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Smoke Powers (Newbie Help)


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I'm very new to using HERO System, in fact the first character I'm ever making, and just looking for some help from more experienced with an idea that I simply can't figure out how to do mechanically. In terms of theme, I think it's rather simple.


Character can ignite their hands and lower arms, letting out thick clouds of smoke from them while doing so. While ignited, they can also shoot fire (probably with Blast), which lets out more smoke than the hands do just from being ignited. Igniting the hands isn't really supposed to be something that must be done before being able to blast, but more that they can either choose to ignite on their own free will (because of intimidation or wanting to create smoke), or they will ignite automatically when shooting fire.


Any help would be appreciated, and I apologize greatly if this is the wrong place to ask.

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Smoking: Darkness to Sight Group 4m Radius. Cost END only to activate (+1/4), Conforming (+1/4) 35 APs. No Range (-1/2) 23 APs END Cost: 3


Fire Blast: Blast 8d6 40 APs Linked (Smoking; Must Use Greater Power at Full Value; Lesser Power Can Can Be Used In Any Phase The Greater Power Is Active; -1/2) 27 RPs. END Cost: 4



And Don't Worry, You asked in the right place!!!!!

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Smoking: Darkness to Sight Group 4m Radius. Cost END only to activate (+1/4), Conforming (+1/4) 35 APs. No Range (-1/2) 23 APs END Cost: 3


Fire Blast: Blast 8d6 40 APs Linked (Smoking; Must Use Greater Power at Full Value; Lesser Power Can Can Be Used In Any Phase The Greater Power Is Active; -1/2) 27 RPs. END Cost: 4



And Don't Worry, You asked in the right place!!!!!


Thank you so much <3

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Smoking: Darkness to Sight Group 4m Radius. Cost END only to activate (+1/4), Conforming (+1/4) 35 APs. No Range (-1/2) 23 APs END Cost: 3


Fire Blast: Blast 8d6 40 APs Linked (Smoking; Must Use Greater Power at Full Value; Lesser Power Can Can Be Used In Any Phase The Greater Power Is Active; -1/2) 27 RPs. END Cost: 4

Really nice build for the power.


One question I have for Jamieface is "Does the smoke have an impact on combat?"  The above build is great if you want smoke to keep opponents from seeing your character when they create the smoke (BTW:  The character would be enveloped in the smoke and couldn't use their normal sight, unless the character has personal immunity).



And Don't Worry, You asked in the right place!!!!!

Absolutely true!

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You could actually have just a smoke blast or two as well (multipower)




 60    Smoke Manipulation: Multipower (60 pts)

 2v    Smoke Cloud: Change Environment (-3 to sight perception), Area Effect Radius 6m

 3v    Dark Smoke: Darkness vs sight  6m

 6f     Flames: Blast 12d6 (vs ED, fire)

 6f     Choking Smoke: Blast 6d6 AVAD (need not breathe)




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Thank you everyone for your input. Since you've been asking questions, I'll try to describe exactly what I'm looking for my character in the long run.


1. Ignite her hands to let out smoke that obscures sight. (Do you think I'd have to buy something to have it act like normal smoke, like how it can suffocate if you stay in an enclosed space very long?)


2. Shooting fire blasts from her hands, which in turn create smoke as well, most likely in a trail towards her target.


3. Shooting a fire "laser" from her eyes and mouth. Probably the simplest power, think I've figured it out, since basically just meant to be a killing attack with Beam, reduced Stun and no knockback. No smoke produced by this power, because it's meant to be too hot, igniting the carbon in the smoke.


4. Transforming into a fire form similar to the Human Torch, which will make her let out smoke just like when having her hands ignited, but much more, plus just give her some more resistances and a general boost to her other powers (partial limiter on those to have extra levels only usable when transformed), plus give access to...


5. Flight! Only usable when in her Human Torch form. Probably pretty straight forward now that I think about it, since you don't need to add any smoke generation to it, due to the transformation itself already being supposed to passively let out smoke.


I think this is everything I have for her so far. I've learned a little bit about the rules (might notice), but really don't feel comfortable at all with them yet.


As for theme, don't think of her burning as the previously mentioned Human Torch, but think more burning crude oil or Balrog.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, but she's also supposed to be able to see normally through fire and smoke, so her own powers would not impede her, nor normal fire or smoke.

Edited by Jamieface
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1. Ignite her hands to let out smoke that obscures sight. (Do you think I'd have to buy something to have it act like normal smoke, like how it can suffocate if you stay in an enclosed space very long?)


If you want, you can buy a small AVLD (all or nothing) with it, or buy that as a separate effect to indicate a more dense, choking effect


2. Shooting fire blasts from her hands, which in turn create smoke as well, most likely in a trail towards her target.


The smoke would be a nice visual special effect, nothing you'd have to buy

4. Transforming into a fire form similar to the Human Torch, which will make her let out smoke just like when having her hands ignited, but much more, plus just give her some more resistances and a general boost to her other powers (partial limiter on those to have extra levels only usable when transformed), plus give access to...


Sounds like Only in Hero Form with stats, defenses, etc.  Plus a smoke-based costume.


Other options: the Darkness (super dark smoke) effect - a smoke-based knockback blast, just a huge surge of it to knock people around - smoke to make images with so you can craft it into shapes and designs (Johnny Storm doing the Fantastic Four flare in the air), smoke to tag items and mark them or write with using soot (cosmetic transform), smoke to lift others off the ground (flight usable on others or telekinesis), smoke to block IR vision but not normal (darkness to sight, only vs IR), Smoke as a barrier to block sight (are effect darkness as a ring or "any" or a very weak barrier), etc.

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Don't want any more powers than those I already listed >_> I already won't be able to start with all of those I listed, I think, since it will be a very low powered game.


What does AVLD Mean? And I'd want the smoke from all of her powers to be able to obscure sight, but probably only briefly, since smoke dissipates pretty fast, unless in an enclosed space.

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For smoke not lasting long you can look at charges with some extra time or pay end. Remeber when you stop paying for END, the power stops. I would simulate choking smoke with an NND (no normal defense) it an all or nothing attack. It works against anyrhing that is not listed as a defense. A usual one for smoke (gases) does not breathe or if they hold their breath in time.


Welcome to the boards!

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Sorry the AVLD should be AVAD (Attack vs Alternate Defense) in the "advantages" section.  It allows you to use an attack to target other or non-traditional defenses, such as a blast that targets power defense or just requires life support vs breathing to defend against it.  One common form is NND as Ninja-Bear lists above, an AVAD that is all or nothing and does stun only damage, against an non-traditional defense.


Look at Change Environment for smoke that causes haze or reduced perception in an area (Area effect) and lingers once used.  A limitation of "half effect in open areas" would make it more effective in enclosed areas!

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