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Opinions: Sheathing an OAF


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Would you, as a GM, let a character using a persistent or constant power that has a hand held OAF (a magic wand used to put up Resistant Protection, a sword that provides Power Defense, etc) benefit from that power if they put that item away but it remained Obvious (wand tip still glows, sword sparkles, etc) and Accessible?


Pros (player): Obviously it means you don't have to run around with a magic wand in your hand all day if you want your Mage Armor spell to last.  It lets you use the power and then use your hands for something else. Though Baron William may wonder why you have your mage armor spell up at his ball while dancing with his daughter.


Pros (GM): It's easier to Disarm since the attempt isn't resisted by the targets strength any longer. Handy if said Focus provides Strength.


Cons (player): That whole disarm thing.  If your rival uses a 3 point Telekinesis to steal the wand on your belt that is currently sustaining your 60 ap Resistant Protection power you have nobody to blame but yourself.


Cons (GM): Here's where opinion comes in.  I don't really see any.  So long as the criteria of the limitation are met  and the Focus remains Obvious (so no sticking it in your backpack), and Accessible (so no chaining it to your belt with anything that would impede its removal: a length of iron chain, a magic scabbard that is itself an IIF that somehow holds the item in place (Clinging, Telekinesis, selective Desolidification, etc)) I don't see a problem.


You can guess how I ruled in my game but I'm curious as to how other GMs would.

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If there is some clear indication that the mage's magic armor is still up despite not currently encanting and there is some general way to recognize the source (wand is visibly glowing and humming with power) and there is no dictate that the power require actions thoughout, I would allow it to be tucked away. But simply putting in a bag wouldn't be enough to obscure it. The bag would likely glow as if a flashlight were in it and hum as if a vibrating cell phone was going off. And of course the field of protection would be noticeable.



And of course putting it into a vulnerable bag is just going to make it vulnerable. Player's choice.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't see a problem with this either but common sense must be applied here: if the wand is merely an activator and does not have to be held in the hand, it's fine, although I am not aware of any magic wands in stories that still function if not held in the hands (not saying there aren't any, just that I'm not aware of any).

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A sword is an Obvious Accessible Focus, and a sword can be sheathed.

Or is the question, can it be sheathed and still function?

Even then, I don't see a problem. If it is Obvious and Accessible when in use it meets the requirements even if it's not taking up "handspace."


Lucius Alexander


Obvious Inaccessible Palindromedary

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  • 2 weeks later...

Swords and guns produce an Instant effect, Killing Attack, when used, so they're not really directly comparable to a wand that produces a Constant effect like Force Field.   A rules stickler would probably say that one needs to buy the Force Field with Uncontrolled, so it is no longer tied to its casting requirements once it is on.  Less of a stickler might take a page from the Extra Time limitation, and only give half value if the limitation is 'only to start'.

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