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Freedom League in CU


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Im trying to figure out how to have the Freedom League from M&M come to the CU. I want them to come and stay. I was going to rewrite them at starting power levels, as they will be weaker when they show up in the Champions Universe. Im trying to think of some ideas of how they became stuck here. And what would be some of the problems they would face.  Some villians from there world will show up too.


Could have they died in the freedom verse and some how ended up in CU?  Looking for some suggestions.

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There is already a Freedom League in Champions.


Dear Foxbat,


I know it's been a long time, but we still haven't forgotten your ridiculous challenge to us. One day, maybe you'll come around and realize you just can't challenge the big boys. Your goofy allies are no match for us, and we really wish you'd stop trying to take dirty pictures of our female team members. We will have to send you to the hospital again.




Dragon Man




And the rest of the Freedom League

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Im trying to figure out how to have the Freedom League from M&M come to the CU. I want them to come and stay. I was going to rewrite them at starting power levels, as they will be weaker when they show up in the Champions Universe. Im trying to think of some ideas of how they became stuck here. And what would be some of the problems they would face.  Some villians from there world will show up too.


Could have they died in the freedom verse and some how ended up in CU?  Looking for some suggestions.


I would say one of the simplest, easiest-to-run rationales would be to have the Freedom League deposited on Champions Earth through the actions of one of Champions' official cosmic entities, who have their own reasons for such actions. I can think of a few likely candidates.


The Trickster is an embodiment of the forces of chaos, who promotes randomness throughout the Multiverse. He was the behind-the-scenes instigator of the "Reality Storm" crisis (chronicled in the Hero Games book of the same name) which brought together heroes and villains from the Champions Universe and that of the Silver Age Sentinels superhero RPG. You could choose to leave his transplantation of the Freedom League as a single isolated event -- the Trickster doesn't really need a rationale for his actions, beyond making things more "interesting." OTOH he has in the past taken actions with very widespread consequences, so you'd have plenty of justification to make the League's translation part of much bigger doings, if you were so inclined.


The Incubus is a Mr. Myxyzptlk-type imp with tremendous magical powers over Reality, who roams the Multiverse playing malicious "pranks." He needs no more motivation than amusing himself at the expense of others. Unlike the Trickster, who's essentially a force of nature (i.e. game-stat-less plot device), the Incubus is potentially easier for heroes to come to grips with. He's fully written up in Champions Villains Vol. 3: Solo Villains.


The Examiner is one of the Galaxars, analogous to the Elders of the Universe from Marvel Comics. He is obsessed with understanding beings of power, such as superhumans, and forcibly puts them through various physical, mental, and/or ethical trials to test their responses. The Examiner always has a plan and an objective behind his actions, the discovery of which can be the plot of games using him. The Examiner's write-up is in Galactic Champions (5E) and Champions Beyond (6E). His level of power is between that of the Incubus and the Trickster, where game-stats start to merge into plot-device.

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Some ideas from a Champions Universe perspective:


1) Substitute them for the Silver Age Sentinels in the published Reality Storm adventure.


2)  Have the version of the M&M universe they originated in be conquered by Istvatha V'han, and the Freedom League re-educated into her service.  They then spearhead an invasion for her, with the potential for native CU heroes to break their conditioning.


3) Professor Paradigm creates a Causality Modulator that causes part of the CU to collide with the M&M U, with Freedom League dumped into the CU.


4) The CU PC hero team get thrown back in time, and due to the Butterfly Effect inadvertently change history so instead the CU never develops as it was supposed to but rather became the M&M U.  They clash with the Freedom League while trying to revert the timeline.  They ultimately succeed, but the Freedom League gets dragged into the restored timeline.


5)  M&M is a tabletop roleplaying game that exists in the Champions Universe.  A powerful magic ritual conducted by the Devil's Advocates to alter reality to become more magical incidentally causes a number of fictional and imaginary characters to come to life, including the Freedom League.

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