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Gravity Fu


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Greatly increasing the gravity that someone feels, for a moment

Something like the takedown martial arts maneuver (to guarantee knockdown) + damage


Greatly increasing the gravity that someone feels, for a short time

Entangle, Only STR to escape (+1), common release condition is???


Greatly decreasing the gravity that someone feels:

Attack, with indirect 'from under them' so that any knockback they suffer sends them up, rather than sideways.  Or, define the path as 'away from the largest mass' instead, or 'earths orbital direction'. Depending on how accurate you want to be


Or, if you can arbitrarily change gravity, then indirect, from any direction.


Then, more defensive / utility powers:

super leaping, knockback resistance. gliding or gravity driven flight,

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I've toyed with something similar for my still unfinished and unplayed character Sekkou. While I don't have any of those notes at hand, at initial glance/thought I'd say that:


**Increased Knockback on Strike(s) (as Hermit mentioned above) is a worthy idea. You could modify the idea of the Wuxia '1 inch punch'....


**Following up on the '1 inch punch' perhaps you could justify some form of modified 'Nerve Strike' as well.


**Knockback Resistance (as Crusher Bob mentioned) is also useful and reasonable. As would be a resistance to being thrown following being grabbed by an opponent.


**The Martial Arts move 'Trip' could be used as a gravity related martial attack, under the supposition that the PC caused a 'gravitational cliff' to be formed which resulted in the target tripping.


**Perhaps some form of the maneuver 'Joint Lock' as well?


Beyond those? Well, based on the range limitation....herrrmn. :think:


BTW, when you do get a set of maneuvers worked out, please share them here so that all of us who have grav based character types can steal....errr, I mean examine them. :winkgrin:



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Question I asked, the original intent was for him to use his MA style in part to activate an entangle he has while punching the guy.  I am not sure Steve's ruling passes my litmus test (Should it be allowed for a common FX like a poisoned Sword)

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I wonder if you could put Double Knockback on a strike or two?


Putting Advantages on Martial Maneuvers has always been problematic and complicated due their construction rules being a separate entity from the Powers system.  I think it would be easier to create an Advantaged HA that could be combined with certain Martial Strikes.  The damage prorating rules would then determine what rate that STR and Strike bonus DC's would add to the HA with the final total getting the x2 KB Advantage. 


example (done sans Hero Designer*)

18 Momentum Punch: HA +3d6, Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4), Double Knockback (+1/2) (22 Active) END = 2

[Notes: STR and Manuever damage adds +2DC per 15 Active]


This would likely result in a 6-7d6 Strike that could potentially do an additional 5-10d6 if the target is knocked into a hard surface.

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