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Foxbat Triumphs! Or, My Game Last Night


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Last night's game was... I had not laughed that much in weeks. Allow me to explain.


Background: The PCs have been dealing wiht a professor who's doing dimensional rifts research. He created a machine to basicly swap something in our dimension with something in another; basicly pulling it through a tiny dimensional rift he parts. Well... Foxbat stole it. To bring several of those alternate versions of whatever is hit with the device's beam, a refraction of multiple beams is needed: Namely, a really large faceted thing.


So Foxbat goes to steal the Cubic Zerconium on display at Millennium Mall, which just so happens to be on display the next day (Yes, this is the adventure in Champs Battlegrounds, but I just glanced through it; sadly I don't have a copy).


Anyways, they stake out. A box by this sunglasses display explodes, and there is the FOXBATLIGHT (a walking spotlight pumping out 'The Imperial March') cuts on as Foxbat crashes through a skylight to land on top of the Sunglasses booth. Que the solilique by Foxbat.


My players are like 'WTF. That is... is this guy serious? That's got to be the corniest...' One PC smacks Foxbat upside the head with an Ego attack. And then one of the PCs tosses a classical Comic quip 'You'll have to come through us first!" and it's on. Now, first you have to realize, my PCs are pretty much Dark Champions. Brooding, dealing with harsh criminals, etc... and here comes Foxbat.


So, Foxbat flies off the sunglasses stand, pegs one of the PCs with a Hardball, and sends him flying. One PC (A shadow manipulator) steps in front of the spotlight, and entangles Foxbat. The guy Foxbat shot goes over and disarms him. One PC says simply "I can't hit this guy. He's too goofy right now; no real threat".


Foxbat has the spotlight walk around the shadow manipulator and shine the light on him (because he needs to burst from the entangle while everyone is watching) and the light dissolves the shadow. So he grabs a smokeball, crushes it in his hand, and gets his pingpong ball gun back.


Enter GRAB.


Immediately the mentalist Egoblasts Black Diamond (because she's a suerphero nut and Knows what these guys can do), the 'I can't punch him' PC immediately hits Chesire Cat for a loop, and it goes from there.


Our Teleporter PC faces off with Chesire, while Black Diamond battles the party's swiss army knife (The one who attacked Chesire to begin with). Foxbat and Bluejay battle for the Cubic Zerconium (Battle meaning he hits her with a glue ball and grabs it himself).


He runs out of the smoke, and attempts another sollilique where in the middle he accidently shoots a PC with the dimensional displacement ray. He and Cheshire cat then get into a battle over the Zerconium, and both fall into Chesire Cat's portal.


Black Diamond is scooped up by Bluejay, and the PCs are left with one of the PCs and his alternate dimensional selves.




I know it isn't GRAB's general practice to do battle, but I figured 'My pcs havn't faced off against real adequate adversaries. Let's get it on.'


Now, how to keep my PCs from splattering the poor Foxbat next time.

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I love Foxbat as well. ;)


One of the things I like to do when I GM is to use differant voices for differant NPCs. The voice I settled on for Foxbat is Jonny Depp's voice from the movie Ed Wood - kind of high pitched, kind of nasal, kind of whiny, and always talking about stupid stuff like it was the greateds stuff in the world.


It drives the players NUTTY!;)

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Foxbat is one of the true Champions originals. I've seen a lot of loony characters in comics over the years, but never anyone quite like him. :D


I usually play him like a manic psychotic: not quite in this reality, constantly fidgeting and talking a mile a minute, easily distracted.


"Do you have any idea who you're dealing with here?! This is Foxbat baby, supergenius studmuffin idol of millions! You're in the middle of my Master Plan buddy and it's hotter than the one Doctor Doom came up with in FF issue #... Wow, I love the way your cape flows, do you use like a professional costumer 'cause I'd really like to get his number... "

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Originally posted by phydaux

I love Foxbat as well. ;)


One of the things I like to do when I GM is to use differant voices for differant NPCs. The voice I settled on for Foxbat is Jonny Depp's voice from the movie Ed Wood - kind of high pitched, kind of nasal, kind of whiny, and always talking about stupid stuff like it was the greateds stuff in the world.


It drives the players NUTTY!;)


That would work even better if he was wearing an angora sweater.



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Re: Foxbat Triumphs! Or, My Game Last Night


Originally posted by Rechan

Now, how to keep my PCs from splattering the poor Foxbat next time.


Great story. If your players are into the Dark Champions theme, I can see the scene from Watchmen

"Whatever happened to Foxbat?"

"Uh, well he pulled it on Nighthawk and Nighthawk dropped him down an elevator shaft without his wings"

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Originally posted by Lord Liaden

Foxbat is one of the true Champions originals. I've seen a lot of loony characters in comics over the years, but never anyone quite like him. :D


I usually play him like a manic psychotic: not quite in this reality, constantly fidgeting and talking a mile a minute, easily distracted.


"Do you have any idea who you're dealing with here?! This is Foxbat baby, supergenius studmuffin idol of millions! You're in the middle of my Master Plan buddy and it's hotter than the one Doctor Doom came up with in FF issue #... Wow, I love the way your cape flows, do you use like a professional costumer 'cause I'd really like to get his number... "

For some reason I started picuring Foxbat talking like Quentin Tarantino. If I ever decide to use him that's probably how I'd wind up doing it. :)

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Originally posted by Spectrum

For some reason I started picuring Foxbat talking like Quentin Tarantino. If I ever decide to use him that's probably how I'd wind up doing it. :)


Did you see a sign out front that said "dead hero storage"? Did you? Did you see a sign that said "dead hero storage"? No, you you didn't. And do you know why you didn't? Because I don't store dead heroes!


...or something like that...

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Foxbat On Ice


Last week, I ran an adventure titled "Foxbat on Ice," where he tries to steal skills from the Millennium City Red Wings during a hockey game and hold them for ransom for... "One million dollars!" (A fight breaking out at a hockey game -- surprise, surprise!) The zamboni was modified with the equipment to steal the skills and memories from five of the Wings and put them into the members of the Foxbat Five -- yes, Foxbat has managed to convince four supervillains to join him in his Master Plan.


"With their ice skating and fighting skills, I will be well nigh unstoppable this winter! My Master Plan cannot be stopped!"


Unfortunately, Foxbat hired some thugs to cover the exits, and a technician to help with the mind transfers, and the tech had ideas of his own. First, he convinced Foxbat and his teammates, plus the thugs, to wear mental protection headgear (in case Witchcraft shows up), then he modified the zamboni equipment. The headgear actually allowed the tech to switch his mind and those of four thugs with those of the Foxbat Five.


The player characters arrived to save the day, only to discover that the Foxbat Five are now bona-fide bad guys. One PC hero (Pack Rat, the team swiss army knife -- I love that term, Rechan) fired a electic dart at one of the thugs, and I decided that the power surge would trigger another mind switch, this time at random. Taking far too much pleasure from this, Pack Rat skated all around the Joe Louis Arena, happily zapping thugs and triggering multiple mind switches.


The players, who actually get along pretty well with the F5, had a great time chatting with Leroy (Exoskeleton Man, who bounced into a thug, then Foxbat, then another thug, then Static Man), trying to knock opponents into the goals, and stopping the tech from escaping in Foxbat's body (he removed his headgear after he bounced back in).


Foxbat rules!

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