occurred fairly often as Angela discovered early on that bad behavior was about the only way to get her parent's attention, if not their love. She had father's intelligence and charm and her mother's looks, a potent combination that she learned to exploit early on to manipulate both her parents and the dangerous men they associated with. She also had a cruel streak, nurtured by a loveless life, lonliness and boredom. This included tormenting staff and employees to "experiements" on her many pets, none of which lasted very long.



At 13, the first inkling of her psionic abilities began to manifest. At first, she hid them from her parents but eventually her father found out and saw her a new resource. He hired the best scientists and experts the underworld could provide. Angela accepted this. She stilll wanted, on some level, to please her father and earn his love. The treatments that followed were lengthy and painful and unsuccessful. Angela's abilities seemed quite limited much to her father's disappointment. Still, she was useful so he planned to have her shipped off to a retreat, an isolated locale where she could be trained by a semi monastic order of mercenary psionicists.



This did not sit well with Angela. Her mother ignored her protests and pleas, her father met them with anger and violence. Angela's fury burned hotter and hotter, a storm seething inside her that literally exploded during the drive to the airport, shredding the limo and the men with her mentally and physically. Either the emotion, some late effect of the experiments or both had caused her power to come to full fruition. Flush with power, Angela used her new powers to return to her family home. She slaughtered the household staff then explained her upset to her parents again. It was a lengthy explanation that neither survived.



Angela wasted no time. She looted the various accounts and and hidden funds that she knew of or had torn from her father's brain, transferring his money and what assets she could. Then in one last act, she destroyed her family home, ripping up and igniting the gas line to reduce the entire mansion to cinders. Angela died that day.



Mindstorm was born.


Personality: Mindstorm is, firs and foremost, a sadist. She never learned to relate to others except through abuse and cruelty. She loves to hurt people: emotionally or physically. She is even somewhat abusive to those she "likes" but in a passive aggressive manner that she's quick to make up for. She realizes one needs allies (pawns and patsies) to survive. She's not foolishly obsessed about it. Secondly, she wanted power in all forms: wealth, influence even knowledge. She is greedy but patient and intelligent enough to plan, consider and understands her limits. She is a schemer and plotter and willing to go slowly to achieve her ends. Finally, a lifetime of abuse has left her something of a physical coward. She was flee any situation that gets too out of control, causes her notable pain or injury or threatens her freedom, using any tactic, sacrificing any goal, throwing any partners under the bus to escape. She has a odd fixation of strong paternal male figures and can act oddly around them, subconsciously seeking a surrogate father figure.



Powers: Mindstorm is primarily a telekinetic with the power to lift tons with little effort. She can focus on one object or spread her power around to cover an area, affecting each object in that area individually. By focusing her power on herself Mindstorm can fly at incredible speeds and create a defensive force bubble that protects her from attacks and environmental extremes. It doesn't, however, provide air so while hostile gases might be blocked she would need some sort of air supply to travel very long underwater or in space. By narrowing her PK down to small areas, she can use it damage and tear things, usually living things, apart from the inside out, popping blood vessels, cracking bones, pulling out fillings, etc.



Mindstorm's telepathic abilities are somewhat limited. First, she can only effect human minds and even then she can't be subtle. She has to rip the information from her target's, a painful and unpleasant process for them, enough to sometimes even knock them unconscious unless she concentrates deeply. While she would dearly love to develop mind control powers the only thing she's been able to do so far is overstimulate the pain and fear centers in her target's brain either causing them extreme agony or trapping them in an horrifying illusionary world of their own greatest fears. This takes a great deal of focus and is tiring (she can only hold one target at a time) but, unless the target has a strong will, can take them out of action for quite sometime.



Appearance: Mindstorm is a tall, buxom woman with a slim build. She dresses in black leather, usually a two piece outfit of tight pants and a revealing sleeveless top with matching boots. She has naturally black hair and brown eyes but wears a dirty blonde wig and ice blue contacts as Mindstorm. She does not wear a mask and usually has a cool smirk or faint scowl on her face depending on her fortunes at the moment. She rarely laughs or smiles.


Mindstorm's powers have an unusual signature. They stir up winds, a charge in the air, sometimes even phantom "lightening", usually only visible to those with mental awareness. Using her PK over an area creates the most vivid effects and this odd signature is the source of her secret ID:






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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)





Player: NPC



Val Char Cost

8 STR -2

12 DEX 4

15 CON 5

10 BODY 0

12 INT 2

20 EGO 10

18 PRE 8





6/23 PD 4

8/23 ED 6

4 SPD 20

4 REC 0

20 END 0

40 STUN 10



12m RUN 0

4m SWIM 0

4m LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 111



Cost Power

5 Psionic Awareness: Mental Awareness

58 Powerful Psionic Mind: Endurance Reserve (200 END, 10 REC) (58 Active Points)


187 Telepathic Abilites: Multipower, 150-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (187 Active Points)

2f 1) Telepathic Violation: Telepathy 12d6 (60 Active Points); Limited Class Of Minds Humans Only (-1/2), Language Barrier (-1/2), Receive Only (-1/2), Variable Limitations (requires -1/2 worth of Limitations; Character has to Concentrate 1/2 DCV or Target suffers Mental Blast; -1/4), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Cannot be be hidden, obvious; -1/4)

15f 2) Mental Chamber of Horrors: Entangle 3d6, 2 PD/2 ED (Dismissable, Stops A Given Sense Group Hearing Group, Stops A Given Sense Group Sight Group, Stops A Given Sense Group Smell/Taste Group), Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DMCV; +1/4), Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Line Of Sight (+1/2) (150 Active Points)

6f 3) Telepathic Pain Induction : Mental Blast 4d6, Constant (+1/2) (60 Active Points)


239 Psychokinetic Prowess: Multipower, 191-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (239 Active Points)

19f 1) Psychokinetic Might: Telekinesis (50 STR), Fine Manipulation, Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DCV; +0), Indirect (Source Point is the same for every use, path is from Source Point to target; +1/4), Line Of Sight (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Inobvious to [sight and Hearing]; +1/2) (191 Active Points)

19f 2) Psychokinetic Field: Telekinesis (43 STR), Fine Manipulation, Area Of Effect (9m Radius; +1 1/4), Selective (+1/4), Mobile (1m per Phase; +1/2) (190 Active Points)

7f 3) Psychokinetic Pain Induction: Mental Blast 3d6, Constant (+1/2), Does BODY (+1) (75 Active Points)


Psychokinetic Abilities


66 Self Focused Psychokinsis: Flight 40m, Position Shift, x8 Noncombat, Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages; +1/2) (82 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4)


48 Psychokinetic Defense Bubble: Resistant Protection (17 PD/15 ED) (Impermeable, Protect Carried Items), Hardened (+1/4) (72 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Unified Power (-1/4)


6 Psychokinetic Defense Bubble 2: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (9 Active Points); Linked (Psychokinetic Defense Bubble; -1/2)

Powers Cost: 677





Cost Skill

3 Acting 13-

3 Bureaucratics 13-

3 Charm 13-

3 Conversation 13-

3 Deduction 11-

2 Language: French (fluent conversation)

2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation)

1 Language: Russian (basic conversation)

3 Streetwise 13-

12 +2 with all Mental Powers

Skills Cost: 35



Cost Perk

6 Money: Wealthy

4 Contact: Mafia boss (Good relationship with Contact) 12-

1 Contact: Organistaya Contact 8-

1 Contact 8-

25 Follower

Perks Cost: 37



Cost Talent

6 +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

Talents Cost: 6



Total Character Cost: 866



Pts. Disadvantage

15 Psychological Complication: Sadist, likes to torment and toy with her opponents even when its not wise to do so (Common; Strong)

10 Psychological Complication: Casual Killer (Common; Moderate)

20 Psychological Complication: Coward, fears abuse and quickly flees if too threatened (Common; Total)

15 Hunted: The Guard Infrequently (As Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)

15 Social Complication: Secret ID Frequently, Major

Disadvantage Points: 75

Base Points: 650

Experience Required: 216

Total Experience Available: 216

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


you might want to have all your attack powers in 1 multipower as you can only attack with one of them a phase and it will save you lots of points

you can call it powers of the mind

you have no reason to turn off the bubble and it is normally invisible(might want to make it visible ala force field)


looks to be a master villain

use the extra points to buy more mooks,thugs and Lts

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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


If you're going to use the Unified Limitation it makes as much sense to put it on the Framework(s). I agree with Beast that there is little reason to make them 2 separate pools. However, a character can make more than one attack per Phase (with penalties).


Here is a link to an old 5e character with the same general power set but much weaker since she's built on 350 points.



You also may want to look for a good 6e export format or use the Print to PDF function built into Hero Designer.

I say this because it appears you are using a 5e export since it is not showing anything for OCV and DCV.

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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


Giving her two multipowers was really just a stylistic choice to show her Telepathic and Psychokinetic power sets are different and distinct and don't really rely on each other. There really is no mechanical reason for them to be separate and it probably would lower her point cost. I noticed that I left off some skills and Limitations on this draft too.

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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


It looks like she needs some endurance and some recovery.

Iff she is supposed to be a master villian, she'll need a higher speed. With a 4, she will find herself physically threatened before she can use her powers against a decent group of heroes.

I like the 2 seperate pools - forget the points, it makes her easier to interpret with a glance.

I love the background

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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


Mindstorm (revised)




Player: NPC



Val Char Cost

8 STR -2

12 DEX 4

15 CON 5

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

20 EGO 10

18 PRE 8





5/25 PD 3

5/25 ED 3

4 SPD 20

4 REC 0

20 END 0

40 STUN 10



12m RUN 0

4m SWIM 0

4m LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 108



Cost Power

5 Psionic Awareness: Mental Awareness

83 Powerful Psionic Mind: Endurance Reserve (300 END, 10 REC) (83 Active Points)

10 Strong Will: Mental Defense (10 points total)

13 Speed of Thought: +2 SPD (20 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only with Mental Powers; -1/2)

294 Psionic Powers: Multipower, 235-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (294 Active Points)

9f 1) Mental Chamber pf horror: (Total: 235 Active Cost, 91 Real Cost) Drain EGO 2d6, Expanded Effect (x2 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (Ego and Pre; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Line Of Sight (+1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1 3/4) (85 Active Points); Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Mental Defense; -1), Linked (???; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Humans Only; -1/4) (Real Cost: 31) plus Entangle 3d6, 2 PD/2 ED (Dismissable, Stops A Given Sense Group Hearing Group, Stops A Given Sense Group Sight Group, Stops A Given Sense Group Smell/Taste Group), Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DMCV; +1/4), Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Line Of Sight (+1/2) (150 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Can Only Maintain One at a time; -1), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Stops working if she is stunned; -1/2) (Real Cost: 60)

2f 2) Telepathic Violation: Telepathy 12d6 (60 Active Points); Limited Class Of Minds Humans Only (-1/2), Language Barrier (-1/2), Receive Only (-1/2), Variable Limitations (requires -1/2 worth of Limitations; Character has to Concentrate 1/2 DCV or Target suffers Mental Blast; -1/4), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Cannot be be hidden, obvious; -1/4)

6f 3) Telepathic Pain Induction : Mental Blast 4d6, Constant (+1/2) (60 Active Points)

21f 4) Psychokinsis: Telekinesis (50 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation, Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DCV; +0), Indirect (Source Point is the same for every use, path is from Source Point to target; +1/4), Line Of Sight (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Inobvious to [sight and Hearing]; +1/2) (214 Active Points)

21f 5) Psychokinetic Field: Telekinesis (43 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation, Area Of Effect (9m Radius; +1 1/4), Selective (+1/4), Mobile (1m per Phase; +1/2) (215 Active Points)

11f 6) Psycholinetic Destruction: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6+1, Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DCV; +0), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Penetrating (+1/2), Line Of Sight (+1/2) (112 Active Points)

Psychokinetic Abilities

66 Self Focused Psychokinsis: Flight 40m, Position Shift, x8 Noncombat, Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages; +1/2) (82 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4)

58 Psychokinetic Defense Bubble: Resistant Protection (20 PD/20 ED) (Impermeable, Protect Carried Items), Hardened (+1/4) (87 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Unified Power (-1/4)

6 Psychokinetic Defense Bubble 2: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (9 Active Points); Linked (Psychokinetic Defense Bubble; -1/2)

Powers Cost: 605





Cost Skill

6 +2 with Psychkinetic Powers

12 +2 with all Mental Powers

3 Acting 13-

3 Bureaucratics 13-

3 Charm 13-

3 Conversation 13-

3 Deduction 12-

3 High Society 13-

7 Interrogation 15-

4 KS: Organized Crime World 13-

1 KS: Psionic science 8-

2 Language: French (fluent conversation)

1 Language: Russian (basic conversation)

2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation)

3 Streetwise 13-

Skills Cost: 56



Cost Perk

6 Money: Wealthy

4 Contact: Mafia boss (Good relationship with Contact) 12-

1 Contact: Organistaya Contact 8-

2 Contact: Police department (Contact has useful Skills or resources) 8-

35 6 100 Pt Thugs

Perks Cost: 48



Cost Talent

6 +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

Talents Cost: 6



Total Character Cost: 823



Pts. Disadvantage

15 Psychological Complication: Sadist, likes to torment and toy with her opponents even when its not wise to do so (Common; Strong)

10 Psychological Complication: Casual Killer (Common; Moderate)

20 Psychological Complication: Coward, fears abuse and quickly flees if too threatened (Common; Total)

15 Hunted: The Guard Infrequently (As Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)

15 Social Complication: Secret ID Frequently, Major

Disadvantage Points: 75

Base Points: 650

Experience Required: 173

Total Experience Available: 173

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


Tactics: Mindstorm is pretty new on the scene and hasn't developed many advanced or complicated tactics. She usually tries to keep at a fair distance to use the long range nature of her powers to best effect and definitely isn't above playing Mentalist Sniper tactics. She likes to target those that seem the most vulnerable to her powers first so any character with known fears or a weakness to mental attacks can expect to be targeted immediately. Against agents she'll often use her AE PK and will try to hurl anyone that closes with her away as soon as possible, preferably off something high or into something dangerous. If fleeing she may use her powers to endanger bystanders or take hostages to ensure her escape.


Campaign Use: Mindstorm isn't a Master Villain per se. Even with her relatively high power total she doesn't have that kind of raw power or grand designs. She wants power, pleasure, wealth and, though she'd never admit, security and to some degree love. She knows she isn't a world better is is more than willing to work with a team though her personality might cause friction. A strong older male leader would help curb this. Biologically, she is a mutant and would detect as such so might be brought into pro mutant groups that appealed to the "apex predator" aspects of her personality. Mindstorm has several weaknesses. Stamina is a big one. Her powers are taxing. She is vulnerable to exotic effects (no Power or Flash Defense) and her defenses are a little on the low side for her point total.

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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


It looks like she needs some endurance and some recovery.

Iff she is supposed to be a master villian, she'll need a higher speed. With a 4, she will find herself physically threatened before she can use her powers against a decent group of heroes.

I like the 2 seperate pools - forget the points, it makes her easier to interpret with a glance.

I love the background



Thank you! I wanted to make her pretty reprehensible but understandable, maybe even a little sympathetic if she wasn't such a monster.

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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


Good concept with a couple of accounting flaws.Telepathy-human class of mind is default so no -1/2 limitation.Psychokinetic Defense Bubble-Only cost end to activate is a +1/4 advantage not a limitation.
Defenses don't cost END so it is a Limitation. It's only an Advantage if the Power costs END by default.
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Re: Mindstorm (First 6th edition character)


Good concept with a couple of accounting flaws.


Telepathy-human class of mind is default so no -1/2 limitation.

Psychokinetic Defense Bubble-Only cost end to activate is a +1/4 advantage not a limitation.


Sorry, its a House Rule. We don't use classes of Mind. Telepathy (and Mental powers) effect anything with an Ego score by default. Mindstorm can only affect Humans (and extremely human like beings like Human mutants) so she get a Limitation under our rules. I really should make note of things like that.

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