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How to build: Star Trek Style Pain Rays


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A common effect in Star Trek is a baddie who hits the officers with "pain" that brings them to their knees.


How can I emulate this, without reducing someone's stun or draining their Strength?


I thought maybe some kind of Surpress END - something where they'd need to burn STUN to keep going? That, coupled with a basic Mind Blast - allowing a mentalist to maybe resist the pain part (Ego Def) but still have to physically push past the restraint of No End...?


Also, how can I "bring them to their knees"...? Could this be part of draining their END to zero...? Does it cost END to hold themselves up? Or, would I need some kind of STR drain, too? Or, asked another way, how can I have an attack that does KnockBack ONLY cause Knock DOWN...?


Thanks (in advance)!

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Re: How to build: Star Trek Style Pain Rays


If you have a Mental Blast or other STUN-only kind of attack that has enough dice to stun the target by exceeding their CON score, then being stunning could represent the disabling pain. Of course it only lasts a single phase per application, so you might want to buy it with Continuous. If you don't want to knock someone out like this, slap on the limitation "Damage only for purposes of stunning".


You could also have a Change Environment defined as a "pain field" that required a CON or EGO roll.

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Re: How to build: Star Trek Style Pain Rays


All good suggestions. The Change Environment is interesting - I'll have to read up on it.


I read up on the Mental Entangle, and that would probably work, too. Especially, with a linked drain or suppress, as noted. Maybe to the same power fighting the Entangle...?

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Re: How to build: Star Trek Style Pain Rays


If you have a Mental Blast or other STUN-only kind of attack that has enough dice to stun the target by exceeding their CON score, then being stunning could represent the disabling pain. Of course it only lasts a single phase per application, so you might want to buy it with Continuous. If you don't want to knock someone out like this, slap on the limitation "Damage only for purposes of stunning".


You could also have a Change Environment defined as a "pain field" that required a CON or EGO roll.

The "Normal Damage, Continous, only to determien Stunning" would also be my idea. Or maybe only a very large part has that limitation (to much time and the target passes out).


A Contionous Mental Entangle vs EGO (it re-applies itself every phase) could also work. It would effectively gain Body (up to it's maximum) every phase it isn't broken and thus could very good mimic the "fighting off the pain" effect.

I am not certain if that stop mental actions (like mindblasting the guy who holds the pain beam), but I think giving the entangle Mental Defense could cover that.

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Re: How to build: Star Trek Style Pain Rays


Here are posts from a couple of old threads that might be applicable/adaptable for what you are describing (note these are 5er builds).


Tasers and HERO was discussed in another recent thread but it was not the main topic. I figured it deserved its own thread.


After much thought I present an update on how I would build such a weapon in HERO. I am going with Suppress as the core of the build because every demonstration I have ever seen shows victims recovering within seconds after the effect is ended (something very difficult to do via a traditional Energy Blast based attack).


27 Taser (Alternative Build): Suppress STUN 6d6 (standard effect: 18 points), 4 clips of 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (The 'Charges' represent battery use. The 'Clips' represent the actual Darts that are fired. ; +0), Sticky (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (75 Active Points); OAF (-1), Lockout (-1/2), Limited Range (-1/4) [4 cc]

Notes: Since Suppress is already a constant power by default the addition of the Continuous Advantage allows additional effect rolls to add to the first on each subsequent Phase after the first for the duration of the Continuing Charge (1 Turn, -18 Stun 1st phase, -36 Total Stun 2nd Phase, -54 Stun 3rd Phase, etc...). This should bring down nearly any target within 10 seconds unless they have some Power Defense. Additional future 'charges' should be allowed to maintain (or even continue adding to) the previous Turn's 'cumulative' total (new darts are not being fired, just more battery juice being expended).


Here's a "super-taser" build I've posted before:



20 Taser Round Loaded Shotgun: Suppress STUN 8d6 (standard effect: 24 points), [DEX & STUN] simultaneously (+1/2), 8 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+0) (60 Active Points); OAF (Shotgun; -1), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Physical Manifestation (Shell sticking to victim; -1/4), Limited Range (Shell must hit target with enough velocity to stick to clothes or skin [There is no damage from impact]; -1/4)

[Notes: from 5er page 36, Negative Dexterity - At DEX 1 or less, a character is CV 0. A character with negative DEX loses control over his reactions, and must succeed with DEX Rolls to perform any Actions requiring physical movement (even just aiming at a target, or making Gestures). If he fails the DEX Roll, he cannot perform the Action that Phase. Characters with a DEX of -30 (or minus their initial DEX value, whichever is better for the character) or less may take no physical actions.] - END=[8 cc]


2-3 hits by this round will bring down most supers (unless they have some Power Defense).


I based it on the shotgun and special shells on this site: http://www.taser.com/products/law-enforcement/taser-xrep

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